What are you anons playing on your Switch this weekend?

what are you anons playing on your Switch this weekend?

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I'm playing Shining Force 2
Gonna play shining in the darkness afterwards

Also I've been playing the sega ages version of gain ground, lemme tell ya', it's pretty cool having the console on it's side...

How's... Shining resonance refrain? Is dead or alive xtreme 3 worth it?

Botw. I'm on my last divine beast.

I just bought Ape Out and it's pretty cool, and I got Katamari before that. I have quite a backlog already.

Castlevania collection.


good taste

Has anyone played lapis x labyrinth? Is it worth playing?

Just Smash since that's the only game I've gotten for it so far. Not really sure what else to get before SMTV comes out. I guess I could just get Mario since it looked good. Been considering getting Splatoon 2 as well, but I don't know how often I'd really play it.

>ports you can play much better versions of on PC for free
>shit games

Nothing, I sold it one year ago because I'm a mature person.

Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution, I haven't played a yugioh game since the DS and its been very enjoyable learning the new rules and link monsters.

>playing games

top kek

>Shining resonance refrain?
it’s tales-like, so if that’s something you like then you’ll enjoy it.
>Is dead or alive xtreme 3 worth it?
no, very very very grind heavy, kinda a chore really.

Only the best of the best, i.e. once or twice a year and no need for a Switch.

I can play where ever I want, you are tethered to a wall, that’s the point of switch. Freedom.

I've been playing pic related.

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>he actually bought nu pokemon
Oh no its retarded

Beautiful physical copies
I wish PC still got those

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They ported DOAX3? Is it the same ?

Nothing, because it's 95% shovelware yet I still check the eshop every day just to be upset

What's a good JRPG to play that isn't Xenoblade or Octopath?

>Shining resonance refrain? Is dead or alive xtreme 3 worth it?
Like a Tales of game but the characters are pretty generic and don't develop much. I still had an alright time. Pro Tip: level up Lest in and Magnum or you will fucking regret it at the end.

>DoA X3

Depends on how willing you are to grind for your favorite girls .


More like Shining Resonance: Refrain from buying this game

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ive been playing a lot of this too! the story decks are a lot of fun to use and figure out their mechanics.
been playing this too. so happy to finally have Bloodlines on a portable

How’s Dark souls for someone who never played it.

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It’s 30fps instead of 60, and has 2 new girls.

It’s fun, rewards exploration, lots of different weapons, really cool bosses, cool castle aesthetic, fun with a friend. It’s a challenge at first if you’ve never played a souls game, but once you get it you’ll love it.

I've been on a bit of an Atelier kick, to say the least.

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US/UK Virtua Racing release fucking when?

Is Virtua Racing on the US eshop yet?
I don't care enough to go through the extra steps.

No but it’ll be there soon I’d imagine.

Turn based rpg's recommendation?

and when exactly am I going to need that freedom? When I'm driving myself to work? When I'm at work, working? When I'm at the gas station getting gas, or going to the store for groceries? Or sitting in front of the TV when I get home? What freedom are you describing user?

I've been pretty deep into DoAXVB, watching Honoka's honkas.

good ol honkers

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Gato Roboto
Its was pretty decent, just ended before i felt it really got going. But considering its price that ain't too bad

Largely agree. The portability is overrated, but sometimes I unironically enjoy sitting on the back porch with the dog and enjoy a cool Monster™ and play some games. Can't really do that with a desktop

too many games, not enough time. being a grownup sucks

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just picked these up today, gonna get comfy with hollow knight tonight, never played it before.

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i dont play wii switch bc im not a 12yo fagit

>i go into threads that don't interest me to get bothered

>playing dork souls on switch

There's so many I want to play but I'm so poor.

Bought Moero when it was on its launch sale and it turned out to be shit.

playing while lying in bed is supreme comfort

guess I'll stick to my retro vidya

sorry to hear, always sucks when money is tight and you get stuck with a not so great game.

It's difficult but not as bad as the memes make it out to be. Definitely worth it.

...dead or alive 3 is on the switch?

It's a good game, but if you have a PC or other console that can handle it, play it on there.

