Give me examples of this happening.
Give me examples of this happening
Other urls found in this thread:
In b4 zoomers say "Doom 2016"
battlefield 4
the New Doom Looked like shit during E3 and actually came out pretty good
Why is he pooping butter?
Mario & rabbids
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
Wasn't Deus Ex HR exactly that?
I dare you to explain why DOOM 4 is bad outside of "Muh nostalgia"
Enlighten us.
>ultra smash
jej no
No mod support
No, it was consolized trash.
Everyone fucking hated everything about HR from the moment it was announced, but when the alpha got leaked most people changed their opinions immediately.
it's always some retarded shit on par with "it lets you aim up and down and use mouselook"
He said in 4, dumbass.
best recent example tbqh, the concept and leaked promo pics looked awful. Everyone expected it to be absolute dogshit, but it turned out to be pretty great with unironically a ton of soul put into it.
Spec Ops the line
Nier and Automata
Plenty of Kickstarter games managed to do that. Nobody expected anything from Divinity Original Sin 1 but it was great for example.
not him but I didn't like the movement it was really annoying being taken out of the action from climbing or falling and it didn't feel very "doom". I liked the game over all though.
>Gold paint chips away
Nintendo Labo
I'm not a big Deus Ex fan, but I remember people freaking out when Human Revolution was coming out, I vaguely remember the developers making some stupid comments and wanting to put in a bunch of features for helping brainlets at everyone else's expense. Most of the bitching seemed to stop when people saw you could go around and assault random women on the street.
Literally no one ever says this. Suck my dick
God of war 4
overrated game desu
Nitro fueled
Actually not sure since they censored
Deception 4. There were tons of warning signs that it was going to be a terrible entry: the developers kept talking about streamlining the formula and updating the core gameplay for new audiences, the character designs and art style clashed heavily with previous entries, and the fanservice was cranked up to 10 (in a series that was traditionally very dark in tone.) However, it turned out that this was one of the few times that "streamlining the gameplay" actually meant making substantial improvements rather than dumbing things down, and Deception 4 turned out to be the best game in the series.
>in b4 zoomers say "Doom 2016"
>in b4 you give me the fucking obvious, actual answer
Give me an example of an indie developer making a billion dollars on a video game. In b4 zoomers say "Minecraft".
>shitting butter
How high is your fucking cholesterol dude?
Blade Strangers
>on par with
put your reading glasses on gramps
Spiderman ps4, genuinely was waiting for shovelware like every other spidey game before it.
>speaking of gold food
yeah the alpha got leaked here and everyone loved it, for a few years basically the only major complaint was the shit boss fights and the "piss filter"
Higher than me duuuuude *smokes blunt*
Not true at all actually
Risk of Rain 2
Unironically better than anyone expected
it is though
Diablo 3.
Hitman 2016
No, it really isn't. Come on user. Get over it
nobody expected it to be shit, it looked pretty dope from the beginning
not that user but it is a good game, don't know what you've got against it. They even toned down the rabbid shit in it
it lost all the atmosphere and soul of hitman though
yeah it is, get under it
The movement
The style
The fact that even on the hardest difficulty the game boils down to "MASH F TO REGAIN HP AS FAST AS YOU CAN"
Shits too easy
underrated post
actually the only post to answer the question correctly
I feel like the first Risk of Rain fits better.
Looks like a low-effort indie platformer at first glance
Actually play it for a unique co-op like-rogue.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Sekiro. And this is coming from a Soulschad. Truly better than all of these except Bloodborne.
Arkham Asylum? A licenced superhero game made by some god-knows who studio, it had everything signalling that it would become just another lazy and cheap cash grab preying on Batman fans.
#FE Tokyo Mirage Sessions
>And then they shit on it
>And then they shit on that shit
>And then they just kept shitting on their shit and making it shittier and shittier
>Then they scraped out the gold and sold it along with their souls for more money
>And shit on it some more
>They actually reworked full plane physics and turned them into fucking high-flying hovercrafts because children couldn't hit planes
It seems like everyone forgot about the clusterfuck DLC model it had at release.
