
ishgard... home...

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Other urls found in this thread:


What do they eat?

Dragons, mother fucker.

Dragon puss you mean.

Bros, we're finally going back home to Ishgard in Shadowbringers. I can't wait.


Or at least it would be, if Yoshi didn't fuck everything up

Snow and rocks


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I want to go back to the story just being Alphinaud, Tataru, and the WoL just doing their thing.


I thought Estinien and Ysayle were great members of the group.

Remember when Ishgard wasn't covered in an endless winter?

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>Writter behind DRK questline is the lead writter for ShB
>Alisae has death flags all over her
>Twintania looks dangerously similar to Alisae
Alphinaud and WoL suffering arc rerun is coming soon.

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wait for the new world expac

They don't have the balls

Meant to type Titania, fuck

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>killing trusts
i don't think so

>Twintania looks dangerously similar to Alisae
user did you lose your elf in coil and take a dragon without knowing it

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I'm ready to suffer

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Why do western players care so much about meta comps?

>tfw every healer at 70
>never healed anything harder than level 60 content
what word would you use to describe me

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Uhhh bros something's wrong with my Alisaie.

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how did you level them to 70

stop pushing this retarded meme

She just hit her growth spurt that's all

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>killing Alisaie
lol no fucking way

Certainly not based or redpilled

It's the culture mostly.

MSQ roulette and alliance roulette. nothing else

not him but:
・beast tribes quests
・trial/msq/alliance roulette
This is what a friend did to level his tanks/healers because he's too nervous his ping would get himself killed/kill everyone

>Yoshi-P will never let us make cute twins sized Elezen
It hurts

Take the Elezenpill

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I wouldn't be surprised if they kill her for the impact and then revive her immediately because people would unsub.

Average. Most people level everything to 70.

Not with those necks and animations I will. They feel way to stiff.

I don't believe this at all.

They wouldn't dare. They cram Y'shtola into everything and keep stopping just short of killing her no matter what happens, they wouldn't have the audacity to kill off the only Scion actually worth a damn.

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I would say average people just level one of each role really.

That's nice. You go ahead believing it's some rare accomplishment.

Level 77 dungeon is but a month away.

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>It hurts
What really hurts is that there will never be a romance system for NPCs and I'll never romance both twins at the same time.

>Most people level everything to 70.
You are way fucking off base here, autist. It's not remotely normal to have more than 2-3 jobs at 70. Only ultra autists do this. You're only conditioned to think it's normal because you spend time here with other autists

You aren't special my dude lots of people do

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>to kill off the only female Scion actually worth a damn.

It's not special but "most" people don't do this.

>Best male Scion isn't actually a Scion
>Best female Scion isn't actually a Scion
>Most competent Scion isn't actually a Scion
Really makes you ponder.

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I almost want to change to elezen male so I can make elf babies with Alisaie

Would you?

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based fellow knife ear

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How are Thancred and Urianger not Scions?

>showering for the first time since 9am yesterday
holy fuck I feel disgusting for playing all day. how do you fags go so long without showering without feeling shame? when's the last time you showered?

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are you referring to the twins and WoL?

I'll return to the waking sands every night for dat ass.

>not wanting to commit the greatest taboo in Eorzea with her
Half breeds like Hilda are cuter anyway

God Foundation is a beautiful city but its so fucking spread out making it incredibly empty. They learned from that Lesson with kugane but then decided to split endgame with two hubs which was stupid. Should of just put most that shit in Kugane. Fuck Ala Mhiggo that place was a shit hole. Was basically like the nigger version of Ul Dah.

>Pure Sharlayan elezen meets dirty Duskwights in Gridania for the first time

Lore-wise half breeds aren't that hard to make, and in fact the taboo against cross-breeding is so strong BECAUSE it will often result in children. Hilda is the obvious example but there's also details on this in Sui-no-Sato sidequests and that one Ishgard chain about the nobleman's affair.

the last time XIV was good
fuck stormblood, and shadowbringers is looking grim af

ishgard had god tier music too that was badass in the day and comfy af in the night

Killing off either of the twins would probably cause people to actually quit the game, which I imagine they would want to avoid no matter how impactful it would be in the story.

Is it worth augmenting Lost Allagan Gear (iLv330 —> iLv340)?
Or should I skip that and start spamming Lv70 dungeons for Mendacity iLv360 gear?

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t. SCH main


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>not committing taboos with her to make cute hilda children
why the fuck is crossbreeding so taboo in eroeza anyways?

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What does this has to do with ff14 you disgusting degenerate. Take two showers a day.

Longer than I should have, depression does that, sense of hygiene is often one of the first things to go.

1 on like 250 or 300 does not count as "most".

Play Classic WoW.

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I shower every night so I can go to bed feeling clean, but the longest I've gone without bathing is 11 days. I was real busy, only sleeping for a few hours every couple of days. Felt like filth incarnate.

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Just buy the 380 gear.

Does anyone know the max ping you can have and still reliably double-weave with 2.3s GCD?

You should either be getting Genesis for 390 or buying crafted HQ 380 gear. Because both mendacity and creation is useless at this point.

How do I find a good static bros?
What are some red flags when looking at recruitment posts?

Which one of the content creator Youtube dudes made the best videos?

If you don't want it for glam, then skip augmentation.

No, and stop posting this soulless trash elemental in these threads

just do normal dungeons, DF omega, 24mans and buy shit at the market board if you have cash

>which I imagine they would want to avoid

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LGBTQ friendly, thats pretty much it, faggots ruin this game.

>forgetting Hoary and Coultenet
Here's hoping we see more of that dream team in Shadowniggers.

unironically mrhappy

>1 on like 250 or 300
lmao, tell me more "goddess of magic"

I haven't showered since my mom's birthday on april 9 so I could go out to dinner with my parents

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For the Shadowbringers media tour I mean.

So that Yoshi doesn't have to make mixed race models. It's not -that- taboo anyway, there's a male-miqo'te/female-lalafell couple in the CUL questline.

who else still sticking with DRK no matter what?

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Because they are based and redpilled.

>Why is creating disease ridden abominations incapable of having their own offspring so taboo?
Shit dude, I do wonder.

