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because you wasted literally $600 on an xbone and shitch

I'm poor so I'm mad I can't afford more platforms and belittle others consumer choices so I feel more secure about my own.

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You wasted money on useless consoles like the ps4 and xbone

"wasted" is relative. When you have disposable income, equivalent to someone's rent, what is wrong with shelling out that money for your hobby?

it's just jealous poorfags like


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Pick a side fenceshitter


Console wars are literally manchildren shitflinging.
That's why being idort is superior.

wow, a single ps4. what an idort.

they don't have money for that

imagine purchasing the SJW console, the dilatestation 4

>Why, yes, gaming IS my hobby even though I limit myself to one platform and miss lots of stuff
the life of a corporate bootlicking poorfag

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Because I hardly use it cuz no games. I play more on PC, so my PS4 is busy collecting dust.

>snoy movir machine with one game is totally worth it though

Thanks guys. I feel so much better.

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True. There are no "exclusives" anymore, just 22 FPS garbage versions of games I can play at 144 FPS on PC. I don't give a shit about feminist moviegames or Bloodborne wannabe Dark Souls.

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If you don't buy a PS4 and isntall the ResetEra theme you are a bigot

Fight for diversity and against the patriarchy

>Bloodborne wannabe Dark Souls.
hey fuck you man, bloodborne is the shit. a shame the pvp sucks dick though, otherwise i'd play it a lot more often.

Yea Forums is filled with anons that can only purchase one console so instead of just enjoying what they have they shitpost in an attempt to justify their purchase and belittle the choices of others.

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they're just jelly
take those people and spread it all over your toast

I have bought two PS4 to support transgender rights

and Snoyggers are the mostly vocal tiny group in Yea Forums.

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he thinks zoomers now what an hydraulic press is

nintendies and snoylents are easily the most vocal and vicious mouthbreathers on this site.


>being a consolewar retard
the lack of self awareness is astounding.

Tell us more

How often do you clean? That has to be weeks of not cleaning.

Sell it. What's the point of keeping an expensive brick besides hording?

The only console I've bought since the PS2 has been a Switch and I really don't feel like I've missed out on much. Most of the worthwhile games has been on PC and for a long time I didn't even consider consoles an option.

All of that changed with the Switch. It's been really enjoyable, especially when you can easily take it with you if you want to play someplace else.

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They made me a lowball offer. They are the greedy assholes.

I don't want to feel an hypocrite when posting on resetera

Holy shit I thought I was the only one who went PS2 to Switch. Took a nice long break from consoles there. Love the switch tbqh


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They are kids whose parents let them only have 1 system. They don't understand what it's like to have disposable income that extends past a nickel per week allowance.

Based explaining user

Why do you need a xbox or ps4 though? Maybe a switch for about 1-2 games but that's it. You can even emulate BotW at a good framerate with CEMU, so unless you want to play Mario Odyssey or Xenoshit what's left?

Steam-chan best girl(?)


$650 gets deposited in my bank account each week (not bragging btw)

How about I pick the side of games meaning when anyone of then fuck up I call them out on it and shame whatever company is fucking up this time

mummy i saved up my good boi points this week can i pwease get that new game?

It's just plain dumb when PS4 has everything, if you like Xbox and PC exclusives thats cool but those games aren't up to the same standards, don't act shocked when most people aren't missing them

Why yes, I am an "idort." How could you tell?

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More like trash lol


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No need

Because there's literally no need to own anything other than a PC this gen.

this, console owners are fucking retarded cunts

if you don't play games what are you doing here on a saturday night

Nothing. Consolear spergs are just manchildren who can only afford one thing. Either that or they're underage.

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>Steam = PC
Stop equating Steam with PC, real PC gamers do not use Steam or anything like it

Nice try retard

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That's your problem

Yeah, real gamers use Epic Game Store. And GOG. And uh...Origin! and U-play!

im an idort but i love making console war threads because its fun as fuck seeing PCfags still bootyblasted over bloodborne still after 4 yrs

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>it sold less than any other first party title
nice meme cucklord

Back to your containment board right now

>muh sales
*fortnite dabs*


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>horizon zero sales will get a sequel and niggerbourne not


anyone who owns a console with a paid online service is a fucking retard who bought a brick with zero resale value

how's the resale value of those computer parts going

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I don't really have a platform that I like more than any other. But lately Sony can fuck off.

Imagine reskinned Dark Souls being the only reason to on your shitty piece of plastic

sticking to one platform alone is the best you can do. You mostly won't miss anything with just going one console or PC, unless it's the fucking Switch, which is overrated as fuck.

They know it from the youtube channel.

Anybody who supports any console is fueling the cancer that's stagnating the industry. We need consoles to die to make any real progress.

exclusives=hostages, don't support this cancer . Game exclusives are the cancer killing videogames, and are only enforced by companies to develop brand loyalty.

We need to embrace well-made multiplats, and buy fewer exclusives. If there are no exclusives, there is no need for multiple consoles to exist. That road leads to PC only gaming. The world of gaming would be a beautiful place.

Imagine having no irl gaming friends

Post the real idort

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Normally nothing, however this gen I can't see how anyone would be able to justify buying one console let alone three.

Anyone who bought a PS4 damaged the industry this gen.
Sony should be banned from the industry desu.

I have a gaming PC, a PS4, and a Switch. While I like playing multiplats on my PC, I don't think every game should be on PC.

>being this salty
>implying bloodborne is better than shit souls and the game of the generation


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literally plebbit the post

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a game so good everyone stopped talking about it 5 months after release

Agreed. Every non-Japanese Sony employee should be raped to death.

imagine console war fagging this hard

thats why theres bloodborne threads literally every day right?

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thank you

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There is no reason to get an xbone when pc exists

It makes sense when you consider that actual marketers post here. Everything else is just shitposting for fun.

>there's no reason to buy a Honda when Ferarri exists

"The Jew" is just a meme used as shorthand for any money grubbing corporation (which is all of them). Try to see the broader point before you get your feelings crushed so easily.

>there's no reason to buy your neighbor's cumstained ferrari with raccoons living in it and the radio ripped out and replaced with a pile of cuckold porn VHS tapes when you can just get a new ferrari

it's not racoons tho
cockroaches live on the ps4

Maybe the actual girl is the best girl. Stadia looks like the only one that has a pussy.

they were quite young back in these days son they dont remember

Fail, Sony is supposed to be more based looking, this is really shitty consolewarring

and your xbox controllers leech estrogen

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>plays waifu game on xbox
>controller giving me estrogen
>basically my waifu giving me estrogen like if I licked her pussy
See you later virgins


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I aint spending $140 just on online multiplayer and its not because I dont have any money. Even without a job i manage to spend $200/years on alcohol and only half of that amount went into stuff that i didnt find utterly disgusting and i dont regret anything

It’s spelled idiot

Yea Forums is /polv/. without /pol/, Yea Forums is nothing and would probably die out

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This strikes fear into porky

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