>that face when Persona 5 is going to get a Switch port and The Royal is just a test run for the true version of Persona 5 which will be on the Switch
That face when Persona 5 is going to get a Switch port and The Royal is just a test run for the true version of Persona...
Switch will get a "portable" of the original at best and you know it.
what does that even mean? P5 runs on PS3 so there'd be no reason it can't run fine on the switch. However, I have no idea if it'd ever get ported by this point.
Enjoy the musou
Would rather have it on PC
Not really a fan of 480p, 20fps games tbqh.
Of course it would get ported. He's in Smash. But it will be Royal. You notice how most games are PS4/Switch instead of PS4 exclusive? Switch can run any PS4 game easily.
there's no reason the game would run that badly on switch when P5 was already released on PS3
Doesn't RE4 run worse on Switch even though the port was straight from the new 'HD' release which is in PS3/4 as well?
That's Capcom's fault.
dunno as I ignored it completely at that atrocious price capcom are charging
>tfw you manage to be worse then Teddie
But people have said Capcom is god at porting games with their Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter World and RE2make, haven't they?
Who cares? P5 is mediocre no matter what platform its own putting it on the Switch isnt suddenly going to make it better than the PS3 game I played
>that face when
>it’s capcom’s fault that a game that ran perfectly fine on gamecube runs like shit on the switch
If you say so
the fact you didnt like it doesn't disprove that a lot of switchfags want the game on their console
>that face when
you have to go back
Maybe to PC. The design of the Switch is too intelligent for Capcom to port to. They cannot figure it out.
V when
>paying for a game twice over
Oh ok.
Also even Nintendo's first party games have framedrops. Xenoblade 2 have the most, BOTW as well even though it was on Wii U.
What about that?
That's also Capcom's fault.
BotW runs significantly worse on Wii U, trust me. Last I checked, XC2 doesn't have framedrops docked although that was after a few patches and XC2 was clearly rushed, as the newer engine in Torna looks and runs far better
the RE switch ports are extremely low effort cash grabs, so yes it is their fault.
p5 will get ported to switch as soon as kirby gets ported to ps4.
>the face that Joker is actually the protagonist of SMTV and this whole thing was just a ruse because now the main SMT series is also Persona and SMTV is Joker's real game
You notice how most games are PS4/Switch instead of Switch exlusive?
And frankly the fact that it's possible to play a large scale open-world RPG like XB2 portably is amazing enough in its own way.
>But people have said Capcom is god at porting games
HAH. No.
Unless it's ps4 they're absolute ass when it comes to ports. Either it performs like hot shit or they hold back patches and updates.
Atlus is a small company with only recent mainstream success and heavily dependant on the good terms they have with larger industry parties like Sony.
If they bent over backwards to make their games more western friendly for Sony's california suits, and went even further to damage control the fuck out of those changes to keep sony from getting more heat, I doubt their going to even risk porting the PS3 version of persona 5 over to Switch.
Now if Nintendo outright bought Atlus like they bought Monolith Software, then that's a whole different story.
That's an argument against capcom not the switch.
eh I guess, but for me XC2 is borderline unplayable in portable mode due to how shit the resolution drops are. However, playing shit like dark souls and bing bing wahoo portable is dope as hell to me
I legitimately don't understand this webm. What does this have to do with Persona? Is this just what Japanese commercials are like? Random women dancing and playing piano?
>Now if Nintendo outright bought Atlus like they bought Monolith Software, then that's a whole different story.
too late. nintendo was cheap as usual and sega bought them instead.
Fuck of paid Atlus shill.
I'm not going to pay 60 € for a shitty DW clone featuring characters I don't know yet, because I haven't played the original game yet.
They didn't have the source video for the cutscenes in RE4, so all the HD ports suddenly drop to 480 and leon's default costume is always on.
They're first game on 3DS was a fully priced port of a 5 dollar minigame included in Resident Evil 5, and there was DRM on it.
The Wii port of Okami had so little attention to it the boxart for the game has an IGN logo watermark because they just pulled the picture of a google image search.
I hate that Switch gets the better version of a lot of games, or at least the version with more updates. Hyrule Warriors, BotW, FFXII, and then this nonsense.
Well I bought the Joker DLC for Smash and it was worth it even though I haven't played P5 because he is really fun to play and I have played P3 so having Mass Destruction in Smash is worth $30.
So basically they don't care about Nintendo.
Nintendo is only good for first party, everything else, unless you are a kid with only one console and / or poor then get third party.
Also, this happened for their second 3DS game.
Monolith didn't have any games on other systems anyway, they were practically a second party for Nintendo.
They're getting the best version of DQXI too. Ugh! Why does Nintendo keep winning, bros?
What are they adding to XI?
How many times do we have to say it, PERSONA 5 IS NEVER COMING TO SWITCH!!!
You're getting Persona 4 instead.
Off the top of my head, dual audio, an orchestral soundtrack, and new story content for all the characters.
To be honest P3 and 4 could both use remakes that fix the hideous character models so I'd be happy with either of them.
The RE4 stuff was for the 360 and PS3 ports
I've never seen if they fixed the problem for any further remakes.
Persona 4ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and even after that.
Haha poor little shits
>Switch gets Joker
>PS4 gets some bimbo
I'll take this win, thanks.
It's the hardware's fault
She's in.
