What weapons should I use?

What weapons should I use?

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Big kat.

1kat, 2kat, bigkat, kusurigama.

I use 2kat

1h sword is the best weapon in the game no contest
>has a unique ability you can unlock by fighting a boss
>best skill in the game
>easiest parries
>infinite combos in low stance
>lowest ki consumption
>fastest attack

Katana and Axe.

Fists and rifle like a real foreign piggu

This, I really prefer 1 katana for how versatile it is. Can cheese enemies with iai quick draw, haze + backwave parry into a ground finisher can trivialize some bosses, and you'll always be ready for whatever comes at you. Can always pair with an odachi or spear if you want range. My second favorite weapon is definitely the tonfas. Not the best damage, but it makes human bosses a joke by keeping them out of ki. Its also great for yokai bosses, pop an elemental talisman and your super fast combos will build the elemental debuff incredibly fast.

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>caring how others play in a single player game

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Quality meme, senpai.

hows that community college degree coming along?

>playing nioh when sekiro exists
stop wasting your time user and play the superior game

Why not both? They're different enough to both have a place.

Sekiro gets old way quicker. After a while you realize that game only had 6 boss fights that were worth a damn.

>no builds
>no armor
>no weapons
>no stat distribution
Yeah enjoy your Sekiro, kid.

Spear + katana is what I ran. Katana is versatile enough that you can use whatever you want as your other weapon and it’ll cover your weaknesses.

Spear's the real variety, though. Though spearfall and mid stance's thrust combo are fucking nuts.

>play the superior game
I'd love to, but Nioh 2 isn't out yet.

Axe and only axe.

no weapon has weaknesses, stop this meme
every weapon can deal with every enemy


I have a separate save file for spear, and it is a lot of fun. But I still love single katana, especially flowing shadow.

>get katana capstone skill for extra damage on enemies attacked from the rear
>time flowing shadow to an enemies attacks
>slash their front, then side, then their back
>timed right you'll completely dodge their attack
>final blow hitting the enemies back does double damage
>builds elemental debuffs quickly, usually two or three uses

All of the weapons are fun, but katana, tonfa, and spear are my favorites.

I did enjoy not sorting through my inventory every 5 minutes because every enemy drops reskins of the same weapons and armors

u mean nioh 1.5 lmao

It's okay, child.
You don't have to explain yourself to me.
I know you're a brainlet pleb already.

you can configure auto sell settings
pick up filters
and select multiple items with a single click
what exactly is the problem?

>one is a souls-lite game
>one is a diablo loot game

because i am not paying inventory management simulator

>Refuses to use in game tools to auto sort and sell his junk loot
>Must be the games fault!

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>Nioh 2 soul cores is literally just the Aria of Sorrow soul system

This is awesome. Anybody else play the alpha? I'm a bit dissapointed that there seems to be less weapon types than the original. Hoping it's just limited to the alpha, not having axes or kusarigama is kind of bullshit.

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>a glorified $60 expansion for Nioh
>genuinely better than From's latest "masterpiece"
That's gotta hurt.

Does the game actually get hard at some point? Not shitposting, but I'm just upto the point where you fight the centipede thing and so far its been pretty easy. Nue and Hino Enma were challenging, but not because they had complex moves, but because they just killed you in one hit

I think it's just for the alpha, I don't think they'd dump a bunch of perfectly fine weapons in a sequel.

No. Especially if you get a set that fits your build (which you should naturally get throughout a playthrough without grinding), you'll just stomp every boss. Only Nue and Enma are challenging, in large part because they're early in the game and they hit very hard.

>better than sekiro
Nioh 2 is gunna be DOA whereas sekiro will be getting GOTYs

Odachi = 1kat = Kusa > Spear > 2kat > Axe > Tonfa

Try using a spear in a close quarters hallway, then come back and say that. Not every weapon is perfect, that’s why you can have two.

not with death stranding releasing this year

The first Nioh is apparently so good that even fans of Sekiro are in threads talking about it years after it came out.

how many narrow hallways are there in the game? I can only think of that catacombs map that has some but you don't really fight enemies there unless you purposely draw them in there.
Other than that very specific instance none of the weapons have any particular strengths or weaknesses. They can all deal with every enemy.

