What was Snoy thinking ?

What was Snoy thinking ?

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easy money with minimal effort.

>slaps table
>gonna make the next billion dollar industry

Hoping they could cash in on their retarded fanbase.

they legit thought their brand could be successful like nintendo

pissing off ape escape losers

what would you have done to save the ps classic Yea Forums?

>"so, should we port the PS1 emulator we've had going in the PSP, Vita, PS3?"
>"nah, just download some open source emulator from the internet"

Unfortunately not even their fanbase was retarded enough to buy something with ps3 tier performance.
That said if you can get one for five of your local currency that's a damn good paperweight.

honest question, is this thing good atleast as a emulation machine? like adding other games like toy story 2, ff8, tactics, etc... and just pluggin or playing or it doesnt work even for that?

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To be fair that one ain't much better. Have you seen how spyro plays on ps3?

>What was Snoy thinking ?

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you might as well get a PSTV if you want a mini emulation machine made by sony, that will also run vita games as a bonus on top of ps1 and psp, and be hackable to run other emulators

find one with a black boy behind :^)

I think it only has a set of chosen games and that's it. You can't add anything else

the real retards are the nu-males who actually buy these "classic consoles" when roms and emulators are free.

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Apparently nothing but getting revenge on nintendo from doing the dirty on them

roms and emulators are free

a mini-console that looks like a small snes isn't though

>is this thing good atleast as a emulation machine?
Pretty sure a hacked NES classic could do a better job.

Ps1 is the best console ever made.

why do people here keep making this typo

>from doing the dirty on them

not pictured: nintendo copying sega in the first place.

Make a mini PS2 with HDMI (original video and digital audio ports too) that plays PS1 games like the original instead, can connect any controller and can play games through any portable hard drive/SSD, add exclusive functions in the OS like no polygon wobbling, control rebinds, and sleep mode.

Generic MD clones have terrible audio

It's not typo.

Roms and emulators are indeed free.
A small console that can be moded to run all those roms without problems like desync and improper audio emulation is not.

>welp, Nintendo did it so....

Listen, I'm a grown adult who has been playing emulators for nearly 20 years. I still bought an SNES classic for various reasons.

1) its an official product, is of quality build and comes with all the cute bells and whistles you might expect
2) its cool looking
3) it offers a hassle-free way of playing these classic games on my 60" TV in my lounge
4) its easily hackable
5) its a nice little heirloom to hand down to my two infant kids when they're old enough. I'll tell them these are the games Daddy grew up with.

Stop being upset because Nintendo made something so successful that every one now wants to jump on the bandwagon.

i agree, the proper name should be basedny

can someone explain this "just pirate roms lol" meme to me?
I know its very divided when it comes to piracy but for some reason when anything retro comes up a million fags come out to tell you to pirate it. Why is it ok to pirate old shit but not new shit?

And now SEGA are about to release a Megadrive Mini. Really makes you think huh?

Sony and Nintendo were working together on a CD peripheral for the SNES pic related and Nintendo publically dumped them the day after Sony announced it of Phillips.
This reportedly pissed Ken Kutaragi and Norio Ooga off so much that that they made the playstation as revenge

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I don’t regret buying a SNES mini. Hacked it and got put all the roms I already had on my PC. For whatever reason, I’m more inclined to complete a game via a console and tv rather than on PC. Just my weird preference.

>snoy fanbase doesn't fall for cheap nostalgiabait
>nintendo fanbase does
>somehow this makes snoys the retarded ones
Okay buddy

>Dualshock controllers, but only include 1 controller to reduce price
>Make every game 60Hz
>Port the Emulator being used from PS3,PSP, and Vita to the Classic instead of using a stolen one
>Replace the following games with:
Battle Arena Toshinden -> Castlevania - Symphony of the Night
Cool Boarders 2 -> Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Destruction Derby -> Crash Team Racing
Grand Theft Auto -> Crash Bandicoot
Mr Driller -> Final Fantasy Tactics
Resident Evil Director's Cut -> Resident Evil 2
Revelations: Persona -> Persona 2 Innocent Sin (using the PSP English Translation but with the original PS1 game) + Eternal Punishment
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo -> Ape Escape
Syphon Filter -> Spyro the Dragon
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six -> Tomb Raider
Twisted Metal -> Twisted Metal 2

fixed ur mini console bro

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Nobody is really being hurt by pirating 30 year old games.