I agree.
I wouldn't associate the Xenosaga series with the word videogames either.
Clearly Namco was the limiting factor though, cause the Xenoblade games are a hell of a lot more fun.
Best bros before hoes!
>orchestral soundtrack
The lack of this in the 3DS port for VIII is the one thing stopping me from emulating that game.
At this point, I'm willing to bet Nintendo has some clause when devs port to them that the Nintendo version needs to have some feature or content unique to it. This is usually in the form of Nintendo-themed costumes, but it can be bigger, like with the DQ games.
the hardware is more powerful than a PS3 yet their switch port is worse, so it's capcoms fault.
I've spent the last six months dabbing on Twitter people who thought the Grinch leak was real. Good times.
Why would the test run for the switch drop the ps3 version and increase the graphical capabilities?
Sorry babies
That's unsourced
If they bring back Futaba's mother I'm not touching it. It's the stupidest thing they could do.
I don't think P5 will be ported or anything, but this isn't exactly strong evidence to support your point given that Detroit is still getting ported to PC despite being co-published by Sony.
I think that since 3DS games are fully moddable there actually is still a way to get the orchestral music back into VIII, actually. But yeah, that does make sense about the Nintendo content.
Chill out guys, he's dumping his entire folder of "memes." Just wait for him to finish, I guess.
Switchboy butthurt
>dump stops as you made this post
guess he was right
I know the mod you're talking about, but that requires me to have a 3DS. I was hoping there'd be some easy way to implement it in the tutorial, but last I checked, it wasn't feasible.
Wait, how are you playing 3DS games if not on the 3DS? Is there a working 3DS emulator now?
Is that redhaired girl the female version of joker datamined in super smash bros?
Citra works fairly well, from what I understand, but you have to download bootleg Chinese versions since the official site is dragging their feet with some features. Another problem is finding working isos.
WHAT? They datamined a female Joker? So the theory of bonus echoes may turn out to be true? This is big.
She's her own character, not a female protagonist
>PS4/Switch instead of Switch exclusive
And that's a good thing. More people get to experience some of the best games getting released right now.
What do we know about P5R so far? Could it potentially turn out that despite her being a unique character she is the protagonist of her own story like The Answer?
At this point it's just Sony false flaggers making these threads right? No Switch owner is this willing to expose themselves to mockery are they?
Yeah, I'm happy for PS4 that Nintendo was generous enough to give them some games. It'd suck having to rely on exclusives for PS4, there's really not a lot.
>No Switch owner is this willing to expose themselves to mockery are they?
>even admitting to owning a Switch
I don't think they have any shame to begin with.
The answer necessitated a new mode for the new story for obvious reasons. The new story in P5R is an extension of the main story, so it's in the calendar, it seems to split off after Yaldy is defeated but for some reason he doesn't have go to jail, so you can play until march instead of the game just skipping over. Kasumi is a new character in the game, she joins the school around the same time as Joker and she will be a party member but the screenshots suggests she only joins the phantom thieves much later in the game, around november or december, which is probably why the ending diverges from the original p5.
She will probably play a large role in the story of the new content which takes place in the third semester but I don't think she will be the protagonist, since we see screenshots of Joker being played in the third semester along with some other wacky shit like Futaba's mom coming back to life and Morgana becoming human so it seems like some dream world where their dreams are being granted.
And vice versa. 3rd party games not funded by the console manufacturer being exclusives to certain consoles is a malign tumor on gaming as a whole. Putting all 3rd party games on all consoles and letting the consumers pick their preferred hardware is the better choice IMO.
It's not going to get a Switch port. The guy in charge is apparently a huge ps fanboy and doesn't want to bring it to other systems.
The "guy in charge" stopped working on persona and made a new studio. Also they make multiplatform games, just not mainline persona, like Catherine and P4 arena were on xbox as well.
Who is the guy in charge? Does he feel that way? Is he big?
Cope harder, Ryan.
Well that all sounds like a lot of speculation meaning there's plenty of questions they haven't answered so until we get more information on the game anything is fair game.
P5 will not be coming to switch
Timed exclusive content.
Hashino, he does tend to make sony exclusive games but that probably has more to do with the fact that their custom engine is only on playstation, P5 still uses an upgraded version of the engine they've been using since Nocturne, which is why Catherine was also on xbox, because it used gamebryo, and P4 Arena used the blazblue engine so it already supported other consoles and P5S probably uses the same musou engine which is already supported on switch. There could be a contract which limits the main games to sony consoles or maybe the engine could be relying on sony tech or it could just be a mess, we just don't know so it's all speculation.
Are you fucking mindless? Take you seething ass out of here, user.
fuck off, 1 and 2 need to get remakes first.
>it could, it just might
Sell your switch, buy a ps4, have sex.
>Timed exclusive content.
it's not even exclusive, everything it's getting was already in the 3ds version.
totally disagree. we need more third-party exclusives, not less, so each platform can feel totally distinct.
Fuck off Shyamalan
Even so, square said they were "unsure" if it would come to the other versions, which is code for timed exclusive.
Cope. The game is never coming to Switch.
>they're still port begging
After the third palace, its turns to shit. This game is overrated as hell
How much new content will royal have?
Where’s the greentext copypasta sonybros?
2 already got two remakes you absolute FOOL.