Yea Forums plays Fire Emblem: Geno Duo Escapo

>Our heroes continued on their journey to escape
>they recruited a middle-aged fighter, who IMMEDIATELY went and fucked the armorknight girl
>the maps continued to be fucking massive
>the cav decided to ditch for a full chapter in order to get laid more

Any time is anal time, and I have some vodka and jagermeifter, so let's continue!

>What's going on?
I'm playing Duo Escapo, a terrible ROMhack made as a joke by two hackers. They themselves compared it to Gheb, which means you know what we're in for. The writing is terrible, the maps are awful. This game is just terrible.

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Alright, so here's the rules:
>I drink every time a sex joke is made
>I drink every time I cringe
>I drink every time I have to reset or cheat to save a unit

The game is not well designed, nor is it fair, and all of the stages thus far have been stupidly, pointlessly long, so yes, I'll be cheating occasionally.

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>shut up old hag
>shut up whipper-snapper

repeated over and over...for the THIRD TIME. time to drink...and I think I'm going to chug down a wine cooler I picked up.

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Shut up nigger.

hey, did you hear fe5 got a full translated patch recently?

I guess this is the transphobic jokes the one reviewer mentioned.

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are you drunk yet OP? these threads are always pretty comfy

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four times now...

just started, mate. I don't pre-game anymore, since I always get fucking plastered in 10 minutes, then pass out after a half hour of streaming.

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they have no idea how to write banter...

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why was THIS scripted?

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first drink empty. I got this gross-ass wine cooler.

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Was this game made by the Gaiden map team?

so I don't think I showed off our new units yet.

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I'm surprised she hit with that attack.

I wish.
I did. Maybe that will be my next sober stream, if I can ever get my computer fixed and not get fucked over by life.

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>that agility
Holy shit he's almost capped

>dead-eyed dancer

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I'm going to guess there's a sex joke in the next two text boxes.

No not Ursula's sprite you monsters


does anyone play the drinking game with me?

Tonight's main drink will be screwdrivers.

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>fully capped skill for ???
>That luck on a dancer

oh god, the custom music is just unnerving.

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so is everyone's class random?

thanks, I hate it.

no, I think there's purpose to the classes...they're just terrible.

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worth noting I'm streaming. The quality is shit, and I'll continue posting here, but I'll have live commentary and taking drinks as I play.

As per global rules I can't share my stream name or a link to it, but you can search by game.

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fucking shitty ass hit rates.

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always fun to level off a dodge.

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He looks miffed that he didn't get a defense level up


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true hit my ass...

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they didn't even TRY with the sprites.

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actually pretty good.

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Gotta represent

It looks like randomizer sprites, jesus christ

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the shitty ass maps might not be so bad if they were at least INTERESTING.

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Are ALL of the enemies just brigands?

...that's actually REALLY GOOD.

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yes...and ALL of them have iron axes, hand axes, iron axes+hand axes, or hammers.



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I will never not love this crit.

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maybe now they won't double me every time.

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Has he capped agility?


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>hating on healers

and no.

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oh god it's going to be the yeid massacre 2.0


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>4 damage on a fucking wyvern

christ his portrait is ugly.

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she protec
she attack
but most importantly
everyone get her in the sacc

she's 14

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Oh boy, I wonder if there's going to be rape and pillage jokes.


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christ these portraits..

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Why must you hurt yourself, user?

>who the fuck are these people in my house


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that's a cooler and a full glass emptied.

I need an excuse to drink, and if I can fail at shilling for bits to fix my PC, so much the better.

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Fair enough. Good luck to you.

3 sex jokes in a single rant.

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oh wow, an actual stage boss.

I'm legitimately surprised.

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>ah now, mate, you've forgot the process!

I already miss hellsing ultimate abridged

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I'm legit curious if anyone else in these threads joins in on the drinking game.

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>they're actually recapping this shitty fucking story

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any objections to me taking a drink so I can turn on infinite player phase and visit all the houses before beginning in earnest?

>tfw waiting on SRPG user

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>a new thing I'm ACTUALLY OKAY WITH

holy crap

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Wish I could. First thread I've seen of this masterpiece, will try to next time.

Do it.

Hell no I ain't go not deathwish. You'll only be killing your units tonight, nigger.

>have to visit houses to unlock shops
...fuck me, do I have to compliment something else in this pathetic excuse for a hack?

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I'm here, just haven't made too much progress since I've been relaxing after finals and finishing some of my vidya backlog. I started working more on it today though and may make some new webms, here's a old one.

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but I'm cheating to avoid that.

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so here's a change that's interesting but stupid.
>mercenaries now use axes
why? Why does the game need 3 foot-based axe fighters?

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glass caps her spd.

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the merc sprite is awful, by the way.

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It looks like that one fucking SCP that kills whoever looks at it.

I have one key. Should I arena grind or use the item vendor?

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oh good fucking god. I'm taking a drink because of how bad this sprite is.

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really good bases, btw.

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What's that powerup? Fire flower?

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mageknight404 pls

guess that answers that.

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come on nigger you gotta stomp on these enemies like goombas!

MK404 emblem was more enjoyable than this shit


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>have to go to the unit NEXT TO THE DOOR to unlock it

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for what purpose

remember when I messaged MK404 and he tried to use big words to feign superiority?

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Didn't Siggy message him too?

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are bows not effective against flyers in this hack?

they are, but lau's atk is so shit they still do fucking nothing.

this game really likes its time-based reinforcements.

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godzilla KOTM was pretty gud btw.

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don't mind me, just watching this faggot hit page 10

>getting doubled by an armorknight
how sad.

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Have you found any promotion items yet nigger?

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>missed both attacks


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>the boss moves
well shit. TIME TO CHEAT

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Nicely done, Nigger.

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I think I'mma call it here. assuming something doesn't come up, I'll continue tuesday. otherwise, saturday at the earliest.

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gnight nig

Drunk already Nigger?