Alive 3

I've only been playing Enter the Gungeon this past month. I'm 25 hours in and I've only gotten to the 4th floor twice. Should I be worried about this or is that normal? How long did it take you guys to finish your first run?

I sold it, because the switch is absolutely dog shit. and now Im about to buy two for my wife and I for pokemon

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>Buy my Switch about a year ago
>TO THIS FUCKING DAY check on it, make sure it's not bent
>Have the compulsion to look at it side-on and top-down, comparing it to straight edges, to make sure nothing's happened
>Terrified of playing it docked, for fear that the heat will bend it

God I hat being OCD sometimes

You wrote hat instead of hate.

Smash Ultimate still

Is there anything MMO-esque besides XC2 and FF12 to play on here?


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Man how do you even get that fat? I sit on my ass all day and eat like a trucker, and it would still take four of me to make one of him.

Sucks to be you. I've played mine docked for hours at a time on Warframe and it hasnt bent an millimeter. Sucks to be you paranoid faggot.

Is it that good? I've been torn between Ys VIII and Vesperia for a while because I've been in the mood for a good JRPG.

got 700 bucks from b-day today and I wanna spend it on switch, games, and its peripherals

Guide me

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They're both great. Ys VIII is more action-oriented.

It probably has. Not a lot, but all Switches will bend at least a few millimeters.
Place it flat on a table screen-side down, and then look at it from one side while shining a light through the other. Depending on how old it is, there will be a very slight but defined bow to it. Unless and until they build the aluminum skeleton out of something more rigid, or replace the plastic screen with glass, all Switches will succumb to the Scourge of the Slight Bend. Some more than others.

Happy birthday user.
>Hollow Knight
>Splatoon 2
>DQ Builders
Are all games I've got decent mileage out of so far. They all scratch a nice itch for each genre and they all have good soundtracks too.

I finally started Torna the Golden Country, so I'm probably going finish that.

I also got curious about the VR modes being added to Odyssey and Smash, and got the VR headset. I only wanted the headset, so I didn't bother building anything other than that and Labo Man.

VR was neat for a bit, and I hope other games get updated to use it.

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thanks fren

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same user you replied to. Got a specific itch that I hope switch has. Does it have games with a grindy loot system like Diablo but isn't diablo? already played all three Diablo games

Mario Odyssey
Smash Bros

all depending on tastes, of course.
Not *necessary*, but I find
Diablo 3
Stardew Valley
Into the Breach
and literally any Rogue-lite (Dead Cells, Enter The Gungeon, etc)
all benefit enormously from the Switch's portability and pick-up-and-play factor.
That's my favorite part of the whole system; my PC and my PS4 both take over a minute to just boot up, and then another minute or two to actually play a game, but my Switch can be on and playing in under ten seconds. It's so zippy and fun.

Also, because it's so expensive, you might wait a month or two, just to see exactly how your play patterns shake out and whether or not you prefer docked to handheld, but the pro controller is pretty great

Warframe, maybe?
Most rogue-lites are great on it, Dead Cells, Enter the Gungeon, Wizard of Legend, Binding of Isaac, Darkest Dungeon, etc

I find switches for 200-250 on offerup so price isn't an issue
thanks again fren

Dragon's Dogma. First time playing through it, I'm lvl 35 and kind of enjoying it, but there's a lot of shit that feels half baked that really prevents it from being amazing. The world is small as fuck, cities feel empty, and pretty much everything outside of the combat is unremarkable.

The waiting game.

Just one more week till Switch Pro is announced.

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Super Robot Wars T. GaoGaiGar managed to crash the game on me earlier but it's okay because it let me fix an error I made when typing my squad name.

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Dragon's Dogma is an unfinished game.

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>buying the version without all the extra dlc scenarios
I always knew nintendies were retards but this is a new low

Dragon Quest Builders has a sequel coming out in a month or so. You should probably wait for that instead.

I got Ape Out and Patobox recently. Haven't even started either title. Just finishing up some stuff on 3ds

DD2 at E3, r-right guys?

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>catching the last spirits left in Smash Ultimate
>win a pair of rounds in Tetris 99
>now playing a small game called Whip! Whip!

Is a really good game. If you liked games like Snow Bros, Bubble Bobble and Tumblepop, this Whip! Whip! is really good.

