ITT: We list every game that rips off Berserk

ITT: We list every game that rips off Berserk.

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One Piece pirate warriors 2

Nothing has ever blatantly ripped off Berserk except for that one Tales Of game
Dragon's Dogma and Souls have the most Berserk references, but they're original enough

Final Fantasy 7

What would you guys like to see out of a berserk game?

Sekiro. Both have men with artificial arms who flip around

Yep. Berserk rips this off. ImAm I doing it right?

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Jackie Chan Stuntmaster

>What would you guys like to see out of a berserk game?
No Griffith.

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How about not a shit musou

Berserk isn't all that original. It wasn't even the first dark fantasy manga in Japan. However it was the one that really popularized dark fantasy the most in Japan.

Ms Pac-Man

Dark Souls, obviously.

How ripped off we talking? FFXIV Dark Knight animations are inspired by Berserk

so basically post golden age?

>game has a homage/cameo reference to a famous manga
>it's a ripoff

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This. Talk about how Berserk is just an evil dead rip.

berserk is itself heavily inspired by a ton of classic horror


Ironically, Miura was afraid that he was going to be sued because of how similar both Ash and Guts were

I'm pretty sure Berserk is 100% original and not just lifting horror movie scenes.

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It's really tiresome.

It's one thing to have a homage/cameo in your game and another completely different thing to have tons and tons of references to that manga across all your series games. I love the souls games but I feel like their enemy design relies way too much on berserk, it's really tiring especially after 5 games. Dark Souls 3 was probably the biggest offender for me though.

Most of those are reaching pretty fucking hard

The little gay strand is so fucking gay, holy shit

I only played the first one, and there are no enemy designs that have anything to do with berserk whatsoever. If you say something retarded like they have the same helm that is literally just a copied real helm design, I’m gonna slap you.

No, you don't understand, that mean that it's insta garbage and look how smart I am for noticing

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Miura said that he didn't even watch Evil Dead 2 before releasing the first chapter of the manga and was afraid that he might get sued by it. He probably got influenced by it later but I think most of these are grasping at straws.

They're clearly not when Miura considered Guts a rip off Ash and was heavily inspired by the series. There are actually a lot more comparisons, they're just not here. Even the whole story of Ash getting cucked by evil is here.

Well no one at fromsoft even heard of berserk until dark souls was released, trust me, my wife’s son works at Sega.

Miura is a fucking GRNIUS that DIDN'T rip off American movies (at all)

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This one is straight out ripped from the manga. I don't think there's anything wrong with strong influences on your game but you can't deny that the souls games rely a bit too much on berserk.

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Those are just references though right? When people say rip off they usually mean in regards to the plot, don't they?

That is a real torture method though.

Why is Berserk (PS2) such garbage?

yes, but them rolling at you is not real

This. Berserk created this idea as you can see in this 1299 medieval relief

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based on torture devices.

Never knew that berserk was popular in those days. Probably explains some of this we see there.


Berserk with Bloodborne/Sekiro combat and an interconnected Souls world, Miyazaki obviously desperately fucking wants to do it I have no idea why he hasn't yet

What do wheels do again?

Berserk is when you copy enough that it's no longer just a nod. Of course it's referential. I'm just shitting on Berserk fags for thinking "everything is a ripoff of Berserk" when really nothing is and Berserk itself is just bogged down with references from horror movies, Bosch, etc. Like literally Hieronymous' Hell is like most of Berserk imagery in a nutshell.

I want you to give me 3 examples in fiction of an undead skeleton on a cart wheel rolling around
I bet you can't.

It's commonly depicted in around around torture wheels. Obviously they didn't roll in real life.

>their enemy design relies way too much on berserk
Dark Souls and Demon's Souls enemies are mostly standard D&D creatures which were already repackaged mythological beasts. The whole man serpents, goat demon, taurus demon, ogres, sanctuary guardians etc. seen in Dark Souls are all generic old monsters and Berserk isn't the one that came up with them first.
Berserk's main apostles have very distinct and recognizable philosophy behind their designs and they're not seen anywhere in Dark Souls.