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>not teaching her the joys of hyur dick
/pol/ as usual can't see the forest for the trees.

Youtubers are shit.

You can easily have a day of spamming dungeons and still shower, it takes like 10 minutes to shower my nigga do you take 30 minutes or some shit?

It shall always be my tank class.

Are there any PC Shadowbringers sales yet?

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I don't know man, I need my shower when I wake up because I feel disgusting otherwise.

>Hey bro let me borrow some Scions for the raid story real quick, I think Alphinaud and Alisaie would be perfect

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can someone post the image of yoshi P's reaction to that tranny asking for crossbreeding

Is there a sidequest I missed that will let me go see Laurentius and Yuyuhase in jail, or did they get arrested, imprisoned, and executed off screen after the cutscenes made such a big deal about them following WoL around? I want to laugh at them.

a) buy 380 gear
b) do math, get materials, and find a crafter to do it for you for a cheaper price
c) befriend a crafter and hope they will give you a neat discount
d) if you are in my DC i can give you a free set

GMG has always had it by now before, I think S-E is specifically acting to prevent it.

only if GNB doesn't suck me in


Raubahn brings up that they were captured and suggests they should be executed

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Yeah, but he would make them fuck. For that matter I bet you he'll take an interest in Livia for that matter because of her foster-father-and-lover relationship to Gaius and he's just recently played through ARR.

Taro would only want the girls with the biggest ass and titties

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>Alisaie becomes clinically vegetative once again, and Alphinaud is forced to turn tricks to keep her sheltered

>that tranny asking for crossbreeding

I think the person asked something like "Will we see more mixed race characters", referring to NPCs but likely implying playable, but she didn't even get the whole question out before Yoshi recoiled. He didn't even need to hear the translation to know what was being asked.

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Yeah I know, thats why I want to know where they are.

>do you take 30 minutes or some shit
hahaha who the hell would take a shower so long
people have to stop wasting water y'know haha

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Why are male miqo'te either weird annoying normalfags/youtubers or lonely, desperate and creepy gay guys? I swear to god. Always the mentor crown too. The last one was nice and helped me with a trial but he wanted to see my glamours in a way that reminded me of purple aki. So many smileys and shit too. Please stop.

Are there any good xiv streamers?

It's my favourite of the three tanks right now and I'm gonna run the MSQ with it, but I also want to try out GNB. I only got PLD to 70 because of the aesthetic, and WAR is still sat at 61 because I just don't like it.

There are no good streamers.

If you want it for glamor just wait for 5.0. You'll be able to buy the armor for half off what it costs currently and the items to augment it with poetics. If you need ilevel for MSQ get i360 gear instead.

Not any non-Japanese ones, no.

during the NA fanfet some tranny one that sat infront of my by a row actually walked up and asked Yoshi P about the lore behind half breeds and if we'd see any more NPC's like that or further implementation of them. And he responded accordingly

mr happy

Mrhappy1227 is good

Not a single one.

japanese ones. scottzone is ultra normalfag, wowfugee and keeps going with the annoying twitch "memes" but probably the best I've seen from both NA and EU.

Icecrown lookin good


Scottzone is by far the best

>saved my healer in frontlines from an lb with cover and hallowed ground

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He has a lot of energy which is nice to watch. Sometimes you wan to get excited even if it feel a bit forced.

I like larryzaur

Viera are pretty good. Wish they had more hairstyles and Ear shapes though.

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Regardless of what you think of scottzone, it's pretty funny looking at his youtube video upload histoy.

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Don't you have a raid group to carry you through the content while you jerk off to get to?

I want to like it but they ruined everything

>can't change hairstyles because there's only one fitting my character
I fucking hate this.

cutest pony hair color

I hate that their ear tips are tied to hair highlight color. Especially since the hair I want to use has a shitload of highlight channels and I wanted black ear tips.

>Actually doing the raids and trials at minimum ilvl
Nice, that's pretty cool.

PEAK savage orcboi warrior! WEEB BAD BROKEN BACK GOOD
Which in itself is a sad thing but, he enjoys himself and is (for a wowfugee normalfag) likable enough which is more than the other NA/EU streamers for xiv can say.

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It is still funny that people make a living being Youtube clowns for children, you're right.

Dude, its like a year after the expansion. All of my land and hand are 70, all tanks 70 all casters 70 2 healers 70 1 nin at 70 and everything else is at 60+,and im a fucking casual barely able to do raids. What the fuck were you doing for the whole time?

iktf, hime forever the best

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What did Yoshi mean by this?

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>T12 min-ilevel
How many bennus did he get?

Most people play one or two jobs at max level. Most people unsub for several months in a row, coming back to do patch content. Autists leveling every single job in the game aren't most people that play.


He meant that's where Rowena will be for trade-ins. Because god forbid we change anything about the formula.

but that's the city, we still haven't seen the outpost

>killing a Trust System character
She's got plot armor now even harder than before.

I dunno, sure not most but when I do dungeons I swear like...20% at least of the people I group with have 10+ jobs at 70. Maybe it's because everyone else has quit to wait for the expansion.

If I remember correctly, min-ilvl was 5 bennu. I don't think the bennu phase is doable with 6, especially not with min-ilvl healing.

Prob a story spoiler so they changed it.

Thats an Allagan node on the 1st.

It’s not that different from the split between Foundation and Idyllshire. Only difference is the absurd teleport costs going to Othard and back.

I think they said somewhere that they couldn't get NA keys from SE but they got EU ones which is strange

I used fantasia after I played a character with 1 hairstyle for about 2 years because it looked retarded with any other hair.
Being generic cat girl makes life so much easier than trying to be "special".

Yeah, but the original post said most, which definitely isn't correct. I think you're right that you're seeing more people with multiple jobs leveled up right now because these are the people that play even when there isn't really anything new going on.

