Is prey a good game?
Is prey a good game?
Some "people" say yes but I don't think they're human. Wanted to like it but it's absolute bore. Nothing about it is good.
No. Its brain dead easy even on the hardest difficulty. There’s also no enemy variety and the weapons are lame. The areas are all boring to explore too.
Horrifically boring and the only reason it had positive buzz is because of the 2 selectable characters. Literally checked a diversity box.
You need to get outside more, user. /pol/ is melting your brain.
Did you kill them?
Half of this thread is sub 90 IQ. It's one of the best games of the decade, the exploration is top notch, secrets are littered everywhere, the combat is fantastic. It's very smooth, i'm an outlier and like the art deco art style but that's a common complaint. I really enjoyed the freedom in this game, every approach to an encounter is like a puzzle, the finite resources in this game also make it tense. It's a worthy successor to system shock 2 and it's in my top 5 favorite games.
Good but obviously flawed by Bethesda rushing it to release and slapping the Prey trademark onto it. There are mods that add the cut resource management, at least.
have sex
I loved it and I hope arkane never stops making games like these. hope we get a dungeon crawler next
The combat is fantastic only because it’s a shitty god mode simulator.
None of the encounters are puzzles but ok.
>finite resources
Lmao are you serious? They give you a shit ton of ammo especially since you can recycle everything in sight.
Game of the generation for me.
>dungeon crawler arkane immersive sim
Nothing in this world can be so perfect
that's just arx fatalis, but I would like a modern version. underworld ascendant was crap
The resources are finite, if you actually have fun and use everything you're given and recycle everything in sight you'll run out of things to recycle around the third act. Figuring out how to best deal with enemies in an encounter is fun and like a puzzle and environmental puzzles are top notch. It's not a god mod simulator if you don't do bullet time + shotgun the entire play through but i agree some things are broken. Space magic is exceedingly fun though.
Haven't heard anything from them in...well a while. They confirmed working on something or just radio silent for the moment?
they're mimics
Iv'e seen videos and i don't think i'd like the magic system and the melee combat seems barebones. I'm not opposed to boomer games but this one might be too dated for me, it just can't compete with dishonored and prey, even OG dues ex seems like it has it beat, again i haven't played it though.
I'm a little fucking bummed I ruined a full typhon playthrough because apparently you have to murder everyone yourself, it's not enough to contrive elaborate scenarios where you get them killed.
>the cargo bay standoff where the people holed up in there need turrets
>pretending to be a nice guy but I hate turrets because they think I'm an alien or something
>get them their 3 turrets, set them up just right, Sarah gives me the code
>deactivate turrets
>punch in code, open door, run for the elevator
>watch from the second floor as the typhon murder everyone in seconds, they don't stand a chance
>construct typhon buddy from the corpse of some japanese girl, she kills all the other aliens
>drag everyone's corpses into a pile in the middle of the room
>toss a recycler charge into the pile
>candy rains down from the heavens
>stroll on over to the printer and make myself a couple neuromods
This is some primo edgelord shit and apparently it doesn't count towards low empathy run. January's dialog also proceeded as if I'd just helped them.
It's the Bioshock 3 I was hoping for rather than the one I got
Best game of 2017, serious contender for game of the decade.
All I can say is give it a chance, Arkane has never made a bad game. Use the Arx Libertatis mod though, it fixes a ton of bugs.
the only reason it wasnt celebrated everywhere is the name. thats it.
shitty story = no investment = shitty game
You're trapped on a fucking space station with aliens, what's not to like?
Void Bastards is better.
No. It's not bad either. Just mediocre.
I really liked how the entire station was mapped out and felt like the rooms had function. Even the areas locked off because of hull breach could be accessed from the outside.
Is Mooncrash worth it? Watched a review praising it, but I really dont like playing the same thing dozens of times to unlock characters.
I fucking loved this game. Such a good late night exploratory game with immersive music, little hidden quirks, and a good storyline. The ending wasn't mindblowing but it was an interesting twist.
I know the Prey name was forced onto the game but I still wish it had the original game's gravity mechanics. Would have made sense on a space station with artificial gravity to have different areas of effect and 'wallwalk' panelling.
Yes but the ending is silly
If you like immersive sims like Deus Ex and System Shock 2 you'll likely have fun with this.
Whats the problem with it? Blow station, run away with friends, plot twist, save humanity. I like it.
If I remember right, the simulation only remains the same until you used up all the characters and refresh it. It's a very meta concept where you're playing all the characters in one scenario and trying to find the best solution.
Not him but the whole 'It was all a simulation' thing felt really cheap.
I liked it, but that's mostly because that particular type of game tickles my fancy. I want more weird system shock knock offs, exploring parts of a ship, browsing through emails and finding keycards and gaining access to new places and all that.
Exploration is really nice, combat and story are awful, it's a solid 6/10
walking simulator
But it was not a simulation.
That actually happened, you are revisiting the memories.
It's just a way to advance the time and so the plot twist.
Kill yourself