How disappointed will you be by Death Stranding?

How disappointed will you be by Death Stranding?

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i won't

Hopefully not as much as I was with V.

I can't be disappointed without expectations, I guess I could be pleasantly surprised at best, not that I'm expecting that to happen

as long as it's a walking simulator I will love it

I just hope there isn't too much gameplay.

>implying I have hopes after MGS4, PW and V
If it's not terrible, then it already will be an improvement.

Has Kojima ever disappointed?

mgs5 would like to have a word with you

At least you admit it, so I can't hate you for that.

I'll let you know when I play it

I still don't understand the hype, they showed 0 gameplay till a few days ago and everyone was hyped as fuck

MGS4, Peace Walker, MGSV.

So...his last three games. MGS4 may have some OBSCENELY high highs, but it also is a fucking mess.

my body is rdy
pic related

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the main reason you fags were upset with MGSV was because of the endless months of hype here on Yea Forums where people convinced one another about their headcannon that they were SURE was GOING TO HAPPEN. Yes, the game was flawed, but it was still really good regardless of that. the only reason fags like you consider it awful is because you didn't get the story you convinced tricked your brain into thinking you were getting

not as disappointed when this thread gets archived and abandoned like everything in life

Kojima all by himself is a meme. They could have showed footage of a dog taking a shit in a park, and these idiots would have tried to convince everyone about how deep that is.

mgsv was a complete disappointment. also mgs2 & mgs4 to a lesser extent

IT will be one of the best games of the generation which isn’t saying much

when you know why that dog was taking a shit in that park, you'll be ashamed

Not very disappointed because I am not buying until after its out and I see a shit ton of user reviewers and streams. Right now the whole thing screams of massive marketing hype and no substance. While Kojima is capable of making good games I am reminded of the fact that MGS2 was mediocre, MGS4 and MGS5 were straight up bad. I am sure at the very least the convoluted story will be amusing but probably not enough to buy full price.

Not at all since I won't be buying it

I wont be. I like Mads more then Kojima so this is more like fan service to me then a game

Im expecting 7/10 gameplay 9/10 story

No fuck you. I wanted Big Boss not some random brainwashed asshole.

Can't be disappointed when the game is the greatest game to ever be made the likes of which will change gaming forever.

nigga i bought the game like 3 years after release and i felt the game was boring as fuck

I won't be because I'm not enough of a nostalgiafag to think that Kojima was a genius or that his games were meant to be taken seriously. They're fun, wild rides. That's all I want from DS and it looks like that's what I'll get.

I don't think I can be because I've set the bar really low. Essentailly unless it's not functional, or really short I'm gonna be fine.

>the main reason you fags were upset with MGSV was because of the endless months of hype here on Yea Forums where people convinced one another about their headcannon that they were SURE was GOING TO HAPPEN
Get the fuck out of here Kojimbodrone. I wasn't expecting the world I only wanted a finished game.

its a hand to hand combat open world roamer.
mgsv but with less things to kill. maybe even lesser in this game. im sure the online will be plauged by underages kids. i am not that excited. lets talk about it. i dont think kids should buy this game.

>says parts of the game will be in, even having them in demos
>they're not in the final game
>deadass just lies about certain content
>the level design, which was SOME OF THE BEST IN THE SERIES just a year before, is non-existant in TPP
>Quiet gets a full story and growth...but Eli, Codetalker, and anyone else do not

Mgsv sucked because Konami rushed it out

Mgs4 was great and if you don’t think so then your taste is dogshit or you didn’t play it

Has Kojima ever delivered?

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A unsatisfying story I could deal with, but what really killed it for me is the game being barren and dead as fuck.

Like you'd spend literal minutes going through samey looking countryside, and seeing literally no enemy soldiers in that time. The only thing to keep you occupied was shitty busy work like collecting diamonds or stealing animals for your virtual zoo back home.

The game was straight up boring and dead. The open world setting REALLY didn't suit it.

