Would you pet him?

Would you pet him?

Attached: whimper.png (256x256, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No, dog's fucking suck

You fucking suck

Why do Muslims hate dogs so much? I saw one fucking scream and cry because she had to stand next to one on the bus.

>Animal becomes a party member
What other games do this?

Attached: fjnme5vzjo1z.jpg (513x307, 41K)

woof woof
bark bark
bork arf bork

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did you just make that?

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ever since he joined my party ive kept him ever since
based dog bro

I think they're considered filthy like pigs are.

Dogs are man's best friend

He cute

calm down, araki

Never used him even once.
>tfw want to replay P3 but don't want to have to suffer through the first few hours again

yes, i agree. teddie and morgana do suck.

>Game starts with a quote and immediately you're in the action and fightan monsters
Game starts with an anime opening and you have 5 minutes to learn your characters and supporting cast before gameplay
Game starts with an anime opening followed by 2-3 hours of visual novel and maybe one or two fights before getting to the actual game

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Didn't need to know source of one of these panels. Thanks furfags

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>tfw first persona game was 5
>tfw loved the shit out of it and played 3 and 4 as well after
>tfw i loved those as well but have no desire at all to play the first two persona games

Attached: 1556832930483.jpg (392x392, 23K)

just hold triangle

Yes, always. I'm a cat person but adore Koro-chan.

better yet, play it on an emulator and use a speed cheat

Wubba lubba dub
Is that true?

I train to tak on the Megidolaon table, but drop him right after.

As the person who posted what you replied to, just at least attempt to play 2. 2 is better than 1 in literally every possible way so it's almost worthless to even attempt 1.

>weak to light
never going to make it

Nobody asked you, Fuuka

>2 is better than 1 in literally every possible way
Except for the actual gameplay, which is literally the worst in the franchise, and that's saying a lot.

rate my dog

Attached: dog.png (720x540, 676K)

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sure. I like dogs, not just for eating

That's nice, doesn't change 2's dogshit gameplay. Great characters, good writing, wish newer Persona games had the balls to attempt even half of what the 2 duology did, but they're still terrible to actually play.

> i hope u can pet this FREAKIN' rare pupper in this game :3


I like Fuuka!

Attached: 4.jpg (3500x3500, 1.15M)

i've never seen you post lewd images before

>proud posture
>eyes full of worldly wisdom
>clean, shiny coat
>tail is wagging in the back, indicating contentment with the life he's made for himself
>one of the best breeds for every purpose ever
We have a winner, folks.

Because they aren't human, so of course they'd hate men's best friend.

thats beacuse im not fuukafag!

Attached: dab2.jpg (3500x3500, 477K)

Absolutely fucking based.

How in the fuck does 1 have worse gameplay than 2?
You can say 2's gameplay is still weak but it at least cuts out some of the half-assed mechanics, and the dungeons are more interesting than 1's pointless-dead-ends jamborees.

Meant to say how in the fuck does 2 have worse gameplay than 1, I hope that was obvious by the rest of the post.


Why didn't he get an ultimate persona too?

he didn't have a social link

who cares, he's a party member


"Bark Bark Bark Grrrrrrr BARK"

What did he mean by this?

Dogs are a cute
Pet em all
6,000,000 good boys

Dogs suck, dogs fuck, dogs feed, and dogs seed!

P3 didn't tie ultimate Personas to social links, mainly because none of the male party members had social links until P3P's FeMC route.

Play Persona Q.

How does Persona compare to SMT?

It's not as good

Ones less darker then the other. That's basically it but Persona's got the better budget and music.

>and music
No way fag

Love Aigis!

Attached: 1486790230495.png (902x1300, 889K)

Gameplay is very casual and mixed with life simulator calendar management. Really the only similarities it has with mainline SMT is the demon designs.

Would you pet?

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Both good in there own ways, Persona just has stuff in between their dungeons and more character related stuff, also easier unless we are talking 1-3 because they're much closer to SMT games.

Remember when SMT had a concert? Yeah I didn't think so. Cope harder and Stay SEETHING.

source PLEASE

>animals fucking suck

Attached: a2703e4a4311c7a2a810b1eed9dc9152548d28cbr2-800-800v2_hq.jpg (800x800, 81K)

No, it would kill me.

smol puppers can't transfur you

>Want to use both Junpei and Koromaru.
>They have no synergy and basically superfluous to each other due both being Fire/Slash focused.