Fuck Montreal.
You did not play on Nightmare if you believe "Press F to win" meme.
You lost all momentum if you did a glory kill, sure you were invulnerable during the animation, but immediately after you would have 4 fireballs in the face without being be able to dodge it.
is ELEX actually any good? I know it's eurojank but I loved arcania and risen. I didn't care for gothic much though. I hear a lot of people compare it to gothic so I figure I might not care for it.
it probably didn't seem like shit since nintendo gave it approval after ubisoft presenting their concept.
i think they started it as a "secret". what is weird that nintendo didn't just say no and make their own mario xcom.
aren't you thinking of MD
overrated but still good
WoW - Pandaria
God od War
it didn't seem like shit since I got it free and played it and discovered it wasn't shit
I just wanna forget about robocraft.
Such a great concept and game turned into a fucking cashgrab.
>not a single female in that picture
i tried to ignore glory kills because they are fucking boring but you can't play the game if you don't since you don't get enough ammo, well in the level i played on free weekend at least
Mario + Rabbids
Monster Hunter World
Devil May Cry V and God of War on Yea Forums
He literally stuck the piece of gold up his butt just to prove a point what a savage.
That was even worse, but HR still had shit like retailer exclusive missions and overpowered pre-order weapons.
Worst Soulsbornekiro game, but still very good
I thought it was pretty bad and one note, the game is more like a puzzle game than a tactical shooter because of how flat all the values for accuracy and skills and shit, there's very little RNG. Which might seem like a good thing but you can make most matches play out identically every time.
Yeah, I was expecting Sekiro to turn out to be garbage, and it actually came out pretty good. I still prefer Bloodborne but Sekiro is a solid alternative.
all these
>instead of going guns blazing nonstop game forces you into a series of wasteful fights with 3-5 enemies
>glory kills are mandatory
>ammo runs out fast so you are forced into muh collectibles meme
>stand here and hear me out for sever minutes, it's really important, trust me
>sound queues are garbage
>game is not hard enough and the last difficulty is a proof they id were sure that it's the hardest game there is
DOOM is a solid game overall, but for a game that basically screams "Rip and Tear" I want to go in and do that and not listen to some fucking albino trap and short circuit robot locking me in a room and telling me the plot when even doomslayer could not give two shits about it.
And why the fuck chainsaw is not giving you more health, I mean what the fuck?
>the game is more like a puzzle game than a tactical shooter
I agree but I don't see how that's a bad thing, I love puzzle games and many RTS games can have retarded RNG at times (Xcom in particular is notorious for it)
Fallout 76
I can't ever forget, user.
You will share in my misery.
>Mario + Rabbids
More like bronze than gold but alright
>Posts remaster
>No DeS
The new Spiderman
Except it's maybe silver, not gold
Dead Space
so you guys enjoying your weekend?
God of War (2016)
Yeah, it's really great but never exceptional. I hit the easy platinum trophy and immediately put it down and haven't gone back since.
Nier 1 maybe
Automata is the opposite of OP
There are ubisoft games that are actually good?
What the fuck.
how the hell am I supposed to EAT GOLD?
not a bad answer tb hon
The gold bar goes up his ass instead?
Risk of Rain 2
>Monster Hunter World
This was the most hyped and one of the best selling games of 2018. Bad example
t. shit-eater
Well considering the other alternative coming out of his ass is shit I'll take a gold bar
Looked fun from the start
Try again
incredibly unhealthy lifestyle
fire emblem fates
That demo was shit. The final game was pretty good.
Then that director's cut happened and boss fights were fixed and "piss filter" was gone. And everyone were pissed because of the lack of it, how it made the game look unique.
I think everyone reaction to initial teasers of being 3d was a yikes
Both of these are shit
The final game is shit.
It's a corridor FPS shooter.
