What is causing Blizzards slow death?

What is causing Blizzards slow death?

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They fell too hard for the esports meme

Be prepared for another "this character is canonically gay" announcement then, they always do that shit to distract from bad news.

I'm glad she is leaving, she along with her team ruined every fucking Blizzard title. SC2, HoTS, Overwatch. I'm glad she is gone.

Overmeme was ruined the second it aspired to be a tf2 clones.

>esports forms organically and becomes known worldwide
>try to force it with the next game and it falls flat on every front
You'd think they would've learned by now yet they still pump millions into overwatchs esports scene.

I just wanna see Blizzard crash and burn. Watch all the people who devoted their lives to consistent mediocrity just crumble as their virtual worlds are killed off like a tumor.

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women and jews instead of autistic white men that just like videogames
happened to all big companies

shitty games since 2010

Bunny cunny

>global esports director leaving
seems like they are about to get a morale boost

I took 13 years to fire this woman?
They ruined every fucking esports title they had, it's either they make a good esport game or just make it fun, they did neither of those. Fuck 'em.

>WoW is a decade past its prime
>Starcraft 2 fell out of fashion in favour of MOBAs
>Heroes of the Storm flopped
>Overwatch was mismanaged and subsequently lost the large bulk of its playerbase after mid-2017
>attempting to force dominance in the e-sports world by throwing huge amounts of money at it

>slow death
Blizzard's been dead for a while now. People who produced the legendary games under their banner long left/got fired. Modern Blizzard is just a name of a zombie.

I was 16 when sc2 came out. It was one of the most hyped up esports game that was ruined because of shitty esport managers. fuck blizzard.

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>global director of esports
>try to make all your games designed around esports
>the only game that isnt, hearthstone, becomes the ONLY esport
>other games are just ruined and irrelevent


Activision is finally absorbing Blizzard

>global director of esports
lmao, what a joke

when was the last time they made a decent game? Starcraft 2 was a mess and Diablo 3 was trash with its new game going mobile effectively killing those two series off. WoW went to shit ages ago with classic the only hope of saving the IP at this point. So tell me what is left? What the fuck else do they have? Overwatch? that shit is flavor of the month and as good as dead too. If they tried to make a sequel it wouldn't sell because Fortnite stole 70% of the audience.



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diablo 3 is not around esports

They should release starcraft ghost

corporate policies that treat people like cogs

WoW Wotlk so like 2008?

Also fuck blizzard, they forced esports onto every title when no one asked for it.

never sell yourselves Yea Forums

>image says sc2
>is actually starcraft 1

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Get the stupid fucking women out of there, women don't know what the fuck they're doing when it comes to videogames at any level from development to administration

>women bad
fuck off

with bikini armor

Memes-aside, what could they have done differently to ensure the game stayed consistently active? Overwatch was the hottest shit for about a year but then after the first anniversary event, it was pretty clear that people were leaving it in large numbers. Obviously PUBG getting popular at around the same time had a lot to do with it, but Blizzard really didn't handle what could've been a long-term golden goose very well.

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No need to post grotesque reaction images at me friend, I also don't think there is much skill in hearthstone but it's their most successful "esport"

>Blizzards slow death
nigga they died when they sold themselves to activision, blizzard literally doesnt exist anymore
this slow death youre seeing is just everyone finally realizing they arent blizzard anymore


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you can't be this retarded

it just incidentally is trash

it's sc2 actually you retard.

>WoW is still making money after a million years
>Overwatch and D3 sold gorillions of copies
>Hearthstone is huge success
How are they dying?

esports is shit
WHY DO YOU THINK EA fired a ton of e sport managers, marketing, sales and all the non developers a few months ago


>never ever

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Torbs turret is now pre-op trans vacuum.

How is it possible to make sc2 look that bad?

how did he do it bros?

This. Blizzard went to shit straight after they merged with actishillion. It was right around WoW Wotlk. You clearly see the trend the company started to downfall, it was also the time they introduced in game shop.

I hope this company dies.

>game literally designed around "le random effects"
I didn't hear anything about HS for years.
It's barely scrapping views on twitch even during big tournaments.
It's nowhere near LoL, CSGO or even SC2 level, it's a shitty mobile game for kids and wagies.

t. never played star craft

The more they pander to social justice activists the more the social justice activists attack them, the never ending spiral that takes them further and further away from their paying fanbase.

an out of the season Apri's fool joke.

>Overwatch was mismanaged and subsequently lost the large bulk of its playerbase after mid-2017

im kind of pissed off about this because genji was a blast to play and i really enjoyed the game until they decided that high technical skill caps and rewarding unconventional gameplay had no place in a competetive multiplayer video game

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good one

I never played the second one but that image looks even worse than the first one.

not design their game around the infamous blizzard balancing carousel that makes characters either stupidly OP or stupidly bad for months at a time

It was a very sudden death as activision went from being a negative influence to assuming direct control at the end of last year.

you can tell is not the first one by the resolution alone

>low settings

Hearthstone makes blizzard a shitton of money, that's all that matters. As long as it does, an "esport" scene will exist for the game.

Also, complaining about RNG in a card game is pretty dumb.

Starcraft 2 could be considered decent before the expansions as a game, but not a story, and Overwatch could had uphold its status if they tried hard enough to not lose its playerbase
But in all honesty Frozen Throne

Servers and a map maker.

Massive lack of content, not even those cool animated videos that they put out before and during the beginning of the game's lifecycle.

doesn't mean it's a "natural" esports or whatever the fuck.
It's still a shit game that is not fun to watch and can be barely called "competitive".

they had one of the best patches in the history of the game followed by the worst patch in the history of the game. it was overnight

ulduar was insane. it was way cooler than anybody even thought it was going to be, then they followed it up with the fucking carnival of champions. the lowest effort patch ever that butchered itemization and scaling after it, forever

I haven't played Starcraft in over 13 years but I don't remember it looking that shitty. And I've watched videos of SC2 in action so I'm guessing whoever posted that image must be running it on a toaster. It doesn't even look like the same game.

Impatience. They see a big trend like FPS esports or mobas and they try to bruteforce it with their name and then astroturf it with ActiBlizzard money, instead of letting things grow organically and then reaping the benefits.
Which is fucking bizarre considering with Warcraft 3 and Starcraft in their wheelhouse they would be savvier about it. But no, they had to blitzkrieg into it to appease shareholders and all of Bobby Kotick's friends who own Overwatch League teams. Seriously I think a few years from now we'll find out OWL was for moneylaundering.
Here's the ironic example. Fortnite was fucking dead on arrival after being in development hell for years and what they put out wasn't even finished. But battle royales were trendy, so they whip out a free to play battle royale version of that, and slowly port it out to phones and tablets, and let social media and streamers do the heavy lifting. Suddenly you got big rappers like Drake and Chance the Rapper talking about it constantly on social media, and getting a big high profile debut when it finally comes out on the Nintendo Switch. Now it's in the mainstream, all the kids love that shit, and it's getting crossover promotions with blockbuster flicks like the Avengers and John Wick.
All that love and popularity Overwatch was so desperate to get with its multimedia antics, undone by a half-assed battle royale mode to a dead game.

And at no point did you ever really have to think about Fortnite's professional tournament scene which I assume exists since they pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into it and made of a point of not doing the whole Overwatch league shit with "city" teams.

Imagine if they focused on just developing Overwatch into a better game, designing better maps, stop doing seasonal balance and actually work towards more even viability, and then let people passionate about the game build it up towards a big international thing.

You figure they'd fucking learn from Hearthstone.

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the gameplay is shit

Overwatch is nothing like TF2 you absolute brainlet nigger

Blizzard got too big and destroyed what it was.

I feel you bro but with doomfist.

He actually had mechanical skill and tech you could master and learn.
But they decided that any character that cannot be learned be the average normie in about 5 minutes is too complex for their game and patched all of it out of the game.

Its like the contrary of fighting games where they actually embrace tech that starts out as bugs and implement it as mechanics.

That wouldn't have been a problem if they switched up the two. Then we could have gone to the Lk after Ulduar.

yes woman bad if woman fuck up and do bad job, but woman good if woman to good job. Are you autistic user.

absolutely trash company.
just look at Riot or Valve. literal 0 effort and make much more from esport.

I never said that women are bad, I'm talking about the person, you fucking poltard.

t. Backholemad tranny

WoW: dead
reanimated WoW: still dead
Overwatch: dead globohomo game
Heroes of the storm: lol
Diablo: phone game (dead)
Starcraft: what's that?
Hearthstone: not dead but not growing

There is no future.

None of dooms tech is gone. Stay mad that he isn't a free ride to masters anymore doomnigger

Spare a thought for Quake Champions. The game was developed specifically to cash in on OW's success, but then two years after Overwatch took a massive nosedive in popularity, it still isn't even finished.

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I disagree I was incredibly hyped for SC2 and started playing from day 1 and it was so unbelievable unbalanced it was just ridiculous. I remember people writing fucking songs about how OP Terran was. The only good thing about it is Terran players were often such shitters if you did anything that fucked up their wall and ball they had nothing else to counter with. Aside from the few that were actually decent. Still SC brood war was very balanced so going to the massive unbalance of SC2 was shocking.

The story was also trash. I enjoyed the first SC and Brood war story a lot but SC2 was just so meh. Never even finished legacy of the void.