>spear in a close quarters hallway
Bad example, half of spear's moveset focuses on focused pokes and slams.

First difficulty is really a tutorial, get familiar with the weapons, learn what skills you like, learn enemies moves, etc. When you hit NG+ enemies will get tougher, there will be more of them, spawns will change, onmyo debuffs won't last as long, etc. Then the difficulty will flatten out again when you get your gear up and start to work on sets. Then you hit NG++ and it starts again, now with more challenging enemies like DLC enemies in regular missions, enemies in pairs more often (like putting the umbrellas that stun you with giant skeletons, or flying bolts that slow you with raven tengu) and enemies will gain new moves. But for each difficulty that goes up, you unlock more tiers of armor and weapons, and more sets to put together. Eventually you get to the abyss, and with some builds you can one shot every boss in the game, but getting there takes time and skill, since those builds are generally weak glass cannons.

The difficulty in Nioh is highly variable because of how the balance is, the combat depth and the ton of options you can choose to abuse or not. There are some pretty crazy challenges especially later on, but the big and enjoyable one I feel is gitting gud at the core combat and learning what you can do with it.

not him, but I am looking at weapon stats and weapon levels. Do I just take the one that is higher leveled even if the stats on it are not what I want

Fromfags are eternally butthurt over Nioh in case you haven't noticed, it's a special kind of autism

why would Fromfags be butthurt over an inferior clone

Effects can be reforged if you so wish, but if you have a high rarity weapon with a lot of effects you like but the level is low, you can Soul Match it using a weapon of a higher level. This lets you keep equipment longer, but it can get very expensive the more you do it, and forging and reforging after a little while is the easier better option.

Beats me, yet there they are seething in every Nioh thread
Very strange

If you're still in your first playthrough, then yeah take what has higher levels. There are some weapon traits to keep an eye out for that will greatly increase a weapons damage (change to attack *stat*, close combat damage +%, etc.), but for the most part you'll be leveling too fast to hang onto anything for long. There is soul matching (use a higher level weapon as a "crafting material" to raise another weapons level to that level), but its too expensive to worry about for now. Just use whatever drops. Only caveat is using weapons with the same element against bosses of the same element, like a raikiri katana against nue, since you'll just be hurting your damage. And don't worry too much about crafting, really just break down purple gear and sell anything blue and lower. When you hit NG+ you'll need a fuck ton of cash for reforging gear and soul matching.

Enough to get annoying now and then, which is why I switched to katana. Yes you can beat every enemy with any weapon, but sometimes it’s easier to switch to a different weapon, sorry if it bothers you.

>There are some pretty crazy challenges especially later on

>doing "Meeting on Another Shore" for the first time, sorely under geared

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>Grand Tournament

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Spear low stance and two hand swords are best

how much of nioh actually depends on being good at the game rather than just having high tier gear

We can't make you have fun. Try them all out and pick what you like.

as much as dark souls. you can either get gud or bruteforce your way with op builds/cheese.

on new game you really need to learn enemy attacks and boss patterns or youll have a bad time. you can cheese every boss in the first difficulty with sloth talismans, but their effectiveness falls off hard in new game plus and beyond.

>muh builds
irrelevant up to ng+2
>muh armor
irrelevant up to ng+2 and ugly too
>muh weapons
you got 6 and most suck
>stat distribution
even more irrelevant

Cope harder, Fromcel.

I have 20 hours into the alpha because its just that good. Hatchets are extremely fun and I garuntee you the final game will have more weapon types. Hatchets have the ability to combo directly into their L1 skills after quick or strong attacks too which is cool. Corrupt weapons also give your strong attacks cutting energy waves on their last button press once the sentience gauge is full. This works great with hatchets because their strong attacks in all stances is a single strike which means you get the energy wave immediately.

