Steve is more successful

>Steve is more successful
>Minecraft made the most money of any game in the world
>Banjo is dead

Yeah I know all that. Why do Steve's have to be such bullies? Banjobros have never been rude to Steve before smash ultimate and then Steve comes and starts a war. Is it so terrible if Banjo gets time to shine? Minecraft has enough shit. Let banjo have his last hurrah.

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nice falseflag

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steve posters are the biggest shitposters on Yea Forums right now. Change my mind.


yikes banjtard meltdown

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Go away.

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Keep proving his point.

Erdrincels still exist. Refushits are the second worst.

I'm honestly not sure who's falseflagging as who at this point, this could be steveposters making a serious shitpost thread, or it could be banjoposters falseflagging as steveposters, or it is steveposters falseflagging as banjoposters who look like theyre falseflagging as steveposters to make banjoposters look bad, or maybe banjoposters dont even exist and were just created by steveposters to shitpost even more, or maybe its viser versa, anyway its fucking annoying and i just want to talk about who we want in smash without retards doing console war tier posting in every thread

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If you're going to falseflagger at least make it believable. Cool that BK might have a game being shown at E3. Hopefully it's more than that too.

I've seen very little erdrik shitposting, whilst there's always a steve shitpost thread no matter what time I browse this board.

You're not fooling anyone, fake fan.

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literally what, I'm not a fan of erdrick at all and don't want them in either. Just saying I haven't seen much shitposting from those that want them in compared to the abhorrent amount of steve shitposting lately.

Man fuck Smash, anyone have that picture of Kazooie with a choker and eyeshadow?

Seethe cope dilate while having sex LOL!!!!

I hate when his shit as much as you, man. It's gone full retard.

You've piqued my interest.

>when his
Fuck I'm tired.

I liked nuts & bolts more than the originals


I think more people could name Banjo by name than they could name Steve, by name. For a vast majority of people, he's considered "Minecraft man"

Where did this weird shit-eating grin version of Steve come from,anyway?

the fact that nobody ever brings up Alex in these threads proves how obscure the minecraft main characters actually are

Good point, in that I have no idea who you're talking about and I played Minecraft for years

>completely given up hope on Banjo being in Smash
>Steve is without a doubt getting in
You already beat us, but you just keep kicking us. What more do you fucking want?

LMAO. Who keeps making shit like this?

basically was made as a female alt to Steve a few years ago, since claiming that steve was genderless was too retarded for anyone to believe it. Almost all promo material of the game has both Steve and Alex together, yet very few people notice or are aware that Alex exists.

Oh shit, I gotcha now. Well, your point made itself. I thought the girl was only in the Telltale game, and I didn't know her name. I guess I thought any time I saw a female character in promo material I was just thinking it was showing off you could change skins.

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A furry. Funny how Yea Forums shits on furries but lap up the bad things they make instead of the good.

Watch it be Banjo Kazooie and Tooie slapped on an Xbox One disc

Cool a controller holder!

Might be a cool figure, but I’m not getting my hopes up.

What do you expect it to be?

Oim gonna shove me thumb right up this 'ere mythical falseflagger butthole! Too roight!

>A controller holder confirms banjo for smash
Imagine being a Banjoke

legit though why the fuck is there so much banjo merch this year?
the 20th anniversary was last year, is their stock just a year late or what?
I feel like there has to be something going on, it makes little sense to have so much merchandising happening if there's no reveal happening (not speaking of smash specifically, but in general)

Not him but Banjos hand position and this company's other things point to it being a controller holder. Thing is this company's track record has things like this release with a game. I'd personally wager a remake. Which I think gives BK a chance to be chosen as DLC especially if MS wants good publicity from it. Not a lock but it boosted his chances in my mind even if just a bit.

Yeah I remember him getting tons of shit made for him a year and a half ago to.



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The point is that he is STILL getting shit made for him a year AFTER his 20th anniversary and the rising popularity might lead to him getting a game and pulling him out of irrelevency thus leading to smash promotion.

>wanting a small dick emo boy

Steve's aren't taking the whole "'they're in" thing very well, are they?

>small dick emo boy
Projecting. He's in, fag

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Oh please, if you're going to spam Steve, at least a GOOD model.

