What games do subs like?

What games do subs like?

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sauce before 404

u mom

I like RTS and turn based games like C&C or Endless space 2/legends

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Anyone have more webms like this one?

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My bf :)

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I like pokemon

user not gonna lie that's pretty fucking gay

gib sub bf

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we straight guys also like to fap sometimes to some qts

kill yaself

post image set before 404

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russian roulette

I like Splatoon 2

i like to play managers, RPGs, and rogue lites

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I like RPGs, strategy games, FPS, racing games, and platformers. I'm a straight sub in a MDlb scenario though, not a queer.


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anything really

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Boys are gross and their butts smell.

And you guys wonder why everyone is sick of seeing your literal shit on this board.

Fuck you RTS and TBS are fucking based

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but he seems to be a clean boy. shaven, bathed and everything

>3D men

Purge this shitty gay thread

Cute girl.


I love cute boys

that better not be CP.

why? it's nice and I'm also gay as fuck

>that face
Jesus H, no.

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How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way.

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are you blind? those guys are probably older than you

this desu
disgusting greasy fucks


>being a sub
If you're going to be gay at least have some dignity.

MODS???? MODS?!?!??!!! MODS!!!!!

I'm actually fucking tired of gay people on this board.

Fuck off

Meh, I've seen gayer boards

ngl that's pretty hot


What an ugly sack of shit

handsome and true

Invest in some anti-acne meds


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See you next thread :(

Then die, you gay scum

Why is he dumping shit on himself?

I dont know which is faggier between trannies or this.


they're freckles you tard

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This shit right here

that looks like a dead human.

Like you are real mod, hahaha!


faggots begone

your favorite game, of course

tfw gay but only for white boys

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>being this autistic

>MFW Completely straight but have a great butt so my friends joke about me being a trap

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>probably ass acne too

>tfw blacks don't have high suicide rates because they're too busy killing each other instead of themselves

>having persistent freckles that look like a bad case of acne
god could you imagine being a permanent 3/10
>that looks like a dead human.

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looks like another good bump limit thread to me

anime really does turn you gay


I'm bisexual in a relationship with a guy, and honestly, that shit made me fucking puke

hey sup bro
working as usual I see

I'm sure anime didn't made you gay.

dibs on the right one

would be cuter caged desu

>white people

what a fucking pussyass

Homemade is a shit category

>tfw gay but only for bbc

I want to curbstomp every homosexual's skull into the roadside

Nah even dead people look more alive than that faggot

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Whoa mate chill out, if that happens how are you gonna jerk off to the porn itt?

Why can't you just make some shitposting thread about a game? Why've you got to be such a literally gay attention whore? Really do a disservice to normal gay people when you make it out like you're all this desperate and degenerate.

Anyone notice how all these faggot threads stay up for so long.

yeah fag you are the only (you) you are getting

It took me a second

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Why the fuck are you faggots so insufferable with your "sub and dom" """""culture"""""? Holy shit, just fuck off and die.

a blessing, isn't it?