>wanted a hime cut for ages
>they finally added the curved one with the parted back
>just couldn't get used to it

It's funny how the hairstyle.you might originally just decide to settle for ends up growing on you. I still wish they would make the au ra hime cut available for elezen

>play a few months ago, active community
>come back for the free 7 days
>no one talking, FC is dead

what the fuck man

/ourinfluencer/ MrHappy

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Nothing says honorable warrior like a broken back. A true japanese SAVAGE legend folded himself over a thousand times to become his own sharpest katana. While I think the hunchback thing is silly Hrothgarr are otherwise surprisingly good looking. Didn't expect it at all.

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Is he going to drop the game now that his static left him?

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The current "event" is "do these old dungeons and raids 90+ times to get some earrings." It's not exactly drawing people back in before the expansion.

that new legoman pic of her is fucking amazing

>don't want to actually go into raids or dungeons
>want to play DRG
what the fuck do i do until shb

If they actually looked like that I would

Statics change members and break up all the time user, most people have been in several.

are there any trannies that play male characters?

Play dragoon

most people aren't 9th greylet who get carried for streaming

mods bro


This is purely anecdotal, so dont quote me on it, but aside from complete leafs, most 60+ dungeons i run in my roulette have people with at least 3 to 4 lvl 70 and is either grinding other classes or for tomes. Most of my FC's active memebers have at least 5 lvl 70s and all hand and land 70, so they can tune in for raids and eng game content with any slot they want.
Probably because im on a jap server that has such an effect, dunno.

Reminder that Ishgard is gonna get Black Rose'd. Edmont will die. His sons and Aymeric won't because they'll be on the front lines of the war

that's cultural appropriation

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I'm pretty sure you'll recruit her after Titania.

I dunno if she'll survive the entire expansion, but yeah, she won't die at titania.
Yoshi P already said that it's not like you are going to be collecting trusts like in XI. Each dungeon will only have characters who are narratively available for them. It's likely that Alisaie will live for a while, but being a trust is not plot armor necessarily.

That's far more believable than most players having every job at 70.

I only shower once a week now. I shower the day before my parents come back from their jobs in the city so they don't think I'm too depressed.

Just saw that. I don't care about >fashion earrings but holy fuck its retarded that they want me to run these stupid ARR endgame dungeons AGAIN. Starting to remember why I didn't bother renewing my sub a few months ago.

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Most people definitely don't "unsub for several months in a row" or you'd see massive dips between patches in the census data. The amount of people who drop the game between patches is maybe like 10-20% of the playerbase.

Raidloggers have this really bizarre mentality where they are utterly convinced that everyone plays MMOs to raidlog, that only a minority of people care about anything except raidlogging, and that you can gauge the health of an MMO based on how happy the raidloggers are. When in reality they are almost always a fucking tiny proportion of the playerbase, typically under 10%, and progression raiding basically only still exists at all just to temporarily placate them.

This map is fucking huge.

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I don't know if they would or not since even if she got the primal treatment she has little to no reason to fight us. I remember seeing somebody here say that primals were in control of Tsukuyomi and Thordan, with Shiva and Shinryu piloted by Ysayle and Zenos immune because of the Echo, but Yotsuyu and Thordan seemed pretty in control of themselves to me.

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Mine didnt. Started off with the short hairstyle with the clips, then the fuzzy pony tails with bangs. Now it either long straight hair with no bangs or long pony tail.
But i know what you mean. I think its because this late into the game, people have already "created" the characteristics of the WoL in their head, as in how WoL reacts to situations and stuff. Hair styles that are radically different can change the image that people got, and woukd in the end return back or pick a very similar hairstyle.
based elezen bro

what is that supposed to be? hinterlands?

>three aetherytes

Il Mheg

bros still 27 days away aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Shitty stormblood didn't fucking stop me, Shadowbringers won't either

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Not what i'm asking

Il Mheg is Mor Dhona, right?

This recycling is getting out of hand

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If they're FtM they play males.
MtF play females and also near-exclusively are attracted to females lol

You do see large dips of players between patches. Some stay for a few patches in a row, some for just a single one. Most definitely don't grind every job in the game to max level. I'm not a "raidlogger" so I don't know what you're getting at with your second paragraph.

>When you have to explain to someone that their 110 potency aoe is more damage when there's 3 or more monsters than their basic combo
>And they actually do it, notice the difference and brightly thank you for the advice
Sometimes, the mentor roulette isn't so bad.

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Nope, definitely new map.

Yotsuyu is actually the only outlier, Thordan went from "I want to end the Thousand Year War" to "I will conquer the world and destroy all that oppose me" the second he turned into a primal, though you could reach a bit and claim that Tsukuyomi perfectly aligned with her personality, thus little change was visible.
Regardless of that, primals destroy the world around them merely by existing, that's why our primary job as WoL is to kill primals wherever they appear.

>Q: In the end, Greased Lightning IV wasn't added in Stormblood.
>Yoshida: We did test it, of course... and when we tried bringing up the skill speed as much as we could, we found that it was too fast for MNK's current system and basically unplayable. At the time, we were confident in how complete MNK was at a job, so we went the route of burst damage at the cost of speed, and made it so that there wouldn't be any extreme variance in how it's played. However, it turned out that that wasn't fun for the players who enjoyed MNK.
>Q: That's the impression you got from Stormblood, then.
>Yoshida: When you're comfortable with the fast speed, then it feels stressful to have to slow down, no matter how much of a DPS increase it is. Even if we do something with the players in mind, if they don't enjoy it, then it's the wrong choice.
I swear the media tour build had better have been super outdated and Riddle of Fire is in fact getting changed.

Eula is FtM while Sadu is MtF

dumb question but does weapon damage do anything for casters? should i focus on using my tomes for weapons first? or get other pieces like chest/legs

>shitty stormblood
The msq was subpar, but wtf are you talking about. DRK 60-70 was pure kino

Always get the weapon first

I don't think Thordan was supposed to be such a big change, the implication is that he dropped the facade of having benevolent motivations.

weapon is always the most important

Weapon damage is always the most important.

No matter the class always get weapons first.

WoL is a special primal made to kill primals

Didn't Thordan have the echo or am I misremembering?

I meant the changes to the job didn't make me stop playing it. And yes, drk 60-70 was pure kino.