As long as it's got TECHNOLOGY in it I'll be fine. After Silent Hills got canceled I'm just kind of numb.

>Konami rushed it
>the game was in development since early 2010 and was still unfinished in last 2015

Get off Kojima's fucking dick.

I won't be because I'm not dumb enough to fall for Kojimas cloud and smoke act a second time.

I won't be disappointed. I think that Kojimbo will positively surprise us all. And I like one of the messages that DS will showcase, that of the much needed "connection" between people nowadays that we lack so much.
I believe it will be the game of the decade.

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>hating on mgs4
A lot of turn around and 360’s in this thread

>How disappointed will Yea Forums be when Death Stranding sells millions

Fixed that for you.

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But he was only a producer on that.

you can rush out a game that has been going nowhere for a long time

as in all the actual work happens near the end with a deadline

A whole chapter is cut out and there’s pretty much no coherent story. Search about the development stories around that game

>5 minutes of gameplay
>An hour long cutscene
>7 more minutes of gameplay
>A 45 minute cutscene
I never got the love for MGS4. Even the story it does have is pure fanfiction tier that made me cringe repeatedly.

I imagine I won't, I'm keeping my expectations reasonably low, I expect a simole walking sim with some action sprinkled in and long cutsce es, in the end I'll still buy it at day one because I'm a retarded paypig at the end of the day

Wut? You forget the nanomachines meme? And I fucking love 4. Last time it felt like real MGS game.

He barely fucking worked on the sequel.


as a concerned citizen of the world
wanting my kids to stay away from
violence sexual depravity and thinking for themselves
because of ideal morals and religion........


is it true the mission selection will be like in MGSV?

>I never got the love for MGS4.
MGS4 never got love.

all i wanted was a regular mgs game. if i got that, i would have been happy. instead i got a piece of shit far cry clone. no, it wasn't good despite its flaws. it was complete garbage. it has nothing to do with the story either. it's the shit level design, shit stealth mechanics, shit ai, nonexistent difficulty, shit mission design, shit character design, shit boss design, just plain shit everything. there's nothing redeeming about that game, except maybe the moody & atmospheric soundtrack. it's just another piece of poop AAA waste of time. it even has stupid mobage bullshit to sell microtransactions. without a doubt the worst mgs game ever conceived, nothing else comes even remotely close to being such an epic blue balls waste of time

mgs4 was okay. chapter 3 was a drag and the plot was a convoluted mess. the characterization was garbage. the themes were weak as it was just pushed out to wrap up the series, otherwise it was uninspired. the voice acting was hit and miss. a chapter select mode would have really helped. otherwise, it's miles ahead of mgsv when it comes to actual gameplay

He totally edited the Op video.

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I don't think I'll be since I'm watching it on youtube. I have hope that the cinematics will be interesting at least. But if I had paid 60 bucks for it I would be disappointed.

I like Act 3, but I absolutely hate that it exists in subsequent playthroughs.

Actually the quite the opposite.
Kojima procrastinated the fuck out of MGSV and acted as if he didn't even want to make the game in the first place.

He was too busy travelling to different and eating expensive foods on Konamis dime instead of actually working on the game.

Konami was also very patient with the little spoiled asshole and when they finally forced him to release the game it was a complete mess.

it's gonna be shit kill yourself snoys

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grand theft auto
call of duty
metal gear......

the proof is in the pudding

Remember when he went on vacation to Normandy and everyone and their goddamn mother thought it would have had to do with the game, since Lori Alan confirmed she was in it. And then it turned out it had nothing to do with the game and she also did the voice for the Mamal Pod, which existed only to tell everyone that Strangelove was dead.


tell them how fun mine clearing #69 was and how awesome the awkward cutscenes were

awaiting for the inevitable broken PC port.

OP is a faggot

Probably mildly. I expect it to be not-particularly-interesting-to-play-but-serviceable but having decent cinematics and atmosphere. Kind of like TLOU.

