What games have the best looking water?

What games have the best looking water?

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Sea of theives

DQ11 has pretty water.

Attached: 1503996427_preview_GR 3-1.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

Black Flag

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Uncharted 4

KH3 was nice if I remember correctly. The water spell for example and the PotC map.

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Nice water.

>you will never be as zen as this guy right here

Attached: chill water guy.png (641x820, 602K)

you know the rules, OP

Where is the stream, nigga?


>old guy brags about water
hmmm something about that sounds so familiar...

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wordfilterslmao DOT 000webhostapp.com/

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also stream when

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Jesus Christ of nazereth?

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Far cry games
Uncharted (even 1)
Assassin's creed black flag
Crysis on pc

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minecraft, if you have shaders

Attached: minecraft.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

>Portal 2
I that's the only game I don't get the water joke.

super mario sunshine

bad pic I know, just use your memory.

Attached: Super_Mario_Sunshine_Water_Color_Wrong.jpg (1920x1080, 434K)

Hydrophobia is literally about water physics. Not a great game though.

Other game

Yea Forums grows old

I think it's because the original image had violent shooters and had Portal 2 there too, so it was a outlier. The joke isn't that it's water related, it's the fact that it isn't related similar to the original image.

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>twitter screencap
Absolute cancer. Kill yourself.

Ive been playing Skyrim Special Edition and honestly the water is nice looking. I like how it looks a bit more solid than most other games. Sounds weird, but it just has a pleasant look.

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botw has pretty good water for a handheld game

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Sea of Thieves fucking sucks as a game but it has some of them best looking water when sailing.

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how good is the sailing in it

Neither of those look like men.

It's actually not bad. The game's problems are in the actual content outside of that. I guess you could try it with that $1 Xbox pass.


botw looks like shit

certainly not that piece of shit


Wave Break

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The sailing mechanics are really good, you get basically full control of the ship and it's individual parts and it doesn't feel like it's too simple and overly complicated.

To follow-up what said, the overall game is fun, if you're thinking about trying it. But after a while it boils down to 'explore everything for treasure and bring that back for gold which you can only use to buy cosmetics'


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What games let me swing a chain?

crash 3's water was really simple but it worked really well for the time

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It never worked

Shogun 2/FotS

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Sonic Adventure, or just all sonic games really, SEGA knows how to do water.

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Too clear and green.

Judie Dench?

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Fuck I wanna play Wind Waker now, love that game. I hope they release it for the switch.

Ok so what about games that have the WORST looking water

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>stream when

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Saints Row IV is literally just checkered squares for water.

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you just missed it

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Wave Race 64 has amazing water for a 23 year old game.

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>tfw you go too close to the edge and everything turns to red and the sea looks like blood
Ultimate spooky.

>he's never been to the panhandle

Florida? That doesn't look like Florida.

>Standard water shader on that art style
It kind of looks out of place, like a cute anime girl with 100% realistic eyes.

Crummy water? They should have Pokemon Creatures instead!

It's comparable. If anything, the vidya water is not green enough.
you're probably right about clarity though. My point was just to say that the water definitely isnt too green to represent reality

Fuck this question.
I want to know what games have the WORST looking water

Resistance 2 and its jello water out of Ed Edd N Eddy.

Sea of Thieves is gorgeous.

Attached: seaofthieves_03.jpg (1629x472, 362K)

It better be, that's literally the game.

Water in WoW looks like fucking jello and I hate it. The only shitty gif water looks better in every way except for not blending into shorelines.

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The old water, I mean.

it's the opposite of old man yells at cloud.

Dolphin on switch fucking when?

>knowledge is based upon that which we cannot prove
the poor kid is retarded

I know theres been better water since then but the water in sonic unleashed will always be my favorite. Some night levels have different shaders, and the chun nan night level has this very lavish looking lighting. You can point the camera to the water and it glimmers beautifully. Anyone whose played it knows what i mean


An obscurish 360 indie game that got released a few years back is something of a tech demo for Sea of Thieves.


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I'd unironically sooner go to a waterfest than a beerfest.

This is the only correct answer. Everyone else is wrong and probably gay.

>stream when


I love how the cell shading makes the graphics timeless.
Can't even tell WW was released 15+ years ago

>tfw can play it on Dolphin emulator with higher res
>tfw no 4k screen

skyrim has the good looking water, or crysis. i need to play crysis.

at least post the actual miiverse posts, not some shitty twitter.

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Skyrim's vanilla water is pretty bad. It really needs to be modded to look good.

desu i really hope they keep the classic water in wow classic. i'll bail as soon as I see they use the modern one.