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because it's funny

Leon looks like a fag. And as we all know fags and other lgbt nonsense is not allowed on /vpol/. Sorry, but take a hike.

oh no no no

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Aren't these typically made to promote things?

What does making the most money have to do with anything? If Sakurai and Nintendo were going by that logic then we would be getting a character from Granblue Fantasy, a character from WoW, a character from Dungeon Fighter Online, a character from Call of Duty and a character from Skyrim.

>Leon looks like a fag
Of course you'd know what one looks like.

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They are. Crash and Spyro got them for their remasters and Sonic got one for Mania.

>Kazooie: ...well you’re not getting in banjo.... i have to get in somehow....

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Yes because you keep posting them. Hahahaha

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Whatever fag, you enjoy your night.

Oh. Okay thank you. You have a nice night too dude.

Far fetched and delusional

If it was all about money we'd get Goku and Ironman.

Minecraft makes more money than banjo

I know banjies can’t accept Steve

Its all so tiresome...

Nintendo knows that making fans happy is good for publicity or we wouldn't have gotten K Rool, Dark Samus, and fucking Ridley. If fans want Banjo Kazooie that's enough to give them a chance. Doesn't mean it'll happen but the chance is there.

Banjos chances are still shit regardless if he gets a remake or not


He’s.... out

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Crash Bandicoot
>Strong historical significance as a major mascot rival to Mario and Sonic
>Modern relevancy thanks to the N Sane Trilogy
>Marketing value with CTR: Nitro Fueled coming out in less than two weeks
>Good moveset potential from Naughty Dog era with filler available from post-ND (particularly the Titans/Mutants beat-em-ups)
>Good, distinctive stage potential, either basing it on one particular level style or using the Cortex Vortex or Time Twister as a transitional stage
>Large variety of bosses and side characters to use as spirits
>Great selection of energetic music suited to a fighter
>Many different costumes that would work well as alternate outfits
My money's on this orange boy

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>Banjobros have never been rude to Steve before smash ultimate
Oh trust me they have, not sure if they did it here but it happened a ton on forums.

Same with him

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That's not what I said or implied.

How hard will Yea Forums kill itself when this honking sexy pile of blocks becomes DLC

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They're in.

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>Ironic banjo fans can’t shitpost
>Ironic Steve fans can’t shitpost
>Genuine Steve and banjo fans celebrate
Would be based

What happens if it’s just a figure and no banjo remake

>Implying ANY western characters are going to get in as DLC
Enjoy your JRPG protags. Diddy, K. Rool, and Dark Samus only got in because they're tied to japanese properties.

Then Banjo btfo. It's unlikely though since their figures always accompany a new release. Tails got one too for Sonic Racing recently.

If he somehow got into Smash he'd get an amiibo too. That'd be icing on the cake, two new figures in the span of a day.

No one actually knows. It just got posted on Yea Forums one day. But seething faggots love to throw out every boogeyman from discord to furry to tranny to tumblr to deviantart without any proof.

It'd be based, but also the most dedicated shitposters would stick around and try to find another thing to fight over (i.e. which character is better in-game) which would still be leagues better.

No. Smashfags are.

Great so they get another figurine on their 21st anniversary.

I think the weirdest thing about this situation is neither of these IP's were made by Microsoft and that they just 'bought' them.

Like, Microsoft contributed 0 effort into their creation and in the case of Banjo & Kazooie effectively killed them as an IP, so this is all kind of sad.... What has Microsoft actually 'made' themselves?

Gears of Halo..
Car game..

regardless of who gets in smash, I have my eric butts folder ready for smashniggers

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Opinion discarded into the bowels of hell.

If Tetris doesn't make it in how will Steve
They can't do Tetris that dirty


you are safe...for now

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Minecraft outsold Tetris


Won’t happen

Hope it does but not gonna deny it couldn't. Hopefully we know for sure at E3 either way.

Would be cool if it did.

Stevey stevey cope and seethey

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Kazooie the breegull fucks

Fucks what

>Enjoy your JRPG protags
how about not fucking buying this game, fuckface

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>Post yfw all you faggots are BTFO when he makes it in.

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She gets jiggy

>retards think banjo is not in

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>microsoft rep

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Relax, we're on your side.

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You're delusional if you honestly believe that people would recognize Banjo Kazooie in 2019

Steveposters are worst than ridleyfags

best timeline