How do i stop thinking about smoking weed? Today is day 1 without after errday for many years. It hurts my soul how bored I am and how content id be with it. But thats why i need to stop.

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>Decima Engine
>PC port

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Nigger, I saw constantly people saying in the /vg/ general how the game would surely have soccer leagues between PMCs and shit.
People became utterly delusional from a developer who has never done anything to guarantee such high expectations.

i wont be considering i never liked boring ass metal gear and this actually looks interesting


How come every single claim Yea Forums makes about Kojima or Konami post MGSV is completely baseless stuff, simply speculation, but everyone acts as if they are facts?

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I member. Things got pretty crazy in the months leading to release. People were legit expecting a remake of Metal Gear 1 and 2, playing as solid snake and infiltrating your own base you built.

>acted as if he didn't even want to make the game in the first place.
Kojima has been explicitly stating this since after MGS3. Spergy fanboys threatened to kill him or themselves til he gave in and agreed to lead MGS4. The dude checked out on this series 15 years ago, but you guys couldn't let it die.

ist illegal

no four free states of the fifty still doesnt make any less

just keep doing it without thinking about it

Fuck Konami

wow really faggots. I post some OC and get denied (you) i am so mad.

Kojima isn't tied down by any exclusivity requirements on the engine's side. He's free to use it, and port it, however he sees fit.

There's also no "only on PS" logo in any of the marketing material or recent trailers, and kojima flat out refuses to answer the question of it being an exclusive to the PS4 or if there's a PC port in the works.

This is going to be another "Nier Automata", guttet PC version without any updates but we'll put up with it because it's kojima, and there'll probably also be a community mod to fix anything major.

We were done with 4. Kojima came back on his own with Peace Walker because his fagget son liked his PSP.

Yes, there were stupid idiots who assumed MGSV would have soccer mechanics because they would just port them from PES, a soccer game that runs on the Fox Engine.
That's the kind of delusion you could see around here every day.
Or that you would be killing child soldiers even though killing children in a videogame is an automatic AO rating, and no company would ever fund a Triple A AO game because AO games are not sold in any digital store and almost no physical stores.
MGSV came out unfinished and the open world was empty, but by the time it came out people were thinking it would be the Citizen Kane of videogames based on nothing but mindless, unfounded hype that got bigger and bigger because people started expecting bigger and bigger stuff.

What, exactly, are we looking through?

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I saw the latest "gameplay" trailer and I'm already disappointed

in house game engine. why would he selling the game engine through its prospective capabilities instead of legit soccer leauges between pmc? what does that mean it couldve been a for honor type battle? now im mad im mads mekkelsen

Yeah, the PC port that they accidentally announced when they first revealed the game however many years ago.

Stay mad P C u c k

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I have zero expectations for movie games. I redbox them, play through them once in an evening for the experience and return it.

Negro, I never ever went near /vg/ to begin with and you are the retard here for even hearing about what they had to say in the first place, I don't give a shit about what other people expected from V, I only expected, at the very least, a finished game like 4 or PW and Kojima failed to do even that.

have fun waiting 5 years

ohh but the soccer mechanics has one item like the soccer ball in stationary motion else when you get close to it itll just blow off into the air.... thats a lot of memory for a hard disc? im no dev or programmer but i can imagine coding is extensive

>play through them once in an evening

Its never coming to PC. No Decima game has ever had a PC port.

V shook any faith I still had in him as a writer/director, I just can't imagine someone who's competent signing off on shit like pic related.

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This game will be remembered forever. I feel it.

So, wait, for Yea Forums,which of the 5 mgs games +spinoffs are actually great?
I think MG Rising was great

>a finished game like 4 or PW
MGS4 and PW would have benefited from being unfinished and not having those garbage endings.

