>Game tries to be """""""difficult""""""
>Just spawns mobs all around you out of your field of view every single time a horde shows up so you are eventually killed by sheer numbers of cheap shots
Fucking Swedish retards.
>Game tries to be """""""difficult""""""
>Just spawns mobs all around you out of your field of view every single time a horde shows up so you are eventually killed by sheer numbers of cheap shots
Fucking Swedish retards.
>user tries to play a "co-op" game
>doesn't have any friends
If you wanted a Vermintide thread, you could just have said so
I too once started a new game and got mad at being bad but instead said it's the games fault despite everyone on the hardest difficulty dealing with it just fine.
*spawns behind u*
It's lag.
Host a game on Legend and there are much less back stabs.
*instantly turns 180 degrees and 1 shots you with a overhead swing*
heh....nothin personell man-thing.
>Having any difficulty with an Ogre
Big oof
s-shut up
There’s a sound effect if you’re being targeted from behind.
Winds of Magic sooooooon
Haha look at them go
get good lumbafoot
*ahem* fuck ogres, fuck black rats, fuck backstabbers, and most of all fuck hook rats
Game is trash and needs undead and orcs.
game is absolute garbage, uninstalled after a few hours
op nailed it, you can't see shit and you just spam left click, wow such fun and diverse gameplay! i want my money back
you know if you try right clicking next time there's this really cool ability called "block" that helps out a lot
is everyone from the dead general here
>he blocks
not when you're kruber you don't!
Even duel daggers, the most left click spammy weapon requires an occasional push/attack and charged strong attack.
Maintaining a rhythm with the warhammer is fun too.
unironically get gud, you're just not noticing the enemies, even if they're in your back you get a sound effect when you're about to get hit from outside your field of view, so you can dodge (block if bad) instantly
The thing that pisses me off most about the game is the sheer amount of lag and missed hits/connects/blocks/etc.
You can absolutely 100%, 200%, 10000% go in for a block against an incoming attack, block it absolutely perfectly, but it still counts as a hit against you because the game thinks you didn't block it right. Such fucking horseshit. Completely ruins the game, and also makes it an extreme chore/unfun to play on higher difficulties where you can be killed by only a small number of hits.
Idk I've had 0 issues with lag outside of phantom swings (that were fixed a long time ago) and I've been playing since release.
The lower difficulties suck in engagement because you are drowned in health and barely take any damage. You really can just left click your way through it. Not until coming up on Champion and Legend you'll learn to appreciate all the minor mechanics. How heavily depends on your class as you can sure as hell set yourself up to pretty much M1 everything even there.
I am
Generals should die when theres no content, the games community will live on but Generals become pure fucking poison
I'm hyped for throwing axes.
A ranged option for slayer is kinda cool.
Having more than 100 ping is so garbage, that's why you get those sort of things. Easily fixed by never using quickplay and filtering servers in the browser to "near". The QP reward is never worth it unless hosting.
>No custom map creator
>No versus mode
>No other game modes like survival
God, this game has so much potential, but Fat Jew just wants to make it as stagnant as possible.
I have 1,000 hours in this game and I would instantly get another thousand if we got the ability to create custom shit, or hell even if we got a versus mode.
The game has a surprisingly smooth difficulty curve as you come to learn the mechanics.
The leap from Veteran to Champ felt about as difficult as the leap from Champ to Legend.
Its the Deeds that are a true mans challenge
I don't mind getting swarmed but I'm 100% certain they intentionally spawn rats right behind you and they're already mid-swing
Even when theres content, some generals like /a3g/, /kspg/, /gw2g/, and /ps2g/ are destined to die because the generals go through stages of shitposting until their demise. First step is unironic shit posting, then agreeing with the shitposting, then people stop using the reply feature to be even more ironic, then you start getting weird pseudo shitposts about ecelebs and the game, and then finally is unrelated garbage about the game and then they die. /TF2G/ is in the third stage right now.
VT1 had that and the equivalent in VT2 is Fortunes of War which is a hyped up version of what they had in VT1.
I can't imagine people putting in the effort to make good custom maps but it's a shame regardless.
Versus mode with Fatshark jank sounds like an absolute nightmare but I get a lot of people make that wish when they see it as L4D.
>can't imagine people putting in effort to make good custom maps
If people love the game enough, then they'll make god tier maps.
Hell, some maps have even been so good they literally transcend games. Look at shit like Dust, 2Fort, Cobblestone. Bonus points if the devs give a shit and actually start picking out the best of the best to add into the game as actual maps.
This can happen but personally it's so rare it's not an issue. It's just so frustrating and memorable when it happens.
Patrols spawning inside you when people were still trying to git gud was so much worse. Not to mention all the sound cues that were essential to not get fucked by disablers and patrols around a corner.
Git gud you retard. If you can't handle a horde without even any specials or minibosses then you're really bad. I recommend dodging and blocking. Also listen to your damn surroundings, this isn't something you should be playing while listening to your trashy KPOP in the background.
He's just trying to get the thread going, don't fall for it less you are just playing along I guess.
Even if he's merely pretending there might be others reading this that I could help.
Is this worth getting? Was thinking about it awhile ago
do you like Left 4 Dead?
I would imagine it's pretty dead by now, even the VG general is gone.
Wait for the AUGUST expansion Winds of magic.
It has great and satisfying combat that doesn't seem complex at first but as you keep going you realize there's more depth to it. It doesn't have much content though so I mostly play it on the side every now and then.
/vg/ is in no fucking way an indicator of an actual games playerbase.
There was a sale a few weeks ago and its got enough players but I'd only play if you have a friend or two interested in it
>people claim this game is hard on legend
what they really mean is they don't have any idea what light/heavy/stagger cycles are as they speed run alone and die to a gutter runner.
nice lootbox game
>dying to chaff
lmao git gud
I played nearly every week until a month or so ago. It was the first time I got less than 3 Legend servers near me for an entire weekend. I'm my area it's pretty dead but I'm sure a sale spikes it momentarily.
>light/heavy/stagger cycles
>light/heavy/stagger cycles
I do. It was my big time sink. Filesharing with my roommate so he will get it too
I think I'll go for it. Thanks
I dont think you understand just how autistic the warhammer community is... the first custom maps youd see would be fucking steam tank saltz
I've never had an instance where mobs spawn behind you, and as far as cheap shots you need to git gud and use choke points
>he trusted an elf
yeah. Currently taking refuge in a leddit discord to get my vermintide fix. 90% of the population doesn't do anything higher than veteran, but the admin and a handful of others like doing legendary deeds and are decent to play with.
tricked a few of the normies with fake jojo part 4 screenshots with Kakyoin in them. forgot how fun it is to shitpost with normies
i somehow knew this was that zoomer dance before I even clicked it
VT2 definitely has issues but its always funny how easy it is to point out the scrubs complaining about the difficulty settings.
You must have Google Fiber if the game is that predictable for you. With a yellow ping light I've taken damage while my guard was fully up and facing the rat.
Fair point that it probably comes down to area, it dies after like 1am here which I guess is to be expected
>I've never had an instance where mobs spawn behind you
they've toned it down but that can absolutely happen. t. guy with over 700 hours.
game is going to spike hard again when beast men come out
Will ultimate edition include winds of magic? It says 2 dlcs and its fucking pointless to buy a bundle that's not full
>Just spawns mobs all around you out of your field of view every single time a horde shows up so you are eventually killed by sheer numbers of cheap shots
nigger that's what the game is supposed to be, skaven don't fight fair. They use numbers and cheap tactics to win their battles.
