Thank you freeing me from that lamp user, as thanks I will grant you any one video game related wish

>Thank you freeing me from that lamp user, as thanks I will grant you any one video game related wish
>but careful what you wish for, it might have a heavy cost

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Half-Life 3 plox

Well, since you are a video game character, i wish that you would be my sex slave.

Let me impregnate you. Also become a white woman.

I wish video games never existed.


Can I have all these figures please?

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Pattie's Cosplay

I wish I was you. Since you're Shantae, that's video game related.

aren't gumins the ones you have to actually paint and build yourself?

Wish granted, your new genie slave is a futa and loves to top you
Wish denied for being a fag
Dont know her name sorry, she's got a bunch of cosplay sets though

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Bless your good soul stranger.

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Be my wife

have constant vanilla sex with me and have many children. Grow old together with a large loving family.


I wish every user in this thread would obtain their viyda waifu/husbando.

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look at this absolute good lad

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wanna rub my hog on those big titties til I shoot cum on your chin

shut the fuck up footfag

Granted but you pay the ultimate price and are now a post op tranny
But because of your generosity you're a cute one

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I wish my sister would come over and fuck me

I wish for a full immersion vr fantasy MMO where I can play as a goblin slut

Blessed be this user
I'd fuck her (him)

I wish for online gaming to cease immediately.

I am willing to pay that price.
Please, anons, go out and live a fulfilling relationship of joy with your waifus and husbandos. You've suffered long and all deserve it.

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Have sex with me, you fucking whore

Your sacrifice will be remembered by all, we shall build statues in your name, you beautiful bastard.

thank you user I will never forget you

I wonder who is behind this thread

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Shrink me and unbirth me

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I wish for a proper remake of Phantasy Star 4 please!

Can I just wish to be a slave to your armpit and pussy please

Shame, I was about to buy all of them before seeing it on the website few weeks ago.

I wish for a new Crimson Skies game

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But.. you are my waifu, user

>this sweat
>it's lotion
fuck you

Wish granted but she stops taking care of herself and goes fat, very, very fat

this but vore instead

You got it. Now you are an extremely successful CEO with a beautiful wife and two kids.

this but she turns into a giant futa wolf too

I wish for a world reset and remove me from the new world
Because we need a fresh start I'll gladly zero sum

I wish I could be you genie.
I want to start my life over, I always acted more like a girl than a boy anyway, though I have no desire to be a tranny.

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sometimes wonder if these are the thoughts that passed through historical right-bastards' minds
>inb4 >back to /r/im14andthisisdeep

i love you user thank you!

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She's fucking hot bros

Granted. A new and better world has been created. You however will remain in the old one.

I wish you were trapped again, alone. Bitch.

Granted but its only available on the Iphone
Granted, its the ideal game made with love by the original creators. Unfortunately it was made for a new upcoming console that had its development halted and canceled.
Granted. You inherit a long lost relatives estate valued at 10 million dollars. There are a lot of buyers.
Granted. But before you cum inside her your family and friends catch you and your incest and call the police. You go to jail.

>3d cosplay whore

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My tomboy waifu and I will always remember you.

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fuck you mind reading faggot
i was just listening to genie in a bottle

Based trap user

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>relationship with an imaginary person
you incels are so weird

I wish for FFXV to be the best game ever loved by fans and critics available complete on PC from day one without DLC and full and easy mod support with the same release date.

Don't need to be a mind reader to know that you often think about sucking dick.

Godspeed, your sacrifice won't soon be forgotten user.

Does she do nudes?
I'll take that as a no.

Be her top patreon

that would be almost a funny joke if it was even slightly related to my post, stop being a tryhard

Thanks to patreon and twitch, they never have to do nudes since they can gain mainstream appeal instead.

No downsides wtf?

Not all heroes wear penises

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That's the second most insulting outcome.
The most insulting is when they use fake breasts and pretend they're doing nudes like that one B2 cosplayer.

>Cancelled upcoming console
You're way too good at fucking things over

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this but with ass

I tend to lucid dream in the world of Final fantasy 8 and Selphie told me I can live there but I have to kill myself (she recommended a bullet), I'm thinking of doing it cause being there makes me so happy and my life isn't doing so grand

This but she shrinks but still unbirths me

Stop sucking so much dick.
Or don't. I guess whatever pays the bills pays the bills, right?

i wish this lad has a happy live

Skull Kid playable in Smash Ultimate

Well since your suppose to be qt I'll bite the bullet and make you my waifu.

I want 3 stores.

New Blazblue using modern Arcsys graphics ala DBFZ and GGXrd.

god bless you, user. thank you very much.

i thought monkey's paw stuff was supposed to be bad?

i wish for you to have a 13 inch futa cock with balls

Done, but now the story is simple and easy to follow.