First playthrough is pure skill. You can equip what you find on the way and do good as long as you have a solid grasp of the combat. Every difficulty above that becomes increasingly more gear centered. Like you can still do good against enemies if you are good at the combat, but it takes forever and a day to cut through the high HP and dozen layers of permanent buffs they have if you don't sport the right equipment.

I'm eternally happy to be able to play good games from both TN and From.

More developers should adopt the enemy skill systems akin to Aria of Sorrow. This shit is amazing in the beta, and you're encouraged to use them as much as possible thanks to fast regeneration and cat buffs

Far more than people actually care to admit, discover for themselves or give credit for.

I'm downloading Nioh right now and I've just looked into the wiki to see the weapon categories. Tonfas and guns. How viable is to make a gun only build? Also some begginer's tips.

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I would say that on the first playthrough the player does too much damage without effort in most cases and it's only around Wise where it slowly starts to even out, but that's also when most set effects and buffs are fully in play, and no matter what there's things like Confusion.

Ranged weapons aren't really a main thing, they're support options for sniping and pretty hard to use otherwise
There are late game sets that allow autotracking headshots and unlimited ammo, but you're still vulnerable

If you want projectile builds, the only truly viable option is kunai/shuriken.

Ranged weapons do really big damage with headshots and are easily drawn at any time but you need to get a bit into the game to be able to guarantee ammo will last. They're still excellent tools to use alongside your main weapon. Rifles are pretty much obsolete and pointless however since you can carry two ranged weapons at once. Tonfa are death by a thousand whacks, but make up for it with a lot of speed and mobility. They might take getting used to but they're strong and fun. Read the menus, play the tutorial, spend as much time as possible learning Ki Pulse and stance swapping and good positioning, you can always do more damage, go through Options to turn some settings on, use wooden weapons.

Ki Pulse is not an optional thing. It's the most important skill in the game. Get comfortable with it as soon as possible.

>Everlasting Duty

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I'm going to suggest they improve ranged weapons in the survey and give each more personality. For example, bow should have a charge shot by holding R2 before releasing. The arrow type could change what type of charge shot it is. Then you could also flux to your ranged weapon. So you'd hit R1 and then L2 immediately after to quickly pull out your bow and shoot it without entering aiming mode. You could also press L2 after a dodge and quickly shoot a 3 arrow wedge pattern. Ranged weapons should have their own skill trees and be expanded upon. I think a giant windmill shuriken would be a good new type. It wouldn't use ammo but it would have short range. Pressing L2 would cause you to just throw it at your locked on target and not enter aiming mode.

1kat spear is the true patrician combo

spearchad reporting in

>being a spearcel

katana is best weapon in game but can feel too simple
spear is really strong and has a lot of variety with it's stances but suffers in closed places
odachi is the greatsword, amazing moveset but not too many sets that include odachi

You won't be able to make a gun build until you get to Magoichi Saika around late base game. His set is built around guns.

I just hope they give us something to do with all our extra cores. Ideally, higher level cores could even add to the move itself. Like skeletal archers for example. Maybe a higher level endgame version could summon an extra two archers making it four arrows instead of two. Maybe there could be a version where they shoot rifles or lightning infused arrows instead. This is probably asking too much but it would be cool.

Box art set, crow guy's set and moth dude's set are the only good looking armors. There, I said it.

You want a fucking gold star?

With extra glitter, please.

never seen any of them

Here you go bro.

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Thanks, mate.

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Do is 1kat/2kat a viable combo?


Anything works well in Nioh, I enjoyed the Tonfa's the most

I do hope they bring them back in 2. They're very unique because their ki pulse serves as a dodge. You combine that with their skill that lets you cancel and you're able to constantly shift between i-frames and hitting the enemy a bazillion times. They're just really fun to use and it would be a waste not to bring them back.