The game takes place in the warhammer world during the end times, where all the chaos races joined up at full strength and skullfucked everything. Lorewise the characters in vermintide die eventually
the devs said they plan on releasing a map editor eventually
We already have 2 DLCs so probably not. It's an EXPANSION after all.
This shit fucking cracks me up every god damn time.
>the devs said
user, don't you start getting people's hopes up after the roadmap and dedicated servers going never ever.
Note how he is hit before the Skaven model is even in the world.
There was a bug in VT1 where clients joining midgame had all the currently spawned Skaven turn invisible but they still attacked like normal.
>get stoned and play VT2
>mode where its pitch black save for a torch it spawns with your team at the beginning of the map
>legendary mode. I'm no bitch.
>get lost in what feels like endless, pitch black tunnels
>hearing chittering and snickers off in the darkness
>ocean of skaven come pouring in from both sides of the tunnel
>skittering out of the blackness, red eyes coming into focus, disgusting dirty vermin
>feels like I'm chopping through an ocean of meat as they endlessly pile in practically on top of eachother attempting to overwhelm us
this game can be terrifying at times
god I hate fatshart so fucking much.
they've got lightning in a bottle with this game but they do nothing but squander it. so much wasted potential.
Kruber's got great reaction time
>horde incoming behind me
>hop down rocky cliff
>look up
>dozens of ratmen flying over me
for xpac after beastmen my money is on chaos daemons
why would you ever use daggers on a battlefield
if they had half the manpower and funding those AAA dumbshits had this game would have been even better
Are the ubersreik 5 strong enough to tangle with daemons?
Most of the stuff they usually fight is kinda low tier on the Warhammer power scale.
I hope you'll sire an heir until then so he may enjoy it in a functional state while we beta test it in our final years and the same 10 bugs from a year ago will still be repeated.
I've been hit by a horde and a rat ogre at the same time in that pitch black tunnel on Legend. Team just laughed it off and we beat it on the second try.
>still no map where you venture into a town under siege and have to save townsfolk, with an end event where you fight off a huge wave and multiple bosses with friendly state trooper npcs that return to the keep once you finish the mission
As a boss maybe? They are hero tier units and the Warhammer power scale can slide like crazy for rule of cool
When you're an elf that moves quickly and can stealth.
Mmm! A hooker rat!
they're already dunking on chaos warriors constantly I think the whole "power scale" thing is pretty lenient
I really don't think you can throw money at fatshark and think it will solve their ingrained problems of how to develop video games. The closest thing would be to fire everyone but the idea guys, map makers, music creators and voice actors and let another team produce the rest.
fatshark is pretty big at this point, actually. they're just lazy as fuck.
>what is the warp spawn?
Warp spawn are horribly unintelligent daemons.
depends on the daemon really furies,
tzeentch horrors, bloodletters, daemonettes and plaguebearers/nurglings they could probably take on as a team. They'd have to be elites or boss enemies though.
Although the power levels in vermintide are out of wack, considering the 5 are somehow immune to the nurgle diseases that would be spreading every where, and can take down shit like chaos warriors and stormfiends with relative ease, which lorewise can take on multiple kruber tier soldiers with no problem. Grey Seer magic can also nuke entire armies with warp lightning storms, so either clan fester is super fucking incompetent or the 5 have turbo plot armor
>Literally ELVES
>hyperstack dont happen
Sometimes I feel bad for killing Skaven
Did anyone else like the first one better? 1st one seemed less complicated though more grindy. Also 1 was way more darker and it felt like it had more effort poured into making it spooky.
I had a chaos spawn do this once
We almost got it to the end of the level but the team let themselves get swarmed
I don't.
The Dracula castle was really spooky. I dreaded that long jump with a 30 second run through the dark if you fall. Game play wasn't as interesting though. I like VT2's abilities and weapons
>tfw champion is pretty easy for me even with all grims and tomes
>can rarely get through the level at all on legend
I want to have full of hate sex with Kerillian
Fucking elves
more like grabs you through the horde, which it was obscured behind
>2 thirds of the enemies are going to be chaos and beastmen
If it's not human, it's vermin
1st had a worse loot system and enemy variety, but had a way better atmosphere and felt more warhammer. In vermintide 2 you're just all over the fucking place, go from mountain to city to field to forest to random ass castle, to norsca, to skaven dens, etc.. I much preferred staying mostly in one city and the surrounding locations
>this game can be terrifying at times
>Hunger in the Dark
>mine cart section, dark tunnels
>Chaos Spawn
>shitloads of Stormvermin
>2 Blightstormers
That's a fine classic VT1 image but you need the updated ones user.
hammers are fun, both the 2h and the dualies
>Play with friends
>"Uh this game sucks!"
>"This is fucking impossible!"
>"Fucking RNG!"
>"This fucking random guy is a retard"
>"I fucking hate this game!"
I can't play anything with my old group of friends because they immediately jump to "game sux" mode but at the same time I have too much of an history with them to leave for greener pastures.
also I'm autistic
wat do
Stormfiends on that mission are obnoxious as fuck.
First one was all fundamentals and didn't have any reliance on talents for things. That being said loot system in 2 is vastly superior.
Play with randoms and stop tell your friends they're too annoying to play with.
I played with randoms when friends left because we were stomping anything the game threw at us anyway. Randoms makes it interesting again.
There is a sound queue that plays every time you get aggro from a boss
I tend to find them easier than Chaos Spawns, Stormfiends at least make themselves visible and don't move around attempting to slap your shit so much since they spend their time attempting to burn you.
>people are good at a game, can demonstrate them playing it well, and explain how they play well in a manner that can be replicated
>other people are still so mad that they are shit at a game and so dishonest with themselves that they claim it's the fault of the game
You might as well kill your self if you blame others for your shortcomings. You'll only continue to be a failure.
>clearly recruit shit easily enough
>veteran becomes a complete crapshoot based on if you get retards or not
Fun game but I can't be assed to suffer through idiots until I get to Legend.
Can't wait for Minotaurs to just bully the fuck out of everyone
Hopefully they get another boss to go along with it
>Even his waifu pillow is tied up
Absolutely based rat man
Skavenslaves are more dangerous than specials on higher difficulties.
>That being said loot system in 2 is vastly superior.
Fuck re-rolling all properties and numbers on non-veteran items
Fuck veteran weapons having a non-unique skin with simply a glow effect added
No wish altar
Can't get DLC weapons without DLC
No unique property combinations on veteran items
The end of life state of VT1 had a better loot system. VT2 just churns out MORE loot at you.
It would be such a fun game but every time I hit up a community I start to get cozy with they never ask me to play with them or want to play with me.
I'm just doomed to be annoying I guess.
What careers do you guys tend to play?
Finally got around to leveling and gearing my Kruber. Footknight is ridiculously fun, I love bullying the fuck out of chaos warriors and shoving bosses off of cliffs.
There's no need to exaggerate. They are more dangerous than any elite unit though. If we compare them one to one. The only reason is their small stature and running attack which can deal over 50 damage to you.
friendly reminder that kerillian gets captured on purpose
An elf being a bitch?
