It won't feel right on PS4 or PC
It won't feel right on PS4 or PC
ehh I don't care, the highlight of this game is the sudaverse side of it all, so how the game feels isn't that important.
>It won't feel right on PS4 or PC
What the fuck does this even mean
I think it's because NMH is traditionally a nintendo console game with the exception of that shitty PS3 port of the first game. It's like seeing Halo on PC, it's cool that it exists, but it's still strange to see.
Yeah. Nothing quite beats the disgusting feeling of holding a Switchlet's greasy, smelly joycon controllers when playing a game.
cope lol
why are you using someone else's controller?
ah, its time to emulate nmh 1 and 2 then
>mfw buying it on both Switch and PC
>mfw replaying it on PC using the Pro-controller
why can't we just be happy it's coming to other consoles?
>tfw everyone called this game garbage before it was announced that it was getting ported
Really makes you think
Just as worthless a statement as saying MGS or Kingdom Hearts wouldn't "feel right" on non-Sony systems.
>Switch loses one of the very few games it had
It really is just a port and indieshit machine.
I doubt many people are gonna buy it if I'm being honest here, this game was made for Suda fans, and most Suda fans already bought the game. I genuinely think 90% of the multiplat sales are going to be people double dipping just to support Suda.
it's a meme back from when MGSV was announced for PC and Sonysoys said it just wouldn't feel right
>like seeing Halo on PC
You do know that the first 2 Halo games and Halo Wars were on PC, right?
>implying KH on Xbox wasn't weird to see.
I like the idea of a NMH 3 release on PC.
>no more heroes without motion controls
this is the easiest way to spot somebody who doesn't know shit about the game
And right after it lost Octopath. Yikes.
>defending motion controls
You can easily reconfigure the controls for mouse. Its not as fun as pretending like your wiimote is a dick, it can definitely get the job done.
More like Travis Leaves Tendies Again. Hopefully NMH3 will be on a worthwhile platform like PC.
Not an argument.
>NMH1 best played on Dolphin
>NMH2 best played on Dolphin
>NMHTSA best played on PC
>still no proper port for 1 and 2
Why must they torture us like this?
>SUDA51: my hardcore fans have to buy this game for future projects
>ALSO SUDA51: lol we had plenty of money for a port and ubisoft is paying for NMH3
Fuck off
The cuckest thing to say.
This is going to be Heroes' Paradise 2: Electric Boogaloo. No one who wasn't already interested is going to be interested especially after the lukewarm reception, even if it was great. We'll see a small initial boost from the handful of people that didn't already get it and others double dipping for new content and then the sales fall off a cliff and we never hear about it again. I hope you PCbros at least mod in all of Killer7 Travis' shirts
NMH is literally the only remotely adult title in Nintendo's history. It is exactly the kind of game that exploded on the PS1 in 1998 that Nintendo largely shunned. You wouldn't even blink if the first NMH came out on Ps3, which it did
Okay but what the hell was Coffee & Doughnuts
The only way it makes any sense is if it's some sort of Nier+Automata homage, but even then.
I really don't know what the hell all that was supposed to be
>posts the shittiest version of NMH that was explicity disowned by Suda51
I'm glad it's coming to steam, but you need to try harder. Here's your (you)
source on the disowned part?
What the fuck am I reading?
>ignores Madworld, House of the Dead Overkill, that brief period were mainline RE was going to be exclusive
Imagine being this retarded
Ubisoft is most likely handling the distribution of TSA for PS4 in NA since Marvelous is handling it in EU
Travis Strikes Back uses waggle controls for attacks with the Joycon.
It won't feel right wagging a PS4 controller or your mouse.
Give me a minute to find the link. It's in one of those interviews where people ask him about 1+2 ports and he just says to go dig out a wii, buy the games used if you have to and play it the way they intended and completely pretends the hd versions don't exist. Personally I don't think we're getting ports because he's been dragging his feet on talking to Marvelous forever and probably just wants to work on new things
Good. It'll play better without the waggleshit
>is shit a shit port a-anyway doesn't count!1!
Waggle shit is only used for recharging your weapon iirc. You attack by holding down a button.
It will play just as boring, don't worry.
>Suda releases a port of the newest game so everyone can be caught up with the story
>announces NMH3 switch exclusive at E3
Suda is a madman. I'll tell you what
I have no faith with SUDA now
>really adamant that TSA isn't a numbered entry even if it is plot important
>Nintendo still listed as a major client on the company factsheet
Wouldn't put it past him desu
>bought this for Switch
>releasing on PC now
That's officially the last Switch game I buy. This system has been one long regret and the one game I actually finish for it is now being released on other systems? Fuck Nintendo and fuck me for being so retarded.
Just play Mario and Zelda bro
I bought a switch for this game because Suda showed up at the reveal and I'm completely content with what I ended up with. He's also making NMH3 which could probably be a switch exclusive on release. You can probably pirate it on your switch if you still don't want give them any money.
I don't enjoy Mario games anymore and BoTW was shit.
>I bought a switch for this game because Suda showed up at the reveal and I'm completely content with what I ended up with
Are you me?
Sell your switch then. You'll recoup most of your money and since you've already played TSA you can move onto new things and just pirate the PC version
>Fuck Nintendo
>for SUDA fucking you over
Fucking retard