>tfw have a PS4 but gonna wait anyway
can't say I care enough to dust it off and play more games in glorious 24fps

As someone who only ever played Metal Gear Solid on PS1, I loved Phantom Pain, even though I didn't fully understand the story, I didn't think it was bad and the gameplay was solid

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I give it 6 months. Capcom showed the East how much you could earn if you suck PC cock just right. You're an idiot if you don't think an independent studio helmed by Kojima with no hard ties to any one company would jump at the oportunity to establish himself and his studio like Capcom did recently and forego all that money.

Konami literally fired him because he needed 6 more months to finish this and 18 more months for part 3, though

The problem is that you MGS redditors unironically think MGS is some kind of 2deep4u serious story when it was always been utterly stupid.
>b-b-b-ut the Colonel AI
Literally the only time the franchise has been serious.
The rest of the franchise is goofy as fuck shit.
Hell, MGS1, a game that people praise for it's story, is a game where the villain's motivation relies on the fact that he has no fucking idea how DNA works.

It's honestly shocking that he cut shit tons of Snake dialogue simply because he thought a quiet protag was "cool."

Will ANYONE in these threads ever post a single source for their claims?
Or are MGS drones just hormonal teenage girls who have been in their period for 4 years and just make shit up based on nothing but their own asshurt?

I think DS might actually get a finished story, and by simply appearing to have all that great third person gameplay from V the only way I could be disappointed after putting 50 hours in MGSV as it was would be if Kojima was rushed and the story isn't fulfilling.

At least it'll look good.

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>shit tons
The only cut dialogue found was dialogue that Snake would have with Paz whenever you went to her in Motherbase, bits of irrelevant dialogue and a fuck ton of grunting.

Not due to any hard limit imposed by the engine itself but due to Sony never sourcing the engine without an exclusivity clause or being in-house development. Kojima's studio is one of the few if not the first to have no such limitations. That and you think Sony wouldn't plaster Kojima's big new game as a PS exclusive if it weren't? It's timed exclusive, and it shows.

I love big open empty words!

>no it's not shit it's campy

Nah that can't be Yea Forums told me there was a ton of stuff Kiefer acted out that never made it into release.

it was like 15 2 word voice lines

I'm guessing it'll have an intentionally open ambiguous ending and Yea Forums will consider it unfinished garbage because it doesn't spell everything out for the retards.

>because it doesn't spell everything out for the retards.
Kojima isn't known for subtlety.

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>Still crying about MGSV

I enjoyed the game because I had reasonable expectations. All I expected was Ground Zeroes in a bigger map, basically Far Cry Kojima edition + Peace Walker and that exactly what I got.

Death Stranding gameplay looks like MGSV+ to me. Expecting more than that is just silly.

It's gonna be on YouTube.

Faggot could have made a horror game to follow PT but noooo. More MGS reskinned. Even when he says to hate making more Metal Gear.

And yet you all expected that.
MGS games have always been 6-7/10s, and for some reason people expected MGSV to be a 10/10 because they hyped each other up through retarded expectations that Kojima has never before come even close to fullfilling.

single source for claims? when have in the knwown free world have you been told such a thing can exist? if it were true hackers wouldnt exist. think about what your saying. this is why reddit is full of sheeples ith counteless threads and subscribes.

I won't be. I'm already happy with what we've seen. I enjoy videogames, something this board stopped doing a long fucking time ago.

What I mean is that nobody who makes claims about Kojima and Konami and the entire thing between them and MGSV has sources on their claims.
People just spout shit based on nothing.


It will be shit, so I won't be disappointed

>It will be shit
[citation needed]

oh how konami fired the man because he wouldnt publish a game. made the customers angry because its not finished?
that kind of claim. iit was pretty obvious that he was fired because they released metal gear survive after he was gone.
but let me be the first to sayy.
i never cared fr any of that because im
not following the industry in that manner. so i dont have a reasoon to care.

It doesn't look like mgs at all

needless to say yoji shinkawa his art director followed kojima. playstation gave him a blank check. the first kojima did is hire a fromer konami ceo. you cant get more big boss than that

That's another thing.
You do know that firing people in Japan is ilegal, right?
You can only fire people in case they have commited serious crimes, and you need to take that person to court in order for that to happen.