No surprise
I hate hero power too but otherwise it is a better system. There were times in VT1 where i DIDN'T want to get good rolls so I could get a hat or a red item and then i end up getting rolls that exceeded the threshold for them.
>come back after not playing it for 3 months
>game runs worse
It was fun drinking at least.
1st game has some charm to it, the maps are decent (barring fucking defend some shithole for no grims or tomes for contracts). 2nd game is far more fast paced though. It's almost ADHD levels of specials and elites.
If they should nerf slaverats. Losing 1/3 of your health from a sharp stick is too much.
Honestly, the bots are more competent than half the players out there. If you're wiping on any non-modded difficulty, it's entirely your fault.
Rats are cute and should be treated as friends.
>It's almost ADHD levels of specials and elites.
Well they introduced the double whammy of guaranteed health on kill and special abilities that are essentially get out of jail free cards.
They had to compensate somehow.
Hah. Bots stop being useful after Veteran.
I don't really see a problem with those, maybe with non-unique skins but I don't really give a fuck about skins. Hero Power is fine since you've got difficulty options and as it increases it slowly pushes you to try higher difficulties. Unique property combinations on red items would be utter cancer as they are extremely hard to get compared to oranges, locking properties behind having red items would mean absolutely insane grind and I say this after having played enough to have my favorite careers in full red gear anyway. It's fine the way they are now, a bit of vanity and perfect stats, but nothing which would make orange items unviable.
This isn't Diablo, it doesn't need unique shit on items with very low drop rates.
Unchained, Pyromancer, Waystalker, Mercenary, Ironbreaker and Slayer. Saltz is the only one I haven't played a lot, he's still low level but I've been playing a few rounds with him here and there as well.
I feel like it's only a problem when you get hit by multiple in the same moment. Their damage is kinda fine otherwise, because of how easy they are to kill and protect yourself against. I mean you can clear entire hordes of them without even being touched.
I remember feeling weaker initially because it's just temporary health, while healing you could get from bloodlust or whatever in VT1 was permanent.
Sell me on this game, Yea Forums.
I tried to play the 1 when it was f2p and it was atrociously bad, nothing more but a reskinned L4D2 with an awful audience.
I remember getting kicked 4 times in a row trying to join games for being a "low level shitter".
What about Vermintide 2 then?
As i said, go full shill and sell me on it.
I like Warhammer Fantasy and WH40K a lot.
>tfw see others interact with people
>can't achieve the same results despite sometimes saying the same words and making the same actions
why is this bros
It's the kind of game which is mechanically challenging and it's very satisfying to learn how to play and move up the difficulty ladder. This does mean that you actually need to learn to play and will probably get your shit pushed in early on, especially if you jump up to a higher difficulty before you're good enough for it.
I really enjoy it but I mostly play with at least one friend. There are cunt players every now and then but I can't remember the last time I saw someone being kicked who wasn't literally afk, griefing or something like that. That said they added a dumb grind and you probably wanna get up to speed before you play with randoms on Legend. People won't immediately know your power level though, unless there's a mod for that or something, since levels are tied to characters and you could be playing an alt.
t. EU
You got in at a bad time, the first game had more than a few life cycles and you got in at the very end after the game had an influx of insufferable players. In any case the second game is easier to play, the gameplay has more depth to it even if it's just because there is more shit you need to deal with.
From what I hear there are still people that will kick you just because you're not over level 20 (when you get health on kill/hit/boss kill). You rarely have to deal with it on Legendary but I guess it happens on lower difficulties.
>nothing more but a reskinned L4D2
Well shit i need to play Left 4 dead 2 again because i completely missed out on the melee combat
wish it was a 5 party instead of a 4 party
Last time somebody got kicked in a game I played was when a faggot aggroed a chaos patrol while we were fighting a horde (on Legend), died, got another guy killed and nearly wiped us. Then when we revived him he tried killing us with friendly fire, at which point he got kicked.
>tfw have all of the shitty clipart vermintide pics
>tfw want more
>tfw brainlet and unimaginative so can't make more
I wonder if I can commission some
but then kruber's ult line won't be funny anymore
For some dumb reason I'm trying to port WH Fantasy/Vermintide to the Space Station 13 engine. Not sure why. If only for a fantasy version of Colonial Marines but with rats.
I honestly had trouble seeing Kruber because of his camo
god I hate the forest level so fucking much
The director AI can be fucking bullshit. It doesn't take into account the current state of the game at all when spawning new things.
>"What's that? You just survived two back-to-back hordes and an ogre rat, and now your party is barely alive? Here, have a horde and a chaos spawn!"
Every time I'm there I follow another player because they clearly see something I can't when it comes to navigating it.
>see thread
>consider reinstalling
sometimes it's just the inflection of your voice, i know a guy who has done nothing wrong but is just a complete sperg because his voice is so monotone.
>that guy who always plays on the highest difficulty while complaining about the game being too hard or "unfair"
>meanwhile there are people soloing legend and asking for even more difficult game modes
this is why we can't get those more difficult game modes, people like you are going to insist on playing them and complain about the game being too hard
honesty pretty much the only times I've had enemies teleport or do any freaky shit is when either me or the host has bad ping
Heres two more.
And the other one.
which was a big part of the game
your point is?
You guys ready for the beastmemes and getting raped by horse cocks?
Does anyone from EU want to do some Legend deeds together?
The trailer for the DLC is absolute grade A KINO
Ok, do i need to have friends to play this shit?
Because i don't have any.
>brainlet splits his party so far, that enemies spawn on his location
Sounds like you got played
He got hit before the skaven even rendered. Look at the healthbar.
I still say the anniversary trailer is even more kino
>people play Legend
>Don't abuse chokepoints
>Dont know how to save specials for certain elites. Or clear waves without taking chip
>Expect to coast through the map
>come on Yea Forums and complain.
Every time.
Chaos spawn are mutants not daemons.
>"cinematic" trailer
>just slightly moving pictures
imagine being this bad
How much of a grind is this game?
Like can i play once in a while and have fun or do i have to nolife it to get all the good shit and have actual legit fun as the devs intended?
I like the pyro granny but i don't want to grind my ass for 100 hours only to get bodied.
You are clearly an idiot, I am sorry to say. I could get into the various reasons but I really just don't care enough to do more than simply call you an ignoramus.
>do i need to have friends to play this shit?
It would be heavily recommended to have at least 1 friend to play with you. Preferably both of you should be competent at the game, that way you can rescue the pubbies and save the match when they inevitably fuck up due to heavy incompetence.
>right in the dongliz
Wow, you sure told me.
Well shit, i'm outta luck then.
Is solo w/ pubs really that bad?
It's not so bad on Legend, but I haven't played on Recruit and Veteran (first 2 difficulty settings) for a while now so I don't really know what it's like there.
did they buff hammer or is this just block-cancel shenanigans
That dive in made me kek.
If you weren't a dumbass, you would be looking for what you said that implies you did something stupid and figuring out how it is implied. Instead you just post a reaction image and carry on being an oblivious moron.
>Game wants me to buy another expansion for new weapons and some maps
C'mon senpai. c'mon
Alright then.
Thank you user, i might actually buy this even tho i'm not really that fond of coop PvE games anymore.
Killing Floor 2 left a bad taste in my mouth.
Thank you for your patience.
Whatever you say, champ.
>How much of a grind is this game?