The demo had me hyped as a horror game.
Not CoD with mold
I'd say it was more confusion
I'm still mad. I just want to relive the early days.
breath of the wild
I don't think it's a bad thing in general terms, but for what they marketed the game as, it's definitely not a tactical shooter.
This. I love Guilty Gear, and I thought DBFZ would be the shit and BBTAG would be awful.
It turned out to be the otherway around.
It's going to be this game and Yea Forums will refuse to admit it. They'll continue to call the bar of gold a turd just because they refuse to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong
The glory kills dont give ammo. If you're gonna make shit up, don't go with something that is clear in the first 10 min of the game.
I can see why you'd say this, because Doom 2016 is a near perfect example of something everyone swore would be shit, then turned out amazing.
Don't know why you're talking about zoomers saying it though. Zoomers think Doom is a ripoff of Halo. Boomers are more Doom's thing.
I don't really feel the marketing was misleading on that, for me it never seemed to focus on the tactical aspect at all as there really isn't any. They even showed off puzzles as much as the battle system.
Spoken like a total fucking retard
It wasn't want I wanted, but it ended up being an ok rpg.
Fuck you.
likewise friendo
only actual example itt
Rage 2
Is eating gold healthy?
Not absolute shit, just average compared to the standard they set from D2
>every other spidey game before it
You haven't played many spidey games, I see.
>Sekiro is a souls game
No it's not, it's just made by the same company. If anything Code Vein is more Souls than Sekiro, and Vein is a dungeon crawler
>Spiderman ps4
atrocious taste, the fact you call all previous spidey games shovelware sums up how clueless you are. Spiderman PS1 and especially Spiderman 2 were fantastic
Why would you want to ruin the developers vision. That would be like adding easy mod to Sekiro.
Red Steel 2 on the Wii
nah, its ok at best. open world and driving did it no favours whatsoever, and all the characters were cringy as fuck.
Pretty neutral, nutritionally void. It's a soft enough metal it won't wreck your system but it does absolutely nothing for the body.
Granblue Fantasy Versus
>80% of suggestions ITT are games that were always highly anticipated, but the posters don't remember because Yea Forums will give literally every game shit, always
These are two great examples.
Every zoomer faggot loved DEHR the moment it was unveiled and through the beta. It was only after the game came out that people who thought it was shit compared to the original weren't a overshadowed minority in HR threads.
Death Stranding.
nosgoth was actually pretty fun
it really didn't, and it was shit on by basically everyone - even outside of Yea Forums
too soon
extremely basic level design
Nothing wrong with a healthy dose of skepticism.
I liked Nosgoth quite a lot, seemed pretty accurate to everything else in the series and to Amy Hennig's notes. Hell, putting it at a point in the world's history where random battles happened every day was a pretty good way of completely skipping the canonicity of the game
Posting what is probably gaming's greatest Cinderella Story. Literally everyone thought this was going to be a disaster, and for all things considered it should have been, but we jumped timelines or some shit to the one where it turned out a masterpiece.
Interestingly good answer
to make a long conversation short, movement options are non-existent and gameplay consists of shooting and finishing, neither very innovational nor deep. Then again dooms gameplay never was either of those, but that's not a good excuse.
Metroid Prime's still one of my favorite games ever, they wanted to make Super Metroid in 3D and fair nailed it. Has a shit-ton of environmental and visor detailing effects that the rereleases ended up stripping out too
R6 Siege
I feel like Metroid Prime benefits from drones perpetuating the idea that it's "not an FPS". Like, it's judged on a different set of criteria because it's considered a different category of game. That's not to say I think Metroid Prime is bad, but I feel like it kinda gets a bit of a pass.
Here is a recent example, with the previews and delays it looked like imminent shit. But not. It's so strange and nice to get pleasantely suprised.
Yeah, but games such as D44M or DE:HR had actually low expectations before their release and subsequent acclaim, not just a couple Yea Forums shitposts.
