Post kino endings

Post kino endings.

Attached: ReachEpilogue.jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 876567754.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

Attached: 20190601231304_1.jpg (1920x1080, 156K)

Attached: juicy-by-the-notorious-b-i-g.png (480x378, 179K)

i thought that was a great ending too.

Attached: maxresdefault-1-600x338.jpg (600x338, 40K)

If your Noble 6 doesn't have black armor you're gay

Attached: 941331-persona_4_true_end.jpg (640x384, 40K)

wait a minute thats felwinters peak


If you're in the know then you'll know.

Attached: who could it be.webm (540x360, 270K)


Attached: gman.jpg (1600x900, 119K)

Not the GOAT, but right in the feels

Attached: ezal.jpg (1024x575, 107K)

Attached: metroid.jpg (480x360, 8K)

>he's not in the know
Looks like you don't need to know, my dude.

Yo buddy, you still alive?
And thanks friend, see you again...

Attached: 1538621469595.png (300x300, 218K)

Attached: thor.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

wut gaem
nothing tops this

Attached: 1795685909090.jpg (590x332, 69K)

How was that a good ending? You die. Do you want to die at the end of your life?

Gentlemen, welcome to Dubai.

Attached: specops.jpg (600x338, 46K)

>Do you want to die at the end of your life

read that again slowly

Attached: 1555142894199.png (499x458, 207K)

If it's hostile, you kill it.

Attached: Artyom_badending.jpg (1920x1080, 347K)

based as fuck

Attached: baited2.webm (640x360, 1006K)


not that user, but I'm pretty sure that is Killer is Dead

Only if you consider the whole level as the ending.

Attached: The_Grand_Cathedral.jpg (860x428, 37K)