I quit the moment they reverted the hitbox changes like two weeks in. Fuck you, Blizzard.

dude just let it go it isn't a race or esport to be wrong, just accept the fact that heartstone is an esport and your autistic wailing won't change that.

They literally removed his ability to do rollouts and the jumpcancel.

Blizzard was bought out by Activision ages ago its just wearing its skin.

The sad part is that the release of classic beta (literally their only game for this year) fucked their stock.

its for 30 year old boomers who want to be skilled at something but never honed any skills so they look to surrogate activities where they can project that level of skill and confidence through things that actually just cost money and your time because they can't even be good at a real video game or build something or anything like that. like a proxy for signalling their virtue through their consumption because its the only thing they know how to do

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nigger nigger nigger, nigger nigger nigger.

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I played my way into high masters when brigitte was OP and now the game always places me there again no matter how bad i do on other characters.
Their matchmaking algorithm is literally retarded, if you stopped one season at some rating, its very hard to ever move down from that bracket.

How mad are you about it?

Is that why blizzturd curried the favor of e-celebs so much?

you think you do

base nigger poster


All the people with talent left the company and now it’s filled with retards who can’t stay ahead of the curve so they are always playing catch-up.

what? announcing the sexual preference of characters isn't enough content for you?

>tfw they removed widow scope animation cancel because it was unfair to players who can't do it fast enough

Its also a bugged and unfinished Pos.
If the netcode wouldnt be shit it would even be a good game.

HS is a fucking casino

>*delets 15% of your stock value*
the investors really don't want it.

if heroes of the storm didn't have that retarded team scaling and there was actually some semblance of laning then it would probably be a half decent moba. but then it wouldn't be a game you could play with your girlfriend, and those aren't the kind of games they make at Blizzard Entertainment

>muh esports
>muh phone games
>virtue signaling over actually fixing their games
>new IPs need to be milked to death before they move on the make anything new
Whoever makes these decisions has to be the biggest cretin in the planet. Blizzard hasn't made anything good since Warcraft III anyway, good riddance.

Only Blizzard series I cared about was Diablo and that died with Blizzard North.

I thought the whole design concept of Hots was to be a comfy casual experience.

what the fuck are you talking about retard? You must have a seriously room temperature IQ to type this reply to my post, you fucking imbecile.


I like the team aspect of HotS personally. Makes it stand out from other MOBA where you can carry a team.

I also like the map objectives that make each map unique compared to standard destroy the enemy base by going 1 of 3 lanes idea.

what a shame that fucking QUAKE is dead on the water......Quake the fucking game that literally help the dedicated graphic card spring to life in the mid to late 90s!!! FUCK ZENIMAX

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>What is causing Blizzards slow death?

It became too filled with people who don't actually care about games, or worse, people who only care about games as a way to push their personal politics on other people. This kills any company sooner or later, only question is when it happens.

boomers love slots and roulette, not poker and blackjack

quake champions is fucking garbage and its a crime they're using quake's good name for that piece of crap

The people who made Blizzard's amazing games were working there until Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft. They got too rich and retired or went on to do other things. Every following batch of employees there was progressively worse, until you got the people responsible for butchering Starcraft, Diablo, making a game like Overwatch that's only good for porn and so on.

Blizzard has been living off their name and reputation ever since World of Warcraft came out. Think about that for a second. It's about time they start going down the shitter.

This has happened with Valve too. Every single project they have worked on since 2012 or so has failed catastrophically due to being half assed. The only one that's still a maybe is Proton, and the only reason Valve doesn't have to worry too much is the Steambux.

i dont get how a company that can top pixar in the animation department and actually pull emotions from people completely lets it all go to waste.

overwatch should have had a freaking movie or cartoon series attached to it instead of comics written by tumblerinas.

the esports scene for modern blizzard games is entirely forced, there is no genuine passion for overwatch and hearthstone esports scenes

>Crushed Brood War to make way for SC2 esports
>Used an iron grip to strangle the life out of the scene
>Diablo 3 was a flop and they keep stringing it along instead of moving on and making the next game and doing it right
>Overwatch had limitless potential that was ruined by horrible balance decisions, poor matchmaking, and no control over the ranked playerbase
>Propped up by loot boxes and an extremely forced pro circuit that has no minor leagues for players to progress through
>Modern WoW has even casuals disillusioned with it to the point that they'd rather play Classic, after a Blizz dev stated that people don't want Vanilla style gameplay

WoW classic is their only route to the future and they probably don't have the guts to do what has to be done.

Honestly? I suspect that Overwatch pissing away its massive lead was at least partially due to complacency since it did so incredibly well in that first year.

Story mode

if I got to make one minor law, is that you have to change the name of your company whenever you do not retain a certain % of your senior staff.

Leftism. They're more concerned with doing stuff that'll get them favorable articles in Kotaku and Polygon instead of doing things that actual paying customers care about

The animation might be technically impressive but the writing across all of Overwatch, from the game to the comics/print stuff to the short movies, is the equivalent of drinking a flat, room temperature soft drink.



the entire company is run by fanboys with the worst ideas. all the original talent left 10+ years ago

Blizzard, Whos main color is Blue Fear the men in red.
This guy made them look like fucking retards and in a witty way. As did the fat kid who blizz showed how blown the fuck out they were by putting him in ironforge.

Not an argument blizzsperg.

Pretty much, they replaced WoW devs with ex-everquest players & massive nerds, to being directed by a lawyer

and oh boy does it show

isn't it kinda funny how blizzard seems to be so absolutely incompetent in everything they attempt?

i was actually going to reinstall for a go but that was when they made soldier 76 gay and i was like ehhhh...

did my dude winston ever get to fight the other evil monkeys on the moon or did they completely drop anything story related for sjw points?

overwatch could have been a new episode/story for each "season" but it seemed like it all just turned to let whoever yells the loudest on twitter make up backstories for everyone and thats enough story writing for us

>Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Luclin, you jackassess will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power.

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>They always do that shit to distract from bad news

Provide more than one example

Stop being toxic, otherwise we have to stop updating the game to fix the toxicity problem.

>actually stops updating the game to fix it

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your original post wasnt even in english you brazillian cuntnigger

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good fucking riddance, blizzard hasn't made a good game in years

when did it start going wrong? starcraft 2?

these guys were so fucking strong starting from the mid 90s

Metrics based development.
Once you are developing around retention you're fucked. You're not designing games anymore, you're designing a statistically tuned psychological skinner box that maximizes player hours vs developer hours.
And your players will notice.

This is such a good photo actually. Literally the NPC meme in real life.

>did my dude winston ever get to fight the other evil monkeys

Don't think so. The experimental chimp Hammond, who'd been mentioned a few times in supplementary material, was retconned into a Hamtaro ripoff in a wrecking-ball mech and he's actually far and away the best character added since Ana.

>money sink esports janitors leave
>more money to hire actual skilled and educated devs

I see this as a boon. Fuck esports use that money to make better games.

>a lone warrior in a faceless crowd stands to do battle with a former hero turned villain

It's not like the other people there weren't pissed.

Bro he's saying everything is so shitty that even though Hearthstone is a shitty benchmark for a competitive scene, everything is just miles worse.

He is saying Blizz is bad.

Great post, spot on.


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Was it the esports manager? I felt it was the awful game balance

I don't mean it that way, just how he stands out from the rest I guess.

>This person who has no control over the game itself and just runs stuff outside the game is responsible for ruining the game
Gee chief, could it be you think this because you are informed or is it because the moment a woman shows up you see red and lose all critical thinking skills?

please god tell me this isn't made up

>Richard Lewis
That nigger is a tranny loving weirdo but at the same time I can't do anything but applaud the amount of shit he throws at the scummy video game and """esports""" companies.
Some genuine journalism going on here.


fucking lol

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since 2002*

The lore in Overwatch is a complete mess of retcons as well because they didn't make a point of planning that shit out fully BEFORE the game dropped.

Remember that there was a completed prequel graphic novel that Dark Horse were going to publish that was cancelled literally several weeks before publication because Michael Chu decided he tell a better origin story.

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it's not, it's actual feedback he offered to SOE for EQ raids


Non-shitty game design/balance choices.

Is he a jew? I honestly can't tell.


I work at Blizz (Irvine). Morale is in the shitter because we're basically Activision everywhere you look now. Even nu-Blizz is a thing of the past now. Kotick just wants his fucking money.

Kill us, please.

Did they really do that? Holy fuck what's wrong with this game?

Isn't Michael Chu the one who self inserts into Genji?

re-read his post
your insecurity is telling

thats kinda interesting...
does Winston hate him?

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The problem is that what happened with Fortnite can't be replicated and managers don't accept that. They want formulaic, predictable ways to make games sell. They don't want to accept that it's something that requires inspiration, vision and so on. So they do design by committee crap, allocate budgets according to risk analysis and so on. It makes sense from an MBA/beancounter view, but it makes for bad games and damages the brand in the medium/long term.

Overwatch the game is little more than an advertisement for Overwatch the e-sport. Dungeons and raids in WoW are tuned around the MDI and prolonging the world-first race for maximal exposure on twitch. HotS and SC2 are dead games so who cares.

This is what killed WoW for me.