Its not much of a grind at all anymore. All the challenges just SPIT chests out at you. Gearing is easy.
>nothing more but a reskinned L4D2
So you didn't even try to learn anything about it. Nice work, fucko.
>getting kicked
So you either didn't learn from L4D2 that difficulty levels are important and an idiot can kill a group or you were playing with the exact same retards who instantly votekick in L4D2 when someone does something wrong on normal difficulty. Neither says anything about the Vermintide audience.
>What about Vermintide 2 then?
It's mostly the same game.
This is still p gud youtube.com
At the lower difficulty levels, gear really doesn't matter. You'll do fine anyway, as long as you play decently and if you don't, gear won't save you anyway. By the time you might want something better you should be far enough along and have sufficient loot/materials to not have much trouble.
I haven't played since bogenhaffen or whatever it was called. What's the meta?
vermintide hasn't been hard since launch when they fucked up the cleave values and everyone turned into a fucking meat grinder. i genuinely pity any retard that still has difficulties with this game.
They dunk on hundreds of low tier shitters every level though. In tabletop terms they're each at least hero tier, so they could probably handle lesser Daemons as long as they spawned like Chaos Warriors.
>left click
>with the occasional push to protect a gap between staggers
>left click for normal attack
>hold left click for heavy attack
>hold right click and left click for a push stab
>pay attention to the attack sequence and adjust as necessary or block cancel to use preferable attacks
>need to actually aim for the head with melee
>block as necessary to protect a gap between staggers
>dodge attacks to minimize need for blocking so you can keep killing at peak efficiency
I have played and enjoyed L4D2 but Vermintide is hugely superior. You have an IQ two standard deviations below the mean and should kill yourself.
What are the best traits to roll on a red Charm? Just got my very first one today.
Depends on your build entirely but 10% Armoured/Skaven lets characters one shot SVs with body shots.
curse resist and +10% armored are both solid go-to's. Anything else depends on what you're playing
That depends highly on the weapon in use.
If I wanted to play these games should I start with one or is two just an improvement in every way?
For Charm's it's whatever appropriate power boost you need, be it Infantry, Skaven/Armoured etc.
I cannot get legendaries. Its literally impossible. I gave the fuck up. 350~ hours and only one red item FML
>warhammer fantasy is supposed to be grimdark
Wrong. It was a dark fantasy setting with a few grimdark elements here and there. End Times is full grimdark though
By "grimdark" I mean grimderp of course
It's Brightdark, simple as
That sounds insanely unlucky. Are you playing Legend runs with all tomes and grims? They're rare, but once you're farming Legend runs and picking up everything regularly they're not THAT rare anymore. If you're not doing that though, then yeah they're extremely hard to find.
I would say just skip straight to 2.
Much more likely to find people still playing, especially with a big expansion on the way.
>Kerillian gets a shield in the expansion
Oh boy, maybe now they will finally make shield weapons viable.
>promised full sdk
>promised map toolkit
Thanks Fartshark.
wait are there modded realms with big titty elf and flame granny right now??
>Fatshark nerfed Mace and Sword harder than Crowbill and Axe & Falchion even after everyone knew how overpowered the later two were and they're still overpowered
thanks fartshart
Why does everyone use DLC weapons? I don't even have 1000 kill target on them.
>>Fatshark nerfed Mace and Sword
what the fuck, why
it was my new favorite krub wep
Literally me.
because all of the DLC weapons are either good or the best weapon the character has
Axe and Falchion is by far the best weapon for Saltz, Crowbill is the same for Sienna, Dual Hammers don't that overpowered but they're very good, Mace and Sword are good, Elf axe isn't bad.
I like Crowbill because it's much easier to deal with armored targets with it, plus it's decent enough against hordes too. I don't much like Sienna's melee options otherwise. Dual hammers are also amazing on Bardin, they're crazy good against hordes and using them on Slayer with the temp health talent is amazing, he gets insane amounts of healing as long as you keep beating the shit out of a horde. Kruber's weapons feel so-so and I don't like them as much, don't really care for Kerillian's axe either. I hear Saltz's weapons are amazing too, but I don't really play him.
god damn, i would have immediately vomited if that happened to me
Is that the legendary cousin Okri?
That's what you call a ratking
is the new free expansion any good
What are the Skaven saying in this voice line? It sounds like gibberish. It sounds like "teshbashoo!".
I love how they tried to ret con beast men being literally a rape cult with "oh there are beast women but they are rare"
I like 1h sword on Sienna better, shit has better cleave than 2h hammers of Bardin & Markus. Even use it on Markus sometimes as they're identical.
He has 2h hammer equipped in both slots so he's just swapping them after each swing to skip the animation.
siennas conflag/beam staff offer the best crowd control in the game
crowbill covers her lack of armor pierce, you shouldn't be using anything else unless you are just dicking around.
Post em
>inb4 phone posting
>game has different specs that let you play melee or ranged
>can be doomguy and max payne
>little babies cry that it's op
>devs nerf them into the ground
>you shouldn't be using anything else unless you are just dicking around
That fucking hit sound is like nails on a blackboard though.
Crowbill is 1H Axe except if it was both good at horde and armor. You can handle hordes decent enough with Crowbill and it utterly decimates armored units faster than 2H Hammer
>"shit ok you know what i repent please take me with you"
>beastmen incoming
Hell yeah, fighting rats is cool and all but the one thing I want more is different races
I'm praying for Orcs in VT3 but Beastmen are one of the races I want to fight most on account of how cruel they are in lore
ranged was absolutely busted at release i remember playing kruber and watching elf sluts run around basically soloing the entire level
482 and counting. Still not bored
Would be funny if the Orcs were a neutral faction.
Whenever the show up they just start randomly killing whatever gets near them, whether its the players or the skaven and northlanders.
What’s the best number of people to play this game with
I hope the new DLC adds proper mod support and map tools.
>temp HP on stagger
>never triggers on stagger
>burn damage lasts forever skill
>absolutely worthless vs chaos
>takes 25 seconds to kill a blackfur
>only use is bile troll kiting
Why are so many talent options absolutely fucking garbage? If its not HP on hit/stamina/CD its never worth taking.
"supposedly" winds of magic will overhaul the balance
Vermintide 1 IS shit user...it literally was L4D2:rats, with all the same jank and bugs like clipping into fucking ledges all the fucking time.
VT2 is much better and more of its own thing, the only problem is elf players being fucking retards 9/10 games. I mean its not even a meme, its fucking truth.
I was a big VT1 Veteran, owned all the DLC except River Reik, beat every level on Nightmare, and the base game on the fresh hell that was Catacylsm.
I got into VT2 about a month ago, and the muscle memory from the first game let me get up to Champ and Legend pretty quickly. I've got like 75 hours or so in it, but I can't help but feel like despite having more options, the end-game is more limited in 2.
Legend is way more accessible to me than Cataclysm was, and though a single retard can still fuck everyone over, Legend feels a lot easier than Cata. I remember even in a full mic lobby of experienced players, Cataclysm was very touch and go. Legend is much more relaxed. Do other veterans of both games feel this way?
It's really weird not being the top of the scoreboard though, but I guess Saltzpyre doesn't have great AoE and the game is just constant horde attacks
they nerfed the repeater pistol from 200 ammo, to 150, to I think only like 110 at the time I stopped playing. it took like 7 shots just to kill a normal chaos guy. then after I quit they nerfed the ammo regain abilities so it probably became even more useless.
