I've watched and rewatched all the trailers and I still have no idea what is going on.
Can someone explain it to me?
I've watched and rewatched all the trailers and I still have no idea what is going on.
Can someone explain it to me?
Other urls found in this thread:
>expecting to know everything from literally 1 trailer
back to the dilation station, you go
don't worry, it's normal and you still won't understand after playing it
Remember how in Prey 2006 you had this mechanic where when you die you go to the purgatory level and fight the demons to get out? Well Kojima decided to steal this mechanic, call it death stranding, and actively pretend that its new.
>I still have no idea what is going on.
Well, you see, somehow the industry got this idea that Kojima isn't a hack. However, once you realize he's a hack it should make more sense.
It looks like you are some guy, in the United States, and you're trying to "fix a broken nation" or something. You talk with the president and that's what she says you need to do. There are these weird invisible / partially visible enemies called "BTs", and they can kill you, but when they do kill you, they sort of drag you into this underworld thing. And I think when you're in that underworld, you have to fight your way back to life, as it were.
Also, in one of the trailers, it shows you playing in what looks like World War I (see pic related, notice the distinctive WWI tank). So maybe this alternate death realm takes you back in time? Also remember there's a part in one of the trailers where you see what looks like Mads Mikkelsen's character with a bunch of skeleton soldiers around him. Looks like it could be Vietnam or something.
Also they have these babies that I assume give them some sort of life support, or maybe protection from BTs? Because they hook them up to their suits. Kinda weird.
Honestly you should have been able to work this all out from the trailers, there's two long ones and they're both very explanatory.
There have been two long trailers that I'm aware of, see the links I posted above.
One was from E3 last year, the other was released a couple days ago.
>steal this mechanic
plenty of games have had alternate death mechanics. Why do Preyfags always victimize themselves?
>Expect an entire story synopsis from a fucking trailer
I'm honestly not sure who's more retarded, OP, you for expecting that, or the gaming industry as a whole for making that practice as widespread enough for you to expect it.
That's alright, Kojima doesn't know either.
in a time before time theres was a thread on this. but then two more were created..
death stranding
Mama is cute. CUTE!
Yes he does. Read this post where I've tried to explain it: It looks to me like this game will really have a theme of America. And another theme is people recognising their connections between each other - Kojima has stated that. But it looks to me like this game will look back at different points in America's history (since we've seen what definitely looks like WWI, and possibly Vietnam as well) and try and maybe instil this idea that Americans needs to recognise their common bonds with each other to make a better future? I dunno, just guessing on that one, but yeah.
The newest trailer is actually entirely from the BB's perspective. You can see it blinking after every cut.
I assume it's about bonds and connections and being unable to let go of the past. Mads character is unable to let go of the death of his squad in WW1 so he remains connected to them, Norman is connected to Ameile, The president is literally hooked up to the country. There's some kind of creature that feeds by creating these physical bonds to people who have died. Using the Bridge Baby you can "see" other peoples bonds and connections.
That's easy, the black goo represents the Gay Agenda, chasing down our plucky protagonists in an attempt to corrupt. They carry babies around in jars to keep them save from the Big Gay which would turn them into amorphous tranny blobs, removing their ability to have children and effectively killing Humanity.
This game is going to be tragically bad, but people will still pretend it's good long enough for it to get GOTY. Happened with God of War and RDR2 last year, both of which were simple pump and dump games with no reason to ever go back to.
If it's not overly heavy-handed I could see this being a compelling theme.
Oh, I'm sure Kojima very much knows what's going on. He just had no idea it doesn't make sense to anyone not on as many drugs as him.
I can pull shit out of my ass to explain my own bullshit too. The cops usually tell me to shut up and taze me. Someone needs to taze Kojima.
Why would you want to know before playing it. You wouldn't want to know a thrillers twists before seeing it
Okay, so basically;
Remember how, in MGS4, all war was streamlined and compartmentalized, and basically nothing more than business transaction?
Well, Mama, that character in your poster there, went "Hey, war is necessary in the current geopolitical climate, but it's costly and inefficient, so what if we could just make people *think* they're in a war, instead of actually being in one?
So she invents a NANOMACHINE solution, that basically acts as a mass hallucinogen, making soldiers *think* they're actually in a war, makes them THINK they're fighting eachother, but nothing's actually happening. People still die, but land isn't wasted, weapons don't have to be manufactured, collateral damage is reduced, it's actually a hell of a lot more economical.
This goes on for a while until someone (probably Madds Mikelson) hacks the nanomachines, and now they infect EVERYONE. So everyone thinks they're in a war at all times.
The game takes place about a decade later. Everyone now lives in bubble cities, protected from the war nanomachines.
The ghosts you see are just halucinations from those nanomachines, and getting caught by them drags you into the "war" mass delusion.
The only way to protect yourself from them are by replacing your cells with fresh stem cells, hence the babies in jars.