Mismanagement & shutting down Blizz North, they moved all their best devs onto Titan & lost a lot of good devs when Blizz North was closed

Nope, that's a geniune post made by Tigole Bitties, complaining (reasonably) about Everquest.
No matter how terribly Overwatch goes, I don't think I'll ever find it in me to dislike Jeff, entirely because of that post.


holy SHIT that explains so fucking much

only a dumb fucking CUNT would have stuck to "esports" for years despite all your games literally dying from it

95% of the playerbase couldn't care less about those.

Atleast the Classic team seems happy. But I guess it's a matter of time before Activision sees these legacy products as cash cows considering Kotick underestimates its earning not mentioning it at quarter reports.

>Heroes of the Storm's esport scene was completely shutdown due to their focus for OW
>this happens

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they aren't smart creatures user

they've tried to force e-sports onto almost everything and it has only backfired for them

look at the photo, its edited, everyone else has a filter over them for the sole purpose of making him stand out.

Yeah. Wouldn't be surprised if he posts on /r/asianmasculinity.

Nah, they're besties apparently.

It's a shamed he was added in back when the game was really active, since he's a blast to use.

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>huge company needs to make more money every quarter compared to previous one otherwise investors shitthemselves and jump ship.
>major companies are only ever 2-4 quarters away from bankruptcy and there is no exception

At a surface level, it is. Which is all that matters.

I wish it was more of a clone, then I would still be playing it.

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It gets a new map or character every 3 months. Lack of content definitely is not one the game's main problems.

Imagine being mid 40's and still going by you online name made in high school

very good one
same is happening in higher education

>patching wc3 in anticipation for reforged
>literally deletes RoC from battle.net
>mapmaker now corrupts old maps irreversibly

When this fucker's getting fired?

unironically sjwism. they went full retard.

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Oh. That explains a lot then.

Sure there's a filter, but the actual photo without it is basically identical, in how much he stands out.

Is this true? all those old map can't be used in the new wc3?

they only care about selling lootboxes with skins


Blizzard will just announce Sylvanas is actually a lesbian to recover.

all those fines for what?

>classic wow beta has 10x the views of BFA

lel, yeah that e sports shit is real good Blizzard

>Corporate greed and sacrificing long-term success for short-term gains.
>Game improvements ignored in favor of farming whales with loot boxes, or in Hearthstone's case more frequent expansion releases
>Creatively bankrupt, have to resort to remakes of their old games

Could go on but these are the main three.

>only a dumb fucking CUNT would have stuck to "esports" for years
The decision to stick with esports comes from the top. Upper management saw money in developing industry and tried its hardest to force its way in.
Don't blame the dumb slut for being in the wrong place, she's just a hired help for specific (impossible) job. Company course is way above her pay grade.

bean counting has and continues to be the worst way to evaluate the value or trends of multi-media or media entertainment in general

It's been almost fucking 30 years and they still haven't wisened the fuck up


it's more that they changed the file structure or something, so when you open the map in the patched editor everything gets scrambled. If you don't open it in the editor everything should be okay I think, plus they'll obviously fix it.

He spoke truth to power like a chad.

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Maybe they shouldn't have banned people for the stupidest fucking reasons

CEOs are soulless abominations incapable of understanding anything except money and marketing buzzwords

and nothing of value was lost
The sooner these companies dump that shit, the better off they'll all be.

>"director" of esports
Good. Get rid of all the esport cancer people and start making games again and maybe people will actually care. Though with Blizzard's current reputation I think it's way past that point.

I don't and will never understand how people with so much money and clout are so fucking basically retarded. It's so fucking strange to me

this, they don't really make that many games, despite their revenue being insane for years.

the fact Diablo 3 was all they could muster was insane to me, and it was the last time they mustered anything at all, and it was still shit.

Are you referring to that fat blob with long hair who whinged about baldie blowing them the fuck out? Did they really add him to Ironforge?

When Classic inevitably passes Retail in player count will Blizzard have the brains and the balls to end Retail and start a new timeline off of Classic? Or will they tell people again that they are wrong and just keep releasing half assed expansions for Retail until all life is strangled out of the game.

Those Sony Pictures email hacks that showed industry heavy-hitters like Amy Pascal and Avi Arad to be fucking retards were priceless.

Or they'll do a "this character is a post op tranny."

they're born and raised as upper class, and usually given their jobs through connections. Half the time they've never worked in the industry before, and 100% of the time they've never done the actual job of making games

they're probably ivy league inbreds who share handjobs or satanic baby eating rituals together

I mean, CEO-ism is viable on average, but their programming shuts down in certain scenarios

This is the future of Blizzard

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This fat ass, and yeah hes in the game now
Fact checker or something like that

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Unironically this

i think thats the guy who made his eyes asian looking as a joke on a stream. or it could be the guy who posted pepe on his twitter.

This might be a good thing if it's all the retards who made all the bad ideas for Cata-BFA, HOTS, Slowvereatch and Hearthstone. We may never know since blame seems to be constantly shifted

literally every single time they did this.

No, Red Shirt Guy. He called out Metzen on-stage about inaccuracy in some Wildhammer Dwarf lore and got added to the game in the royal court in IF as the Royal Fact Checker.

When GSL wanted the rights or someshit Blizzard provided no support. They didn't care for it at all. They only started to care like 5 years later.

absolutely fucking Aesthetic, especially with context.

man looks like a fucking Messiah come to slay some sort of Satan-figure.

They will keep making half assed expansions if they sell
Classic is 100% going to kill Retail though, the denial about this is hilarious

>OSRS won't kill Runescape 3, it's just nostalgia


Oh what the fuck. I remember her from wcreplays. Had no idea she was a part of blizzard.


Diablo 3 sold incredibly well, you'd have to be delusional to view it as a flop. Hell, Diablo is still so strong as a franchise that the main reason people were upset by Immortal was because they announced it instead of 4.

I'd say a lighter touch when it comes to nerfing as well as rewarding skill more. Also this is subjective but I thought the character design visually was awful and needed an overhaul.

oh there are ways to do so, look at FROM Software, (I think now that they are so popular even their Armored Core formula would sell big nowadays).

its just that this formula only works if you are inherently good at making quality products as a baseline.

Blizzard is no longer that company, they haven't been that company since the PS2 Era with WoW came out.

Diablo 3 sold well because of Diablo 2, but D3 is a terrible Diablo game, fun Console game though, which makes sense because 90% of the reason it sucks is because it was designed to be fun for Console gamers

>global director for esports
fucking should've happpened sooner

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>richard jewis

Bean counting works. The majority of the population can easily be convinced to enjoy the most mundane dogshit if you slap a nice coat of paint on it, which is where the money is. It's long-term damage to your brand because it discards any sense of quality for well-tested addiction mechanics but you make so much money from each generation of gamers who will try your product out of the fact that Blizzard is more or less a household name in gaming.

Diablo 3 is like the best selling game of all time or something ridiculous like that. If you ignore WoW's subscription revenues, Diablo 3 made a stupid amount of money. And while we can all agree it's complete dogshit it worked on a portion of the population you probably don't know personally. There are so many dipshits out there who just want to masturbate through video games or are just children who don't know any better.

The only difference between Blizzard and Nintendo is that we have generally accepted Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about a core gaming audience; otherwise they both produce the same tepid shit and we only get offended because for some reason, people who get angry don't seem to understand Blizzard hasn't been Blizzard for the past decade. The vast majority of my friends still buy every fucking Blizzard product that comes out and no matter how much they bitch they always buy the next expansion or whatever. It's sunk cost fallacy at it's best and Blizzard sure as fuck knows that. And the bean counters will look at the numbers and they're still green and will be green even if the next product's projections only hit 50% of the estimates. The bad press and community sentiment means fuck-all; the numbers remain green; stock price tanks? Nobody gives a shit because it's still immensely profitable.

Good, bitch ruined SC2

hilarious really, WoW made them Iron Man numbers for years and it doesn't matter, all that banked money is irrelevent if they aren't trending up.

That's not an example, Captain Aspergers.

>Esports drama
Who gives a shit.

A bit of both, but blizzard completely fucked up their Korea strategy.

Why do these companies always sell their souls to these giant publishers and expect it to go well? And why are the giant publishers so inept? Driving blizz into the ground is not a profitable move

>director of esports

one of the lead writers self inserts as Nathanos and is in love with sylvanas by proxy, so that will not happen.

I don't think they expect it to go well, they just expect to get a FUCKLOAD of cash

its just Baby Boomers really, they are one of the dumbest groups of people imaginable.

they learned nothing in their youth but have bumbled into successes and money by pissing your future away decades ago.

now they bumble around with all that money oblivious to anything requiring a brain.


>I work at Blizz (Irvine).

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Their sacrificing game quality so that they could appear woke by fighting toxicity didn’t help much.

>grind my way into top 500 across 4 seasons with Zen
>they start patching out everything interesting
>new heroes are made with "isn't it cool" thought instead of "what would benefit the game"
>instead of new patches they are releasing stupid "toxicity" updates
>game does not reward you in anyway for putting hours into it
>becomes stale really quick
>unbalanced mess creates close to 2/3 of hero pull a waste
>people are banned for trying something new or non meta
>only 2 things you can improve upon are position and aim
>you can't really improve your aim without literal grind and there is nothing else to learn
>people can't progress in any way in ranks
>they start creating smurfs to get at least some joy out of this mess
>lower ranks become trench wasteland
>one of the heroes had 95% winrate for SEVERAL MONTHS
>team does not have Mercy? loss
>Mercy can be played without even using WASD ever
>literally "cancel your ults with Q"
>reddit/twich whores are in tears how this is depth in it's pure form
>instead of fixing that shit they are talking how toxic the game is because of the players
>Lucio becomes the only hero with some depth due to a bug
>last fun hero in the game
>"whoah this is not really fair to the people who don't put as much time into a game now is it?"
>in their mind shields = teamplay somehow
>plus "when everything is OP - nothing is OP" - Jeff 2017, which is fucking retarded
Thank god I've jumped this ship right when I've read Shitgette's abilities.
At this point I really want to see a fighting game made by Blizzard with all their balance fuckery and philosophy towards it.