They promised to add a new difficulty in Winds Of Magic.
Legendary is indeed easier, try playing the modded Onslaught difficulty with your friends, it's much more fun imo.
Saltz axe and falchion is the best wep in the game hands down, and even if you don't have that all of his 1h are exceedingly good, especially the flail
VT1 had more impactful combat IMO. It's basically Left 4 Dead 1 vs Left 4 Dead 2. New appearances, new stuff to use, new enemies, but the same structure, and much more of a fast paced horde style experience with more baddies on screen. VT1 felt more satisfying to me in that a battle against 30-40 Clanrats was intense and satisfying, but now you're killing 100 at a time, multiple times, in massive groups and it's lost some of that impact.
repeater has 40 ammo now.
its only use is blessed shot OHKOing. longbow is OP as fuck though since it stunlocks every special and recovers 3 arrows when you shoot 1 arrow
Slayer with Throwing Axes
I have friends but I hate them any everyone else.
Man the maps in this game are gorgeous. Yeah they're unoptimized and bloat the filesize, but holy shit the attention to detail and scope of maps is incredible. I just feel shitty that they're in a horde game, so players are going to just sprint from point A to B.
He joined while we were going down via elevator.
>repeater has 40 ammo now.
what a fucking joke. I bet they didn't even increase damage to make up for it.
Waystalkers and Handmaidens are absolute tards.
Occasionally I get into a group with a Shade who knows what they’re doing, and its nice having someone who can insta-nuke bosses.
AnF will destroy everything
try dodging and hitting them, op, maybe you'd actually accomplish something
t.regular Legendary player
What's an even bigger joke is Saltzpyre's Always Prepped talent, which boosts ammo by 30%. But considering the best gun, Brace, only has like 30 shots, you get less than 10 extra, instead of a hugely increased dodge range or a full extra block.
Not being able to make and share your own maps killed the life span of this game. T. 1k hours L4D2 man
Should I play Vermintide before Vermintide 2?
I got two friends, but I carried them both to various degrees in the first game.
I've got a Red Axe and Red Falchion, but I don't have the DLC for the dual wield. Red Axe was my standby in 1 but I feel like I don't have many outstanding anti-horde options. I'm a special killing machine with those pistols though.
Cool, I'll have to git gudder by August. Do we know if we're getting new weapons?
I feel you. Now I fear slaves more than clan rats, because they mean horde.
I don't know why, but it feels like 2 has less moments for a Clutch. Either we all get BTFO at once, or breeze through, maybe losing one person on occasion. Maybe I was just playing with shitters, but in 1 I had to clutch like once out of every 10 games.
Also how the fuck do I get those fancy Blue skins?
Of course, how will you understand the story?
is fire witch still OP as sh*t?
i remember using the bolt staff and nobody else got to kill anything and i felt kinda bad about it
Bright Witch is much the same as she was in 1. Everyone that plays her is either trash or a turbo autist who does true solo runs while masturbating.
The DLC weapons have skins you unlock by killing a certain amount of things. It's a reason to use them.
>it feels like 2 has less moments for a Clutch
You're not wrong. 2 has a few of them but nowhere near 1. The problem is the special spawns seem particularly fucked up this time around. On Veteran+ the second only one player's left the game starts spawning disablers in groups nonstop. Ironically it's the same thing that happened from L4D1 to 2. Back then if you were the last survivor, yeah, you could get Smokers and Hunters as normal. But in 2 when you're the last alive, the game will spawn nothing but Smokers, Hunters, Jockeys, and Chargers, AKA shit you either kill when you see it or else you're done for with no way to stop it.
I shit you not on Champion, not even Legend, I've watched three hooks and one gutter spawn within 10 seconds of a guy being the last alive. On another in Legendary our elf managed to survive for about 2-3 minutes by cheesing his cloak ult, and in that time he killed about a dozen hookrats and 5 runners. They would respawn the second they were killed.
*Breathes in*
beam staff was better but they nerfed it
The blue skins are part of the Bogenhafen DLC you shouldn't buy.
The game IS a lot easier. Temp HP existing, ammo being so irrelevant they may as well not even have heat or ammo counts, huge i-frames on dodges letting you just weave back and forth to completely invalidate everything the game throws at you.
I love the game, but it's so boring right now. I played on modded for a little while but it doesn't actually really solve anything for me - it just shrinks the number of worthwhile builds even more and removes most of the downtime.
>instantly drops all aggro onto you
Nothing personell, lumberfoot
You need headshots now. I feel like I'm pissing in their faces.
Save yourself the trouble of being stuck with some laggy host. Theres a steam workshop mod called "always host" or something like that. You will now host all your quickplay games.
The game handles ping worse than any game I've seen in a few years at the least. Playing on 100 ping is comparable to playing on 200 in any other game, and when I've got 140 when hit with a west coaster it feels like I'm at 300 ping in something like Left 4 Dead.
No, not really. You can definitely do well with her so she's not shit, but it feels like it's easier to do well with some of the other characters, like she takes more work and others can still surpass her anyway.
>huge i-frames on dodges letting you just weave back and forth to completely invalidate everything the game throws at you
Not sure what you're trying to say here, it was almost impossible to get hit in VT1 if you dodged correctly. If anything, dodge is less effective in VT2, at least on some of the careers and weapons.
>No, not really.
oh ok. i just remembered after a few games getting used to her everything started to end up like played right around release btw
Why is the file size so massive?
'Cause swedes
Because the devs are incompetent lazy retards who stumbled into a goldmine
Sienna was better on release. They took away temp health for ranged weapons and I think they also neutered some of her staves and weapon traits, I don't know exactly what they changed since it happened when I was taking a break from the game. In any case she feels way worse now than she did on release. I remember there was a trait on release which reduced heat on crit or something, you could basically fire the bolt staff forever with that, but it's long gone now. Playing Sienna now compared to Waystalker, Slayer or Zealot feels pretty underwhelming to me.
t. faglord using firebolt and causing more FF than the elf bitch
You don't have to worry about a proper grind until you do champ or legend. The real grind is about getting reds, simply because reds give perfect rolls on stats. This applies to every red piece of gear.
You can still infinite beam with CD trait on staff +ulti clears charge talent
But the true MVP will have conflag staff for stunlock/wave clear
leaving an abomination alive, what a bunch of fags.
That’s kinda sad.
Could a baby beastman be raised like a normal human, or are they just naturally violent and dangerous?
I like Zealot for Victor and Slayer for Bardin
I never really liked using the beam on hordes. I hate how it reduces your mobility while also having the mandatory zoom which makes you less aware of your surroundings. I dislike Conflag for the slowness while charging too, plus it's not very good at taking care of specials. On release I think I was playing Bolt and was having fun machinegunning entire hordes to death. Nowadays if I play Sienna I play Unchained with Crowbill and Beam staff, but I only use the actual beam for special sniping and otherwise use the shotgun blast and Crowbill in melee. I tried a few Pyro builds too and I can do well with them in terms of numbers, but it just feels like shit to play and doesn't seem to be any better than Unchained while also giving up a lot of survivability.
