We need to kill Wojak

Wojak edits are stale, gay and rage comics tier. We need to replace him with Steve. Steve is exploitable and triggers normies. He's literally /ourmeme/. Post Steves.

Attached: 459.png (628x514, 306K)

Other urls found in this thread:


blessed Steveposter

That thing is fucking cringe incarnate

Attached: steve.png (577x474, 86K)

stop bullying the cunny crusher

why do zoomers hate wojak so much? he's been Yea Forums-core for many years now

Attached: confess.jpg (1200x1133, 84K)

More like cuck core.

t. redditfag
Only redditfags and trannies dislike Steve.

Rise up, sons of steve.

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Because Wojak has been arounf for a fucking decade and Wojak/Pepe edits are fucking stale.


Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

Attached: Luci holding 2 fingers up because she's telling you what time it is in the afternoon.jpg (800x800, 99K)

I won't lie some of these are hilarious

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He isn't Yea Forums-core anymore

Attached: Screenshot_20190601-225123__01.jpg (1080x1359, 283K)

more like "i was born in late 90's-early 00's and grew emotionally attached to a meme"-core you nigger

>shitting on rage comics, the very fucking definition of old Yea Forums memes

Attached: no fun.jpg (453x479, 85K)

Get with the times, meme has been stale since 2012.

Sorry my fellow Stevefag, but other things need to die first

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I can barely stomach this hideous steve 3d model, instead of funny it just looks gross and uncanny, I rather have this contained on rosterfaggotry threads than replacing the wojak, atleast the wojak doesn't make you wan to skewer your eyes of how ugly and hideous it looks, like this fucking steve 3d model, why, just why, it's just gross.

PS: I don't care if you replace wojak, just don't replace it with something that looks uncanny and gross

Thanks; another for my collection.

if I had to pick between smash autism and wojak I would pick wojak


Long story short they're overused.
Short story long I don't blame them for their overuse it almost perfect because it can be easily edited to any emotion, character or thing to fit the subject but of course to much of a good thing is bad thing.
Then it started being used because it made people mad and then more people started hating more.
Ironically enough that Steve model was made because "anti-rosterfags" wanted to make rosterfags mad and now they're saying to replace nu-Wojok with that pretty much started as nu-Wojok.

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This is based.

Attached: susie.png (1920x1080, 591K)

new meme

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I can roll with this one.


Why are election squatters so defensive of this meme? At any other point on Yea Forums, the second a meme became stale or mainstream, it was quickly abandoned. When was the last time you saw someone non-ironically post a rage comic? Or get Rickrolled?

Attached: 1535300567846.jpg (790x1080, 118K)

Steve will never be a meme, and only an autistic faggot would defend otherwise

> Boom Zoom Doom Bloom Cloon Xoon Honk Honk
Everyone knows all these are forced memes but they still use them. Why?

shit like this ruined Wojak

look at this garbage and compare it to og wojak.

It's been nothing but slapping a version on top of a version of a version.
It's how creatively bankrupt shitposting is in this site.

Attached: 1559426962441.jpg (461x394, 67K)

Retards don't realize they were forced.

Wojak is along Pepe the best memes yet.
Wokal edits are made by redditors. Everyone, and by everyone I include normies, know Redditors can't meme. All they do is copy, steal, and edit. Their "remixes" are universally despised.

minecraft steve is a faggot

Zoomer is a Redditor word used without a clear definition. For all intents and purposes it's a no you are the real boomers comeback which has to rhyme. Did you know obsessive rhyming is a trait of schizophrenia?
That's right: redditors might not suffer of autism, but of shizophrenia.

>both a meme edit and a term rhyming with Reddit's favorite logical fallacy - the tu quoque
What's up with Reddit and their X-oomer vocabulary?

I have a theory: not only do reddit users lack a left brain, they lack the right brain hemisphere as well. They might have completely average brains, but their neurons are subpar developed in both the logical and the artistic faculties.
You picture is a perfect example. It's skull is horribly malformed.

>Discord spam meme
How about...

The honest to god actual answer?
Because it was only funny back in 2012, when he was known as "feels guy" and when pepe was just a shitposting frog.
Back in yee oldfag days of Yea Forums, we had a ton of unique new shit being created, and each new thing was a product of love and care.
Wojak and Pepe had love and care put into them when they first became big. But now, they are both easily editable, so before, where in order to make something you either had to ms paint it, or be a good drawfag, anyone with half a brain could edit these and make a new one.
Over time, they slowly became more bastardized and more grotesque looking, which culminated in 2013 and 2016 when this place was flooded with normies. So what was once an innocent Yea Forums meme, became an exploited meme that normies found funny because they could shitpost and edit it quickly without any thought or effort.
Nowadays, people hate Wojak and Pepe because they take away from the quality of boards and threads. The only people who enjoy or post them nowadays are normal fags who think "LE FUNNY FROG IS FUNNY". When in reality, it detracts from the conversation of the board itself. This is inherent when you look at smaller boards, like /ck/ and /jp/ who sometimes have 10 threads up with Wojak/Pepe edits at a time asking dumb inane shit like, "GUYS HOW DO I NOT GET FAT WHEN IM CONSUMING 12 BIG MACS A DAY". For shitposting sake.

It gets even worse, when now people are just posting Wojaks as a counter argument to any argument that makes sense, or when they raid threads like Bowsette threads (given this isnt video games either), but are given free reign because the mods don't want to do shit about them.
If we banned Wojak/Pepe posting tomorrow, the overall quality of boards would probably spike, because normal fags would have to find some other shitty facebook meme to shitpost on here.