>when you tell a BLM they can stop using transpose because they're level 40 now
>their rotation notably improves

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>ffxiv works with old fashioned small numbers so you always think that +5 attack difference from a weapon to another is small when it is actually very big
gook mmos broke me, i miss dealing billions damage per second

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Thordan didn't have the Echo. Was also vague on when exactly he summoned a primal into himself, and might have done so well before Heavensward even began since he's been in contact with Ascians for some time.

>spend ten minutes trying to find lolite
>it's actually Iolite
fucking san serif fonts

Remember to belly dance for your ninja chad.

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Does dragoon get fun at 70? I'm 61 right now and it feels like it's missing something important

>jap server
>had to mentor 2 leafs with 0 knowledge in English
>other veteren jap aint helping
>google translate the whole dungeon with ingame quotes
>last translation was "Thank you" in jap from them
Im not supposed to feel this warm

Titania is a primal though.

Why do people flat out ignore all the problems with HW? From the disaster that was the delay of 4.1 to content such as Diadem and sub par patch content. Every argument people try to make HW out to be the most perfect thing in the world that had absolutely zero issues.

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I'm basically stuck with pic related because the rest just don't work at all. The only ones that might kind of slightly work are Artoirel's and Emmanellain's hairstyles.

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I actually kinda prefer the almost in-comparison Paper Mario small numbers, it makes dealing ten to a hundred more damage a lot more impactful.

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>wtf it's loli lite

Lolite is found only in the pure ranges of the cunny mountains.

HW... is Home

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Whats the quickest way to level up from 60 to 61 as a tank so I can resume spamming the highest level dungeon?

Cute... lala...

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I can't wait to get a cute DNC waifu who picks me as her partner even though I play tanks because she's too stupid to run dungeons alone.

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Because the game was playable
20 ping and gcds dot

No he means what area is that supposed to be in relation to the Source

59 Gubal Library should still give you good exp.

>ran orbonne once has a SMN cuz my friend hasn't done it before
>get a BLM in the group
>watching them I realize they still use tranpose to switch
>they spam blizzard 4 in ice phase for a bit
>baby steps just say "hey you can use fire 3 and blizzad 3 to switch almost instantly at this point and you'll keep all your stacks"
>a couple people just kinda agree
>like 30 seconds later the BLM just replies
>"Nah i'm fine"
like nigga what?

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Rose-tinted glasses. People can't go back and play it anymore, so all they have is their memories where all the bad stuff is easily forgotten. It's the same reason you see people saying 1.0 was great even though it was a fucking disaster.

This is true if you think about it. We are literally powered by the 8 major crystals that we collected early on, and for nearly the whole game, we go defeat primals without thinking much about why they were there in the first place.

Hunts, beast tribes, roulettes.

the fun is in the aesthetics. The gameplay sucks, its the inverse for mnk.

Geirskogul upgrades into Nastrond at 70. You're pretty "complete" as is but Wheeling Thrust will start to chain into Fang & Claw (and vice-versa) with a trait, you'll get another party buff, and you'll get an AoE chain attack after Doom Spike. More buttons to push and some buttons will upgrade themselves.

It had loads of issues but the best MSQ and the best individual job gameplay that the game has seen so far.
Also it had an amazing three raid tiers that weren't just asset recycling and fanservice for two years. HW vs SB is literally the soul vs soulless meme.

Are those cardboard boxes?

Most are Stormblood secondaries that got to play it without waiting for patches, which made it a better package overall.

Is it better than the other lvl 60 dungeons?

3.3 made everyone forget how awful the content draught was between 3.0 and 3.2

Il Mheg is Coerthas
Lakeland is Mor Dhona
Rak'tika is the Shroud
Amh Araeng is Thanalan
Kholusia is La Noscea
Eulmore is Limsa

Yes, I haven't had a haircut since 2013 so it takes a while. 28, male if you're wondering. not a tranny just don't want to have awkward conversations with a barber

I take a 30 minute long shower every night before bed.
The first ten minutes are spent thoroughly cleaning my body.
The next 20 minutes are spend curled up in a ball on the shower floor wishing I was dead until the water goes cold.

what? is that the summer event stall

>returned after a year break
>finally dyeable void ark gear

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Will Tataru get a new cute outfit?

Why are you on JP server whilst not knowing the language?

commit seppuku

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Probably Australian

Cuz for all of it's flaws the MSQ was at it's best point, and had great bridge quests. Stormbloods MSQ was subpar outside of Shinryu and Susanoo and so were the bridge quests.


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>Alisae finishes her grandfather's work and is urged by him to find her own way which she eventually does only do die on some other shard away from home
There's no way the DRK writer would write something this shit

level 60 cap dungeons give fuckall for exp on their mobs kills. They only have exp as a formality. But it also depends on how much rested exp you have left. If you haven't done so already, doing your leveling, trial and alliance raid roulette should give you level's worth of EXP.

This is actually incorrect. Middy turned the blessing of light and the 6 crystals off to test WoL and in that time WoL only grew stronger.
The only thing Blessing of Light was useful for was a one time shield against Ultima and we already used that up.

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There was more asset recycling in Alex than omega, what are you smoking?

>Love being an Elezen
>Still bothered by the neck
>Still bothered by the stiff animations
>Always tempted to fantasia just so I'll quit thinking about it
I'd probably regret it for a little while, but at least I wouldn't be in a constant state of nitpicking their design flaws.

She better that is like one of the most important things. She is my waifu

Nope, he summoned it after going to Azys La to get the other eye of the dragon buried in the tomb. After getting both eyes and use the as an energy source, he became/summoned the primal onto himself. Other transformations pf the knights are just mini summons, thordan himself only stayed primalform for the duration of WoL kicking his ass.

>Dyable weeping city gear in 5.0

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This, if the twins are going to die, they'll die together at the very end of the story to enable the WoL to finish off Zodiark or something.


Alphinaud should have been a Blue mage since his sister is a red mage.

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Is Estinien the coolest character in FF14?

Nah, I suspect only one of them will die.
And I admit I kinda like the idea of Elidibus being a time displaced Alphinaud

Being anything besides an Elezen would feel wrong after so long, and besides, I love the sprint animation.

