I'll pre-order it just because it's a _____ game

>I'll pre-order it just because it's a _____ game

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imagine actually preordering anything ever

Imagine buying anything based solely on brand/franchise name alone.

From software

imagine being a buyfag/normalfag

imagine trying to kill me when I regenerate faster than you can hurt me and by punching you once you have your speed cut in half


why would i want to kill you then


Long before your ass was born, there was an era when pre-ordering a game meant reserving your copy in a physical store to pick up on launch. It was just a 5 dollar deposit, and it was actually pretty fun if you were planning to go to the midnight release.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.png (550x623, 332K)

times have changed old man
this "5 dollar deposit" became "pay me 60 dollars right now without even knowing what this game is and get a BADASS exclusive baseball bat skin that will later be released as dlc for like 10 bucks"


If you know something is going to be good there is no reason to wait. I've enjoyed every Pokemon game, and know they will stick to the formula for the new one, so there's no reason to avoid buying the new one.

gaystop have this policy of reserving a game for 5 euroshekells to this day

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Bought 3ds for SMT 4. Zero regrets.

>game looks interesting to me
>game has a pre-order bonus
>don't pre-order
>don't ever end up buying the game because it's incomplete without the pre-order bonus
Anyone else go through this? It seems all these incentives have the opposite effect on me.


>it's incomplete without the pre-order bonus
Can you throw in some examples? Because it kinda baffles me how you can skip a game if it was some sort of costume or cometic item.

I've never said this

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Literally me

if im gonna buy the game day 1 what does it matter if i preorder?


cute and funny

Imagine being a human