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Why the fuck would I waste thousands of dollars on a real doll when I can just stuff a bunch of mud in a schoolgirl outfit?

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Stardew Valley and a lil smash.

Too soon. Next year seems more likely.

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finishing off this vn i've been playing on and off for a few weeks, p gud, would recommend if you like constant boob jokes and shitty japanese humour

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That whole bend gate was fear Propaganda

It sucks all the time.

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How's Lapis x Labyrinth?

Im playing it
Its fun in bursts for me but now i hit a point where i have to grind lower levels because i get oneshot in the latest.
Most fun imo is the different heroes and that items actually give different effects like shooting stuff when you attack.
And of course the crazy fever where you turn invincible amd treasure bursts out of every block and enemy.
Cant see myself playing more then the story if no more gimmiks show up though.

Depends on what you eat.
>greasy fast foods
Everyday all day.

Stop posting this... it hurts too much

i just got it yesterday and played for an hour or so, it seems really really cool. it doesnt hold your hand at all which is a neat thing too. loving the worldbuilding

700 Bro
I forgot to tell you in the last thread
Don’t forget the dumb 20$ NSO subscription
Sucks but Tetris 99 is the shit.
It’s easily worth the 20$ for the year

I’d go for Crypt of the nercodancer if you can keep a beat.
If you like that the Zelda Nercodancer will probably be out during E3

Save your money, you dumbass. Buy a game or two, but don't blow it all. You can only play one game at a time.

He just wrapped DMC5. Capcom isn't Square Enix going around announcing shit thats years down the pipeline.

haven't played yet, but planning on playing tomorrow

still trying to get my mains into Elite on Smash. I'm super close with Joker. Ryu's a lost cause, but I'm still trying

Also need a new game, haven't picked anything up since getting Smash

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I'm trying to bring myself to play any of the dozen games I have purchased in the last 3 weeks but I literally can't stop playing darkwood

Thinking about starting friends of Ringo ishkawa later

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Wild Guns, Doom and Genesis Classic, mostly Beyond Oasis.

ryu got some buffs, if you didnt know, friend

Its a no games piece of shit desu.

I hope Peachball didn't get delayed for EN. I had it down for June 3rd, but Amazon had it for the 26th.
Now it's showing up for July 5th.
I was really hoping Peachball would entertain me for June-July, until FETH came out.

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>He says while not playing any games and angrily shitposting on Yea Forums

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Here are some of my latest additions, just started Saint's Row, This game is mindless fun, I've been just fighting the local gang of British cyberpunk goths and haven't even touched the main campaign.

Fucking reddit.

It's meh, the trailer explains everything you need to know. Go to a level, complete the mission before the time limit. And it's got a Zelda: Tri force Heroes gimmick where you stack your characters and can use them for combos or moves.

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Reminder to wait until E3 if you're gonna pick any games up. Usually a lot of games go on sale during E3, so be patient if you want to save a little bit of money.

Just got VA11-HALL-A, and it's pretty fun for what I've played so far.

yeah I've heard, haven't tried them out

Ryu feels so limited compared to playing Snake, Sonic, and Joker, so I'm hoping the buffs will actually matter

Super dust collector 64 since zero worthwhile first party games came out in 2019 so far

God I love the smirk mechanic

Just the volley ball porn game

Don't spend all your cash. Youll need a lot to pay rent right at the end of the game. Doesn't game over you but you do miss out on the regular ending.

I really like it too
Unfortunately it's so fucking comfy I will often fall asleep while playing and only wake up when the switch is beeping at me about low battery
Maybe should just stop playing in bed

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Play games on my Switch? What games?

It's so damn good
Fucking hell I feel the compulsion to replay smt IV in a near daily basis

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Post it with a timestamp and I'll tell you ;^)

>Speed Stick Ocean Surf
Well at least you should be smelling good.

Why? So you can complain?
Its either indont post it and you bitch that I dont own it, or I post it and im a shitposter that bought it to shitpost

Or you know, its a shit nogames console, and free to express that without paranoid fanboy fucks gatekeeping opinions on their favorite toy.