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>still buying blizzard products
>still has battle net installed

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>From Passion to Career - WCS Chat with Blizzard eSports Senior Manager Kim Phan

How many babies would you put in Bunny? (or the interviewer... yowza)

>Driving blizz into the ground is not a profitable move
They literally can't stop themselves. The brain starts getting crystallized around middle age.

Millions of people playing those dead games every single day. Interesting definition of dead.

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>is not a profitable move

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Yea Forums is full of cuckolds.

She's gonna hurt her fingers on my face real bad.

>Classic kills retail
>then dies because major streamers get bored
>half-assed "new" content for both iterations doesn't bring anyone back
>WoW dies for good
So it really is true that the only thing that can kill WoW is WoW itself.

don't yall have phones

Mismanagement, horrid, horrid mismanagement.

Activision didn't realize it but the people who sold off Blizzard long since realized that the talented part of their studio had long since jumped shit. Blizzard isn't even the same blizzard that made Overwatch at this point. That's how far they've fallen.

People prop them up out of nostalgia and have zero understand of what it is they do anymore. If you look at their corporate layout, they used to have over a dozen 'diversity officers' and tons of corporate oversight before they laid off 800 people early this year. No company in the 'creative' sphere can last very long like this.

Blizzard in its golden era was structured similarly to Valve, but started to make serious money and got shoved into a corporate ladder that killed any creativity at their studio and what we're left with is the rotting corpse riding nostalgia from fifteen years ago.

I actually hope they don't make new games, because I don't want them to fuck up the good game franchises that have died with dignity years ago. Remakes and remasters might be the only thing they're capable of at this point.

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literally two affirmative action hires talking to each other like they have ANY clue how to do anything besides put on makeup lmao

>but nigger nose
tough luck

The biggest problem is the way they went about balancing. It's retarded to have these patches with huge changes to characters that they just sit on for months, rather than tweaking them in smaller increments. It doesn't seem like they had a clear vision of how the game should be played since they make huge changes apparently just for the sake of shaking up the meta whenever it settles into a certain play style. And its clear they were paying way too much attention to gold/silver shitters bitching. They just have no idea what they want to do and start throwing a bunch of changes at the wall to see what happens.

To sum it up what's wrong with this game:

- Remove all of the 'casual play' elements of the genre, i.e. no fucking around 2fort TDM for an hour
- Everything is always focused on WIN WIN WIN, exacerbated by the focus on e-sports and competition
- At the same time, reduce the scaling of skill translating into in-game results - because of the way health, healing and matchmaking works, it's almost impossible for one really good player to just own house
- A great player can only do so much, and will always be kneecapped by bad teammates, leading to resentment
- Games are too small and tightly focused to allow people to try weird shit or a low tier character, because the loss of one player in a 6 man team in such a numbers-focused game is a huge disadvantage
- Remove all character banter, remove all 'griefing' (teabagging, sprays, emote spam) to prevent hurt feelings, and sanitize the game to look like a corporate Disney dystopia , so players only outlet for frustration is 'toxicity'
- Surprised when your player base is 'toxic'
- Release a press statement every month or two stating they're cracking down on toxicity, claim not being able to implement new maps/models characters
- Because apparently, the design and animation team got reassigned to nanny duty

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>esports "director"

You're looking at it. when the games are being tailored for the lowest common denominator and then raised to "esports" despite having no depth or actual competitiveness you get shallow shit games. And the worst part is its starting to affect other better esport scenes like the FGC.

>MFW watching the one Granblue game.
>everyone is slow as shit and the combat is miles slower and simplified then Persona 4 Arena

I dont even know how the fuck they managed that.

Diablo 3 sold well because it looked fucking good and because it was Diablo. Further, it's not a terrible Diablo game, it's actually better than 2 in every way, and I do mean every way. More build variety, better loot, better loot system, better enemies, better art design, better voice acting, everything. The only people who disagree with this are the bitter anti-Blizzard people that fill this very thread. You guys wouldn't have cared if Diablo 3 was a literal masterpiece unparalleled by any game before or since, you made up your minds a long time ago to hate Blizzard and everything they make unconditionally, so your opinions are basically worth shit. I can actually pick out your kind specifically because of your views on D3, if you don't have any legitimate complaints then I know you're just rabidly anti-Blizz and I can disregard anything you say, and yeah, there are legitimate complaints regarding Diablo 3, it's not a perfect game, but it is absolutely a worthy sequel and worth playing for anyone who enjoys Diablo.

does it even matter now?

this, Company names mean nothing if they people who made the great games are gone, see Bioware, or basically every company that's in decline as of late.

on the opposite end see FROM soft which has had the same group of dudes in it since forever.

Blizzard outlived its usefulness when they released WC3 TFT. Everything after that was just trash for drooling retards.

yea they hired her from there

I think we both know the reason.

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Diversity Hires, especially the trannies will bring down any company no matter how successful.

Thinking that their name could carry their mediocrity, and refusing to listen to their fans, critics, or consumers.

>better art design
hold the fuck up

>jumped shit
It's a doggy dog world, out there.

this and activision

A lot. But they look a little tall. I'm only 5'3" and it may be weird. They always call me "Little guy" at the gym.

I dunno, Diablo 3 looked kinda dated even on release, like they wanted to insure it could play on lower end systems and on consoles.. which is almost assuredly the reason.

it had good art direction, but it was clearly toned down, the player models alone are jarringly simple.

>At first blush, it would seem to be good news
Yeah I'm sure there isn't anything more to what you're quoting

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>social media and streamers do the heavy lifting
they are doing that now whit classic wow
streamers are better doing marketing than companies
so classic is really the last chance to nublizzard isnt?

>literally broke records
They just had higher expectations. They're still growing.

What I don't understand is why ActiBlizzard are going absolutely ham with the Overwatch merchandising now when it's a a good two years past its prime. Surely it would've made more financial sense to do that during the first year of its lifespan back when the game was at the peak of its popularity and was a commercial juggernaut.

In the first year, all you had was a few t-shirts and maybe a colouring book for kids or something. It wasn't until PUBG started coming and stealing a lot of its playerbase that they started shitting out toys, stationary, phone charms, breakfast cereals etc. that undoubtedly would've flown off the shelves had they released it several months earlier. Like, they're only just releasing fucking Hasbro action figures in department stores now, which sums up how weirdly they've handled it.

Attached: Hasbro-Overwatch-Toy-Fair-19-060.jpg (1200x900, 140K)

>It gets a new map or character every 3 months.
That's pathetic. No one is gonna wait around for 3 months for a character they probably won't like and map thats basically identicle to the ones you've already got.

Classic is a good chance to show the lawyer who runs the current WoW team on how to make an actual fucking MMO

>broke company records and their own projections
That's slightly off from "not a profitable move".

you realize basically every blizzard game is a clone. Blizzard was famous for taking old ideas and refining them to make the best possible product on the market.

Now they will die though. They have not really done a new take since hearthstone, and before that wow was the most recent.

All I can think of is Solider 76 so you are correct that they have done it every single time. The one time.

Incredibly heavy handed balancing. They were desperate to appeal to a particular casual audience (which they already had playing them game anyway) even if it meant driving away the rest of the playerbase. Blizzard really really wanted the game to have a certain image and a specific set of values to it, and absolutely refused to let it just grow naturally.

You're not wrong, but who the fuck knows what their business autism is thinking since they fired almost a tenth of their employees.

overwatch is 3 years old and we still dont know why Winston recalled the team in the launch trailer

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As the old guard moves on to new opportunities and the management structure shifts focus towards shareholders, the small or not-so-small spark that caused the original games' success is lost. The brand and company name will decay at a time-delayed, but equivalent rate.

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Great fucking character to play, but god I hate him as a character. Comes off like literal fanfiction.
>On the moonbase where Winston comes from they also enhanced a hyper intelligent hamster and he snuck onto WInston's ship when he escaped and then he becomes a champion of the junkers in Australia

>Classic is a good chance to show the lawyer who runs the current WoW team
explain please

Well polished games that are not fun.
Well not really games, they are basically producing flasjy 'Jack in a Box' toys.

When are companies like ActiBlizzard and Bethesda actually going to face consequences for their decisions? Fallout 76 and Overwatch would have murdered any other studio but for some reason they still stand. Are they hoarding money? Isn't that illegal?

Fortnite is what blizzard should have done to remain relevant. It would have been their natural progression. Epic beat them to the punch.

since always*

Esports director? Who the fuck cares? the good idea people and programmers left a long time ago.

i hope they dont fire christmas cake raid encounter designer

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Their money train is miles long, but eventually it will pass by.

If you wanted to believe the business speak for even a second it's because the company was bloated with "non-development" roles that weren't essential so they slashed a bunch of them and think tried to give it a nice spin by saying they were going to hire a bunch of actual devs this next year.