>take every ps1 in existence
>pack them onto a terabyte internal harddrive with the PSclassic
>remove the ones whose companies will sperg out if they were included
>launch it
even if they had to cut a ton of their library for copyright and whatnot, it'd still have more games than the absolute state it actually released in


Too expensive now.

More like Sony doesn't has nostalgia powers because they aren't related to early arcade-era games like Nintendo and Sega are.


True. Also early 3d aged way worse than 2d. Still I wouldn't call the fanbase retarded for not buying this piece of shit, it's all Sony here.

Added Crash, Spyro, Medievil, and Tomba for starters.

Sony wanted control every single Nintendo IP.

No one sane would accept that kind of deal, albeit Nintendo was also stupid to go seek deal with panasonic.

Put a PSP CPU in it for better compatibility, analog outputs for the super nerds. """external disk drive""" so people can use their old discs or more likely, ROMs and give it access to the PS3's PS1 classic store for people who've already bought somehting off there or the mad fuckers who'll actually buy a 30 year old game again

Didn't nintendo basically do the same thing and let Phillips makes some nintendo games anyway?
What were they even scared of? Sony doing it better than them and emasculating them?

Despite what marketing suggests, these consoles weren't made for dorks, but for the casual oldfags and zoomies.
None of the mini nes, snes or ps1 were bad just not what emulator and nostalgiafags were expecting.
And the Sega mini is on its way to fail the same as these 3.

The fucking SNES Classic despite being weaker it runs PS1 games better than the PS Classic
Just a complete turd all over

only the playshit failed tho

To be fair if I was developing a game for SNES/NES hardware these mini consoles would be the best alternative to testing on original hardware, not the intended use of course but it isn't pointless.

>Didn't nintendo basically do the same thing and let Phillips makes some nintendo games anyway?
No. What Sony wanted wasn't to make their own games but to take the profit from Nintendo entirely.

The deal with Sony was more favoured in Sony's side. It would have essentially let Sony have full ownership over all disc-based games. Nintendo quickly wised up and realised the deal was pure poison for them.

They were right to back out but they handled it the worst way possible - completely humiliating Sony and making them vengeful as fuck.

I think either Sony or Nintendo wanted insane royalties on the games, and Phillips offered a much better deal. When the agreement fell through, they compensated Phillips for their work by allowing them some minor use of Nintendo characters on their shitty console.

Nintendo rejected the deal because it was basically giving away the whole control over IPs to sony. Nintendo would be entirely irrelevant and lost the whole creative control on top of losing the profits.

Nintendo was stupid but Sony was a bunch of greedy niggers.

It wouldn't of been so bad if they had not used the shitty PAL version.

I read Sony wanted a % for each game using the tech.

>Sony and Nintendo were working together on a CD peripheral for the SNES pic related and Nintendo publically dumped them the day after Sony announced it of Phillips.
That's not how it went down. Sony basically announced the partnership before the deal was finalised to force Nintendo into a deal that was unfavourable for them but they didn't count on Nintendo being as underhanded as them.

>PS2 mini
>Without fifa, without GTA SA, without Old God of war, without Kingdom hearts
I wouldn’t even attempt a PS2 Classic

>Sony doing it better than them and emasculating them?
That and also because 90s Nintendo wanted control over the price of the cartridges so they would get bigger profits from third parties, CDs were cheaper and the japanese loved them so it obviously wasn't going to happen on their own hardware.

Really? Because I heard more whining from nintenddies over nes and snes mini than the PS1.
See the wiki page.

Let's copy Nintendo once more.
And of course do a shitty copy just like with their colored motion dildos for homosexuals.

>not going to phlea markets every saturday to check up on ps1 games that "some" are still in pristine fucking condition, for only 2-5 euroshekels
just fucking why you dont do this instead ? and you goin to have a nice fucking collection too

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>Sony and Nintendo were working together
In reality:
Sony trying to screw Nintendo over.

Just sell a PSTV with 20 built in PS1 games in fancy housing with 2 controllers and a modified UI so the fact that it's a PSTV isn't so blatantly obvious. That way if you want you can use dual analog with a DS3/4 and you can buy more PS1 games from the store.

Because PS1 games suck.


nes and snes was out of stock everywhere
seething sonygroid

Which is a bit irrelevant overall since Sony has proven the only competition, and a major one at that. Nintendo hurt themselves regardless of the nature of the deal. They should have never even begun the arrangement if it was so shitty. In the end they helped fund the one company that has put pressure on them for over twenty years now.