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Would've been within his character to pick up a discipline that was extremely obscure and potentially useless but potentially godly desu

He wouldn't be able to get out of the level 50 zones.

Almost correct. Came from jungle land, and the most reliable server there are nips'.

He's one sustained Kain reference and Kain always steals the show no matter where he shows up.

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Pretty sure she won't since I suspect she won't be that relevant since she can't come to the First

I swear Kain is the only reason people like FF4 good reason cuz he's one of the best FF characters.

Paladin or Samurai

Just embrace the neck, user. Be the giraffe.

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the new whm spells for lillies should all be off the gcd change my mind

>Dabs on EledibuZenos and saves your life while the retarded cat boy is spamming your AOL account
He's up there.

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I prefer Cecil but highly like Kain, too.

t. Kirito Uchiha''

Holy fucking shit the official forums of this game are cancer

Cute bulge

How many expansions until dragoons go get Tiamets eyes for a power up?

>SCH is suddenly a better WHM than WHM
>WHM is suddenly a better SCH than SCH

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Kain without the NTR

this female rathalos armor is pretty nice dope to be able to use it from level 1 as well

>modding a bulge
same, not gay btw

Why would that ever happen?

post your ultimate clear faggot

>le neck
Wear appropriate glam and it won't be an issue anymore.

Eh, at the very least it forces you to use your GCDs on healing more often I guess.

I need get back to 4 some time. I got the DS version after finishing 3 and dropped it at the moon because it was kicking my ass

at this point i'm pretty good at using 1, and I think I can go up to 2. long as I keep the rest of their body away from it

The dragoon endgame is going full dragon. That's why they got nidhoggs jump. Next is giant dragon wings


>middy goes to sleep to help us
>omega finally achived strength that living beings have, but learned that it cant go home.
The last 4 trials broke my heart a bit.

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I think the fact that I have to cover it up means it's still an issue, my friend.

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the blessing of light is the power the player character gains by heeding the guidance of the light, ie the player

Is a 400 ilvl item with shit stats better than a 390 ilvl item with good stats?

I'm partial to Gaius myself.

I'm not online
I only cleared uwu
Carry me in ucob user san, Ive never even attempted it and static doesn't want to do it

>going to continue playing Samurai into ShB
>the only decent looking, good personality girl in our group is playing Dancer because she doesn't like the change to Dark Knight
>says she's going to attach to me in raids
>our resident autistic Monk starts making jokes about her having to be attached to him instead
>she goes ''no thanks''
>he ''pretends'' to be offended, makes jokes about how totally offended he is, etc
>think nothing of it
>find out today that he's been crying in private because he is sticking to Monk SPECIFICALLY so he can have the girl focus on him
I hate MMO players.

Cecil is fucking great but my problem is his arc is done like 30% into the game. And for the rest of it he's the same Cecil unless Kain is on screen. Kain is great right though till the end.

Theoretically, since the ilvl400 weapon will have a higher main-stat. Practically, use whatever you feel like because it's gonna be defunct within the month.

I REALLY want the drg/tank armor dyeable.

honestly just get 400ilvl shit, the expac is a month away shit wont matter during leveling when you replace all of it by the 3rd dungeon

MNK is the class he picks to get his dick wet? user your static mate has a lot of problems and should prob off himself, but there's a fundamental problem in his logic.

What a faggot. Hope she picks the tank over him.

Almost always, yes. The only real exception is pentamelded crafted accessories and even then that's only really for tanks.

There are specific instances where the 390 Eureka gear is BiS, and pentamelded gear can sometimes beat 400. But as a general rule, 400 beats 390 every time.

MNK will be one of (if not the) fastest attackers courtesy of GL4 and therefore the one the DNC is likeliest to pick for their own gauge-buildup

>next dragoon questline: trying to surpress yourself from becoming a dragon
I would totally play that

>the chad SAM vs the virgin MNK
Weird, this is a pattern that happened in my static. We dropped a top-tier monk for a just pretty-good samurai because of how autistic the monk was about getting fed balance cards and dragoon tethers. monk players have issues 100%

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dancer shouldn't be 'attaching' to any one player in particular anyways.A smart dancer will be lining up her choice of dance partner with the each DPS's biggest hits.

Ok bros. Redpill me on Shadowbringers. I've already pre ordered but I doubt the game will keep me interested when Classic comes out.

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>Tataru changes her job to sch at the start of the expansion
>Entire arc about her teaching Alphinaud how to summon a fairy but he constantly fails

I'm already an Elezen male, I lucked into having sex for the sole purpose of procreation with my beloved Alisaie, and our children aren't disgusting half-breeds.

I just want it to be fun
It's hard to try and stick with DRK's 6/10 better-than-it-was-I-guess status when WAR and PLD are looking like 9/10 jobs

Why would you crit buff the sam
buff the nin during bunshin or monk during perfect balance
Dumb women

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FFXI is better.

Bastok Markets... Home...


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I could poke you in the chest with a sharpened twig and you'd bleed out, nice "armor"

>glamour looks good from the back
>looks plain from the front
fuck bros

hey, there's chain under that tabard buddy.
>boomer mmos
It'd dead grandpa, let it stay that way.

>Alisaie: "When me and Alphinaud were kids, I was always the victor in our 1 on 1 fights. He could never square up to become a man when he loses to a girl like me."

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You'll likely be done with the story by the time Classic comes out, thus you'll be able to dedicate yourself to Classic again until you get bored of that. Classic and Shadowbringers couldn't be spaced out more perfectly for people who play both.

>Why would you crit buff the sam
1200 + 1200 + 1250

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Probably because he already is a fairy.

see for yourself when Classic leaves you feeling empty and you come back to ShB

MNK has a lot to recover after those 2 disastrous expacs. I pray for your sucess, faggot-kun
Next time, if you want to get a bitch, get PLD. Heal sluts love that shit.

So was Shiva? Pixies pull an epic prank by forcing Primalisaie is possible

Are you coming in from SB or ARR?

Because there's no way you are reaching ShB from the beginning of ARR before ShB comes out unless you just no life it for the next month.

>she if she could summon a fairy it wouldn’t just run away from her like her Carbuncle

I guess
I'll miss the shinten spam, won't be the same without haga.

