Holy Moly

Switch owners rejoice!

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what am I looking at

What is this?

Game Stop upcoming list.

5 games and a switch mini.
Rip e3

21 new Switch SKU's. All games.

All ports.

12/31? Lol some of us will be dead before then


Yes, and in the system it is classified as a game, not a console.

I think it will be a pro version.

How likely will The Witcher 3 come to Switch?

I'm interested to see how butchered it'll be

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Nah they'll want the Mini out to launch with Pokemon and AC.

yes ports are games retard
placeholder dates for unannounced games are always 12/31 genious

Fire Emblem Tree Houses Complete Edition confimed

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I just can't see a mini.
What would be? The version without the base thing is already sold in Japan.
The screen of Switch is the only good thing in the system, aside some games, of course.
Killing the screen would be a mistake, in my opinion, at least.

Remember last year there were 50 skus and all Nintendo showed was fortnite


I used to laugh at the people making fun of "Switch tax" but holy shit I was wrong.

>pro version
>100 bucks cheaper than the older version

I dont think this is a stupid mini model but a pro version at that price is even more absurd to assume.

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It's either a mini or a special edition of a game like Fire Emblem


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>switch mini
>when literally nobody wanted it and everyone wanted a pro version
Well. I guess making a cheaper/smaller more kid friendly version makes more sense.

the nintendo switch has zero games

since pokemon is around the corner it would line up, however I'm still skeptical they're doing a new switch model this year given the lack of pics/leaks about one (no, rumors about it are not actual leaks)

>Misspell that last one
lol obviously added in.

Gamestop is going under in the next 3 years. Just a heads up

No detachable joycons, they're molded on.
No cartridge slot.
No dock included.

Probably just the dockless Switch
Same system we just took out the dock. To save 100$
Wish they’d figure out a way to cut the price in half
150$ for a Switch would be wild

Yay ports.

No cartridge slot would be beyond retarded.

And none of them will be TW101 or TMS so why bother?

I hope it does just to see how awful it is and watch Nintendo fags backpedal on shitposting AND defend the awful port

>No cartridge slot.
Dead on arrival

>5 inch screen
>Integrated controls instead of joycons
>No dock
Easy. Also expect them to simplify the internals. the Switch currently has several detachable modules that are manufactured individually, even the nand has it's own board for some reason. Getting rid of the joycon rails and condensing the internals to a single board would make the Switch cheaper to produce.

And this is Nintendo, the king of retarded.

2DS happened suddenly if my memory isn't failing me. Sudenly they revealed the door stopper that was cheap and can play Pokemon few months before the games were gonna get released.

Get get get get got got got got

Dock is just simple plastic with next to nothing in it. Forging that won't save 100 bucks.

Not Safe Work?

I hope those are physical copies

I don't think it's even possible for the current Switch to run it, unless it's a cloud version like RE7. If there's a Switch Pro using the same Tegra that's going to be in the new Shield, then it could probably run as well as the base Xbone/PS4, but that would mean being a Pro exclusive.

the cool thing about working at game stop is when stuff like this gets posted I can tell if its real or not

well, user? is it real?


The dock itself is cheap to make, it's a piece of cheap plastic with a circuit board in it. To save $100 they would need to take away stuff like the HD rumble and detachable controllers.
Given that Nintendo isn't ordering as many Tegra chipsets as before, they're probably going to use a new version, which could be more expensive than the current X1, so the Mini would be really fucking barebones as far as features go.

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thanks for not letting us know

I'm not at work right now or else I could check, but at the least they work there because the five to drive shit is correct in the back