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>Which is fucking bizarre considering with Warcraft 3 and Starcraft in their wheelhouse they would be savvier about it. But no, they had to blitzkrieg into it to appease shareholders and all of Bobby Kotick's friends who own Overwatch League teams
It's actually because of Starcraft Blizzard ended up in the fucked up situation they are currently in. They weren't getting enough money from it relative to its success.
And they've attributed the success of Starcraft entirely to themselves and not to a specific case of korean autism and grassroots fanbase building the scene. It created a sort of rockstar mentality and also made CEOs smell the money.
So they've tried milking koreans and try to get payouts from every event, tournament and league. But koreans werent retarded, they had no contracts or laws that would force them to pay up. So they've told blizzard to fuck off essentially and kept running their esports event while sharing the absolute minimum (if anything at all)
Which really annoyed the fuck out of Blizzard CEOs. All those money in circulation and they are getting none of it.
And that's how we ended up with Starcraft 2 - it was an attempt of blizzard to kill of SC1 in korea and build a new scene with them involved from the start. Once that failed, they've given up on the Starcraft but not the idea.
Overwatch was them going "well, if we cant force our way into existing scene, we should build our own scene from zero, we are fucking Blizzard, we can do that".
Kotick's friends and all the clueless real sports CEOs are actually getting scammed here. They have no idea how this "esports" meme works and every game looks the same to them. All they could see is a fast growing industry and big name company offering a share so they got tricked into paying for something that doesn't really exist - overwatch esports. Just so Blizzard doesn't have to pay for everything themselves.

This game has no plot, its an incomprehensible mishmash of oc fan-fictions

My definition is no longer being profitable, which is pretty clear from the direction they're going in. What's yours?

going public back in the 90s.

It's been "eventually" for a decade. This industry is a failure.

>bloated with "non-development"
That is a nice way to say diverse discord trannies doing nothing but complaining and threatening lawsuits for those not diverse enough.

Blizzard is dead but will go on with zombie money from their original ip's. Fucking vampires.

I saw Sombra on a Pringles can last week.

Winston literally said why three years ago. The "plot" is shit and practically nonexistent but that part exists.

Because he wanted an LGBT pride parade, who knows
They clearly have no respect for the story when they made S76 gay to hide from the Ellie shitstorm

He looks like a douche

overwatch has a plot?

Dead as in not enough players to enjoy a quick matchmaking.

How quickly you goldfish brain retards forget.
They said Tracer was gay amidst her being the most used character in porn, and then they made Soldier 76 gay because he's the dudebro choice.

Don't you mean "Activision, and this"?

I’d still be playing WoW if they didn’t fuck the lore so hard.

was meant for

>esports dying is somehow a negative

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I know this is a Blizzard hate circlejerk thread, but none of that is true. Been playing a lot of HotS recently and it's still got a strong playerbase.

ActiBlizzard probably realised they weren't going to increase their profits much in 2019, so preemptively fired a bunch of people to keep their shareholders happy with the next year's figures.

I don't think it was ever confirmed that he was a chimp

>try to advertise your game as the next big thing on esports
>fuck up so bad the director of esports gives up and quits
How the fuck do they fail so miserably every time at making an esport? Just let this company die, fuck's sake. They haven't made anything truly good since Frozen Throne.

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>Pretty much, they replaced WoW devs with ex-everquest players & massive nerds, to being directed by a lawyer
Ion was actually a hardcore wow player since vanilla though

Dude, they removed even braindead mercys aftercharge jump (by making it extremely easy to execute even by average gamer guurl). Blizzard hates skill.

Sometimes I get Blizzard and Bioware confused because they're both shit now.

>Overwatch would have murdered any other studio but for some reason they still stand.
It's gonna keep going for a while purely on inertia, but Overwatch is going to murder the esports industry the way it's going.
The amount of money that got invested by all the sport brands and co are in hundreds of millions and they wont be seeing the return on the investment from the anemic Overwatch league which has another 2 years in it tops. Everyone (but Blizzard) are going to end up with some huge holes in their pockets.

The shit's going to ruin "esports" reputation in the eyes of investors, advertisers and mainstream media. Money are going to dry up big time.

Blizzards next two big releases are:

-A copy of their original MMO that they swore would never happen no matter what. A basic admittance that they are creatively bankrupt, and the goddam launch of their game 15 years ago is better and more popular than their current game.

-A reskin of their old most popular strategy, with nothing added except high resolution textures and battle.net upgrades

Blizzard has literally nothing. If these are their major releases, they are completely bankrupt. I cannot wait to watch them release a battle royal 5 years too late down the line. It will be a bigger failure than overwatch which was tf2 years too late.

Blizzard pretends it does to justify the fact that the "story" team itself is bigger than the team that actually does the creating part of the game.

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I’m still fucking mad, and not just because people I knew lost easy money. Grandmaster HotS was a lot of fun and the only assfaggot I could enjoy since my autism isn’t entirely crippling.
Jumping in for a week every couple months was a blast.
Only game I’m looking forward to now is Classic. Gaming is fucking dead and don’t let retards tell you otherwise.

Nice teeth. Would willingly get licked to orgasm.

Thank you overwatch

D3 has no itemization coz of sets, you are retarded.

This is infuriating, fucking actual hack writers

wc3 and TfT where made by a bunch of nerds who actually want to play they onw videogame

the old guard leave long ago and the company is filled whit pajeets that cant offer something new no matter how hard they trie
blizzard needs to die

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I guess she was no phan.

>What is causing Blizzards slow death?

They forgot who their core audience was

Their core audience has always been normies

sc1, diablo. wow

They were all refined, simplified versions of their genres that appealed to the mass market.

>How the fuck do they fail so miserably every time at making an esport?
Nobody ever made an esport.
You make a game. People might like your game and play it competitively.
That's all. There is not a single case of a game designed for esports and becoming a success. You cant force it.

If you are completely creatively bankrupt, you can make a game that's better and more memorable than competition and steal their fanbase (H1Z1 - PuBG - Fortnite cycle). Then you can try and force esports in.
But that still requires aiming to make a better game than competition as an absolute minimum, not aiming to make a more "esports" title.

by doing this
he squinted his eyes to look like an asian

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League of Legends

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>What is causing Blizzards slow death?


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The sheer incompetence is completely baffling. I remember at the end of the gw2 alpha back in 2012 they ran a battle royals thing, and I remember thinking “huh, so this is the next big thing. It’s kinda lame.” This is twenty fucking twelve. Literally all blizzard needed was one person not completely retarded that said, hey, let’s make overwatch a battle royale. Fortnite got popular because it was the only game in the genre that actually ran.
They should have made HotS with battle royale too. Hell, it’s not even too late now, since the only competition is mobage.

Yeah, it was more of a rethorical question.
It just shows how fucking asshurt they are still about not grabbing Icefrog when they could. Both HoTS and OW failed while Dota still rakes in dosh.

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Overwatch League is a complete failure. Turns out no one wants to watch two teams spam particle effects at each other.

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they forced it with sc2 and it worked out fine

It wasn’t, though. It’s just a retardedly popular game with subhumans, and riot propped up the esports scene well.

I played hots for almost three years, but it's 100% dead from blizzard's point of view. I wish it wasn't the case since it was the only product of some quality they were making anymore, but ripping the rug out from under the entire game was pretty clear.

No wonder it sucks then

>literal team based co-op objective gameplay ripped directly from tf2
>not like tf2
Please be a troll and not a certifiable brainlet

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Hammond is the one good thing to come from this company in the past two years

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>Imagine if they focused on just developing Overwatch into a better game, designing better maps, stop doing seasonal balance and actually work towards more even viability, and then let people passionate about the game build it up towards a big international thing.

I don't think that was ever an option.

They say that pro players will, given the opportunity, optimize the fun out of any game in order to win. Most good games keep that in mind, but Overwatch doesn't, and you can see it in the shallow metas and mirrored team compositions. The game is not fun at all at the pro level, and when the pro game is not fun, the pro scene withers and dies.

OW can't grow by itself, and that's why the OWL exists. It's basically life support to save OW from a life-threatening birth defect, since Blizzard was betting hard on e-sports money to keep the game profitable.

It'll be interesting when everything comes crashing down. There won't be any simple answers, and there will be a lot for people to learn.

pic only slightly related

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>someone else appreciating the last blizzard product with some semblance of soul
You’re completely right, though. That other user is completely incorrect. It’s not only been written off, but it’s rapidly dying from the top down.
I’m gonna shamelessly steal abathurs design someday, maybe after the singularity. And some of those fucking top tier skins.

Also Jeff Kaplan:

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You could have gone for Germanic but instead you decided to make an ass of yourself

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Used to but they gave up in Nov 2016 to not offend shippers and other degenerates.

LoL was made to cash in on F2P microtransactions craze that was hitting hard in 2009.
Which is arguably even worse than making a esports game.

Esports was an accident.

>first genuinely profitably crafted esports league
>for a game that has no core players
>because blizzard won't make a promod or consider even the most informed balance suggestions
>so they have to viewbot every stream
>results in completely sterile environment

>live long enough and see yourself become the villain

That image was made when the game was just a teaser, and Mercy did look cold and expressionless in it.

Your miniscule nitpick definitely changes the fact that Overwatch is blatantly a TF2 plagiarism, though! And it's not the only thing they plagiarized, either.

Attached: plagiarism.jpg (904x1198, 339K)

can you make the game look that rough with just low settings or does that take some ini tweaks?