Attached: That really Burns My Poffins.png (558x641, 17K)

Until my hands were sore

Tales of Vesperia


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>t. faggot who is scared of dogs

I'd really rather not take the chance, it might be seconds away from "growing up", if that's even how it works, I don't remember. I'd just run for my life.

And then it never happened again. What went wrong?

good boy/10

I'm pretty sure they don't mature that quickly, user.
>he doesn't remember the black latex life cycle
baka desu

All I know is Puro has weeks to live and it makes me sad. True ending was an asspull with the fake host but it made me feel happy regardless.

Earthbound, Mother 3, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 depending on your definition of "animal".

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damn look at those goalposts fly
Cope harder

>Persona 3 takes place in 2009
that dog's probably dead by now

At least he had weeks instead of dying immediately after leaving the facility

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Yeah I wish SMT sold well and made as much money. Happy SEETHING.

Why are there so many Persona 3 threads these past few days? Is it because of Smash?

What do you think of my dog?
Please no baby jokes. He’s only like he’s just a sleepy boy

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I'd pet any dog. If he doesn't want me petting it I'll pet it so hard he'll end up loving it.

It's a good game amount Personafags and SMTfags alike.

I'm just going to wait for an inevitable definitive version. It's coming this E3.

>Village Loremaster

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How does this makes any fucking sense?

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He's OP as fuck too

here is your spoonfeeding 238069

It needs discipline.

Etrian Odyssey 2

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>dogs evolve alongside white people (maybe east asians too)
>dogs view all nonhumans (non-white people/east asians) as threats
>nonwhites and dogs feel towards each other as they would any wild animal in the forest
This is the true redpill. If white people go then dogs will too (except maybe the big ones, because they can fight back)

>mother 3
Boney isn’t even a dog. He’s a dog like kid.

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>not faking that its a service dog

t. Chuck

Arcanum, Fallout, Dragon Age, BG2:EE has a pet bear.

>pretend to be blind to get dog in
>they kick you out because why the fuck would a blind guy go to the cinema?

Of course.
Who's a cute boy? Yes, you are.

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Or why not just leave the dog alone in the house and watch a movie all by yourself?

Muslims aren't aware of humanity's very few cross species friends. But honestly who cares about the opinions of a muslim?

Canon end because they're both dead

God I want to pet Yukari!

Attached: Yukari.jpg (300x424, 21K)

Formerly Ducks

Just do what practically everyone does and say its an "emotional" service dog when really someone just wants to bring their precious pitty with them everywhere

Looks like a really stretched out and wrinkly ballsack and or foreskin (but in a good way)

Good lazyboi/10

you get kicked a second later

because he asked you to see it

All the white people I know treat their pets like shit and are either fat and dying or get locked up in a cage all day. The black friends I have treat their dogs like bros and go running with them, feed them healthy and good, etc. I think whites have an innate sense to treat their pets like servants and slaves to be dressed up and given diabetes, while everybody else knows the struggle and grants them fairness and love.


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Me too. With a knife.

I just got a pup, she is only in the cage when im not home, shes not bad at chewing stuff, but its more a safety thing, i worry too much i guess.

>tfw Aigis has better doujin than Mitsuru

Fuck you Japan

>tfw smt has no doujins

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Are you really surprised the main girl that get's way more screen time then anyone else and is more popular by a landslide then any other girl wouldn't get all the nice things?

>main girl

That thing isn't even a girl


Yet still somehow main girl

But it does? Not as many as Persona obviously, but those exist. I remember skimming through an AlicexRaidou Kuzunoha doujin like a month ago, and every once in a while, I see panels being posted from what I must assume is a SMT IV Final doujin.

cats > dogs

Attached: my cat.jpg (2800x2984, 2.29M)

>store homunculus
>shadows keep using Mamudo and kill me instantly


I didn't mean that literally. they are just extremely few and it's mostly iv/iv:a shit

Persona 3 takes place in 2009, user

parasite > work animal

cats were domesticated as pest control, user

Turtles > dogs > fish > birds > hamsters > iguanas >>>> snakes >>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>> cats

Cats are shit tier animal and most people past 25 years old I know who owns cats have mental issues.

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Water Fuuka.jpg (582x716, 91K)

So were dogs but did the job better.

It was a good team

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You are supposed to cheese it by getting a persona immune to dark for parts like that.

Like what persona?

>Can summon his persona without fucking around with his limbs
Dog technology


debate me

yeah and whitey can't eat spicey food lmao they niggas season with water baka

This but all pets