Not saying Dark Souls wasn't inspired or influenced by Berserk, on the contrary I already said that Berserk popularized the dark fantasy genre overseas but to call Dark Souls (or Dragon's Dogma) a ripoff is demented and only displays the retardation of Berserk fans.

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>crystal dragon

THere's a bit of a difference in comics and maybe Manga I don't really know. But when you're talking about art, visual art (compositions, designs, scenes). Yea, you can just as easily be ripping off someones art or visuals.

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I wouldn't call it a ripoff of Berserk but there are so many obvious references and design lifts that it's pretty hard to ignore

Evil Dead invented knights

Do you have any idea how many games had wheel enemies that roll at you before dark souls?

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With how much Dark Souls and FROM in general rips off from Berserk, I seriously hope that Miura gets compensated.
It's beyond overt and excessive to boot to the point where I do not want support the company.
The fact that their games are shit doesn't help.

that's not a skeleton on a cart wheel
you're deliberately missing the point

Well nothing in Berserk was invented by by Miura frankly. Even the Godhand are just repackaged lifts of Giger and Griffith is just the Phantom of the Paradise.

What the duck are you talking about?
Ps2 berserk is based

>be game designer
>one of common enemy archetypes is a wheel that rolls at you
>hey, let’s research some grim shit about medieval times for our grimdark medieval setting
>hey, this looks pretty cool
>I sure do wonder what we could do with this

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>game developer references manga in a harmless way
>"I no longer want to support these people and I hope Miura is getting payed because some game referenced him"
What the fuck

see I don't see why it's so hard to accept that dark souls has heavy berserk inspiration

>ctrl f metal gear
>0 matches
Guts is litterally Big Boss

>ctrl f mars war logs
>0 matches
Guts is litterally Roy

Divinity Original Sin
the star stone / blood stones are literaly behelit

When has Guts ever expressed a desire to create a nation of soldiers that answers to no government?

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>Dark Souls and Demon's Souls enemies are mostly standard D&D creatures which were already repackaged mythological beasts. The whole man serpents, goat demon, taurus demon, ogres, sanctuary guardians etc. seen in Dark Souls are all generic old monsters and Berserk isn't the one that came up with them first.
No shit, all fantasy settings are derivative from each other since they're all based on tolkien's work and mythology. I just wish Miura and From Software cooled off the Berserk influences a bit, but fortunately they already did with Sekiro. I think they really needed to stay away from dark medieval fantasy settings for a while.


Berserk is so fucking overrated

it was good before Conviction turned the series into isekai

There's referencing something and then there's directly lifting designs, the latter of which FROM does and has done on multiple occasions.
Don't get me wrong, I'd still support them if the games were good and worth supporting, but they're not. The fact that they rip off something I actually do enjoy is just the dingleberry on top of the shit sandwich that is the Souls/Borne franchise.

get good

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>tolkien invented everything
Here we fucking go

>Characters inspired by Guts/Berserk
>Cloud (FFVII)
>Auron (FFX)
>Arngrim (Valkyrie Profile)
>Siegfried/Nightmare (Soul Calibur)
>Asura (Asura's Wrath)
>Hurk (Vindictus)
>Pretty much every character wielding wide as fuck 2h greatswords
>Akuma/Gouki inspired by Zodd

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The games are easy. The "Dark Souls is hard" thing is a meme perpetuated by game journalists (we all know how great at video games those are) and the fanbase to derive some sense of accomplishment out of being successful at a video game. Most probably because they lack success in other aspects of life. I say this because soulsfags are probably the most insecure bitches on the planet who seem to derive their self worth by the fact that they can play a video game and get buttblasted whenever someone points out the fact that their favorite game isn't that special, and by extension neither are they.

fucking idiot

>they're all based on tolkien's work and mythology
Which is itself based on real life folklore, history and mythology.