The basic premise of the story is that you're a guy who has to travel from city to city to gather components for a cure from the war nanomachines, but over the course of the game, you start to lose your grip on what's real and what's nanomachine-induced delusion, and you slowly learn that someone can directly control what the nanomachines can show you, which will lead to some trippy Psycho-Mantis stuff as the game goes on.
Reminder that the suit is upgradeable and will get to look like this
This sounds alarmingly plausible.
i think the babies allow the systems in his suit and UI to see the BT's, thats why you're "plugging into the other side" as it were.
And during the ending it's revealed that you in fact are the nanomachines as Norman Reedus evaporates into a billion+ tiny robots. A Hideo Kojima Production.
I think you're all reading into these time period things too much. The BTs are described as things that can't let go. Like evil, hostile spirits. Wherever they came from, they seem to spawn from this "Hades" world.
They also function like Weeping Angels in that they drain the life you would have had (hence the rapid aging). You probably employ a similar technology via the use of the babies to see them.
When they grab you, they drag you down into Hades/Hell, which is represented as a Battlefield, especially given Kojima's past ideas about war = hell.
I also think Cliff (Mads) is Hades, and his unit of soldiers are like his Cerberus.
I am worried that the Hades shit will overstay it's welcome.
Could be.
I'm not pulling it out my ass. Here's the evidence
>You are seen meeting with the president in what looks like the oval office, and you're told you need to bring the nation back together or something, and your character says something like "you're the president of jack shit" because he's a surly guy
>You see what looks like WWI (with the WWI tank) and it even shows you playing in that setting
>You see what looks like Vietnam (with the skeleton soldiers and Mads Mikkelsen coming out of the water)
Watch the trailers and you'll see the evidence yourself.
Won't you have to die then? Like being caught by BTs at various points will have to happen so you can enter WW1 Battlefield and see XYZ plot point, then at another point you'll have to be caught to see Vietnam Battlefield and see ABC plot point, etc. With so many different battlefields and apparently plot narratives weaved throughout the battlefields, I can't really see how a player could completely avoid the battlefields by being particularly skilled.
I really don't think there's different battlefields. It's just soldiers from across all of time, trapped souls eternally fighting. And they'll definitely have points where you're required to lose, or maybe just say "Go to Hades" and you'll need to let yourself get caught.
Ah right yeah that would make sense.
The WWI thing is interesting though. That must be WWI, right? The Vietnam thing I'm less sure of, but that tank is definitely a WWI tank.
Yeah maybe it doesn't tie into the theme of America. But it could do.
>hence the rapid aging
Ah I didn't see anything about rapid ageing.
>babies first kojima game.
They're not even Vietnam soldiers in the latest trailer. That's all pretty modern equipment, NVGs, desert Camo, M4 Carbines with multiple scopes and attachments.
her model will be used in porn, right?
Fair enough, I guess I'm not knowledgeable enough to know that, but the WWI part definitely looks like WWI.
Just regular Kamiya wank, it fails to meet games like Killer 7, or Pathologic, but it's a great entry level for shallow themes that appear deep.
Yeah that was definitely ww1. The tanks, clothing, trenches, and helmets are all WW1. But I really wouldn't get fixated on a specific time period.
Post apocalypse america.
>takes some hints from half life
>Norman Reedus is tasked by the president in a super official meeting of importance where she asks him to reterraform areas ravaged by inter dimensional beings that pull apart reality and force other locations and time periods into one area.
>The president was much younger when she was close to Sam but she very narrowly escaped accelerated aging attack from the inter dimensional beings.
>her dying wish is for you to assist in making majority of the US inhabitable to humans again
>95% is unsafe for US citizens
>Several types of inter dimensional beings, demons, humanoids (the main baddies), undead
>Select few people can see them naturally. Mother can see them naturally.
>Most require a 8/9 month fetus version of themselves from another dimension with some unnatural science coined by Mads Mikkelsen
>he became so smart that he was able to figure out a way to travel these dimensions. >He disappeared and most of his later research was lost.
>Mads is basically a necromancer with unclear motives
>the player character will fight mads many times over the course of the game but its not clear if he is actually the bad guy
>Troy baker is a summoner of inter dimensional demons
>the rebels have several warring factions
>some want their own government like the US but with new people in control
>some like the anarchic wild west and want to maintain that
>some are scientists exploiting inter dimensional conflicts for unclear reasons
You wander around until you start picking up readings of a small town or city, then you use your Bridge Baby to cross over into a parallel dimension. You link the dimensions when you are over there and help reestablish the location in the "real" world.
You keep doing that for what seems like forever. Along the way to have to fight the "cultists" and really fucked up dimensional creatures. The incidents that wiped out towns has been happening for hundreds of years, so you will encounter incidents from the past as well, some you obviously would not want to link, unless you are trophy hunting.
Time travel experiment went wrong and the whole country was destroyed. Rain and black creatures makes you old super quick which is why you carry your own clone that can grow into you when you die. Last trailer there were many types of Reedus with different hair those are not customizable it's different clones.