I love this timeline

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>Fix your time-sink bullshit
The IRONY holy shit

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Kill yourself.

I'd figure it mostly comes out of their whole dev house being exclusively WoW devs these days instead of anybody associated with their older games on-team anymore combined with corporate upper echelon being more interested in maximizing monies instead of making games anymore.
>do you not have phones? blizzard chink exec asks while being puzzled that blizzard fans aren't salivating and begging to buy a "game" made by a 3rd rate chink shitshop dev built off reskinned assets of their other shitty gacha phone games

>post yfw you were smart, never paid for the game and just fapped to porn of it

Hit the nail on the head. I think the best thing that could happen to Blizz is either dying or splitting from Activision.

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I don't disagree. I just hate when people nitpick the wrong shit about a game. It's a personal autism of mine.

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Plagiarism is not an argument outside the wankiest of academia. The game is shit, don’t confuse it with anything else.

nigger I dont even know how tumblr works

Blizzard lived long enough to see itself become the villain.

Attached: Blizzard evolution.jpg (700x2500, 703K)

>Plagiarism is not an argument
Yes, it makes sense that an American would think that. America: the country of plagiarist hack "artists".

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Pretty sure even if they did IF would leave soon after because of their casuals pandering approach, with Valve he's allowed to do whatever the fuck he pleases since they are so fucking lazy.

What bad news was each of those reveals associated with

And every company ex-Blizzard people started have crashed and burned, Guild Wars 2 included.

>>WoW is a decade past its prime
"Wow" isn't past its prime, its direction is past its prime. Blizzard tried too hard making it appeal to everyone so of course no one ends up liking it. They can still save WoW because it's not some living creature with a limited lifespan.
>>Starcraft 2 fell out of fashion in favour of MOBAs
yah that's blizzards fault again. Blizz is so obsessed with accessability that they constantly shoot themselves in the foot with it. When SC2 first came out the maps/units/mechanics were so fucking bad that it made the races terran=easy protoss=medium zerg=hard. It made the gamers bitter as fuck when they kept getting ZvT steps of war maps and instead of a fun game it was just a chore. This is a theme of all their failing games
>>Heroes of the Storm flopped
Once again. I was in the heroes of the storm beta (as well as SC2) and there were HARD anti-snowball mechanics to allow noob players have a chance against people who played well. FLOP
>>Overwatch was mismanaged and subsequently lost the large bulk of its playerbase after mid-2017
Probably. I completely gave up on blizzard and just play D2 ladder when Overwatch came out. I like the porn though. Especially the one with the pizza boy showing up at the girls slumber party.
>>attempting to force dominance in the e-sports world by throwing huge amounts of money at it
This is another HUGE fucking mistake. The retarded SuperOlympics events they threw were fucking BORING. I dont want to watch 10 hours of side commentary and 3 hours of gameplay. I want to see Day9, tasteosis, a few others, and the gamers around a couch eating BBQ chips and making fun of the gamers as they play without half hour to full hours between games.

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So you're telling me that this bitch has been on the company for the precise amount of time that blizzard has been shit?

>They say that pro players will, given the opportunity, optimize the fun out of any game in order to win.
This part hurts because it's true, and sometimes (overwatch being a great example) the over optimized pro mindset worms its way into the regular playerbase. My go to example of this shit is how Halo is mostly team brs and how that takes a game with a diverse weapon sandbox and basically whittles it down to like 3 weapons because you spawn with one of the best in the game.


this is the main reason i dont want to play classic, i dont want the bloated, festering corpse of blizzard to stay any longer.

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>They can still save WoW because it's not some living creature with a limited lifespan.

WoW will never be alive again. It is a poisoned brand. Everyone knows it as "that game that used to be big." MMOs are huge time-investments, and no one will invest their time into "that game that has been dying for years."

All this tells is Morahime was the miracle glue. And he's gone now.

Even Ubisoft is doing it with Siege. e-"sports" is a huge money maker thanks to the army of 14 year old MLG wanna be's eating it up. I never got the allure to it. A bunch of douchebags and dudebros being watched and emulated by every teenager with a console or PC.

It's a formula that works though and (they) make a fuck ton of money from it, so it's not going away any time soon.

she's so cute

I think the soldier thing came out when they fired all those community managers

>blizzard somehow convinced companies to spend millions on overwatch team slots

My friend bought 12 Blizzcon tickets to resell and literally cannot move them, they're actually starting to sell at a loss.
I feel for the dude, but after last year the interest in Blizzard overall has tanked hard so I'm not surprised

true patrician writers

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>optimize the fun out of every game
This is the most important post on Yea Forums right now

The OWL also has to literally buy viewers with "embedding" schemes (see ) and bribing Overwatch players with ingame currency if they watch OWL in a muted tab

I'm pretty sure they're the only American production to admit the Kimba ripoff.

Blizzard has always been shit, just look at their development history:
>Bunch of throwaway console titles not even worth mentioning
>Diablo 1&2, made by a different studio
>Starcraft, generic space opera only notable for Korean memes and custom maps
>WC 1&2, good soundtrack but far inferior to other RTS titles at the time, also imbalanced as fuck
>WC 3 & TFT, carried HARD by it's cinematic team, otherwise same problem as SC where the custom map scene was the only thing keeping the game alive a month after it came out
>WoW, already exposed by Classic to be a braindead timesink that was only enjoyable when 90% of the playerbase didn't know what they were doing
>HS, casual esports trash
>Overwatch, casual esports trash
>HotS, stillborn esports trash

The real irony to me is that overwatch feels specifically designed to make people angry. The game is unbalanced, you get stunned and knocked around constantly, you're incredibly dependent on your teammates, everyone has their big bullshit ability, etc. They made a prime breeding ground for toxicity and only have themselves to blame for it.

well, you know what they say: get woke, go broke.

Lol also copied DotA (the dude who created LoL worked on DotA BEFORE icefrog took over and made it actually fun and competitive). It's almost the same case as fortnite.

He looks jewish.

Not to mention they started out porting shit and most of their successful franchises are just ripping off already successful ideas, iterating and sticking them on PC. Blizzard has basically done nothing original.

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overwatch sucked
retail wow sucks

Serves him right, desu. Scalpers are scumbags.

>slow death

>Starcraft series is done and ended on a wet fart worthy of bad fanfiction
>Diablo 3 went from the amazing reputation recovery of Reaper of Souls to multiple years of doing nothing after the ending teased a new expac. Blizzard inexplicably cancels the expac and sells the Necromancer class and pisses out some of the new map content in endless identical seasons. Diablo is dead.
>No wait Diablo has been whored out to a shitty Chinese mobile dev team for a D3 downgrade port. Wow!
>Heroes just cancelled. Slash the dev team, a new hero a year instead of a month, game ded. It was always shit but a true "fuck you fans" move
>WoW releases a new Cata/WoD tier expansion with the most aggressively anti-consumer dev team in the game's history. We need our MMO to attract new players, can we put a giant bitter nerd from Vanilla in charge of modern day WoW?
>Overwatch still struggling to release a single map or character three times a year. Usually doesn't. Everybody's tired of it.
>Hearthstone team's incompetence just keeps compounding and only addicts and idiots are left. Also competitors started showing up, oh fuck, oh shit.
>No new IPs. Warcraft 3 remaster will just soil everybody's nostalgia.
>complete brain drain of dev teams leaves behind only skeleton crews that can fart out barebones game maintenance, pitch terrible ideas and balance, and for some reason super great art teams trapped in trash

The obvious answer would be to develop some new fucking games but you can't get a core gameplay engine out of 50 diversity managers.

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Pretty much, their sole talent lies in creating really intuitive game UI. They usually beat their competition by just stealing what they did and then polishing it up to be much more addictive/satisfying to play.

>not playing comp dice rolling

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I thought the same thing

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Pretending to give a shit one way or another about progressive causes does not fix the internal rot of a company once the mentality of short-term profits instead of long-term gains becomes the normal way of thinking about business at said company.


WOW was ruined by catering to world first faggots and arena fags, who don't like consumables and crafting or questing, thus they made consumables crafting and questing pretty much worthless filler content for casual players, spend 90% of their development time on mythic raids, and 10% on scaling the numbers down for heroic normal and LFR mode

Diablo 3 was unironically built for an Arena system that was scrapped late into development, its evident by the class system they introduced where you have no choice, just a bunch of slots you can freely change on the fly with no penalties, just like what they did for MOP when they removed talents and replaced them with traits that you can change per match.

HOTS was actually kind of fun, its not a good MOBA as it had no depth, just a bunch of minigames, but it was like the smash of MOBAs before they tried to force esport balance down everyone's throat, now half of the maps are really shitty, the combat is entirely teamfight focused with less then a second of interaction before you or your enemy gets deleted by a 3 button combo and all the 'support' roles have just become generic healers, also they kept adding in global ults for some retarded reason

SC2 was just an absolute fucking mess, WOL was a clusterfuck, half of the units in the game weren't playable in multiplayer and the early game was a clusterfuck of cheese, they had to redo the game 3 fucking times now, and the only way they can keep people playing it now is by making co-op moba mode.

Hearthstone was a sleeper hit, no one assumed that it would be popular at all, yet I guess making babby's first card game attracts a lot of new players, kind of like how yugioh attracted a lot of players when all you had was dark magicians and blue eyes white dragons, but just like yugioh as they started to add more shit to the game the game became a linear clusterfuck and now magic has a not-shit client for standard play.