Kojima left Konami because Konami wanted to focus on smartphone games, which he isn't interested in.
Konami couldn't give less of a fuck about MGSV being unfinished because for them it's all about money.

Other than PW, I've never disliked a game directed by Kojima. Even then, I enjoyed it for a while, just not in the long run. MGS4 is a pretty messy game as a whole, but I still have fond memories of it and there's some good ideas there.

I still play MGSV to this day. It's nothing like fucking Far Cry and most other open world games. I can actually have fun replaying missions any way I want to because its structure allows me to. It helps being creative and to give the game a serious try, like disabling most of the HUD shit and avoiding upgrades makes the whole experience significantly more enjoyable. I play on PC now, and I haven't even got any mods installed yet.

If DS allows for that level of flexibility, and depending how far it takes the concepts of inventory/resource physicality and careful environment traversal which seem novel ideas on their own, I can absolutely forgive it even if it has a disappointing story.

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Would it be fixed in a remaster on the PS5? I guess the game won't get a remaster until the PS6 around 2026. Sad.

Depends entirely on the quality of the writing.

A Quiet exit is the end of the game. Other Big Boss gets saved and Quiet, understanding the risk of staying with him leaves. It's one of the high points of the game. Personally MGSV is close to being my favorite Metal Gear. It has the absolute best controls of all of them. It's only unfortunate that the open world is mostly empty. If those stupid fucks at Konami would just allow them to make the game on their own time frame who knows how great it could have been. On it's own it's at least a decent game with some addicting mechanics. There were some great story moments as well.
I'm out on a mission and get a call for something critical going on at the base, sounds like the are under siege. I jump on a chopper, and they faked me out. It just so happened that I was playing on September 18, my birthday and those sly fucks sang me a creepy but fun birthday song, and then Quiet lit my cigar. I remember people on this board saying that that cut scene wasn't in the game at all. A lot of the game feels special I wish Kojima were allowed to do it his way, but without all the drama of MGSV we wouldn't have the unbridled Kojima we have today. I think that in the end it is going to be worth it. I'm at least going in positive. I would have liked to have seen the entire game with as much polish as Camp Omega.

firing in america is legal as fuck. i dont get japanese news.
how yong yea was able to meet kojima for three seconds while i have to sit here on a forum is beyond me. maybe thats the kind of person i need to be. i need to go out more.
konami has sold countless of pokemon, yugioh cards when i was younger. kids today either buy arduinos to mine bitcoin or they are running off to science camp to go work for intel and amd. so i understand why konami wants to change their focus. nintendo is the only company who doesnt need to bat an eye at the prospect of disinterested youth. look at the switch. they are still making mario games. people were selling their motherss for the new super smash brothers. and when they added solid snake. it cemented their future.

I knew it was going to be a pretentious mess but I didn't expect the gameplay to be as bad looking. I guess even more disappointed.

i was hoping instead of call of duty competitions.
wed have metal gear online. fox engine is beautiful.
but fortnite, fifa pro clubs, fifa fut drafts, call of duty, dota, league of legends. i see its best that things ended the way they did.

Why is it pretentious? Because he made a game that tackles a societal problem and aim to have an effect irl? The gameplay shown is still very little but it's obvious there's going to be some base managing aspect.

why are there three more threads on this shit... i have a headache its night time in the west. nightynighty my rice faced hoodlums

You'd have never known that he game wasn't 'finished' had they not told you, and added the Lord of the Flies bluray in the collector's edition.

>Because he made a game that tackles a societal problem and aim to have an effect irl?

