As a switch owner I’m troubled that we get the worst version of multiplats...

As a switch owner I’m troubled that we get the worst version of multiplats. When will our god emperor Nintendo give us a real no-gimmick console that isn’t underpowered? Could their be a switch “pro” in the near future?

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do you want to know the real answer to why Nintendo technology isn't competitive in that sense? it's because they are able to get by entirely off of their own ips, so they can just make something that does enough to have their IPs look better in each generation. The real solution to getting nintendo to be more competitive isn't to have less 3rd party support like most people say, the actual(somewhat strange) answer to this is quite literally "put everything on the switch." Force devs to make extremely downgraded ports to the system so people can see a repeated pattern of constant downgrading, when it only happens once or twice you can easily deflect, but if it KEEPS happening people start asking questions. Eventually Nintendo would have to answer them and the only way they'd be able to actually solve that problem would be to start producing more powerful hardware

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Why do you want every console to be exactly the fucking same instead of having a diverse eco system of interesting offering different things to different people.

Are you just fucking stupid? I thank the Lord you're irrelevant.

I hope they stay the course and don't listen to stupid faggots like you. I don't want all 3 of them to offer me the same basic box.

>buying a Nintendo console for anything other than Nintendo games
Rather than waiting for Nintendo to make something competitive hardware-wise again, which they haven't done in nearly 20 years, why not just accept the situation and build a PC for non-Nintendo stuff?

I just want to enjoy first part Nintendo games and multiplats on a technical par with Sony and Microsoft. Sorry that triggers you so much because you have no standards.

>supporting nintendo to release a 300$ console that its barely more powerfull than. A ps2

That and they don't sell hardware at a loss. If they came out with a PS5 equivalent at the same time as the PS5, Nintendo would sell it for $100-200 more which would be a shitshow like the Saturn, PS3, and Xbox One launches.

We all do user, but it's never going to happen. Just learn to be happy with less, that's part of the suffering of being a Nintendo fan. Nintendo used to progress tech and gameplay at the same time, Ocarina of Time and Metroid Prime were technical marvels for their day, but that Nintendo died when the Wii came out and they're never coming back.

>Rather than waiting for Nintendo to make something competitive hardware-wise again

I'm honestly glad Nintendo don't give a fuck. They're all the better for it. The continue to be the only company worth watching to see what they do next. Everyone else is so predictable.

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Their target are children and nostalgic boomer; graphic, and resolution are not exactly priorities for both of those audience.

Thats why their standard for "power" has been low since Wii, its the most profitable way to operate their ecosystem. Dont know why they still have dogshit online tho


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Even if a switch pro comes out, it will be outdated in a year when the new xbox and sonystation releases

I'm sorry you can't understand the appeal of the Switch. I'm personally looking forward to taking mine on vacation next week.

How does that refute anything I said? From a game design standpoint Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece, but on the technical side it could have been accomplished in 2006.

I don’t get it either op, Nintendo fans will buy anything Nintendo gives them so they could easily make a powerful console, charge 500 bucks for it and entice people into buying a Nintendo product that doesn’t sacrifice performance.

After playing the Switch, I'll never go back to traditional consoles ever again. If all PS5 can offer is "the-the graphics are slightly prettier yet again!" I can't think of anything more stangnant and boring. Christ thats so tiresome.

Lmao at taking your bing bing wahoo on vacation. Have sex, incel.

For the umpteenth time, the last time NIntendo competed in the "bigger and faster" arms race they were driven to market irrelevancy. For all your whining about Nintendo not joining the status quo you sure failed to make your voice heard when they WERE trying.

Its embarrassing listening to morons on this board who have no understanding of how anything works. Like a child having an opinion on politics.

They don’t have to and don’t want to. They print money by their product saying Nintendo on it alone. Unless there’s a massive fall from Grace or pedophile scandal or some shit that rocks the company to the core, people will be playing Nintendo on Mars and it’ll still be the underpowered console.

Actually going with my gf. Looking forward to some comfy Yoshi co-op on the hotel balcony in between sweaty fuck sessions. Cry more you sad little baby.

You are getting games and consoles with gimmicks and you are going to like it

The GCN and more recently the Wii U proved that Nintendo fans in fact will not buy anything Nintendo gives them.

What a fag

Why would you play video games while on vacation? Where the fuck are you going, Utah??

GCN was bad timing everyone was more edgy back then and the other 2 put out badass futuristic looking hardware and Nintendo put out a purple cube with a carry handle and baby discs

yeah no

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Nintendo consoles are always a secondary console, unless you are a child/poor

Say that to my fucking face nintendy and see if I don’t fuck you right in front of your mom faggot

But Nintendo fans buy ANYTHING Nintendo makes. How could they possibly skip the gamecube, even more so with how many people are screaming out how they wish Nintendo would "compete on even ground" with MS and Sony?


>Why would you play video games while on vacation?

Because I can. Thats like asking why would I take a personal stereo, phone or book on holiday.

You'll desperately try anyway you can to deny the appeal of portabilty even though its one of the single biggest factors in the direction of all entertainment technology evolution. Keep crying about all the fun I'm having.

It's not the size of the disc that matters, it's how you use it ;)

GameCube is my favorite console of all time, I actually stopped buying Nintendo consoles after the Wii and didn't pick another one up until the Switch. Nutendo's fans are not the same as the old Nintendo fans, even if there is some overlap. Most old-school Nintendo fans who left Nintendo became PC gamers.

it is more powerful thant the psshit

Not always the case Arms flopped but probably sold 20 times more than it would’ve sold if it were a 3rd party game. WiiU I think confused people. Labo was a bust. They do have mindless followers, but don’t sony and Microsoft also? Doesn’t everything? I mean look at the fags with the monster logo decals on the back of their trucks. People are crazy

Ah, so Nintendo fans magically changed from being supposedly the most fickle and demanding of consumers to the most braindead retarded brand followers.

I can’t go back to regular consoles Switch is just too convenient

>only portable version

I agree I’m. Nintenbro for life I only own and play Nintendo outside of morrowind DOOM and heroes i&ii on an old busted laptop I own. Cinematic movie shit doesn’t appeal to me and neither does the forced diversity and inclusivity.

>Arms flopped
in what universe?

Well this is quite problematic

>2 million sold
Nigga they were so satisfied with the sales they gave away free characters, stages and other content
Arms probably had a pathetic budget and still sold gangbusters

You’re suicide will solve all these issues
I want to play video games not watch Netflix while holding a controller

>As a switch owner I’m troubled that we get the worst version of multiplats

>Buying multiplats on Switch
>Calling Nintendo an emperor

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Lmao go outside incel, put down your game boy for a couple of days and have fun in the real world maybe you’ll meet a real girl and not your imaginary one.

All consoles are...

The sad truth...

Spotted the glorious master race..

They should just get a different version of multiplatform games.
Would be more interesting, but yea won't happen. Not profitable enough.