The last video game character you played as just killed John Wicks dog

The last video game character you played as just killed John Wicks dog

How fucked are you?

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I'd just hire Halle Berry and her pack of ball biting german shepards

I either played DMC1 of Battle Chef Brigade. Huh...

Eh... I think 47 could easily take this idiot out

>tfw they still haven't topped the club scene from 1

Kano would piss on this fucking trannies corpse

>john wick


Sorry John, you're not going to get far.

Kano died from being shot in the face mate.

fine since I didnt kill the dog

Please, Gay Priest has this.

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>How fucked are you?
Not at all because I'm not the last video game character that I played as. Retard.

neither did the russian mob father man yet he died

How would you make a John Wick game?

came here to post this

>John Wick vs Spider-Man
It depends on if John can get some shots in or if he gets webbed up right away.

>Nell in advance wars
Literal army vs John.
I'm good

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Think I'm ok.

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Put him in RE6's combat system and make the campaign not shit

>How fucked are you
I don't know Yea Forums how fucked am I?

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Huh?, John Wick 3 came out weeks ago and there are a lot of scenes much better than the Club scene there.

you're not

>a filthy peasant
Beyond fucked.

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James Sunderland

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NAME a more kino scene than the armored soldiers fight in John Wick 3

>Maybe we could, erm, work something out, mate? *nervous laugh*

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There are a bunch of good fights in 3 but I really liked the buildup and tempo throughout the club scene and John chasing the kid like his prey. The music fit really well with it too.

>there are people here who unironically think John Wick 2 and 3 are good
>there are people here who unironically care about the high table political shit
>there are people here who unironically think that a perfect movie about a man getting violent revenge needed to have a more complex plot, retarded conspiracy underworld shit, and a huge cast filled with DIVERSITY

My elite uplink hacker couldn't do much face to face, but he could fuck up his life indirectly

Yeah. Deal with it.

God I got a big grin on my face when they just started whipping knives at each other.

>Viggo didn't kill the Dog
>But he did punish John for killing his son Iosef by taking it out on Marcus then ringing up John to make sure he understood that it was John's fault that Marcus had to die.

Well, then.

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The first movie also had political shit in it, user. Did you just forget the entire plot of the first movie.
The diversity shit I'll give you, I gave a pass to JW2 presuming they just got that lesbian chick because statistically lesbians are the most violent but the moment the Adjucator in 3's actor was like "Yeah my character is non-binary"...

You sound very easily triggered.

John Wick musou
starts with dog dying, then you take out Vigo, then his brother, then the High Table, then the Higher Table of demigods, and finally, God himself.

I don't think her character being non-binary had anything to do with the character. Unless of course it was a reference to the fact that in being neither male nor female, just Justice on behalf of the High Table in which case it was a top decision but I don't think they put that much thought into it.

>he Adjucator in 3's actor was like "Yeah my character is non-binary"...
actors can say anything, her character being whatever label they like is literally never brought up in the movie

Probably fine

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The first 20 minutes of 3 topped it easily

I am pretty sure they can come up with some gentleman's agreement.
If not, give me popcorn and a front row seat.

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No challenge for the chosen one.

I would destroy him with the power of love and friendship.

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I last played city of heroes so fine

Does anyone else find JW movies (except 1) exhausting? Like in 3 bazaar shooting is literally too long and samey for my taste.
Shit goes on for like 15 minutes with the same gun sounds that start to get a little too loud and repetitive hand-to-hand choreography.

I played as The Raven in armored core another age.

Out of an AC probably fucked but there's nothing he could do if he was in it.

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It'd be something for the ages

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The bazaar lasted too long I agree, most because I quickly lost track of where the hell they were supposed to be as more counter strike terrorists poured out of every corner, but the fight in the museum was really dope and fighting the bullet proof soldiers was good too. If i was to be super critical of the fist fights it would be that John never gets a 1 hit kill or knockout against mooks which can make the fist fights drag a bit

Level 70 Catgirl monk from FFXIV. RIP Mr Wick, my wife is unbeatable

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I dunno user I don't think he'll be ready for JOHNO WICKUS STANDO [MAGNA DIVIDE]
At minimum give him a run for his money

Not at all.
Tenno are immortal.

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Hint: watch John Wick like it's literally a video game
MC is a regular dude and one man army at the same time
There are brainless npc stormtroopers and some edgy cool bosses he fights
Also some cool bosses help MC
Plot is super retarded

Just fine.

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I was playing resident evil, but I'm pretty sure pic related is the only character evil enough to kill John's dog, to say the least John fights Wesker like any RE character and probably has to go through a over a top boss fight

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why was his dog in Mordor?