& Epic's success is ripping off PUBG & putting it on Console, but you probably play Fortnite on your PS4 all day anyway

>They say that pro players will, given the opportunity, optimize the fun out of any game in order to win.

The problems with Overwatch's meta have nothing to do with it being "optimized for pros." Pros have been saying for over a year that tanks and supports are too strong, and Actiblizzard keeps releasing new, stronger support and tank heroes. For the past 14 months the professional meta has been "GOATS" - Go All Tanks & Supports - a meta where you don't play DPS characters at all and instead opt for the mechanically easier, statistically superior heroes.

Their reason for balancing the game like this is because they want to create a pro meta that "average" players feel they can imitate. Actiblizzard's thinking is: if Joe Schmoe sees the professionals headshotting and airshotting each other, he will fee like he can never replicate it and he can only be a viewer (lower engagement.) But if he sees the professionals killing each other with easy-to-play tank/support heroes and ultimates, he thinks "I can do this too!" and starts investing more time and money into the game and the esports scene. This is very profitable.

Actiblizzard doesn't understand that making the game's professional meta so shallow also makes it fucking boring to watch (and even more boring to play,) leading to the current situation where the game is hemorrhaging players and the Overwatch League has to buy viewers ()

everyone slowly realizing OW sucks has been amusing

>no skill ceiling for any character
>every round is the same cause no character has depth
>lame abilities that dont require effort
>lame maps that promote nothing but fighting in a single chokepoint
>action is extremely hard to follow cause the game is so visually busy
>6 players per team puts a lot of stress on each player to perform every single round

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>"GOATS" - Go All Tanks & Supports
goldbabby spotted

I personally blame this guy"


It has a setup, like TF2. TF2 had comics that explained updates and continued the eternal feud until MvM and then things went to shit for Valve where Steam made better money then TF2 and so the team got lazy and tried to do a comic.

Reminder, the Bi-Monthly/Yearly comic started in 2013. It still has not ended. At all.

Overwatch had the set up that an Elite task agency of Superheroes basically fell out of favor long ago due to corruption before a massive explosion rocked the base and killed a lot of people with the original explination being that Blackwatch tried to overthrow Overwatch for dominance in how missions were run. (Except now that was Talons doing and something something bullshit attempt at making Reaper 'sympathetic')

Thus all agents were forced to disband back to their former military allies or forced into retirement/maintenence of outposts. The reformation is the call back to option for Overwatch former agents to get their gear back out and deal with international crisis that are popping up alongside mercenaries, military and monsters.

The issue with this is that a lot of the story we DO GET is lore stuff of what happened before. It doesn't advance the STORY. Overwatch has had little story progression that explains who rejoined and what they are doing since that is what the game is kinda is, except there is nothing story permanent in 'These agents did this here to stop these bad guys from doing this'

Unironically WOW.

WOW was good at launch, but it stagnated the company greatly, and every expansion and update was an absolute clusterfuck that drew resources from other departments to fix and maintain it because it was raking in so much money for half a decade.

But by the time Cataclysm hit, all the talent that was working at blizzard had a massive fucking big green checkmark on their resumes and they could go anywhere in the industry, so most of them decided to go off and make their own games and companies leaving literal interns behind to create what I like to call 'third gen' blizzard games.

Seriously though, if the person in charge of your biggest cash cow is running it into the ground and has to explain with a bi-monthly Q&A why they should be having fun and why they're not, they fucked up hard.

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>WC 3 & TFT only thing keeping the game alive a month after it came out
Shut up zoomer games back in the day took longer to consume a year at best
>Diablo 1&2, made by a different studio
sadly agree diablo dont deserves that fate

The retail addicts are so hopelessly entwined that they will continue to buy any bullshit Activision tosses onto the shop no matter how boring or shitty the game has become.
Whales are a minority of players. But they are by far the majority of who spends extra money on bullshit and Activision will continue to exploit them because why not? These people have no standards.

They spend more time explaining why people should be having fun then actually making the games fun.

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I liked Roadhog.
Then they destroyed him.

gotta formulate it first

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ALL they had to do was dev it like TF2 but instead they decided to be gay and do nothing towards making the game better for the longest time because they just had to have ranked, which they couldn't even nail and it took multiple attempts at making a system (always a bad sign)

Jesus Christ kill this studio already

>make taunts and emotes as some form of basic acknowledgement of how online communities work through shittalking
>ban them
Lord, these people are complete fucking idiots.

>cracking his knuckles nonchalantly before he prepares to destroy a multibillion dollar company



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Pick drafts, its already a MOBA FPS, you might as well add in draft mode from MOBAs.

They also need better maps and secondary objectives, dogpiling on the point is fucking retarded when every other character shits out AOE.

have they stop anyone from tbagging?


An OWL player got in trouble for it

Legion wasn't THAT bad, i got no idea why they replaced the Artifact with the HOA though, the Artifact weapon is simply more fun & meaningful

this is so sad. overwatch was a genuinely fun game to play when it was still new. it's like blizzard wanted to create this (((safe space))) for casual gamers, but casual gamers don't give a fuck about your game. they really marginalized their dedicated players.

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>make an fps
>disagree with everything about fps culture
wow i wonder what could go wrong here

let it crash and burn

Was this bitch part of the whole racially bullying the Mexican dude into depression?

>all the talent that was working at blizzard had a massive fucking big green checkmark on their resumes
Common misconception. No one was hiring for MMOs at that point except projects already doomed to fail, and the talent knew that.

t. Game Dev

I wish videogame companies would stop getting involved with their game's esports scene. It is never a healthy dynamic.
They attach their corporate reputations to the behavior of the players, and so they end up micromanaging everything they do.
It prevents stars from ever forming.

Muhammad Ali would never have become a superstar if he had a megacorporation breathing down his neck, telling him he couldn't chase Sonny Liston around with a gun for publicity. Conor Mcgregor never would've been allowed to drop his "red panty night" line, or threaten to invade his Brazilian opponent's favela on horseback and kill everyone unfit to work "just like the old days." Mike Tyson would have been suspended for threatening to eat his opponent's babies or fuck a reporter till he turned gay.

None of these are PR-friendly moments that create a good corporate image, but they are amazing for the sport. They create stars. So do the logical thing and don't attach your corporation to the sport. Just let it develop naturally.

They ahve a Fox sports exec running esports.

Its not a surprise.

If you guys knew what they did with SC2 esports back in the day none of this is surprising. They missed out on dota, sc2, hots etc. Now Overwatch is a complete meme esport

Legion wasn't "That Bad" but it wasn't good either.

The only good thing to happen with Legion was Antorus, Antorus feels like the first raid in a long long time where you don't auto-wipe because billy the retard stepped in groundfire and died

I knew the game was shit far before I quit the game, I just wanted to squeeze the last bit of dopamine out of the game before I dropped it for good. For what it's worth, shooting people is still satisfying, and the maps look lovely. Brazil, India & Ocean maps never ever, feelsbadman

On another note, I booted the game up a week ago, and good god the new hero is garbage. His design is generic as shit, and he's not fun to play at all aside from his super jump. He's basically a walking stat boost.

>or threaten to invade his Brazilian opponent's favela on horseback and kill everyone unfit to work "just like the old days."

Dafran, the best Overwatch player, an unparalleled DPS player with multiple solo #1 leaderboard spots, got suspended from OWL season 1 for playing Torbjorn and soft-throwing in a stream that achieved 30x his normal view count. By the time season 2 came he had lost interest in playing professionally.

Just one of many Ls blizzard issued to themselves in the interest of "protecting their image."

Legion was pretty great, can't really complain about any of the raids and after the Artifact Power grind was removed I didn't have much to complain about at all.
I can see how the RNG legendaries bothered people with a lot of alts, but I've always been a 1-2 character player myself so it was fine.

Because they're idiots who's only understanding of game development is fixing problems they've created. They don't know what to do when they actually do something right.

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>meanwhile you are free to spam niggers in dota 2
God bless Valve

its basically free marketing fucking league has been so popular for years now because they want to be the next faker. now people are all watching the fortnite world cup wanting to be the next tfue or ninja

Modern Blizzard is going to fuck up Classic WoW somehow, aren't they?

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Shareholders and HR, same thing that happens to all of them.

Regurgitating the same "events" that are just skin sale promotions every year while releasing a character once in a blue moon is called having barely any content especially when the company behind the game is so big. OW was launched with a good number of characters but very little of anything else so even main mode map additions just felt like something that should've been done sooner anyways. There have been massive droughts with no changes to look forward to. Each post-launch character besides maybe hamster has only further ruined the games entertainment value because each one is a band-aid to an existing problem they refuse to address properly. We're now 3 years into avoiding the elephant in the room that ultimates and hard CC have no place in competitive shooters. Imagine if zarya grav could still be escaped from instead of being turned into a silence. Imagine not having to deal with stuns, sleeps, knock downs, freezing, invincibility, shields, one shot kills, etc. FFS the last hero they released is a nigger with an invincibility zone and a low quality kit straight from MNC or some other indie shit. Brigitte? Sombra? Moira? Doomfist? Orisa? Hell even Ana ruined the game for some time after her release but her kit is as close to something FPS friendly as post-launch characters have gotten.