>for free
>his brain is too small to get switch games for free

Pretty much
I’m not falling asleep being the games are boring get I’m just a warm burrito completely relaxed and before I know it I’m out like a light

Playing Splatoon and Crystal Crisis.
>mfw Demon Reflection

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thumbnail made me think Morrowind was on the right, almost lunged towards my Switch to buy
basically this for me, though I did pick up The Way because it was on sale for a buck on the eshop, good fun so far, would make some great desktop backgrounds if not for how much effort it is to move a low res screenshot onto my desktop computer
I'm very tempted to buy RE4 on the Switch but it's so overpriced, any advice guys?

>Dat synthwave music
>Comfy visuals
>Completely stress free gameplay after an entire day off stressful work and horror survival games beforehand

I'm right there with you my man

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dark souls remastered is shit
is the switch weaker than an xbox 360 why is it so much worse

>I'm very tempted to buy RE4 on the Switch but it's so overpriced, any advice guys
Hack your switch or wait for a sale? Or user your gbp gold to knock a couple bucks off

gbp? I'm confused because that's my country's currency

Looks fine to me
Sounds off tho, my guess is fromsoft are lazy

Switchbros help me.
I'm about to buy a switch brand new. Is it better to get one with OFW? Will jailbreaking one be a pain in the ass? The games that I would only probably play are xcx ,botw and countless casual games like Overcooked and mario kart. I only earn 500USD a month in a third world shithole

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I got Skyrim almost for free from those coins

yeah if not for the low quality sound effects, Dark Souls on the Switch would be the definitive version

Good boy points
The little gold coins you get from buying games digitally at all

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Based but also redpilled

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Wait, huh? I thought those two were Collector's Edition only?

it only just occurred to me that Britain's currency is Good Boy Points
I am eternally cucked

>buying a switch in 2019
>when E3 is next week
wait and see. A pro version is already rumored

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>500 USD a month
I would probably try to go the hacked route, but I don't think you can do it with a brand new switch as they fixed whatever was being used.
Also you won't be able to play online at all if you hack I think... But I don't know shit about this tbqh

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Any good games that focus on teamwork for the switch?

Redpill me on Ultra Street Fighter II, is it good? I’m thinking of buying it used

Travis Strikes Again

splatoon 2, it's really fun i just got it lat night even

I made a recommended games list a couple hours ago. Tell me what I'm missing.

Fitness Boxing
Golf Story
Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu & Eevee!
Snipperclips Plus
Splatoon 2
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Party
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun!
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna -- The Golden Country
Fast RMX
Picross S
Picross S2
Picross S3
Tetris 99
Bayonetta 1+2
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

Civilization VI
Dark Souls Remastered
Diablo 3: Eternal Collection
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Elder Scrolls V: Oblivion, The
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Octopath Traveler
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Sonic Mania Plus
The World Ends With You: Final Remix
Travis Strikes Back: No More Heroes
Binding of Isaac+
Cave Story+
Enter the Gungeon
Hollow Knight
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Stardew Valley
Super Meat Boy
Baba is You
Into the Breach
Ms. Splosion Man
Night in the Woods
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
SteamWorld Dig 2

Switch gold point
Each point worth a cent and can knock quite a bit off the price if you buy a lot of games

Nothing too competitive I hope (Niece is recovering from a serious burn injury)

Oi, do you have a loiscence to be postin on Yea Forums?

Fitness boxing is insane
>Lol Wii fit for Switch
Pic attached
>I can’t breathe! Somebody send help!

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give it about a year and we'll need a VPN to lurk here

Fuck man I just want to like vidya again. I'm fucking exhausted with my addiction to mobas and mmos. And I can't play shit with my 6 year old laptop fuckkkk

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Add darkwoods and friends of Ringo ishkawa and va-ll ha-lla to the multiplats please

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Cut Bayo, Kong, MK8 and BotW, move to Multi
Add Boxboy
Add Okami, Necrodancer and Gris

>so happy to finally have Bloodlines on a portable
hacked 3ds gang

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Snioperclips is a two player only puzzle game.

It's not happening, just get one.

>Cut Bayo, Kong, MK8 and BotW, move to Multi
Don't be autistic.

hey, do you know where on the theme manager you got that nice 3ds theme?