This angel has passed half of the missions at 9.0 difficulty and his last weapon has +6 global defense, John Wick cant shoot as fast as Pit is shooting Artillery Claw bullets.

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You don't even know who he is.

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Okay. What games have a club shootout fight in it?

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>literally a ghost

I saw these the other day and was glad I finally had some normalfag TV/movie shit to talk about with my coworkers since that's all they ever talk about, turns out no one in my entire building has seen the fucking things. God I hate normalfags.

But I just played as john wick

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>my be a pro in NHL

So is that me or is there another me with me that's good at hockey?

DX Human Revolution lets you shoot up the Hive

Alien vs Predator

Too bad you're shooting xenos

>I don't think her character being non-binary had anything to do with the character.
It wasn't in the movie, so yeah, it didn't. I bet its just some twitter outrage culture bullshit, you'd have to be a real dipshit to have "reee diversity" be your takeaway from such a great action movie.

>Co-op Egon Stetmann

Wick's tough but he's not beating a mecha Ultralisk.

>Michael Myers
No matter how much Wick shoots Michael he will keep getting back up until he kills him

>xXJOHNWICKXx has joined your session
How fucked are you, Yea Forums?

>"Yeah my character is non-binary"...
lmao wtf, literally just a woman with short hair

Eve Online, so I'm probably safe as I'm in space and another galaxy altogether.

Max Payne 3 has the best club shootout scene desu

>Xenoblade X character
I saw Vegeta and Cell get fucked over by John Wick in one video so I have no idea how my CaC will fare

James Bond? I think he could handle himself

>shoulder length hair
>feminine features
sure does feel like a tranny to me, see pic for reference what a true man looks like

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Hmm, Geralt of Rivia vs a modern hitman with a variety of firearms. Honestly I'm not sure.

What would John Wick's palace be?

John's good, but he isn't Kiryu good

I meant to say Xenoverse but XCX actually was the last game I played so idk,

>Jason Brody from Far Cry 3.

If he's bitch Jason. Fucked.

If he's bitchier Jason with skills... Might survive.

Not even worried. John Wick will pursue after all.

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See you in another timeline *vwoop*

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> warrior of light from ffxiv
I mean he's killed primals and regularly shrugs off bullets so I'd say the odds are maybe even

The knife fight went on a bit too long, but it was basically a comedic scene by the end, so I give it a pass.

>Master Chief
I'm good

Are john wick movies even good?

>literally making shit up to be triggered over
I seriously pity you

They're very enjoyable.

They're part of the action kino renaissance. Of course they're good, better than good even. The first one is definitively the tamest and therefore the worst of the trilogy, but it's not bad by any means. 2 and 3 especially are masterpieces of cinema.

this will be interesting

the protagonist from call of duty infinite warfare

I don't know, man, I played X-men Legends 2 but I don't remember who I was playing as last. Probably Nightcrawler or Scarlet Witch.

Can John Wick react to demon flips?

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>Corvo Attano
I'm probably alright. John Wick is badass, but Corvo can literally stop time.

>mount and blade
Well he has the entirety of Europe on his ass, although they all have sword and arrows.

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Yeah they're well directed and paced action movies with admittedly a kinda dumb plot.

First pair were good but 3 was filler

That would be one hell of a crossover

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The plot and acting is nothing to write home about, but the action is very good, and that's really the only reason to see them.


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she’ll be fine.
I wouldn’t be fucked either way since I dindu nuffin

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I think I'll be alright.

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Hunter with Grand Mizuha armor and Hazy caster IG

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Was playing Rage 2 so I think I'm fine.

Keanu's a hapa you sped. Calm down


Not even sure how that would go

He'd never kill a man's dog.
That's as bad as killing a man's rabbit.

why'd you play female exile dumb nigger
I hope he fucking kills you

>My FFXIV character
Warrior of light is fucked.

why wouldn’t I?

Well, Slugcat probably did it out of survival and I'm pretty sure John wouldn't kill another animal so I'm fine. I think.

was playin some DMC3 bloody palace as Vergil

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R.i.P John

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what if John Wick is just Neo in a different version of the Matrix?

Should be all right.

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>vault dweller
Try to penetrate my T-51b and dodge Gatling laser

Come at me bro


I guess Mass Effect 3 Omega DLC

As strong as he is. Gene wouldn't stand a chance against a gun.

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There was already hints of a bigger world more lore at play even with the first one, it just wasnt delved into as much as it is in 2 and 3. John Wick series has good world building, especially for an action film.
If you think those are bad and only the first 1 was good you are retardo ricardo.

That doesn't sound like my problem. You worded this terribly OP.

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Just give him Exo or BULAT and watch. Don't forget artifacts.