>Wish granted, your new genie slave is a futa and loves to top you
I would also like to make that user's wish.

i wish every cartridge i had could be transformed into the equivalent of $50 million dollars in gold

>Use a .45 so you can take your soul with you, user! I believe in you :3

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I wish for Nintendo games to have top tier netcode

It will be as casual as bbtag

>wish you were here!

Yea Forums and Yea Forums have the highest population of porn/masturbation addicts of all the blue boards.
It should be illegal to post girls on this board.
90% of Yea Forums has already destroyed their lives by masturbating.

>The Sono bisque doll girl
God tier taste.

I see that as an absolute win though.

Now this makes my hand curl.
BBTag is fun and not completely dephtless but it's also super auto combo centric and that shit is lame since one of blazblue's best features are how you can build combo's and throw out 90% of your moves from neutral if you so wish.

but you can help by sponsoring a Yea Forums poster for just pennies a day. don't wait, make the call now.

It should be illegal for faggots like you to exist, yet here you are.

this, people should post boys instead

They legitimately get more upset than /r9k/ when you tell them to have sex or call them an incel, it's hilarious

Can you make Konami good again?

That's Kitagawa-san to you.

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>90% of Yea Forums has already destroyed their lives by masturbating.
H-how did you know?

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She cute, tell me more about her.

because most of you are balding and depressed, two of the main side effects of masturbation

>Wish granted, your new genie slave is a futa and loves to top you
Lucky son of bitch

Here's another one Yea Forums, you can either have 10 of your dream games made with no restrictions, or you can have a goth gf, you only get to have sex with her once and then she will crush your testicles and after that you will only use your mouth to pleasure her and lick her feet, and you can never play video games again

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>90% of Yea Forums has already destroyed their lives by masturbating.
lol teenagers

Tough one.

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You are an honorable man.

Granted, but Yea Forums is located at reddit. Yea Forums remains unchanged.

anyone who takes the second one is a bitch ass nigga.
Gimme God Hand 2, DMC666, a GOOD Elder scrolls game and some misc games I want to exist but aren't sequels.

I have sex so I'll go with the dream games

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She's a total cosplay autist obsessed with an ero-game and is not-so-secretly crushing all over the MC who designs her costumes.

She's also transcendent cute.

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>Wish granted, your new genie slave is a futa and loves to top you
The wish was for a sex slave. Since when does a slave give the commands to its master? I'm getting in those cheeks. She doesn't have to love it.

Fucks black guys

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Games because I'm pretty sure someone can do that to me on the street without me even knowing.

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Silence, slave! Now bend over and take it again!

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Uhmmm, my waifu it's not what I expected, can I get a refund?

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You know ever since I got a girlfriend these kind of questions on Yea Forums have become a lot easier to answer.

Oh hey, she does have a face. Didn't notice.

>highly-detailed lingerie
>always wears chokers
I'm in.

That's not even a choice.
I'll take the dream games.

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>as thanks I will grant you any one video game related wish

Make all my accounts unbannable for RMT, no matter how blatant it is.

user please I'm dying

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I wouldn't want a goth gf, her and my mother would just end up arguing and I don't have the patience for it.

Nope. Your waifu is for lifeu

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Granted. You are now unbannable from RMT trains. You can ride anywhere they have a line without worry of being banned.

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i would wish for north korea and iran to stop wanting nukes. and id wish for china and russia to grow the fuck up.
and id wish for america to give me more money.

So just kill your mother. What kind of a stupid problem is that?

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oh id wish to legalize marijuana, and underage girls

Why are genies such assholes?

> I will grant you any one video game related wish
Go back to /pol

>goth gf
No thanks, I'll take Ape Escape 4, Banjo-Threeie, Ace Combat Zero Remake, Bravely Third and Mega Man Legends 3.

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was just gonna post that! THANK YOU PLAYING TWISTED METAL!
I wish for 3 more wishes and the price of this wish and those 3 to manifest until I have used the last wish…
Go on try to turn that one against me I dare you.

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I want all 3DPD to go extinct.


I want an amazonian street fighter juri gf who is stronger than me

Best post

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how long until this becomes an erp thread

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Congratulations! I suddenly don't feel safe in this thread.

Granted. Marijuana and underage girls are now legal, but only in areas where they weren't illegal before.

I wanna die

Why would I want to hurt my mother? I'll just find a girl who will lie when mom asks if we went to church. It's worked for years and I don't plan to stop.

Last one that’s vidya-related

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I want to worship her tummy until I starve to death.

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make sure you do your part, user