>saltz is the one trying to talk him out of this argument
>havent played in months
>get in game
>someone playing as Kerillian
>they run ahead because of how fast they are
>tell them to slow down cause I haven't got to play the new maps
>they just run ahead and kill everything and one shot elites
fuck this isn't much fun
Elves were a mistake
I don't know enough about the first to say either way, and i'm not comparing them - only saying it's too easy to avoid damage in this one. It's part of what's so boring about it. At some point you learn the timing on various weapons and careers and then the game is over because nothing dangerous can actually kill you and temp hp covers up everything else.
I'm not even 'hardcore' or whatever, I kept taking breaks from the game because we will go months before anything changes so I only have 450~ hours compared to more dedicated folk, and legend is still a spring breeze 9/10 times.
>have to play on console if you want offline mode
What the fuck
The conversation is the best part
>You lads are gay
I came back since the DLCs were on sale and every fucking game the Elf just runs ahead leaves the entire team behind,
God I fucking hate Kerillian
>tfw have over 200 hours in this game
>still really enjoy it
>but also forced to confront the many flaws
I always play it in bursts but then get burnt out on it pretty quick.
>magically grabs you despite not being in range
The game is pretty shit though
>get in game
>flamethrowers everywhere
And im out
>tfw this literally happened to me where I had a chest with 3 reds
>all trinkets
You are like little baby
>playing Engines of War with some randos
>fall through hole in floor because jank
>die instantly
>patrol spawns within agro range of team
>they go down almost immediately
this game was coded by Skaven
Whats the point of replaying this much nigger, this game has nothing to offer once you unlock all max levels and red gear to make your shitty builds. Whats else to do?
>That way Sienna says "There's a bomb here~"
I probably spent a few hundred hours learning to solo legend, then doing it over and over to farm chests. Got reds of almost every wep in the game, finished every career on legend, now I just enjoy playing it.
don't stand in the way and you won't be burned
Take a look at niggers and find out.
So what are we getting in winds of magic besides Beastmen enemies? New weapons? Anything that's not just TWO SWORDS?
but the appeal is getting to kill beastmen, which i can't wait for. also the magic mode thing sounds interesting i guess.
1 new weapon for each class, level mutators, a higher difficulty setting and special winds of magic challenge maps which are basically normal maps backward with a bunch of modifications
that would be fucking great, the only thing as good as that would be a lizardman hero. and yeah neither is going to happen.
SNIFF SNIFF ah yes milady quite pungent
throwing axes for bardin, spear and shield for kerillian, a great spear for kruber, a billhook for saltz, forgot what sienna gets. I'm really hoping for new monsters personally
Kruber gets a spear, Saltz a billhook, Bardin throwing axes, Keri Spear and Shield, and Sienna gets a flail.
New enemy type, new difficulty, increased level cap and a new talent row for all classes. Also coming with a new gamemode that takes a segment of a map, adds a bunch of effects to it depending on what "Wind of Magic" is at play, and adds some objectives to do in that area, essentially a time attack mode.
Hope you don't need to fucking get cheevos to unlock the new weapons like in the dlc
Start with 2. I started playing 1 with my wife and it was dead. We picked up 2 recently when it was on sale and it is much more fun as well as it being way more populated.
Sauce me on this. Why does Saltzpyre get a billhook of all things?
that's right sienna gets a flaming flail
Don't worry about it, just start with 2.
Everyone of my steam "friends" I added because of vermintide 2.
hahaha that's fucking amazing
>that panicked look back and forth
fucking kek
Fucking garbage game. There's NO fucking content.
fornicate thou
fuckin sniped
VT2 is shit, one of the worst games i've ever bought
>take l4d
>somehow make it not fun
swedes should be banned from game dev
>gets his ass beat to the ground, uses the force of the impact to bounce himself up, ready and able to tear you from 100HP to 0 in 2 seconds
the Chad Frother
>That's right, leave the dwarf behind
My sides
hold up, you can block those?
you can dodge them, not block them, you get the indicator you been hit when you successfully dodge
he sidestepped
>Huntsman is my favorite Markus class
>Has the worst hats
>100 Game hat is not only fucking dogshit but it doesn't even match the Legend armor
their very soul has the taint of chaos,its just a matter of time before it comes to bare.
>not unboxing hundreds of commendation chests for the defias hat the only good kruber hat
>boot up champion as Witch Hunter Captain, haven't played in a while
>horn level
>scrape by most of the way, climbing the tower, almost at horn
>recently downed, on low temp health
>see a med
>scramble for it while blocking so I don't die
>start healing, when Kerillian suddenly throws a fucking bomb in CQC killing Markus and myself
>lose at horn event because two are dead
Why do people do this dumb shit?
Silly user, hats don't actually exist in commendation chests
Can someone tell me the differences between the chests? I got a hundred commendation chests and around 40 of a mix of others.
>get distracted for one second
>team fucks off and i cant find them because levels arent always entirely linear and you can barely even see their outlines if at all
wtf is this shit
elf players aren't people
>Comm chests have a small chance at hats, otherwise garbage
>every chest other than Emperor Vaults are garbage
>Emperor Vaults are the only things that give reds at a decent rate
You can also get reds from comms, but it's a small chance for it.
(general and emperor chests also have chances for reds)
Why do so many evil people play her? What exactly draws them to her?
Whatever's below general vault also has a small chance.
I wanna say you gotta kiss up, but it's really confusing to study. Genuinely entertaining and life of the room people sometimes find themselves begging for the attention of the most boring and ugly people ever, yet these people are the leaders of the circle and everyone just accepts it. But then sometimes, a charismatic asshole who doesn't suck up at all is given a free pass by the ones on top in the circle.
you get commendation chests every time you level up and from some quests/achievements, they are complete garbage but they have a minuscule chance to drop a hat
every other chest except emperor vaults and generals vaults(if you are absolutely desperate) are trash
emperor vaults have a shit chance to drop reds and general vaults have even less of a chance of it, if you are looking for an specific red, dont bother, you are not getting it. instead you get 70% red jewelry and 25% duplicate reds of a shit weapon you don't want and already own
>oh you want a red handgun for kruber?, here have 8 red blunderbusses and so much jewelry that you don't even know which ones you have rolled and are currently using anymore
Comms have a literal 1% drop rate for reds. Emp. vaults appear to be at ~10% per box (not slot). It's really just not feasible to grind for reds on anything except those, and even then, that's a infuriatingly low drop rate. With how absurdly grindy it is at the highest drop rate, it's a huge waste of time getting anything less.
its a shitter magnet because all of her weapons are either good or excellent, and all her careers are good for getting green circles which is all your common shitter cares about
she also feels better than other classes because her weapons are faster and have better dodge range, thus combat feels more fluid, if you add that to the class abilities which are all get out of jail free cards, with low cooldowns, its bound to attract the worst player as well as some of the best
but in the end you can expect 95% of the elves you meet to be complete green circle chasing retards that will be completely useless outside the occasional shade that one shots a boss because no matter how shit you are its almost impossible to fuck up if they are alive to see the boss
This game is boring as shit with Skyrim-tier combat. Though Skyrim is insanely popular so I guess it makes sense why this is too.
I only played it because I love Warhammer, but the game crashed on me once and I just couldn't bother getting back on.
You can mark favourite items with F button.
