I played a WoW Classic server and it was slow and boring and go get 10 scorpions tails

I played a WoW Classic server and it was slow and boring and go get 10 scorpions tails.
Why do people want this so much again?

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Streamers have been paid a lot of money to shill this game for a long time. A lot of zoomers will fall for the hype.

I played back in vanilla and I never want to do that tedious shit again. People just long for something that's gone, their youth.

I knew classic would bring this sort of shit to this board but holy fucking shit... be more predictable? Nice bait thread you absolute fucking retard 0/10 unlike sonic i dont chuckle

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Fuck off /pol/

I played Fallout and it was slow and boring and go get water chip
why do people want this so much again?

World of Warcraft was the first real "themepark" mmo which allowed casuals and carebears to succeed and run the show. PKing was effectively entirely eliminated and made a non-issue. The only reason people want it is some weird form of nostalgia or they don't like how zany WoW became as time went on.

Wake me when Shadowbane gets a remaster or someshit.

Try to look past the nostalgia as a new player touching the product, it's just not good.

Maybe if you look past your need to hate everything fun


Okay buddy
Don't get your diaper wet

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I'm not giving you any more (You)s



The gameplay was pretty meh but it was one of the few MMO's that nailed social aspects correctly... Making new friends in a fantasy world and killing monsters together is really fun.

if you honestly think that classic has no PKing I don't think you should have an opinion in this thread

It's a white man thing transfreak, you wouldn't understand it.

How was it different than a common chat room?

Sure thing m8

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>thinly veiled animepost bait thread
sasuga, Yea Forums

Because you don't have hardships/drama/stakes... etc. in the relationships you form in a chatroom.

Did WoW have full inventory loss and stat/XP loss upon being PKed? No? Fuck off.

Mikasa and armin need to fucking die already
Reiner a best

PKing in WoW was a minor nuisance and not a real threat to consider.

All my RL friends are coming back for this. It's going to be fun

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>Retail tranny is also an AoT poster

Imagine wanting to go back to that time in 2004 when you were a teenager or young adult. Trying to recapture the feeling of playing a dated and mediocre game. Imagine the pure insanity and thought process of someone who wants that

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the community aspects on each server are like nothing else I've played. Also you have to work really hard and long to get good shit. Obviously the hardest of hardcore players will love this.

people played this shit when they were 13
it will end up just like OSRS with only autists, streamers and their cock suckers, and NEET nostalgiafags playing

Whats with this tranny shit

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Im so on the fence if i want to play this or not
Like i have played Vanilla private servers and enjoyed it
The retail classic might be different because of the people playing
There are already shitty addons that will ruin parts of the non guild experience

>which outnumber the players of current RS oops, forgot to mention that

I sure don't care because I think MMO's are the most brain dead boring genre ever, but I think a big reason why I never get into MMOs is because I hate the feeling of knowing I wasn't there right at the beginning, even starting a character doesn't mean you were there on day one, unless you were, and I hate that feeling because it feels like I missed something and feel like I'll be behind in someway, and for the big successful MMOs like WoW and FF, those games evolve daily and change drastically with each expansion. So this feeling goes up over time, so I can at least see the appeal of wanting to have a fresh start of sorts

> posting on Yea Forums and implying you arent an autist

Don't make me tear up. It was the worst time in my life. Depression, realization that world is evil and life is a struggle. But that made good moments even more precious. I want to go back!

I hate to break this to you, but there were addons in vanilla, too. Zygor leveling was a big one, there was recount, and there was DBM

I never understood the streamer hate until I opened this soda guy's stream just now. This manchild is extremely arrogant and legit thinks he's the best druid on the server, without his orbiters enabling his gear he's not even that good mechanically or knowledgeable about the class, he says so much retarded shit about druid in general... Sometimes I think I should stream him losing 1v1 to me even with all his autistic fucking manchild rules, I even applied to their little chode tournament and they told me I have to be better well known even though I literally stand outside ogr half my fucking day, the "community" they're building is a joke and this guy is so arrogant and needs to actually get a fist to the face as soon as possible

Can't you get "up to speed" with the release of a new expansion?

seething asmongold donator

>I hate the feeling of knowing I wasn't there right at the beginning
That explains your lack of any sex life.

I love the argument that people who pretend they played vanilla use of "EYE played back then and AYE didn't like it", because they think they'll come off as some truly red-pilled veil piercer.
You're either admitting you played a game you didn't like, or that you dropped it but tried it again expecting something different.

Seething seething word user


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You'd know your kind isn't welcome here if you didn't crossboard soley to make retarded bait threads.
Let me communicate in a language you understand with pic related.

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watch based asmon instead

Hey I posted this earlier today.

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well who are YOU subbed to on twitch? just hating on popular things doesnt make u cool you know. go watch your shitty small streamers and let us normal people have fun

you're not normal people
normal people aren't addicted to an mmo or worse, addicted to watching someone addicted to an mmo
nobody in this clusterfuck is normal, pick your poison and shut up

Where did Benji go?
If anyone's curious it's done premiering so you can watch as a normal vid.


Video ends when the run is over.

Gets pretty based at the end.

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>paying people money to play video games

stupid zoomer

>two biggest beta streamers
>playing the two biggest "please carry me" classes
So fucking glad near enough all the big wow streamers are NA. Gonna have enough problems on EU realms as is without having some entitled pricks running around with their personal zoomer armies.

You aren't the audience

Because they are retards who never played vanilla private servers.
I've played more than my fair share of private servers. low rates and high rates. they are only as fun as the most recent episode of nostalgia goggles lasts.

I can't imagine paying a sub fee just to take a trip down memory lane and remissness about better ties.

shut your whore mouth about druid
it's the most wholesome class in the entire game and this asspergers faggot can die in a fire

If being able to do everything 10 times worse that other classes is wholesome then sure thing pal

Wrong response? Other wise, u wot m8

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>If being able to do everything 10 times worse that other classes
Ok, keep listening to the streamer retards.
I've been boomkin for 10+ years and druid will always be extremely high reward.

Is he the same kind of sperg? I don't like alliance.
BTW I'm coming from fucking ungoro right now to ogr, I'm gonna destroy this little chode right now.

>I've been boomkin for 10+ years
So since wrath? Vanilla druids were healers 99% of the time - worse than a priest, paladin, or shaman in every regard - and offtanks 1% of the time if you were autistic enough to be raiding naxx and farming CPs. Balance was literally unplayable.

warrior literally goes from "please carry me" to "dw ill carry"

In your fucking dreams. The class fundamentally requires someone else dedicating all their effort towards them to operate.
PvE: Totally gear reliant. You need to have gear funneled into you by your raidgroup thats willing to do it for you (odds are the return is that you're the tank and thats it).
PvP: Not only still gear reliant, but you literally need a healer living inside your asshole 24/7 to not get eternally bullied by everyone else.