Classic thread

Durotar. Home.

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Durotar is the best fucking zone in WoW.

imagine thinking this

>waste best years of life
>want to do the exact same thing again with the same game
so sad

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If ànyone's curious it's still premiering.

Video ends when the run is over.

Wait till premiere ends if you missed it and watch it when it turns into a video IMO, unless you wanna just troll him in the chat section.

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why are you shilling your channel here

How much night elf pussy are YOU getting, user?

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I don't even know which faction I want to roll anymore

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has anybody actually beat ony on classic before? Is it hard?

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>have two sets of friends, one wants alliance, the other horde
>none of them will budge
>"just play both bro"
>on top of playing both on retail
just fuck my life

>tfw the music at 56:12 plays in durotar or orgrimmar

It's so sad. It always makes you think of the hard times of the Orc people and the feeling of regret over the land.

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It's a bit of a war of attrition when you're at the appropriate starting gear for it. People just need to be paying attention to the zones that can kill them. Tail means wipe, cleave means dead, chain cleave means wipe, fire breath means dead, deep breath means dead, flaming crack means owies if your raid is already struggling by that point. Horde can get RNG'd a bit by the aoe fear, alliance tends to do better thanks to fear ward.


>Horde can get RNG'd a bit by the aoe fear, alliance tends to do better thanks to fear ward.
horde has tremor totem tho

yeah but it's not persistent like Fear Ward or Grounding totem are. If it pulses just before the fear, and you run far enough away, you won't get the pulse on the next go. Best bet is to form a main healer group with two shamans in it, so the whole group benefits from both totems' overlapping area of effect, if you can stand the cooldown waste

>tfw oceanic so will xrealmed into PVP against NA players and be forced to play with 250+ ping like we did 10 years ago
feelsbad that i'm going to have to focus on PVE because it's so mindless in vanilla

concave mons

scratch the cooldown that didn't exist in vanilla. I'm not sure why guilds didn't openly strategize about doing that, more likely they wanted to spread the totems around the groups

Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....


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at least it was 'fore i woke everyone up

>tfw the hype makes you want to play retail because you don't have beta but you know you'll immediately regret it

>login to chinkdale
>50 people in starting area
really getting sick of it

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durotar is the biggest piece of dogshit zone in the entire game, except for maybe desolace or teldrassil. and this is coming from someone that likes orcs.

Everything after Tiragarde is garbage.

why can't i get a classic code fuck

I want to play so fucking bad, but I know it will take over my life again and I can’t. I have a wife and a job and other hobbies that make me happy. I’m sorry classic wow, I wish I could.

finally someone agrees, christ I hate that zone, it's so fucking ugly
And that whole area around razor hill jesus christ

fuck you, I'm gonna make a sub rogue and I'm gonna 1 shot your ass with ambush

Every time I think about a class to go I just remember all the shit aspects of them.
I like tanking but I also dont want to be a slave to it and I want to world pvp a lot, so I'm thinking either Druid or Rogue. Are Druids still as shit as I remember them?

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chinkdale isn't the only vanilla server

>Sharding/Phasing, maxed out retail graphics, cataclysm water, foliage everywhere, autoloot, retail ui, advanced addons due to no addon limit, layer hopping to escape world pvp / mine nodes / never have to compete for mobs, and plenty of other changes they've stated that they won't change.
Home indeed. Enjoy this nuwow remake of vanilla, but don't pretend the game used to be like this back then.

rest of them are pretty dead sadly

Mage or Rogue

I am very conflicted