That entire argument was born from retarded kids arguing about Halo vs Metroid.
Long term Monster Hunter fans were hella anxious about it being a pile of shit thanks to how obsessed they were on focusing on the western market and all of the seemingly casualised quality of life changes advertised before release didn't seem promising. It's still not a "gold" game but it's not a bad step in the direction of the series.
Jump Force
Apex Legends
>>instead of going guns blazing nonstop game forces you into a series of wasteful fights with 3-5 enemies
depends on the level
>>glory kills are mandatory
>>ammo runs out fast so you are forced into muh collectibles meme
use the chainsaw
>>stand here and hear me out for sever minutes, it's really important, trust me
happens once
>>sound queues are garbage
>>game is not hard enough and the last difficulty is a proof they id were sure that it's the hardest game there is
subjective and also projecting
>why does the chainsaw not give you health?
because it gives you ammo retard next time pay attention
Why bring up stuff alien to Yea Forums though?
Are you implying Yea Forums is one person? Of course there are going to be dissenting opinions.
FE Conquest
For me it was Monster Hunter World. I was a deep skeptic about every little thing, saw the first trailer and thought MH was dead, all that jazz. It released and it's my second favorite of the series.
eat gold
Killer Instinct
almost half of my reply is roasting OG doom lmao
I haven't seen any valid criticism of D44M here on Yea Forums, I have seen it on other places, but not here. Everyone just parrots whatever "IT'S NOT DOOM", "GLORY KILLS IS LIKE REGENERATING HEALTH" like you can tell from a mile they don't know what they're talking about.
I'm just saying, posting games like GoW or Sekiro in this thread is kinda dumb because those games were coming in hot, you know.
>ammo runs out too fast
>if this weren't the case you would complain that you have too much ammo
like fucking clockwork
Sonic mania
>I loved arcania
nah that looked great from the first reveal
yes. i met a really nice bisexual boy and we've been having a lot of fun talking together.
This was a case of alchemy, though
It -was- shit at launch
Probably because of marketing.
>depends on the level
90% of levels build around small fights + 1-2 big ones
Yes, because it's the only way to replenish health fast instead of running around the arena looking for this shit, and that is why chainsaw should give more health so you can stay in fight longer instead of pressin F and do nothing which is breaking the fucking pace.
at least 3 times and two of them with this fucking yapping robot: in his office and the one where he is on the screen
>subjective and also projecting
Nice logic, "well for SOME people it's hard, so it's hard!"
I know it's all subjective, you goof, I literally said that the game is solid and listed why I don't think it's THAT good, don't try to wiggle your way into me hating on it.
A game that launched as shit then got better with patches/updates/dlc doesn't count.
Marketing is all there is before a game is released.
Even gameplay demos are stamped by marketing teams I'd assume.
the sonic franchise lately
Yes, picking what characteristics about the product to reveal to the public is part of marketing departments do.
I keep seeing people say this is actually good now. What exactly changed? I only played it at launch.
a more fulfilling storyline
basebuilding and farming
more varied wildlife and terrain
actual online communication with other players
a few dents banged out and glitchy things retooled
and a bunch of other stuff that i can't remember
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Everyone shit all over the previews and pre-release hype because it was Firaxis. Turned out excellent
Wario seems to be ok
To think the day would come this isn't ridiculous enough. Are you seriously going to conflate him with imaginary fucking people and pretend you've a point?
It didn't help that they released a crappy XCOM shooter as well.
>Long term Monster Hunter fans were hella anxious about it being a pile of shit
And it is. But its a perfect game for casuals
I've seen people complain that you have too much ammo on nu Doom because of the chainsaw, I'm not making anything up.
Pokemon fans with literally anything Digimon
More like it came out shit but then turned to gold.
A year later by a different developer
>if this weren't the case you would complain that you have too much ammo
No. Don't even try to pretend you're just a regular retard now, this is some next level shit.
Battlefield 3
I had such a fucking blast, however it was expected to do well at the start. My answer would actually be Dragonquest: Builders.