>into the breach
not even worth a pirate

Well I hate to rub salt in the wound, but I was much in your same boat (MMOs 8 hours a day and PS4 trophyfaggot on the side) and the switch has kinda reinvigorated an actual pure enjoyment of Vidya for me just for the sake of playing. I hope you get one at some point lad

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Same. Great taste, user.

BASED I got Super robot wars T as well!
You mean for yu-gi-oh right? I sure hope I didn't miss anything in SRW T.

>3 SR's
Not even once. Experience something like that almost made me quit drinking all together.

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Cringe and shittastepilled

>got a switch
>played odyssey
>played mario kart 8
>played BOTW
>literally nothing else comes out for it
>any port that i was interested in like MK11 ran like shit

>sold my switch
what a fucking waste of money lol

>check the eshop
>still haven't been release
Damn it, where Y'all get your Jap eshop cards?

I'm about to start DD on the switch but I can't figure out what I want my pawn to be. thinking either fighter while I run sorc or fulmination-slut while I run strider.
haven't played in years but I always gravitated towards reds and want something completely different for this time around.

What are the most common pawns?

I personally used a Ranger pawn when I played on the 360. When you teach them right and give tenfold flurry as their only skill they become literal machine guns that shit out damage and stun enemies like it's nothing. I gave mine the Rusted Longbow for BBI and Poison+Torpor makes things so much easier.

Friendly reminder : if you have. Twitch prime (free with Amazon prime) you get a free year of NSO

i got it a longass time ago from some theme website
you could probably find it with some googling

All of them are multiplats, and bayo is even on steam

Exclusive to Nintendo, Bayo 2 is not on stream.

But not a Nintendo SWITCH exclusive

If you plan on playing online at all, don't forget that doing so costs 20 bucks a year, but subscribing allows you to buy up to 8 vouchers each allowing you to purchase two digital games for essentially $20 off. The eshop has a list of all compatible games, and if there's at least 2 there you want digitally, the online subscription basically pays for itself.

Not him but Bayo 2 sucks so his Bayo is even on steam bit is appropriate
I bought a Wii U for Bayo 2. Thank god for W101

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did virtua racing hit the us eshop finally? too lazy to check right now

yeah, I used to do a similar thing last time with a strider pawn and a rusted bow.
Maybe I'll just keep my pawn as physical damage and switch them around to each vocation when i get bored

My Mayflash dongle arrived today. Using the Wii U pro controller on the Switch is supreme comfy. Going to finish A Link Between Worlds on my 3DS then moving on to Sonic Mania, then Starlink, then FF12.

I have like 5 Switch games on order for the rest of the year. It's going to be busy.

Seen it on play Asia and plan on getting it.. what did it end up costing you?

Why is there no DMfD?

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Its in english so don't worry about that. Ran me about $70 on play asia. make sure to get the asia release, but the cover and everything is ALSO in english.

>Using the Wii U pro controller on the Switch is supreme comfy.
My man. I exclusively play Xenoblade 2 docked with my Wii U controller now because the fucking joycon drifting keeps messing up my auto-attacks and positioning. Still angry at Nintendo for not allowing Wii U pro compatibility natively.

Maybe Smash later tonight with a friend.
Should I get Mario Kart Deluxe? I am only waiting for Animal Crossing and Metroid Prime for my next purchases.

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I keep hearing that this game is too grindy. I want to get the physical game but the grind is holding me back. Is this really like Harmony of despair?

That artstyle looks like the same one from the Megaman Zero games I think. Same artist?

Atelier Lulua. Maybe today I can play some more, been busy for the last week

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It'd be a smarter idea to get SF anniversary collection over Ultra 2. Ultra is only cool if you are interested in the dramatic battle or odd tweaks on ST.

HoD is a pretty decent comparison. First playthrough of the game is not grind focused at all. Game only becomes grindy if you take an interest in the higher difficulty stuff.

If you like Mario Kart and didn't play it on Wii U, sure, go ahead

Never owned a Wii U.
I am just worried they might announce the next one.

DQ Builders. Really excited for 2 to get here.

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It's not very grindy except for some endgame gear. Some of the levels are just really boring.

I don't think they would do that when mario kart tour is still yet to release. You know, to spread out the attention across games evenly so one doesn't cannibalize the other

Played some Mario Tennis and Puyo Puyo Tetris
Lookin' forward to Mario Maker 2 when it comes out on my birthday

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Then I might just wait for a sale on the eShop if it ever happens.