Didn't expected anything better from you

maybe if you ignore the gaping plothole that is left by eli leaving with sahelanthropus

Kojima was never 'thrown out' or fired from Konami. He quit. When his contract was coming up he decided he wouldn't renew. He didn't like the direction the games division(mobile/pachi/slot machines) was going in. The division that he was the VP for by the way. He said that he was about to make a move that might make it so he could never make games again. People thought that he was talking about something in The Phantom Pain, while in reality he was talking about leaving Konami and starting his own studio. The problem with making his studio lied with healthcare. In Japan it is illegal to open a company without health care for all employees. The chairman of ITS Kenpo (health insurance company) is also a director at Konami. Konami's deal with Vegas is done. Osaka is going to be the "Vegas of the East" by 2021. The anti-gambling laws keeping this from happening have been changed by Abe's diet. This partnership with Vegas makes everything else Konami does look like fucking chump change. Please for the love of god spread this shit around. I'm sick of having to type it.

Fuck you, the game was not finished and Konami screwed it up with monetization.

Can't be disappointed if you're being realistic and expecting a complete disaster of a game

And we'd all just assume that one of the two Big Bosses tracked him down and got it back and destroyed it. That kind of stuff is fine. Honestly one of the things that MGSV suffered from the most was the lack of cutscenes. It was because of 'Movie Gear 4', and they went too far trying to correct the course.

I'd never seen this video thanks user! I wish like hell that they kept in the maniacal laughter in the game. Fuck Konami.

There's more of that kind.
Here's unused dialogue regarding the Battle Gear.

Time to spoil the story for you cunts.
The game takes place in the real world, years after disaster, humanity was left with one option to survive the destruction it was causing to the planet, move their mind/soul into the internet and kill their human body, leave only a few behind to fix the rest. Gold is seen a lot in the game by characters because gold plated connectors, America is covered in internet cables, you play as Sam, who has to go around repairing the bridges, the terrorist groups are disconnecting humans and "freeing" them. The other side you see, is the AI gone amuck thanks to the damage its taken, its overlapping events designed to simulate reality, you see the remnants in real life still connected. BT's are Bridge Terrestrials, Bridge Babies are humans born of the net and are able to transfer back and forth between.

Tada, Kojima ripped off the Matrix, just like Snatcher was a rip off of Terminator and blade runner.

What makes Kojima's games special to me are the clever stuff he does that you never expect from a game, like, a boss that you can kill by not playing the game for a week, or sudenly make you play a section from a ps1 game and stuff like that. I don't know what to call it, unorthodox gameplay mechanics maybe. I love that shit

>Tada, Kojima ripped off the Matrix
not like it would be the first time

THis is seemingly the best way to live life

It's not, it's pretty fucking depressing.

Can't be disappointed if I'm not even excited.

fucking The End will always be the ultimate sniper battle and if you slept for a week you should be ashamed of your words and deeds.
not him but yeah, nowadays I live in a slightly pessimistic mindset but not just I smoke less but I also have managed to get a job with decent income and a car but shit sucks because you self-torture with the belief you don't deserve anything of this because you're a hollow PoS without any real dream for life.

Gonna pre-order this !!

>he didn't right after the trailer

I don't really expect it to be good but I'm still buying it, so I guess nothing.

Why go around spreading lies? Are you not happy with yourself?

After watching the trailer, and seeing the guy use that ladder and rappel; along with it's 2deep4u story, this will end up being a 9.5/10 game to most people.

Imposter syndrome is very real, user, and it's all fake. You deserve your job.

deciding which place to pre-order, each has a different bonus

I won't be though kek
Why do you want me to be disappointed?


>tfw fan theories end up being more interesting than the game plot itself

Ah, well, this is definitely not the mindset i had in mind when saying what i said. Im sorry you guys are in the emotional dumps. Are you held back by fear of judgment?

that looks suspiciously like a map from knee deep in the dead

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Do toenails regrow completely if you tear them off like that?

I'm not hyping myself up over it like I did with MGSV, which also had the misfortune of being the end to a multi decade spanning series. I'm going to get it, and if it's not total shit, I'll be happy. I'm interested in the world and the lore so even if the gameplay is generic like it seems from the trailers, I'm sure i'll get a kick out of however retarded kojima got writing this trainwreck.

