Fuck this game.
>climbing is dogshit just like asscreed
>your skills and runes aren't worth shit
>captains will constantly stop all the pacing to say shit I don't care
>stand executions don't work at all
>trying to do a ground execution will never work because another orc will stop you in mid animation
>orcs will fucking gangrape you no matter what
>be me fighting a group of orcs with one leader
>another group joins
>another one joins too
>now you have to fight fuck 30 orcs and the captains do one-hit QT kills
>shild enemies can suck a bag of cocks
>shield enemies can just be hit from the back
>the only way to kill one is to focus solely on him
>his fucking spear will reach you no matter what and the fuck dodge button will not work at all
>also he will one-hit kill you
Why I'm so underpowered? Why this battlezone there isn't a single safe place for me and the slaves I saved? Fuck this game
Shadow of mordor thread
>shadow of mordor
the game is easy, you just suck
And how fucking Orcs has ranks, army, camps and I'm alone in this shit? If only I could have orcs on my side.
>orc kills me
>be pissed and go for revenge
>in the battle other groups join in
>die for another orc and can't have your revenge
It's like gaging on shit while someone is still pooping on your mouth.
wow you're bad
>climbing is dogshit just like asscreed
what exactly is wrong with climbing?
it's climbing
>Skills and runes are worthless
>Complains about things that the skills and/or runes fix
>also complains about killing orcs in orc killing simulator
user I...
Those fucking shield enemies. Fuck those guys.
>climbing is the same button as running
>try to run somewhere and climb something you didn't want
>try to jump from someplace and climb in another
Are you at least timing your attacks, or mashing buttons like an 8 year old playing Dynasty Warriors?
My runes are just "focus" shit, that shit just works for arrows and captains immune to arrows can just go fuck themselves.
What timing? There is just an attack button and a "dodge" button. There is not even Z targeting.
restart the game and read tutorials this time
>hur dur with this skill you can give critical hits
>press F to execute
It just does not work at all.
>What timing?
If you swing wildly, you're fucked. Wait until your attack connects before hitting the button again. This lets you dodge, parry, and counter more easily.
You better be right.
>shadow of mordor
that's where you went wrong
Shadow of War is the better game in every aspect and fixes a lot of the trash that was in first one
War is genuinely one of the best LOTR games out there
I couldn't care less about LoTR lorecrap, i don't even care about story in freaking video games. I'm just playing this game because of the military aspect of the orcs. It's the Phanton Pain all over again, shitty game but i played just for the personal army autism.
>that one orc that is immune to everything
>fighting a group of orcs
>shoot an arrow in a fire to kill the minions
>the captain is now stronger
Shadow of War is a lot better than Phantom Pain though
And it's approximately 75% better than the first game.
Can I have an army?
Just fucking hit them with something else ya fag
There is not something else, you hit with your bow or your shitty sword.
Talion and Celebrimbor alone make playing the first one too worth it
Celebrimdor is kinda interesting, but Talion is always cutting him off, the fuck is wrong with Talion? The only likable thing about him is his hate for niggers, i mean, orcs.
To all the non spergs
Why didn't Talion just take his ring back from the Elf Thot?
>Flames with poison
>Wraith Based attacks
>Basically lose immunities when you play on their fears.
>Plus more in 2nd game
The game is largely about patience. Timing your swings will mean you're more prepared for enemy attacks, and there's also a skill that boosts your damage when you aren't slamming the attack button.
Stealth kills, bow headshots, and collectables are good for early Exp if you aren't ready for melee combat.
Parries, counters, and quickly slipping back into stealth for a fast kill will save your ass. A lot. Watch for the alerts over incoming attackers and prioritize keeping your own HP high rather than killing everything.
If you're getting overwhelmed, dash behind a wall, quickly climb it, stealth, and drop in on an enemy to take him out. Very useful if you have a "Stealth kills recover X" rune equipped.
>Being bad in a game with Bam Ham combat
Holy shit
Why don't he just play a fuckin batman game and just learn there?
>anime picture
this were my first 20 minutes, then I've played the game again several months later and boi, do you become OP halfway through the story.
>tfw shadowstriking across the map
>using a controller on a PC game
i use my gamepad for any game that isn't a fps or isometric rpg
its the true way to go
Recently started reading LOTR. Holy shit were these games a disgrace. They weren’t meant for such bullshit, nor the tone that forms with it.
If you find this game to be hard, you may want to consider if video games are a good hobby for you. The game is easy af. The point is not in difficult combat but in planning your strategy ahead and being an effective tactician.
Be patient. Think ahead. Plan your approach. Learn about orcs and their weaknesses, use them to your advantage. (if you can't kill a particular guy atm, you may come back at a later point when the constellation is better) Make use of stealth and only go full war if need be. If you feel the battle is not going well, back out and run away instead of dying, because then your nemesis will become stronger. If everything fails, just farm for super powerful runes and cheese everything you can.
Is 'Shadow of War' worth picking up?
I kind of enjoyed the first game in a mindless way.
I like "hard" games, Binding of Isaac is one of my favorites games, but if the game is a shitshow it isn't my fault.