Is Yugiri a Trust?

FFXIV expansions are only fun for the first month and optionally the last month

Swimming won't be used for anything except fishing right? They wouldn't make another awful water zone right?

>Why would you buff the one that does more damage at all times?
I wonder.

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I don't play it anymore zoomer FFXIV scum, but FFXI is far from dead and will always be the superior game with a superior soundtrack, atmosphere, job system, gear system and story. I think I can say that considering I've spent thousands of hours in both games, and FFXIV's gear system is pitiful in comparison to a game much older than it.

what's his endgame

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How would she get to the first to be a trust?

There's underwater areas in Il Mheg as seen in the benchmark trailer. But yes it's not likely to be used for anything except gathering and picking up items for quests.

why do ARR zones have so much more soul compared to the expansion zones?

No, but Lyse is, and when you beat the dungeon the camera during the fanfare is focused on Lyse in the center with WoL in the background.

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I hope it burns to the ground. Worst city by miles, even worse than Kugane.


That double midair will be a fucking pain in the ass for both SAM and probably GBK, since SAM will be eating aggro for breakfast, and the leaf GBK will be totally confused

Buffing the highest dps at all time is a no brain thing to do.

Not likely in ShB, at least pre-patches, since she can't reach the First.

Fat stacks, nigga

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Same way everyone else is, through the Crystal Tower.

>bosses get title cards now

t. faggot who idles in Limsa

She'll sneak by the dimensional barrier.

>superior soundtrack
>superior atmosphere
some zones yes, some no. Overall wrong
>job system
lol no boomer
absolutely not

Some people actually like a simple gear system so you can focus on the content instead of doing shitty gook-style grinding

Aren't tanks supposed to just shit aggro with the tank stances now?

because they are packed with landmarks and lore despite being tiny

*turns on tank stance*
wow that was hard

now if only they get better battle transitions. the screen cracking in thordan was cool, they should reuse that.

Anyone else kinda bummed we still have to hang out with the same group of boring scions who do jack shit? And they still wonder why people like the villains more

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Are you ready to go to the first and find out that Rowena and Tataru managed to beat you there?

Shadownigger story seems kinda filler. Hey go to First and do stuff.

Atleast it shouldn't have any Allagan shit.

should i be saving 1k seals for the xpac launch?

>>job system
>lol no boomer
Of all the things to disagree on.

But GNB has the most ogcd of all the tanks, so it will still have a good aggro

I've seen a handful of trannies playing males, specially maleras

Yes, I'd much prefer a new cast with each expac like how XI was with old friends popping up now and then

They'll probably make it so only a single ranged attack (they still have "Increased Enmity" effect) is enough aggro for the entire fight.
I will miss ripping aggro off tanks and killing raids with cleaves.
That was the best part of BLM.

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>This meme again
Every HW zone looked better than ARR zones.
Even Azys Lla

Someone please convince me not to buy the nezha lady set

people who can't wrap their head around gcd uptime and ogcd weaving are not going to be able to hold threat off of apex dps players i suspect

So it's still a shitty, gook-tier grind, just with bad rewards?

The new loot system is a bad idea t b h

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>Atleast it shouldn't have any Allagan shit.

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Have they said that we're getting another six zones this expansion? Assuming Eulmore is the new Idyllshire/Rhalgr's Reach, they've only shown five so far. Where do you think the sixth will be?

>Alisae has deathflags
Such as?
didn't finish the story yet

What new system?

>Until our friend returns, I will hold the line.
Why is she a Trust when the trailer implies she is staying behind?

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Dont diss the dancing snowman in our LImsa. He's an idol by now.
for contex, in our server, theres a Roe shirtless with shorts and a snowman head that woukd dance infront of the crystal for an enternity. He is always there, afk, at all times, long before i started the game 2 years ago and up till now.

There are plenty of classic pservers, people are going to hop into the fad and realize it was nothing but a meaningless nostalgia shot
You can literally try it right now by yourself and see how it is going to be minus the massive population during the first weeks
ShB is an actual new expansion of an actual ongoing game, I shouldn't be needing to explain more than this

>27 days

I don't want to play Stormblood anymore I'm so done with this dumb Mhigger bullshit. Anyone else jusy not wanting to play anymore till the new stuff gets here?

>Most people level everything to 70

Only neet autists do this

>Atleast it shouldn't have any Allagan shit.

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>watching the shadowbringers trailer everyday at least once
its kino way better than stormbloods

>Lyse gets a free LB3 when the boss is at 10% HP

I don't care for Shinten itself but I'm deeply annoyed that Hagakure is being removed without anything to replace it for complexity. (Yes, inb4 >sam complex lol)

She's not talking about us. She's talking about Yshtolas soul

Imagine the smell.

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Looks like Alphinaud still uses carbuncles even as a scholar

Shouldn't he be Nero though? Gunblades are almost as retarded as Red Queen

we get her mid to late game as usual

The moon is the coolest part of the game. Lots of secrets, lots of special bosses ready to rape you guarding the strongest gear, and more.

Unless they add a raid announcement function sort of like DBM but it talks about when and what your party is doing instead, you can pretty much count on the fact that most DNCs are going to pay about as much attention to anything going on with other people as WHMs did to pacification during 2.x. They'll pick whichever melee DPS has the highest HP hoping that means high iLvl from the start and stay glued to them. Failing any melee DPS it'll go on the main tank.

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Tank stance will be gone this expac, faggot

I'm more excited for it since this'll be some focus on Y'shtola and Urianger for once, and the first time Thancred's been relevant in a fat minute.

Head, chest, arms, belt, etc coffers will drop like for weapons

Trusts aren't actually your friends.

>You automatically do more damage just because you're a SAM
yeah no.. This is why doing anything based purely off the class someone plays is dumb as fuck.

>If Hagakure off cd = use prioritize Haga.

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>Some people actually like a simple gear system so you can focus on the content instead of doing shitty gook-style grinding
fucking this. i like playing more than one job and it's already hard as fuck to gear up multiple jobs.

Well, in FFXI, Trusts were alternate reality versions of people you made connections with.