Fantasy elves have been a mary sue ubermensch race ever since Tolkien. Knife-ear players are attracted to that sense of superiority, and since her first class is ranged DPS and doesn't have Sienna's mechanics, it draws shitters in even more. They think ranged = skilled so they pick her
I am physically, emotionally and metaphysically enraged by that webm
What the FUCK is her problem?
>tfw no high elf character with Lion of Chrace, Swordsman of Hoeth, and Sea Guard class
Fucking so sick of these updates that only give new weapons. The classes are old and tired now, give us some new shit.
>people bitch abou elf being circle chaser
>meanwhile i'm stealing them all on my immortal REPENT man with zero effort and get free pass for it because not elf
Praise Sigmar, they will never know.
>high elves
aren't they like super extremists?
I heard that kerillian is very tolerant even for a wood elf
i sort of wondered on the possibility of a vampire character but then i remembered saltz.
the fact she didn't kill them all or use them as fodder makes her pretty friendly by wood elf standards.
>vampire in disguise
>all his dialogue with saltz is played for comedy
ask an autist anything
It's a shame Winds of Magic is going to be shit, the Beastmen will be fun and I'm sure the new level+weapons+talents will keep me interested for a little while but Weaves sound so shitty, they seem like a half baked idea.
>Weaves are going to be predetermined not random and will be done on a weekly basis
>enemies spawn the same every time since there's no ai director
>the maps are tiny, just about a 1/5th chunk of an already existing map played backwards
and the best part is
>leader boards that they are using as justification for all of this, but they're just going to full of cheaters anywho because Fatshark are incompetent
Why couldn't they just spend their fucking time making level editor that takes chunks of maps, puts them together, and reskins them with the weave themes.
what's the best team carry set-up
But they're not suicidal, a high elf or a wood elf would join out of self preservation but be significantly more of a dick
High Elves work with men pretty regularly, they still think they're inherently better than them but compared to a Wood Elf you're much less likely to be killed on sight by a High Elf.
Play Zealot or WHC, WHC can near instantly kill boss monsters and Zealot is impossible to kill and does the highest possible damage with melee in the game.
WHC with axe/falch and brace
It would be merc, but merc can't delete bosses the way WHC can
Fatshark will pretty much abandon Vermintide shortly after Winds of Magic won't they?
>full of cheaters
If there's anything they've done "right" it's stopping cheaters. It is damn near impossible to cheat on the official servers.
Asur are much more likely to work with men than Asrai. They may be the most arrogant fuckers out there, but they're willing to do what it takes to stop chaos.
Asrai are chaotic neutral fuckwads that occasionally murder and pillage their way through Bretonnia for no reason.
Vampires are pretty OP, they'd have to be a really young shitter to stay balanced with the Ubersreik 5 or 4.
Wood Elves will kill on sight if you wander to close or into their forest, do they dick around outside the forest? All I know is that they leave just to keep relations with Brettonia
What even are you talking about? The game's anti-cheat is a joke, and if you're the host you can literally do whatever you want to fuck with the game. I actively cheat the fuck out of the game and there are mountains of trainers out there.
Fatshark have never addressed this issue once, they don't care.
>already play WHC but no DLC so I use Greatsword
despite being a wet-noodle against specials and elites in CQC, I can delete them fairly quickly if I have distance
also Sigmar help bosses that don't have back-up
>murder and pillage their way through Bretonnia for no reason
Isn't that because Orion or whoever their god king is, wakes up from being reborn and goes on a short rampage?
They have their annual psychotic rape & murder fest with a Bretonnian city who's name escapes me right now. Wood Elves maintain "cordial" relations with them, but it doesn't change their overall nature.
I'm glad that Based™ Fatshark made this game always-online
>It is damn near impossible to cheat on the official servers.
lol no
the first game was shit and no one fucking played it, no clue why the devs thought a sequel would work
honestly none of saltz weapons are anything less than really good, you can use what you like
axe/falch is just broken
After the EAC got implemented fully I've never been in a match with a cheating host and I've played over 200 hours. Either it's much less common than you purport or I'm just (un)lucky.
use rapier and brace of pistols on WHC, greatsword is useless.
>2k players
That's plenty to queue into but I agree that's somewhat indicative of the game's apparently brief future.
and don't get me wrong, i want the game to succeed it's just so fucking boring and broken from every aspect
The reason you're not running into hackers is because the game isn't being played by over 10,000 people anymore. What's left of V2's playerbase is the people who care. I cheat on my own time to get red skins I want. I do it all the time, I get max speed and zoom straight through the map on legend to get chests until I get the skin I want.
The wild hunt is mostly done to cleanse beastmen from the local surroundings of Athel Loren. That being said, elves are mercurial assholes so they hunt down the peasants as well.
honestly it could and should be so much better but it feels like the devs just left it to die
The kill Chaos Warriors by the hundreds daily and General tier stuff all the time.
The l4d formula is great, thr different classes are fine and the levels are fine
The gameplay sucks ass
Are Brettonians and High Elves the only characters that would realistically work the the Ubersreik 5?
No way a Druchi would work with the team, Vamps, Tomb Kings and Greenskins are kill on sight and I can't see a reason why a Lizardman would be this far from Lustria and I don't think they would be very cooperative
the game was hugely successful and sold gangbusters, they're just a shitty development team and always have been. With just under 100 employees in their office there's no reason the game should be getting as few updates as it does
Deep Rock Galactic is better
It certainly seems to have better devs
let me fix that for you
>they kill Chaos Warriors who are part of once of the weakest Norscan factions who worship a god that doesn't really give a piss about them
The Rotbloods Chaos Warriors aren't real Chaos Warriors, the dev team has said they're as low tier as Chaos can be.
A Lizardman of some kind would be most likely
We already have representatives from the other order races, a skink or saurus would round the crew out without triggering Salty's autism
can kruber still turn his rifle into a minigun with the right skill combinations?
In TT Nurgle shit is the most annoying to kill.
It’s not hard to outshine FartShart
Aren't the Lizardmen just as arrogant as Elves and Saurus' need Skink/Slann guidance. Skink could work
>Nurgle not caring about his children
Part of Nurgle worshippers traits is that they're resilient and hard as hell to kill due to Nurgle plagues and fuckery
No thanks. Besides being more annoying than Kerillian, Bretonnian Knights are useless without their horse and can't use ranged weapons.
The Ubersreik Five are fine as is, what needs to change is better map design. The maps in 2 are much more samey than in 1, despite taking place over a much wider area. Probably because of the objectives being less interesting.
Skink would make much more sense lore-wise but if they're going to do a lizardman, it's probably going to be a saurus since they're the face of the lizard-men
Also skinks are kind of boring next to saurus. I'd rather play a walking dinosaur than a lizard
Makes more sense than Lizardman.
I need to find the interview but Norscans don't generally worship Nurgle. Further more, The Ratmen hadn't yet become official allies of Chaos yet in the endtimes timeline, so this isn't a chaos pact, this is one of THE weakest Skaven Clans that's about to die out because they've all gone sterile making a pact with Norscans who are not known to worship Nurgle at all.
If a clan as weak as fester is considered a good ally for the rotbloods something has to be fucked with the rotbloods as well.
>It is theorized Nurgle is worshiped the least of all Chaos Gods in Norsca, because praising Nurgle would mean plague en disease in an already harsh environment. Norscan tribes would often only turn to Nurgle if they were already plagued and a dire state. Rasknitt might have approached them specifically, not only because the worship of Nurgle lies closely to the domain of Clan Fester and its superior Clan Pestilens, but more importantly because the Rotbloods might have been weakened and more eager to accept an alliance with the Skaven.
