ME1 > ME Andromeda > ME2 >ME3

ME1 > ME Andromeda > ME2 >ME3

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shit bait OP

I never played andromeda but it's

ME2 (renegade) >ME1>>>>>>>>>>ME3

Each game had its strong suits: ME1's overall story and space opera feeling, ME2's character interactions, ME3's combat, ME:A's movement and planetary exploration. However, Andromeda had so many bad parts that I can't really say it's outright better than any game in the main trilogy.

Prove me cant


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>Ryder is a cunt
>Every companion is forgettable
>The story is shit
>No stakes at all
>Turned Garrus into a fucking tranny shemale
>Combat hasn't improved since 3
>No Shepard

ME1 and 2 were the only good ME games


3 and Andromeda had better gunplay.

ME Andromeda flopped, and ended an entire division, and ME2 was the highest rated and acclaimed game in the series, frequently cited as one of the greatest video games of all times. And the biggest achievement:

>In 2011, the game was selected as one of 80 titles from the past 40 years to be placed in the Art of Video Games exhibit in the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

Did Andromeda make it in a fucking art museum? Did ME1 even? I don't think so. Bow bitch.

>Sales determine how good a game is
Imagine still being this stupid in 2019.

Nobody cares about this shit, noone who did care about the series back then, as fans were already criticizing the action based combat over the rpg features from 1.

The better gunplay ruins the RPG pace in favour of "le multiple choice driven story" along with 3rd person shooting, thats all ME3 is.

Andromeda was blatant stupidity I never played it, and I believed its trash just looking at the first trailer...
It amuses me when they find all these explanation about why its incomplete, when the reality is so obvious, the sjw lead forced them to waste time on cinematic constraint they didn't even have time to adjust(see the facial mocaps for instance that were fixed with a patch).

SJW ruines bioware, its not a meme the same happened to Dragon Age with DA2.

I mean if you had arguments that aren't just Reddit meme shit I'd be able to refute.

They were all shit

Andromeda wasn't even better than the game it wanted to be; Dragon Age Inquisition. You want ME Andromeda, play it's best version, Inquisition, Andromeda did everything that game did but shittier.

Advent Rising was the Mass Effect we deserved.

>Andromeda was blatant stupidity
>I never played it

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>You want ME Andromeda, play it's best version, Inquisition

this is fucking brutal

Anything > Mass Effects 1, 2, 3, Andro and ANY future installments.

andromeda caused a entire studio to disappear


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Andromeda somehow managed to make exploring a new galaxy boring and uninteresting.

They deserve some kind of recognition for it.


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She maybe autstic as hell, but god i'd suck out her cervix

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ME1 > DAO > ME3 > ME2 > DAI > DA2

andromeda isn't even on the charts

>ME1 > DAO

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what are some other games with cute autistic girls?

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I'm genuinely surprised that EA didn't even try to suck out more money from its fanbase with some DLC.
Biodrones still exist and they buy anything anyway.

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Andromeda was unironically not as bad as people claim.
The combat is the best in the series.

they will. give it a couple years for people to forget that the last two titles were 5/10s
they'll probably bring shepard back, too

>People kept this saying this one was shit because it was the B team made up of interns while Anthem was the A team Bioware veterans
>Anthem ended up being way worse and made this look like a masterpiece by comparison

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You guys gonna keep blaming SJWs instead of EA who keep rushing development and pulling funding to make Sport and shooter live service games?

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DAO had an NPC in your camp shilling for DLC


I'm posting it

Both games had the same issue, they were lead by incompetent idiots and ended up redesigning the game halfway thru development.

as far as i can tell, the players like anthem generally. what they don't like is them not fixing the loot drops and not releasing any content for months. completely different problems from MEA.

what players?

both were equally dogshit, but Andromeda had more cucks shilling for it because the franchise name.

EA offered Bioware more time to finish Andromeda.
They turned it down.
No publisher can fuck up a game as bad as Andromeda got fucked. Only developers can do that.