Framerate in games doesnt matter. Most of GOAT games were made with 30 fps in mind. You guys are just faggots

framerate in games doesnt matter. Most of GOAT games were made with 30 fps in mind. You guys are just faggots.

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depends on the game, for FPS i much prefer 60fps (at least) but yes youre right there are plenty of great games out there that run 30fps

>Most of GOAT games were made with 30 fps in mind
name 5

Depends honestly. Most good games were made without framerate in mind at all outside of being playable, which is why we have SNES and genesis games shitting out 60 fps that dips to it's 20s with lots of shit going on.

Framerate doesn't matter so much, provided gameplay is balanced around it.

What sucks is VARIABLE framerate. 30FPS is fine (not ideal, but acceptable) provided it's a solid, unmovable 30FPS, and the framerate doesn't dip wildly from 60fps to 10fps and back again

Yeah yeah, whatever, just post that slut's asshole before the thread 404s.


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Snoy movie game 1
Snoy movie game 2
Snoy movie game 3
Snoy movie game 4
Snoy movie game 5

Nah, 30fps looks like dogshit
And even then games will slow down into the 20s pretty often

dick size doesnt matter either lmao

t. switch owner

If frame rate doesn't matter, go ahead and try playing at 8fps and see if you like it.

t. doesn't own 144hz monitor

every single game on original ps4

Literally the only thing that matters to me in a game is that there are no blacks or women

Really high framerates make me want to puke or something desu.

>we have SNES and genesis games shitting out 60 fps that dips to it's 20s with lots of shit going on.

I remember being a young kid, and thinking I was awesome for making the console lag.

Those were the days. Back when framerate dips didn't mean the console was deficient in some way, but meant the console literally could not contain all this AWESOME

I miss those days.

I agree. Frame rate snobs don't care about what's important, only graphics

Just abandon this thread bro, your about to be conversing with literal unwashed hordes that will say some of the most insane shit you've ever heard.
>60 fps is too much lol it looks "too smooth"
I get a headache from shit that's less than 90fps, 80fps dips are absolutely disgusting (80 is where it gets visibly jerky).
Don't even waste your time man they're gonna tell you that there's no difference above 100fps even though most of these dumbfucks don't realize they can't see the difference without already having a high frame rate monitor.

Genelet detected.

>Most Games of All time were made with 30FPS in mind
No console game's on the list of games of all time. All GOATs are on PC and hit a minimum of 60FPS. If you really consider a console game a GOAT and it's 30FPS, it's a GOAT inspite of it being 30FPS. Framerate (and resolution) are information. 30FPS is dogshit, especially since devs are putting in motion blur because they're programming with their foot in their mouth and care about their vision on devkits that are more powerful than the consoles they're released on. How dare you say that I should cuck myself for half or less as many frames as I'm getting right now and deal with that shit. FUCK you

Fuck off, John. Your variable and locked framerate examples would never happen to the same game in a real world scenario, so it's moot. If a game can be locked to 30FPS, it should be uncapped, both to futureproof it and to appreciate the higher framerates when its able to

nice to see a voice of reason.
you're right though. bait thread, bait opinions. hardcore fox and grapes.


The transition between high and low framerates is MUCH more distracting and immersion-breaking than a game JUST being high or low framerate.

Higher fps doesn't improve the quality of the game, but it does increase the quality of the experience.

Are you watching a movie or playing a game? You wouldn't want a cap in a competitive scene, and I don't know what games you're playing where they're so slow you can stand a cap, but immersion's moot. Heterosexuals don't want to RP in some frilly fantasy world. They want to play the game and they're not going to gimp themselves out of framerate like that just because they notice that it changes

>You wouldn't want a cap in a competitive scene
That's funny, because in a competitive scene, you DEFINITELY wouldn't want a variable framerate. You want it as high as possible and you want it to stay there

>I didn't know shit, being a retard was awesome
I'm sorry you were stupid even as a kid.

Yeah, but you don't want a framerate cap on the lower end to avoid a variable framerate

it does for competitive fags

I am hetorosexual and i like to roleplay with your mama in our little fantasy world .

Human eye can't even see more than 5 frames per second.

>it's this thread again
do you faggots not get tired of such low quality bait?

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All the old games im playing i removing the cap (if it has one) so that i get that smooth 144hz

Then she's mental and you are too. Stop doing that

The greatest most influential game of all time was made with 60fps. Checkmate.

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>game doesn't come with an option to restrict the fps to 30
>forced to play with meme frames instead of increasing visual attributes

devs, sort yourselves out

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Now imagine those games in 60FPS


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I am a poor fag playing games on older 32 inch tv that can only display 720p in 60hz refresh rate. Can i somehow force my tv to go above 60hz? I tried using nvidia control panel and making custom resolution but it wont work, Any work around?

Are you actually retarded?

only poor people complain about things that are blatantly better than what they have.

>in mind
No. They had to settle for 30fps to get the game to look decent enough

yeah people can't have preferences, we must worship our oligarchy consumer culture

lol no one CHOOSES to have lower frame rate. Sorry to break it to you. That's like saying someone chooses to eat a bottom shelf cut of meat when they could have gotten a top shelf steak prepared by a 5 star chef. If that's your financial situation, so be it, but don't pretend that your garbage experience is what everyone should have.

