What do mp potions tastes like?

What do mp potions tastes like?

Attached: potion-icon-png-2.png (864x1022, 64K)

Blueberry. Health like strawberry.

It depends on the drinker

like vaginal juices

cum :3

Taste like herbal medicine

They taste like the blue potions

salty milk and coins


wait a moment that artstyle

wtf where can i get some mp potions...

Tastes like water.

what horsery is going on here

Deez nuts

how are the latest seasons?

Unless it's made of real-world ingredients that let you reasonably infer the taste, I always assume they taste like medicine.

Blueberries and cum

baja blast

water or

That's the Blue Potion from Wind Waker, which restores all your health and magic. If you want to be accurate, use the Green Potion picture, which only restores magic, you fucking dumbass.


7 is good. 6,8, and 9 have a few mixed episodes but are mostly good.

What does estus flask tastes like?

Attached: estus_flask_dsiii_-_02.png (254x254, 69K)

They taste like that blue drink you sometimes see at bars but don't know what it's called

Pickle pee


bags of sand

Ginger kombucha

what's that taste like?

Going by Link's facial expressions (when he has them) they taste absolutely terrible.

Salty coins. Wet.

old watered down milk

taste your cum and then add vinegar

A bad game

>Salty coins
i've never tasted coins.

If they're not a virgin, cum. If they're virgin it tastes kind of like water but slightly metallic.

i'd overdose on it if this were the case

So it'd be blue raspberry, right?

sunny D, obviously

I always pictured it tasting kind of like toothpaste. Fresh, minty, and tingly.

Spicy orange juice

Monster energy drinks

Like cough syrup with a bit of sparkle

You can't handle my strongest potions...

Hes taking his time getting here, Isnt he?

Health: Cinnamon
Mana: Wintergreen
Stamina: Maccha

they taste like blue

Attached: Blue-Hawaiian-1519410443674.jpg (326x595, 9K)