Oh I'm fine now, I just realised I was way too pessimistic and I'd forgotten how to enjoy things.

This is gonna be one of those games where it's either a 10/10 or a 3/10, isn't it?

>BT's are Bridge Terrestrials
It was plausible until this part. We already know BT stands for Beached Things, retard

Will playing this game in PSVR feel amazing?

I love hooking up VR and playing none VR games on an epic sized screen

It's going to be a 10/10 perfect game because game reviewers judge solely on emotion, and Kojima's 2deep4u story along with his cutscenes are going dazzle everyone and make them care less about the walking sim gameplay.

>Has Kojima ever disappointed?

Peace Walker. That game was absolute trash.

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Yes, beached, outside of the ocean of AI, they had a few names.

i like walking sim gameplay tho

>Upside down rainbow.

Death Stranding will use the Decima Engine, the same tech used to power Horizon: Zero Dawn on PS4

FUCKING that game

DEATH STRANDING Special Edition includes:
DEATH STRANDING full game in SteelBook® case
Special Gold “Ludens Mask” Sunglasses (in-game item) once earned through gameplay*:
DEATH STRANDING: Timefall (Original Music from the World of Death Stranding)
DEATH STRANDING: Timefall (Behind the Scenes footage)
*Unlock in-game items via story progression.

Pre-orders receive special gold versions of in-game items**:
Gold “Sam” Sunglasses (in-game item)
Gold Hat (in-game item)
Gold Speed Skeleton (in-game item) – enhances the wearer’s muscle movement power to increase mobility.
Gold Armour Plate (in-game item) – padding on shoulders and legs to protect the wearer from falls, gunfire and other damage
**Unlock in-game items via story progression.

Death Stranding sucks

Stop being silly

MG Survive>DS

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the "twist" that you are some random dude all along is the dumbest thing ever. its not only unnecessary but its just dow right silly. literally m night shamalandingdong tier twist

What games has this guy created for us to play?
Are his better than kojimas



90% trash, 10% kino

This but unironically.

I imagine that it's going to play exactly like what you'd expect from a shallow trend chaser's excuse to hobnob with Hollywood celebrities on someone else's dime.

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My thoughts on it too.

>w-well I'd like to see you do better!
Fuck off back to Tumblr

They built an entire fucking engine. Something like Horizon Zero Dawn with it's engine building took 7 years and it's still cookie cutter and padded as fuck.

I wont. MGSV only wasnt good because Konami didnt let Kojima finish it. And even still, the game is pretty interesting. Imagine if it had full development

Why do PCmutts like about easily refutable shit that they've been BTFO out about countless times in countless thread?

>Horizon is cookie cutte-

Attached: Horizon Enemy Encounter.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

If this scene doesnt actually haopen

Attached: 1559192467584.jpg (893x483, 136K)

this but actually literally unironically

Slight hyperbole, but it still borrows a lot of tropes from the Ubisoft style of games to pad it out.

god i fucking hate this aesthetic

Attached: 1558399460508.jpg (705x696, 27K)

>the main reason you fags were upset with MGSV was because of the endless months of hype here on Yea Forums where people convinced one another about their headcannon that they were SURE was GOING TO HAPPEN.
Shit argument. People were 100% FUCKING SURE they knew how Infinity War was going to go down and they were wrong and IW blew them away.

The story was shit in 5 and there was barely any story at that. I love Koji, but 5 was okay at best.

You can't be disappointed if you're not expecting anything. So far, literally all we've seen is bits of mediocre open world and average looking 3rd person shooting. There's no reason to have your hopes up for this.

You're right. I tricked my brain into thinking I'd get a complete game and I was wrong. For that I apologize.

looking forward to Death Stranding, i'm hyped as fuck

Attached: 0 smug strawberry man.gif (351x303, 2.1M)

I already have low expectations when it comes to gameplay. As long as I get a decent story, I'll be ok.



Already dissapointed in this not being Silent Hill or Kojima doing horror

DS is horror, though.