>3 most boring party members of an already boring group

FFXI'v gear system is just a continuous vertical climb where your gear gets outdated and useless with each update, whereas with the current state of XI even old as fuck lvl. 75 gear still has its uses in certain circumstances, as does much of the older pre il119 item system. With FFXIV they ran out of ideas and just keep increasing the ilvl of new gear each update and it's made so much of the older gear completely and totally useless except maybe in terms of aesthetics for some pieces.

it's less about looks and more about the density of areas of interest. IMO none of the zones in the games look bad, but the amount of space utilized for story relevance and events is relatively tiny in SB and HW zones compared to ARR. especially and game zones like Lochs and Azys Lla which were criminally underused

I will fight you if you talk shit about Urianger.

>boomer aghast people don't enjoy his garbage system
There are good "alternate" class system, FFXI is not one of them.

>a whole fucking month of tomes to get chest + pants on one class

I understand why it is the way it is but it still feels bad

Y'shtola's body is the one "holding the line" in Eorza after Garleans Black Rose'd everyone in Ala Mhigo, her soul still is fucking around in the First with us. And it isn't hard to guess who is possessing her body.

>Tank stance will be gone this expac

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are you gonna get a house on the brume or keep your old house?

just your DPS stance dude, all tanks will still have their aggro stance, just now it doesn't reduce damage it just shits out aggro.

>Talking shit about Urianger and Thancred

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>it'll be resolved by gaining the ability to vent off your dragon aether to create a wyvern pet for your Lv90 ability

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Why is Urineranger there with her?

When will they take my preorder money?

Urianger is /ourguy/ but thancred is shit user.

Matoya borrows Y'shtola's body while she's on the first.

Makes sense as you can't travel to the first without dying first. Which means unless G'raha cloned their bodies, you are with some bodyjackers

>ate a whole Little Caesar's pizza while playing last night
>can't eat anything today so I'm chewing on gum
Guess my main

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Is this one of those games you've had to have played for years in order to be passionate about? I'm two months in, got a ninja to level 70, and just don't really care to do much. I log in, do weekly stuff, log out.. some days I don't care to log in at all. I just can't find a good carrot to chase.

Okay zoomer.

Urianger's soul also got stolen. His body is being possessed by...I dunno....Honoroit.

Wait, whose bodies are we possessing in the First then? Did they die for us?

>this is a bad thing
oh no people have to do new content to improve their gear and progress. how terrible. explain to me why this is bad when you get the gear just from running raids/trials/new content normally? It's not like getting it is terribly inconvenient.

Urianger is a boring non-character, not quite as bad as Yshtola but still bad.

red mage

Mediafags said you can meet and set up your trust party in front of the dungeon's entrance, and you can talk to them just like other similar moments in previous MSQ dungeons (but this time they won't take a different route or just pop up in different parts of the dungeon to say dumb things).

Urianger's body still is in Eorzea too.

I'd actually be down for that, a pet entity would be three strokes of XI reference (without XI's baggage of the job being wholly designed around having a pet), tying into the existing "cooperation of man and dragon" bit, and maybe giving the baby Midgardsormr some relevance outside of being the only canonical minion

all you have to do is an hour or so of roulettes a day to max everything, even if you have a job that is pretty casual. if you're playing the game regularly for one whole expac cycle the only reason for not being combat job maxed is laziness

sam or war

The only reason I still play this game is because I've been playing since 1.0 and am really invested in the story and characters. I hate or dislike everything else.

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Because it's stale

The only good carrots to chase in FFXIV are Relics, Endgame raiding, and completion (everything leveled to max, etc..)

Since G'raha didn't yank our soul and sent a beacon to the crystal tower instead, I imagine we're gonna have an alternate method of travel, one that allows us to go back and forth at will. Our buddies though, according to how this works in lore, are possessing bodies or had clones made of them.

Urianger is an autist who talks all old timey like his books for fun and went back to his old outfit because he was comfortable in it and doesn't like change.
Truly /ourguy/

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Whats the POINT?

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either braindead job like warrior

We better get Geomancer now that WHM is getting all their elemental stuff changed into holy stuff.

To bind your target, it appears.

The JP version is much more explicit about what he did with it. Curled up and sobbed into it.

That's more or less the modern MMO slump. Hard to chase after anything when it's just going to be replaced in a couple of months.

What? You think that when we arrived we'd find an inexperienced adventurer that looks like us and subtlety murder them so you could steal their body?

Never happen. Remember, Light is not Good and Darkness is not Evil :3

Depending on how interrupts work, it might be useful.

That's fucking sad

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This is full of bullshit, specially if you want a house
It's a fucking KNOCKBACK

So cumslut healers can run away from the big rabid wolf dick chasing them

It's simply a bad system. I would actually start playing FFXIV again if its gear system wasn't so awful. Not everyone wants to grind out the latest gear over and over again, it gets boring and repetitive and is nothing more than a shallow way to force players that want to play new content to keep subscribed and keep paying. That's the sole purpose of the vertical gear progression. XIV could learn a thing or two with what was done right with XI's horizontal gear progression.

Now of course FFXI is not free from similar criticisms, many of the games mechanics for unlocking the best gear is tied behind massive nonsensical grinds to keep players subscribed.

why do they keep wasting resources on pvp in this game

why would they run away from the KNOT

>female au ra
>posting your character for no reason
>female au ra
fucking trannies I swear to god but that said a lot of monks are special-boys. SAMs just want to have fun and deal big numbers.

user i...should i tell him bros?

>complaining about gear treadmills in a treadmill MMO
stop playing then, faggot

Yes, I agree. I want to poopsock for 2 months and then be a good for 10 years. I don't want to ever have to actually play the game to be powerful. I don't want any content to ever come out that I can't roflstomp with my 5 sets of gear I got 6 years ago. I want to sit on top of the loot pyramid and kick people down because they don't have the Ridill

Lurk more.

Does it say knockback on it, user? Hmm?

>I want to sit on top of the loot pyramid and kick people down because they don't have the Ridill
Precisely. Get fucked Ridillets.