I honestly don't know how devs look at their 30fps game in motion, and think "this is okay."
30fps is shit.

that's what Bloom and Motion blur are for user! Besides people don't really care about FPS in their "cinematic gaming experience" on console.

60fps objectively looks smoother. I don't see why people PUSH for their games to be 30fps. you get nothing but good by shooting for 60. I'd rather have buttery smooth gameplay than some extra shadows on my shitty textures

>framerate doesn't matter
>gameplay doesn't matter
>Snoy Moviegame of the year according to "journalist"

Why don't you Ponies just watch fucking movies if you don't like playing games?

I'm convinced at this point that these retards don't understand frame rate. I have a consolefag friend who insists 30fps is fan and even LOOKS BETTER and more "cinematic" than 60fps. he also thinks controllers are all around better than mouse. he's never fucking even used a mouse. I'm sure he tried once with no experience whatsoever, was dogshit, and came to the conclusion that the mouse and wasd are always dogshit and it wasn't just his skill level.

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People play other games than e-sports, normie retard. Dark Souls and Resident Evil look like shit at 60 fps.

yea my friend is like that. He INSISTED on using an Xbox controller on PC for every single game and he couldn't fathom why he was dog shit in shooters. I finally got him to try KB/M and he was blown away by how many keys you can bind. For instance personally, I've no idea how someone could ever play a game like Metro with 15+ binds required.

lol! holy shit you're delusional. I've played Every single game from FromSoftware on their respective console, and then on PC with far superior graphics and FPS and it was night and day. It's OK to have shit taste, just don't try to play it off like it's standard. Bloodborne for instance would get the community it deserves and the revival it needs for PvP if it ever came to PC with far superior everything. But it's stuck on a shit console that gave me actual, literal motion sickness from playing against the Cleric beast at 9 FPS with full motion blur.

I'll trash my graphics if it means I get higher FPS

>Dark Souls and Resident Evil look like shit at 60 fps.

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>Dark Souls and Resident Evil look like shit at 60 fps.

And yet funny how as soon as consoles could consistently (well, half-consistently) push 60 FPS on games, it suddenly started being treated like some golden standard. Almost like it was a case of sour grapes.

they only run in 24 retard

Stable frame rate>max frame rate

Is this thread just poorfag cope?

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pretty much.

Consolewar threads are always poorfag cope.

As long as something is consistently 30+ thats all that matters
Hell even 24+ without drops is playable


There's literally nothing wrong with ps4 and everything wrong with switch except it being comfy handheld.
t. idort

I’m an idort as well, but the only thing I use my PS4 pro for is the exclusives and even then I haven’t bothered to turn it on since the start of this year. It’s just hilarious watching poorfag consolekiddies cope by saying “30 FPS is better because it’s more cinematic anyway!!”.


Most of GOAT games were made so that my computer runs them on 4 FPS.
I fucking hate technology

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They've just never experienced 144fps, it's eye and brain melting. Sour grapes and such.

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Yeah the only plus to being a poorfag is you don't get used to a higher standard, with my build I only run most shit in 60 but I have a friend with a 144hz monitor and a pretty good build who can't play on anything else anymore because he can't stand it

all it takes is a picture of some random thot and this board can't help themselves. It's fucking sad.

Look at this console fag, look at him and laugh.


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Framerate faggots are the new version of The HiFi Enthusiast. People obsessed with pissing away money in the coffin corner of diminishing returns. Protip: unless you're professional or semiprofessional in FPS, any 20+ framerate is perfectly fine.

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Ocarina of Time was released with a framerate of 20fps, in a time when 60fps was the norm too.

30 is fine without drops, I'd rather a constant 30 instead of 60 dropping down to the 40's

And it would be objectively better with 60 FPS. The game wasn't made as it was because 60 FPS wasn't conceived or because the developers thought 30 FPS was better, it was because of hardware limitations.


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Ah yes, a ROCK SOLID 30FPS with PROPER FRAME-PACING with a bespoke depth-of-field implementation and a use of per-object and camera motion blur for the definitive experience

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>it was because of hardware limitations.

yeah and consoles games today can only run games at 30fps because of hardware limitations.

I get what you're doing but no I just mean I'm a poorfag so I'd rather play with a consistent framerate than one that just fucking goes everywhere
my PC is good enough to play most shit in a constant 60 but I mean on consoles if the framerate is consistent it doesn't bother me

That doesn't mean that said games wouldn't benefit from a higher framerate. No one would object to this if consoles could achieve 60 fps with no drops. The retards saying thing like "30 fps is as good as 60 fps" or "60 fps looks like shit" are just deluded faggots that never actually played above 30 fps.

Honestly don't give a shit, as long as they lock it to where there is no dips i'm golden.

wow. dark souls remastered in 60fps was like an eyegasm for me. you're an idiot.

Graphics aren't that important.
Gameplay >/= Framerate > Graphics

Graphics are the opposite of high frame rate. The more demanding graphics you have, the less frame rate you'll get. So it would be more accurate to say that anyone who wants low frame rate only cares about graphics.