They got a temp usage to sweeten the deal
Sony wanted straight up ownership
If Sony decided to Retcon Mario was a Transgender Lesbian Nintendo would be powerless to stop them

>I think either Sony or Nintendo wanted insane royalties on the games
It was Sony. Normally manufacturers are paid for the parts and manufacturing so say if they make one controller they get 20 dollars or 10 discs for a dollar.
What Sony wanted was to get a chunk of money from the game sales themselves overstepping the boundaries of a simple manufacturer on top of control of Nintendo's IPs.

Can you enlighten me on this? I've played the Spyro trilogy on PS3 and don't remember anything that seemed out of the ordinary (with regards to how it played on the PS1) but I'd be willing to believe there were issues

the people that buy the shittier of the two will always be slightly more retarded though

>Nintendo hurt themselves regardless of the nature of the deal.
They'd probably be dead if the deal went through.

do you even fucking know what happened in the 80s?

>Nintendo accepts the deal.
>Sony turns Nintendo into a bottom bitch like square did with Enix despite the latter having more power there.

>I'm smart because I steal stuff.
>t. nigger

The PS1 classic was outright bad, it included an open source emulator on bad hardware, had a poor lineup of games, didn't have dual analog and it used PAL versions of games that came out well before PAL versions started offering 60Hz.

>It would have essentially let Sony have full ownership over all disc-based games.
which is exactly the same deal nintendo had with their cartridges. this is how they were able to charge third parties a $19 nintendo tax per unit on all their games, and also how they could pull shit like limiting the number of games third parties could release per year.
of course, as soon as someone came along and proposed giving nintendo a taste of their own medicine, they flipped the fuck out.

There was level in particular that not only dropped frames but had music slowdown too that's a perfect example, I was playing it the other day.
I think it might have been the first flying stage.

>playing the flying stages in Spyro

>nintendo rejects the deal
>sony still turns nintendo into the bottom bitch anyway

this place is fucking insufferable

>which is exactly the same deal nintendo had with their cartridges.
You misread user, the games on the disc themselves would have become the property of Sony rather than the company that actually made the game. Nintendo just owns their formats.

believe it or not, people tested it back then and the ps move turned out to be more accurate than the wiimote. somehow, sony did waggle shit better as an afterthought than nintendo did as the defining gimmick of their whole generation.

hows that even close to accurate? they are just ARM emulators. you might mean the analogue shit

Tell me user, what was the entire time period of the seventh gen like for Sony vs Nintendo? (here's a hint for you, the DS and Wii combined sold over 250m units, the PSP and PS3 combined sold about 160m)

forgot the Yea Forums is a pro-tendie place

>believe it or not, people tested it back then and the ps move turned out to be more accurate than the wiimote
Could have fooled me. When I used it the thing could barely track movement.

Now that I think about it, a PS2 mini would have to be like $500 with the hardware a PS2 needs to be emulated

Local BB has been trying for months to unload them at $30 and no one is buying them.

>20 games
>no fucking power cord

Sony doing a piss poor copy+paste job.
News at 11.

Yea Forums does close to nothing but shit on nintendo what the fuck are you talking about what is is with sony faboys and their victim complex

It wasn't just that, the deal would Sony would have given full ownership over all disc-based games, that would have included Nintendo's own IPs. Once Nintendo clicked on to the fact that CDs were going to be a massive part of gaming future, they realised how fucked they would be and Sony would be Trojan Horsing themselves into the gaming industry.

Nintendo were arrogent cocks around this time too, so I'm not giving them sympathy. But its easy to see why they turned on Sony.

>Over 250M with Wii and DS.
>When both Sony and Microsoft had huge losses with PS360 despite both of them selling 80M+

On top of that I don't really consider FIFAstation a win.

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Back to PedoGAF you go.

I like NES mini color pallete

>"Wow Nintendo's mini consoles sure do make a bunch of money, what if we did that too"
>"Licensing is expensive, just grab whatever's in the dustbin and some ROMs from wherever. Hey this site has a PSX emulator for download, let's just use this and make a basic wrapper so they think we coded it ourselves!"

Nothing because it's a fucking retarded idea just like every other "x classic". I can already emulate all of that for free. There is no appeal to me or any other person with more than 3 brain cells.