I think he meant ''tolkien's work, and mythology''

>they're all based on tolkien's work AND mythology
>reading comprehension

Right on cue
Lazy nigger

>The games are easy. The "Dark Souls is hard" thing is a meme perpetuated by game journalists (we all know how great at video games those are) and the fanbase to derive some sense of accomplishment out of being successful at a video game. Most probably because they lack success in other aspects of life. I say this because soulsfags are probably the most insecure bitches on the planet who seem to derive their self worth by the fact that they can play a video game and get buttblasted whenever someone points out the fact that their favorite game isn't that special, and by extension neither are they.

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>esl faggot can't structure a sentence properly
Omega cringe

This sounds more like you have some intense beef with the games and the fanbase at a fundamental level. The games are somewhat more difficult than most average offerings of its kind, but definitely doable, so long as people pay attention.

Maybe every game he shit out is practice for his big Berserk adaptation or he is waiting it to end so the game covers everything.
Some of Sekiro mechanics would fit very well and they weren't in DS.

>hard to ignore
youre no different from trannies who cry and whine about irrelevant bullshit on twitter all day
only difference is you come here to post

Berserk is already a ripoff of other shit but alright

>definitely doable, so long as people pay attention
Yeah, that's the whole point. All you need to do is pay attention, this isn't difficult unless you suffer from a disorder, hence why Souls games by extension aren't hard.

>Miyazaki should stop making nods to a manga he likes because I say so
>also his critically aclaimed series is shit because I say so

He can rip off the whole setting for all I care so long as he pays the guy who originally created it.
Dark Souls is shit, sorry to rustle your jimmies but its true.

The playerbase wide and far has proven though that they still aren't exactly the best at this sort of thing. What would you even consider a hard game?

Case in point, Soulsfags are insecure brainlets.

God Hand.

Post a screenshot of your build then user. The games are pretty easy, so you should have a level 150-200 character that you can take a screenshot of.

Will we ever get a manga about guts in his late fifties?

Why would I keep the game installed when it's garbage and I don't enjoy it?

They all do.

Maybe I'm out of touch and kids use new lingo these days. I'm rather tired of calling references and homages 'rip-offs' and optimization and gaming the system 'abusing'. It's so stupid and self-deprecating to use words with negative connotation to describe perfectly normal deeds which show love and dedication. It's like calling your wife 'your bitch'.

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Mfw played through half of god hand before realizing I could buy health upgrades

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Why should I believe you have any experience with any of the games when there's so much evidence suggesting that you haven't played any of them?

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>Nothing has ever blatantly ripped off Berserk except for that one Tales Of game

Which one?

As far as I'm concerned actually playing the games and calling them good is enough evidence to assume that you haven't played them either.

>Nothing has ever blatantly ripped off Berserk except for that one Tales Of game
Remember that time Akechi's outfit turned into the berserk armor and then the hood even went over his head in the same way as Guts'?

Persona 5 was a shitshow.

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lmao epic burn fellow gamer you sure showed me with your smug reaction image holy cow

Not at this rate of updates but man can dream.

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It's very funny to see you doing all that damage control while the other guy raised perfectly reasonable and simple points.

>Dragon's Dogma
Still pissed they couldn't get the Berserk gear back in for the PC version, I loved them in the original release.

You can still make a pretty good Guts with other vanilla armor pieces, at least

It's not a reasonable point to expect someone to have a screenshot of a build within an eight year old game they actively dislike.
The fact that you think that is the case just shows to me that you're a retard and don't know what the words reasonable or damage control mean.

Don't you just hate weebs? They always think their chinese cartoons are so original and influential haha.


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take your (you) and go

>was nicknamed Gotz
>prosthetic iron hand
>part of a mercenary group
not a game, but this guy was definitely a weeb

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The problem with japs is that their idea of an homage means recreating bit by bit the thing they want to pay the homage.

It's reasonable to assume that moron who shows he didn't play the game and has nothing to prove he did is a faggot and talks out his ass. Have a good weekend, faggot.

Yeah, though he did go to see it after he drew that scene though

>implying that Berserk is unique
Berserk is a Devilman ripoff

wtf it's true

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