games that are pure gameplay and not interactive movies like Metal Gear Solid 4
Games that are pure gameplay and not interactive movies like Metal Gear Solid 4
Possible new dlc during e3 week?
Pretty cool.
hey Randy
mgs4 has unironically way better gameplay and multiplayer than bordershits
Bit unprecedented to get dlc 7 years after a game released?
>pure gameplay
The starting intro proves you're full of shit
>all those cutscenes where you can't skip (ie. Roland dying, character intros, etc.)
>locked into mandatory unskippable dialogue even in TVHM and beyond
multiplayer games
singleplayer games with no cutscenes to two hours of cutscenes at most
Randy please I like Borderlands and all but this is a bit excessive
If I have to see that frozen shithole or hear that little faggot one more time in that scene I'm going to puke
t. nearly 500 hours of BL2 and 1 of each VH
It's just another costume pack
if you really think that you must have been fucked in the ass by hdieo kojima real fucking good
Gearbox wants to start taking what is laughably called their Borderlands lore seriously.
It's to link 2 to 3 or some shit.
>bothered wasting time with Tales of the Borderlands
>can't even decide if New-U stations are canon or not
Gearbox is a joke for letting Borderlands take itself seriously.
And presumably to also account for all the plot-holes TPS and Tales left them with.
shit's unbalanced as fuck solo
like what? never played them
wow.... woah... the epic #l00t... do you think.... could it be..... HAVE THEY FINALLY LOCKED DOWN THE RIGHTS FOR A PICKLE RICK CAMEO IN BORDERLANDS 3!!! WUBALUBADUBA UPBOATED, we just WON the internet
>shitting on the MGS with objectively best gameplay
rip MGO
There's way too much downtime in BL2, constantly waiting for characters to finish moving and talking, while you're waiting there, standing still
Gets very annoying on subsequent playthroughs
Borderlands is 80% wasting time moving from point A to point B and waiting for a 30 second long dialog cutscene to end before the gate opens though?
And the actual 20% of gameplay lacks enemies, you finish most areas off way too quickly especially in co-op compared to the time you waste not shooting shit.
I don't replay games. I just play once and move on to next game or go months without playing anything until the next game.
never understood the appeal. i know your character build starts to come together and the loots gets good on your later playthroughs but i honestly cannot be assed to start another play through immediately after finishing my normal playthrough. all that dialogue and cut scenes. nope.
>being forced to complete those bitch ass sidequests every new playthrough because i need cash/xp/guns that don't suck ass