>b-but PS3 had the best games!
lmao literally N64 kids mindset

>Definition of "steal": take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

I like SNES having new official controllers

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>Hey this site has a PSX emulator for download, let's just use this and make a basic wrapper so they think we coded it ourselves!
Is that not what the nintendo classic things did as well?

Huh...it's been a while since I played on either PS1 or PS3, but I'm willing to believe you here--I do remember slowdown, I will also say I thought that was present in the originals but yeah, I may be wrong on that

That's such a minor excuse to justify spending so much money

>It....It's not stealing
>i'm just .... taking something that I didn't pay for, while at the same time I want to get paid for my job
>Yeah, it makes no sense, but you see I'm a low IQ nigger, who doesn't understand anything.
>I also feel very offended when someone calls me a nigger.
>t. nigger

maybe nintendo should have renegotiated a better deal for themselves instead of pulling the shit that they pulled. they also should have taken cd-rom more seriously as a medium to begin with; failing to do so cost them a shitload of market share with the n64 that they've never fully recovered.
hate to break it to you, but "bing bing wahoo kart: wii u port edition" isn't any better than fifa.

spend $25 on hardware, flip it for an insane profit.
Didn't work out too hot.

>>i'm just .... taking something that I didn't pay for
What are they losing?

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No, Nintendo actually made their own actually properly working emulator.
And even added a nice feature, so that you can easily upload more games to it.

idk about that, but nintendo did literally download roms from the internet and sell them through virtual console.

holy fuck dont even fucking remind me of this fucking garbage... everytime i go to fucking phlea market i see a full box of fifas... not even a joke, next week im gonna make a picture for ya i swear i deliver

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Why are Yea Forumsermin the only Yea Forums users who get upset about piracy?

Isn't that the site, where NeoRAPIST people went to?
To forget that they were fooled by a literal rapist, that also had a literal pedophile as a mod, while at the same time LARPing as some political correct liberals?

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Nintendo still do huge impact on industry despite you retards saying otherwise.

Also the issue isn't just one FIFA game, but the fact that best selling games there are literally FIFA this year, GTA, FIFA last year, and FIFA two years ago and some AAA garbage.

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Honestly I think Twisted Metal 4 is better than the first 3.

They took roms off the internet for the virtual console but the Classic consoles did have a custom emulator, as such certain SNES games such as EU ROMs wouldn't work on it even when added through Hackchi. Also their UI was highly polished and had a lot of features while Sony did the bare minimum of work and the only feature was save states. The PS Classic was so slapped together, people found out you could still access the emulator's settings by plugging in a USB keyboard.

No good games and it ran on PCSXR.

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>why did this business try to make easy money?
gee i don't know, what a great thread

>No good games
Well duh kinda obvious b/c it's the PS1.

For starters, let it read actual PS1 games. This doesn't run on some whacky format made for the console spefiicly, it runs on CD's. Making something that runs CD's is dirt cheap and there is no parts shortage, they had no excuse to not let it run PS1 games from disk..

and none of those games are any more casual than "bing bing wahoo kart: wii u port edition," the highest-selling game on switch.

fuck off newfag im talking about the zoomers

I got one at target the other day for $25. Dropped autobleem on a usb stick and some good games. Done and done

"maybe our fanbase is as retarded as nintendo's and we can make a killing re-relling old games of our in a fucking emulator if we dress it up to look like an old system instead of the fucking usb stick we could've just kept it as."

seriously dont blame them for it failing. why the fuck should anyone have bought the nes or snes minis when you can just play EVERYTHING those had on your fucking phone for free if you chose to? you're really just paying for the shell.

>no excuse
electronics like that require technical assistance physical places in most markets for warranty

I'm fine with paying for emulator boxes and roms, but the problem is these consoles don't play the games as well as unofficial emulation options. There's no runahead or hard gpu sync to reduce input lag, there's no overclock options to remove slowdown, there's no advanced shaders and filters to perfectly emulate the CRT look (if that's your thing), no 4k HD/upres support for things like mode 7 etc

If you want me to pay for emulators, you have to offer me something I can't just do better with free emulators

You are getting a little obsessed there mate.

But rereleases or ports selling well isn't something new. One of best selling Snes games is fucking SF2 Turbo.

Any playstation top selling consists with at least 3 or 5 versions of FIFA.

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