The SF Collection seems like a waste considering it has 5 SF II

Nothing. Its been gathering dust for months

Thankfully Bloodstained and Mario Maker come out soon

Shill me on this looks great

Picture Mega Man Zero with stat builds, loot, and multiplayer. Being a strange multiplayer sidescroller with sprites was the biggest appeal of it for me. Game is pretty fun and chaotic when you dive into post game and multiplayer.

Finishing my first play through of Xenoblade Chronicles

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I only have Let's Go Peepee and my Switch has been gathering dust since I finished it. But my birthday's in a few days and I'm getting Mario+Rabbids, FFX/X-2, and Disgaea 1. Feels stupid to pay $40 each for such old games but I wanted some JRPGs to play on it.

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>Shining Force 2
they have that? and 1? what about the gba remakes

Collecting dust

I'm playing Zelda II on the NES app. It's... interesting. It had some neat concepts for it's time but it doesn't feel nice to play and I'm looking forward to finishing it.

What said. The game feels a little simplistic and should be played in short sessions. The stages are timed as well so I'm assuming that's what they were going for.

Been playing an absolute fuckload of civ IV on switch. I don't mind not having the expansions, the base game is quite good

Persona 5

As someone who plays on PC, let me tell you the expansions aren't worth it and just make the game more annoying.

West of loathing?

I want to play FF12 but it's eighty fucking dollars.

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Final Fantasy 7, its my first time really giving the game a try and I'm getting near the end of Disc 1

Also grinding out some World of Light

Get disgaea 5 instead.

Anything decent on sale?


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You still have to buy a Nintendo just to get a playable game

Do you ever feel uncomfortable knowing you're playing with a bunch of 12 year olds?

Hacking my switch was the biggest waste of time, if you do wanna go that route you need a switch made before mid 2018, which will probably run you a bit more than a regular old switch. Buying games sucks, but trying to hack switch on firmware above 7.0.0 is a huge shitcan and is bound to fuck up somewhere along the line. If you want to hack something for free games, hack your 3DS instead, current firmware is hackable and can do everything really easily. There's a site you can go to to get any good game free. It's sick as fuck and waaaay easier/safer since the console isn't supported anymore, and I can guarantee there's something you haven't played on there

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>buying the version without all the extra dlc scenarios

What do you mean exactly? Is there another physical version of SRW that has all the DLC included?

I assume there's less children in X rank where I am. Either way though, no I don't the game is good.

Yeah? That fucking blows to hear, civ V's are kino. What went wrong?

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I pretty much agree too but man I love chilling in my bed playing games

In what country?

Australian play-money.

The waiting game.

This, but not so you buy the pro version, but so you can get the original model for cheaper. The pro version will more than likely be difficult/impossible to hack, it'll give you switch a great lifespan after they stop supporting it. I jumped on the hacked handheld train when a backdoor opened up for the old 3DS I had lying around and I honestly find myself playing it more than any other console now, maximum comfy SNES/GBA emulation device.

Attached: threedeeEss.jpg (4032x1960, 3M)

Splatoon 2

Patched switches have been a thing for a while now. A pro model would also be patched too. That said, with around 20M unpatched switches out there, if you REALLY, REALLY want to do homebrew you won't find it that hard to get an unpatched one used

Hope we get a pro dock instead of Switch pro

You can't get DLC for the switch english version because it's only available on the JP store, which isn't compatible with the asian version.

randomly came across Japanese Mahjong on the e-shop, just got done playing it

How expensive/cheap is it?

The majority of games being played are with 12 year olds


I got:
Fire Emblem Warrior
Super Mario Odyssey
Megaman 11
Blade Strangers
Atelier Lydia
Splatoon 2

What are some cheap games I should add to my collection
Where are the games

Sonic Mania is $20 on the eShop and Katana Zero is $15.


Naw the framerate is more stable, blight town doesn’t shit the bed on switch.

You can probably find Super Bomberman R for cheap online. Mario and Rabbids is usually sells low as well

Play Asia & eBay, they just email you the code right away.

No not yet

Post your MHGU hunter.