I have no expectations for it to be anything other than fucked up. If it actually isn't as strange as I'm expecting, then I would say moderately disappointed.

Attached: 1544775351202.gif (380x365, 1.38M)


it isn't out yet retard stop begging the question

as much as your first time

This is the most brainlet observation imaginable. The changes in the environment are gameplay opportunities in and of themselves, such as having to use your equipment to cross a gap on the ground or climbing mountains, or hiding in vegetation to avoid enemy detection. Even small bumps in the terrain can greatly affect character movement, this is especially noticeable during what appears to be a boss fight in the Japanese version of the recent trailer. Having to carry cargo around will more than likely intensify these aspects even more.

Also, people need to stop acting like they don't play every open world game the same way. You can only get so much engagement from encountering random NPCs and messing with them in GTA. Most of the buildings are not interactable, which means most of the world around you is pure visual dressing, and the gameplay largely becomes going from point A to point B. Does that count as empty? Does it matter how open and the big the areas are, or is there some sort of ideal ratio of time spent roaming around and encountering obstacles? Even more linear games like Dark Souls and many metroidvanias would rank pretty low on that scale.

Attached: 54677788.jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

what do you even do in this game? it appears to be like final fight with better graphics and climbing

Almost done with my review.

we had a marijuan subject and it got prune or deleted.
i was been insulted but somehow its my fault.... damn americans


thicker than a snicker

it's okay, brainlet, nobody cares.

>death stranding
you mean immortal unchained 2?

yeah, pretty much this. I want some surreal horseshit, that will hopefully be fun to play, and maybe make a modicum of sense by the end.

It looks like sci fi with horror elements ala Metal Gear and there's been a ton of sci fi films these last few years. Just feels stale to me.

Attached: Annihilation_(film).png (220x343, 119K)

norman reedus is dead, he was shot in the back and pushed into the ocean while on a navy battleship. now he's stuck in a purgatory known as the death stranding, not knowing if he's alive or dead, but all he wants to do is return to his wife, and through his journey of reconnection he might possibly escape the concept of death itself

Presumably, from a pure gameplay standpoint, you're carrying shit that has to to be delivered somewhere (maybe also works as currency). Along the way, you encounter various types of enemies and you can either use melee combat or firearms to defend yourself or use stealth to avoid combat altogether. You can lose cargo/resources if you're attacked. Also, in one of the dev interviews, it was confirmed that you can fight or run from at least one particular boss. Things seem pretty straight forward at this point.

>final fight


I won't be so long as it's released on PC. I need to play this game with a mod that turns Sam's uniform brown so I can roleplay a UPS guy.

I want to see troy's acting already.

Attached: 1530430125348.png (661x1002, 660K)

Troy Baker playing Higgs (bland as fuck name) is the biggest disappointment thus far. His voice, and especially his face doesn't remotely live up to the threat that was building up with golden mask. This character deserved an intimidating and unique voice, not a fuccboi VA who's constantly appearing in every fucking game.

Attached: 674322.jpg (531x559, 76K)

Who would have you hired instead?

hey this is a blue board buddy dont post that 'gina

>bland as fuck
it's a reference to one of the equations on normans necklace

I don't have a specific list of actors ready. But even some random nobody who could do a decent gruff voice would work better, or maybe give him a somber tone like The Sorrow from MGS3.

I won't be disappointed at all. It's a 10/10 game, the game of the year, and a serious contender for game of the decade. It's made by Hideo Kojima-sama, which guarantees that it will be good because it'll be weird and way over my head, meaning it's smart and deep. It will receive praise and 10's across the board from journos who rightly admire Kojima-sama, proving that it is an amazing game.

ehh I don't really care, I think Troy always does an above average job in the worst of cases, but most of the time he is great.

We'll see, but I think having a guy that doesn't sound like he has smoked 300 cigarettes in the last week for a bad guy seems good.

>Dark Souls
Dark Souls is open world.