What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: Civilization_VI_cover_art.jpg (265x376, 22K)

Literally nothing?

the shit AI

all my friends stopped playing vidya games


Yeah, no. I take my original comment back. The AI is absolute dog shit.


The ai is too shit for sp to be enjoyable, and no one plays mp because matches take too long

releasing an unpolished game with the premise of finishing it over several DLC's
fun game though

It's not even just that matches are long. It's about after 30 minutes, it becomes pretty obvious who the winner will be.

firaxis won't change it because of the sunk cost fallacy

Its not an Amplitude 4x.

they could at least have a ranking system to incentivize staying in the game or something


>Mobile graphics
>SJW shit
>Builders have charges now
>Shit AI even more shit than any other CIV
>Less Content
>Shit UI

Were districts a good idea?

I dislike them, I think it's 50/50 tho lots of players think it was a great change.

not making an original game


blew their budget on leader cutscenes that people just turn off anyways.

I'm pretty sure Civ6 had everything 5 did on release.

no world congress

Less units, less map scripts, less leaders, less buildings and wonders, no world congress, limited religion and cultural mechanics.