For me, it was Dragon's Dogma Switch port.
It was announced a couple years earlier.
bla bla bla fuck off, you're arguing over some really stupid shit
My only complaint is that the glory kills break the gunplay's flow. It's still a great game
Yeah, might be one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
Titanfall as a franchise
But wait there are cutscenes in nu doom
Metal Gear Survive. I like it.
Call of Juarez Gunslinger and Dying Light
t. Bioware employee waiting for the news
This guy sounds like a scrawny little virgin. 7/10 would possibly forcefeed hrt and make into my sissy gf.
Pandemic Express
t. one of the last niggers who still play that dead game.
Luigi's Mansion 3
sombody make a wojack and pepe edit
people will deny this
Keep yourself safe.
>bros I swear my snoy movie game is gonna be good PLEASE buy it PLEASE...
Total war three kingdoms, actually it looked like shit up until two weeks before release
Gonna be honest with you OP, I can't really think of a game that's equivalent to the act of shitting butter.
Rather than navigating complex maps with enemies everywhere the game shunts you into arenas where no more than 25 demons can spawn at any given time. You so disgustingly out maneuver the demons within these arenas that the game becomes too easy. In the original games the level design benefited them as you had to maze your way through a labyrinth while they could be behind every corner.
I'm really sick of all this constant up/downvote spam, but I would really prefer it if you didn't attempt humor again.
MG Survive
More like silver to the original's gold, but yeah it was much better than expected
Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
It's literally an old Yea Forums meme, retard.
Monster Hunter World
unironcally anthem is a very solid game.
Seriously, this game was perfect then it failed and failed and failed again.
>Perfect game
>Lets "rebalance weapons", Everything is now OP except machine guns
>Nerf everything now everything sucks
>Nerf healing guns because people cant kill each other
>Now people just use shields instead
>buff explosive weapons to fix it now everything but launchers suck
>This is OP, lets nerf it and fuck fun
>This is OP, lets nerf it and fuck fun
>This is OP, lets nerf it and fuck fun
>This is OP, lets nerf it and fuck fun
But what fucked up for good is the devs going full retard and changing the game genre every 2 months
>Now its survival
>Now its a MOBA
>Now its battle royale
>Now its a RPG
>Now its a COOP game
Seriously i quit when it turned into a MOBA and when they removed the fucking escape chairs.
Seconding this.
Also Anyone in here who doesn't think Deus Ex Human Revolution doesn't apply is underage.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
I'm old enough to remember this.
>By an AMERICAN studio?
>And it's a fucking FIRST PERSON SHOOTER?
>This is truely the end of days
And then it turned out to basically be Super Metroid in 3D.
And one of (if not the) best game(s) of the gen.
We can argue about Prime 2 and 3 though. Those are...lesser. But Prime 1 was solid gold and fucking NOBODY expected it.
Someone please explain how this is a good game in any way shape or form.
I wanted to like it so much. I play tons of AA games with very questionable quality, I consider myself to have a strong stomach for jank. This is just a bad game. I played it all the way through to the end.
>Combat is either brain dead easy or so difficult you have to cheese it.
>Completely unmemorable storylines (main or side quests, doesn't matter) with bland characters that weren't interesting or endearing at all
>Certain means of play are far too heavily rewarded compared to others (knockdown spam for example)
>Melee combat is nearly impossible to enjoy
At no point did I feel like I was enjoying the gameplay. It was just something I had to overcome.
Biggest pros were:
>Interesting setting idea
>Beautiful world hearts
>Getting to join the Albinos (fuck if I recall their real name) as their commander again
What the fuck did I miss
Imagine not buying CTR:NF because your furry fap material isn't in the game.
I just want H-Doom 2016 not gonna lie
>le based yurojank
No thanks
The original is shit. It’s inferior to System Shock 2 and Thief.
2 is superior to 1 and 3 in every conceivable way. 1 is fucking boring