>Passes down his used onahole down to you

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was dalamud created for the sole purpose of restraining bahamut?

That's not at all what I said you autist. There's ways to keep older gear relevant by having a system to upgrade that gear by various means and battle content.

This is why I love Yoshi
He outright tells people to unsub and fuck off if they're feeling burned out, it is just a game after all
If it were other people they would be trying shoving useless extra content to try to keep the player paying every month

Wild conspiracy theory:

The plan all along has been to constantly feed the WoL conflicts in order to make them stronger to mold then into a suitable vessel for Zodiark. This expansion is going to be them showing you that light and darkness aren't strict good and evil forces to try and sway the WoL to come over to their side and accept this role.

>I don't want any content to ever come out that I can't roflstomp with my 5 sets of gear I got 6 years ago.
You're an idiot and I almost guarantee you've never played a game with anything close to horizontal progression.

huh? What's so sad about that? This is a final fantasy game so there's nothing wrong with playing for the story. Are you dumb?

It also looked pretty cool up until it exploded.

>not everyone wants to grind out the latest gear over and over again
>some of us want to grind out the SAME gear over and over again
pure autism

Forcing yourself to play a game that you hate everything about besides the story is kinda sad.


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Horizontal gear progression DOES exist in FFXIV. You can get high-end armor from 24-man raids, weekly tomestones or savage raids.
You are looking for a system to complicate or give agency to player decision, which just wouldn't work with this game the way it is designed. It didn't even really work that well with 1.0, but there were some levels to it. Even if there was some system that gave +damage to x skill, and a different item gave +damage to y skill and the player had to choose, the game just doesn't really allow for the decisions to be that different.
I don't think this game will ever become anything more than a pre-determined outcome (and that's a good thing™) (please look forward to FFXVI Online)

Blue skin is cute
t purple skin

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introduce a system in which there is new gear

at the same time however you can also upgrade older gear with augmentations and upgrades via a content system.

You can have the best of both worlds.

Nah, they weren't alternate reality transplants. They're copies made of condensed magic, with limited reactions, powers, and personalities based on what your character knows about them from your adventures. In the very loosest sense, they're sort of built the same way as primals.

While I agree it is nice to see a dev not want to force you to keep playing if you are feeling burned out, but the fact houses are hostages to keep you subbed unless you want to lose it does take away from it a bit.


It's still grinding out gear, therefore it's still the problem you're having. The only difference is which NPC you talk to.

>We go full SMT
I can accept this

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You dual-box PZA.

That is fair.
I would be okay if they made houses instanced. Or at least added an instanced option for houses. Having a neighborhood is nice, but having a house in general that you don't gotta constantly go into to keep is also nice.

I started Stormblood a few days ago and the only thing keeping me going is skipping all the cutscenes while having YouTube or some podcast in the background. Don’t give up user. Suffer with me.

how many people do you think quit pre hw? gotta be a lot right? the early game is shit and the point before hw is cancer

I am fucking laughing my ass off at you babbies crying about complexity. IN MMOS.

>play DNC
>nothing procs

thanks yoshida

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Jesus user. Get help

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To be fair, the patches aren't nearly as painful when you only gotta do like 20 at a time. And there was more incentive to level up alternate classes.

The shitty early game is probably the reason this game never really blew up.

try pressing Flourish bruh

Well, not that it couldn't happen, but WHM isn't losing Stone or Aero this time around. The next tier of each spell is just being swapped to light-based looks and names instead of being yet another Stone and Aero.

welcome to bard, at least now we are getting a 100% to refulgent barrage each time

>play dnc
>first hit of combo procs
>proc of that procs a proc
>THAT proc procs a proc as well
it's just procs all the way down
really wanna play it but I feel like all the BRDs AND the RDMs are going to switch to DNC which means a fucking massive influx of shitters
prob still gonna end up playing it though, I just don't want to be prancing around like a fucking girl

sad bad dirty joke good. based americans rewriting everything. seriously though that stings even if we the player didn't get to know moenbryda enough to get attached. poor urianger.

>skipping all the cutscenes while having YouTube or some podcast in the background.

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Partly. It was also a giant battery draining juice from Bahamut and piping it down into the Allagan infrastructure.

there will be a shitton of DNC and a lot but less GNBs, mid expac things will normalize but I fucking expect DNC to be mandatory for savage

Not in ShB. Probably will be one in the next expansion, along with other favorites like Aymeric.

that situation is exactly what happens in horizontal progression systems. players are brought for their equipment, not their skill. I was a little shithead WHM on my server in FFXI and I got invited by several linkshells because I was an experienced healer with a full spellbook. Its like that one bow rangers could have in EQ that applied Slow at a good enough rate you didn't need a dedicated enner in the party. in FFXI we had Kraken DRKs, the Ridill, relic weapons, etc.

I played FFXI from american release to ToAU, and I used mostly the same gear from about year 1 till I quit as my dynamis linkshell disbanded about halfway through my Mjollnir grind, after having run Dynamis with them for about 3 years straight twice a week.

I played WHM or THF, and was considering leveling BRD but I wanted to focus my gil on Mjollnir so I wouldn't be an effective BRD.

Well even Urianger curling up and crying with it is probably a story you won't want to hear upon it being given to you. Would be awkward as hell

Restrained Bahamut, harvested its power, and also beamed down solar energy to the Crystal Tower. There was an absolutely mindnumbing amount of juice needed to make a big enough voidsent portal to make a pact with the Cloud of Darkness

not him but he's doing it the way it should be done. SB story sucked and you could infer what happens via quest names/npcs around you anyway

No. It's not at all. Why do you think story is an illegitimate reason to play a game? fuck off and go play mario

I miss stacking +HoT Potency and +VIT on WHM for turbo-Regen.

There's always the patches.

But yeah, I'm sure she and Aymeric will become trusts at some point, but it's not gonna be a situation where you amass a large group of them. Yoshida explicitly said as much. Also why there aren't going to be minor characters or crossover characters becoming trusts.

I want to fuck Lyse.

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truly epic bro

Chill the fuck out m8. I never said that you aren't allowed to play a game you hate for the story. i'm just saying it would be better if you liked the game around the story too.