Now blizzard releases the workshop which doesn't even let you dump character kits because they know somebody would make a mod that's more fun than what their team can develop.

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1. women
2. jews


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>morale problems
That's the best spin they could come up with?

Not necessarily in that order.

Ovarywatch made me loathe blizzard
Those fags are part of the reason every game in existence needs ultimate abilities nowadays. They're an absolute cancer in every game they're in.

>nina hartley
How is a pornstar a feminist leader?

Maybe you should ask women that question. I don't choose their heroes for them.

"inclusiveness" is a lie. You can never include everyone so you must exclude some people. Right now it's trendy to exclude the hardcore, introverted nerds. Basically the core demographic that is most passionate about the product. Predictably this isn't a smart long-term move.

Artifact worked because it was the skill tree with an endless level up system, legendaries worked too because they had procs that changed how your class played, it was the first time since the old days that your character had progression & the game kinda had good itemisation again

Blizzard forgot how good it feels for you to put a new point in a skill or get an item with a unique effect that is game changing, instead of just a boring stat stick

"Gamers are dead."

A game company founded by wanting to create shit with higher levels of polish then the rest of the industry is now being run by people who just want esports money.

Its kind of obvious

OW was blizzard's first ever fps game and they didn't hire (or even sub-contract) anyone with significant fps dev experience. The game director, Kaplan, is literally a perennial MMO player. Also OW started dev as Titan, an MMO.

They already have.

Honestly I think it's the insufferable cloud that is san francisco progressive culture

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it's the pure case of trying to cater too broadly and ending up catering to no one

All of the Overwatch dev team managers are tank/support players. Jeff is a platinum ranked tank player.
Kind of gives you some insight into why the game is the way it is today.


please take liora's modded tranny abomination off this image

Wait, does that armor really fit that way in game? I may play just for fappy times. Now I wished you could be Paladin Kul Tirans just for slutmogging healie slampigging.

considering they are really implying and refuse to confirm if they are or are not using sharding then yes

>San Fransisco
You mean SoCal, were bottled water is $2 and a laundry room converted into a 1 bedroom apartment with shared bath runs $2000 a month.

Any more pics of that foot goddess?

blizzard should've been making a dota clone if they wanted an esport that the average joe can watch and try to replicate. no wait, they did, but it failed because of terrible timing and the fact that their typical blizzard design infiltrated every layer of design and just made it kind of a boring, uninteresting chore for the most part. there are some glimmers of ingenuity even in heroes of the storm, but it's all buried under layers upon layers of boring shit

a ton of dota players are bored out of their skulls with the game, but just can't leave because there isn't really anything better. the market is fairly ripe for a new dota-styled esport. but they'd have to reinvent the genre while retaining the depth and replayability of original dota.

congratulations on watching a yang interview

The South Park episode involving the Redskins is basically the perfect parallel about Blizzard. They've taken a stance on so many things that they now have to spend countless manhours enforcing them and their image

Unlike say Valve which doesn't take a stance on anything other than cheaters

both fortnite and league were normal games that were raised to "esport" status after time and giant playerbases
Most of those big companies just imagined that shoving money into it imagining that they would have a slice of the pie without realizing that even a lot of well liked games don't get this status...and as the recent kotaku exposee says, even the pie was really smaller than they imagined

if Jeff remained like this i feel like he could actually make OW not a shit game

the armor fits well, it's one of the reasons the races are so human like. Makes armor design way easier.

Also the modding in the game is fucking insane.

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Jokes on them, they got no future there.
Only a few mobile titles succed, especially not b a company that is known for making pc games.
The customer base is too different

this sums it up pretty well. I mean fuck didn't they announce a huge diversity quota push right before things went to shit in WoD and BFA?

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No dude, I mean I want to look at fat fuckpigs.

The entire blizzard team was like this which is why they made WOW.

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I've noticed this trend. Boomers who were hardcore in their youth become total overbearing soccermom pussies now that their older. It's extremely hypocritical.

probably being run by share holders that dont care about video games and only care about the bottom line

>activision is just a p-partner of blizzards!!!!!!!
blizzard literally died the day they got together

So brave.

Being hypocritical is just boomer culture you should respect that

Cross server battlegrounds already confirmed.
Sharding is probably so built into the game engine at this point that the team can't figure out how to shut it the fuck off and just let people play together on 1 server.
You know, like any real community server.

The cycle is real.

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>Complains about limiting encounter sizes
>Do this throughout the entire development of Vanilla
Guess blizzard was retarded back then too

The fact that they don't listen to their fanbase at all?

Case in point, the Diablo Immortal trailer video is over 5 million dislikes and that's WITH a purge they bribed youtube for.

Game """""journalists""""" need an eternal reminder of this massive fuck-up.

huh, link?

lowest settings make it easier to see cloaked units

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More like they understood why it was done and just went with it rather than, you know, expend effort.


Was he actually having a stroke or something?

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All of their properties, activision including, have performed worse than expectations in the last 7 years with the exception of hearthstone. Even overwatch onlyl over performed for the first 4-6 months, and has been underwhelming ever since.

Meanwhile Hi-rez makes merchandise out of "You Rock! Cancel That!"-quick chat spam.


If Blizzard made HOTS a blatant LOL clone, it would have killed LOL eventually & become the no.1 MOBA

Every time Riot fucked up LOL with a shitty patch, people wanted to look for another MOBA, DOTA 2 was too long & boring for them & HOTS was too dumbed down, so they just went back to LOL after a while

league is the WoW of mobas, you think the grass is greener but its really not, dota 2 is just another flavor of shit, its not better or worse than league

Does OW even have any Pro Western players anymore? seems they all got suspended or left

It's a bunch of farmed South Koreans now

Hi-Rez also abandons their games after 2 years to chase the next big meme

i'm glad someone else has noticed this. like, people get super mad in overwatch specifically. it's largely because you feel powerless (6 player teams, counterpicking, bad ability design with stuns/heals/shields, can't carry if someone on your team is fucking up bad enough), and on top of that, the game is first person so you never really know WHY you're losing. maybe the healer behind you is getting dived and that's why he's not healing you, but you'll never know. maybe your tank just can't use his abilities right. in a proper assfaggot game, you'll at least be able to survey the battlefield with ease and identify the reasons why you lose fights (lack of vision, teammate didn't use ultimate, someone got picked off) so you can have some catharsis for your frustration. but in overwatch you're simply kept in the dark and the game just ends in your defeat,

>Take a deep look, n-word

What the fuck, Jeff.

a man of culture

Any news on whether or not their Diablo mobage is still in development after that shitshow? Not like they have a a chance anyway with PoE.
It's good to keep up with how far they've drifted from their core audience.

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I wish there was one decent competitive multiplayer game. Just one.

where is this from?

League was already scuffed DOTA.

Problem is blizzard already alienated its fanbase super fucking hard by the time HOTS came out, and it wasn't until a year before they shitcanned it because their esports push backfired on them that the art team was allowed to actually make good shit for the game like Whitemane

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Probably. Remember that shit was first and foremost for the Chinese audience.

the problem is that everytime, literally every fucking time, blizzard touches a new genre they fuck it up

>pathetic otaku pandering vs woke virtue signaling bullshit
they are both shit, the last good MMO was FFXI, an MMO that actually played like an honest to god video game with real content. MMOs are now just a bunch of dailies and raids meant to addict you to the game and the rest of the game is basically low effort trash or they just straight remove content for no fucking reason at all. Fuck MMOs

having played just about every mobashit in the game, i'd say league is among the worst. it's just all the worst aspects of assfaggots piled into the same game, so you have this dumb snowbally laning game with lackluster abilities where eventually you win or lose one teamfight and the game just ends.

dota 2 is a god damn masterpiece compared to every other assfaggot out there, and i would say it's still only like a 8.5 out of 10 or 9 if we're being generous.

rocket league

Map creation tool
Single player story packs for individual characters to flesh out lore and characters.
Not going full fucking autism with the anti-toxicity shit.
Not being total jews about loot boxes and letting people buy credits straight out, since they're already making enough skins every holiday to justify just buying them and still making an insane profit.

You force people to queue up and put them in a pen with 11 other fags and threaten punishment to them if they try to leave. You can't be too terribly harsh in your language toward your team/opponents or you will be punished. You can't even play certain characters because they are considered "throw picks" by the other big brained people in the match. And this is all in casual mode, which is far from casual because they just want you to move on to their even bigger cancer of a mode known as Ranked. Where you are once again forced to queue up with 11 other retards in a pen and just PRAY that everyone just so happens to feel like playing today.

Fuck matchmaking and FUCK Blizzard.

>having played just about every mobashit in the game

in the world i mean

i need to go to bed

the issue with dota 2 is that its an assfaggots period, its a shitty inherently unbalanced genre, dota 2 has its own problems that make it garbage, its why I don't think its much different from league in the end, I mean icefrog basically fucking killed the game himself

>pathetic otaku pandering
excuse me, which game has bikini armor for the females?

Attached: 1542142285294.jpg (337x389, 48K)

this thread is evidence that their core audience drifted away from them, not the other way around

user, that armor is older than most of the people on this site nowadays.

And even then I doubt it will last long if they don't add "new" expansions or anything because after a while it would simply stagnate

> Oh look

> A shitskin who joined Blizzard right before the company went to shit.

> Who'd guessed? And hey, it's one of those slant-eyed creatures too.


Good post. Blizzard deserves it for pandering to diversity quotas.