>attempting to frag Asrai
serves them all right
Okay, where does it say the individual Chaos Warriors are weaker?
There are ways you could make a lizardman work, but it'd be a pretty big suspension of disbelief
If a lizardman was captured by Norscans and was for some reason brought to ubersreik, or if the slann noticed either the skittergate or the blightreaper and sent someone to investigate
It would be a stretch, but then the fact that Kerellion didn't shoot everyone on sight is also a stretch
Friend I play with is so salty when losing it makes me not want to play, can't accept that shit happens.
What's a good set up for elgi 2hander? I want to like this weapon but it feels inferior to others. I can get by with it even on legend but I feel like I could make it better somehow.
the first thing you need to do is slap yourself for playing the filthy knife-ear
next switch to zealot, equip 2hander and brace, grab the talents sigmar's herald and pleasure from pain and you're done
i think i almost pissed myself laughing
Chinese lobbies was a pretty prolific meme for quite a long time.
So basically go ahead and open them all with low expectations cause they're all gonna just dispense garbage into your inventory.
HM is the best class prove me wrong. The dodge distance, the ult that makes you clear hordes with ease no matter what weapon you use, the ability to handle any situation well. Her boner inducing voice most of it all.
Auto-salvage would be nice.
Shade is too useful for raping the boss monsters
I used to like shade more back when not everyone was able to one shot chaos warriors. I also miss the glaive days.
Haven't played this game since like November. How much of the game have they fixed?
Do patrols still spawn out of thin air and have bullshit routes?
Do you still lose like 30 minutes worth of progress if you, the game or your host has a connection issue right before the Bridge of Shadows at the end of a level and disconnects?
Have they changed the crafting system so that re-rolling properties and traits isn't completely RNG based and a waste of time?
Have they improved enemies so that they have better hitboxes and non-ludicrous tracking?
Are phantom swings still in the game?
Do big boss enemies like the Chaos Spawn still have those bullshit instant 180 degree turning attacks?
Has bot AI been fixed so that they don't do stupid shit like stand in poison puddles and accidentally aggro patrols? Can you actually make them pick up and keep books now?
Do Emperor's Vaults still give you shit loot?
I really want to like this game since I love the idea of Left 4 Dead in the Warhammer Fantasy universe, but the game is just unpolished and Eurojanky as fuck.
I played for 19 hours as the dwarf and I really like the game. Should I buy the DLCs?
>no, but they can grab books at least
Really, nothing major has changed.
Was a huge fan since closed beta and enjoyed it lot until the "dlc" which was just 2 shitty maps and few reskinned cosmetics. Back to Ubersreik wasn't so bad but was still a ripoff. Also developers seemed to be lazy and spends more time on the forums than ficing their game.
Back to Ubersriek is worth it but the other one is more of a donation to Fatshark. The maps can be played by anyone but you get cosmetics and chests if you buy the dlc.
No. The first one is a scam. Back to Ubersreik is alright but not worth the money. Buy it when its on sale.
So what the fuck has Fatshit been doing since November? As far as I remember, what I listed were some of the biggest issues the game has. And judging by your response, nearly all of them are still issues in June 2019.
Last question: What about cosmetics? Do you still have to rely on commendation chests to for a 0.1% chance of getting the hats you want?
Incredibly based
I see.
They are 25% off right now though.
Since release, they've made 5 maps and redid weapon balance so most weapons are good. That's literally it. They are incredibly incompetent.
And yes, it's all still ridiculously low RNG.
is that supposed to be fucking mordheim??? Or is it just some other place fucked by warpstone meteor?
You should've read the one about a group of kids getting into an argument with the developers a few weeks back. They were arguing over lack of content and bugs until some kid called them "cucks" developers flipped shit and threatened with a "lawsuit accordance with EU law" was really full of keks. This was a day before the developers were supposed to do a live stream of the upcoming Winds of Magic expansion. The stream got "cancelled". I swear half the developers of this game are dumb women.
There are some new hats you can get via the quests system, and some others via bogen chests. But anything that's part of the commendation chests you still have to deal with rng shit.
Then get the Back to Uberseik. Tip: unlock all the new weapons by playing solo on recruit.
Beastmen are tainted/spawnlings of Chaos, if kept alive his existence will permeate corruption upon everything around him. Just read up on the origin story of Morghur. Every evil creature in this setting is evil because they literally fucking are evil and are mirror reflections/manifestations of their gods. Same for a Skaven. If a little girl found an abandoned Skaven pup lying around and tried to shelter it, doesn't matter if he was brought up as loving baby of the family, he's not going to grow up as a heroic Skaven knight saving the world one town at a time. As the Skaven pup grows older and instincts start kicking in along with his craving for flesh, as he has enough strength to overcome the little girl he will start feeding on the little girl and her family within the house, escape into the wilds, and live a feral existence knowing nothing of who or what he is but what he feels is instinctual to his species.
This is Warhammer we're talking about here, there is nothing but fucking grimdark.
I've had a lot of luck getting DLC missions in quickplay and found all the runes with randoms. Solo on recruit is more of a last resort.
Not gonna lie the new weapons suck ass except for the WH weapons.
Yeah, no. The only one that isn't good/great is the elf's 1h axe.
it seems they're a group of genuine nerds who love warhammer in a company full of epic gender equality hires, a possible explanation as to why they're so shit and take so many fucking vacations, they're bogged down by dumb cuntholes.
You can make an all duel weld party now.
Fucking hell. No wonder the game's playerbase is like stagnant. Every time I check Steam charts it's always hovering around 2,000 and 2,500 players.
After Vermintide 2, I am never buying another one of their games ever again. Fatshark is one of the laziest and most incompetent AA devs around.
>take so many fucking vacations
I remember them taking a long vacation after releasing the console version of Vermintide 2 even though both the console version and the PC version were buggy as fuck. But instead of working on fixing these issues, Fatshark and their Reddit apologists insisted that these vacations are legally mandated in Sweden or some shit like that.
Nurgle doesn't give two shits about you. He doesn't give you immunity to pain he puts you in so much of it that you can't even feel a bullet. He cares as much about the virus in your blood and maggots feasting on your flesh as he does you.
Are you trying to have an in-universe argument or something?
I agree, but i don't. Not same guy
Nurgle cares his children in a twisted way. He wouldn't reduce pain otherwise, since pain helps in warfare
I've been playing a ton of DRG lately and saw that this was on sale for 12 but damn this thread is making me think that's a bad idea
When the fuck did they add these rats
>horde horn sounds
>there's a perfect chokepoint to defend a couple of steps away
>instead everybody prefers to wildly flail around by themselves instead of quickly running to the chokepoint
I hate these people so much
>say hi on veteran
>nobody responds
>say hi on champion
>1 or 2 respond
>say hi on legend
>everybody always responds
I feel like you don't quite know what you're talking about, both about L4D2 and VT2. In L4D2, you could solo-defend against anything by dead stopping/meleeing hunters and jockeys as they jumped to you, or shooting them of course, you could level Chargers with a melee, you could cut Smoker tongues with a bladed melee, and you're faster than a Tank as long as you've got over 40 hp.
In VT2, while riskier, you can still deadstop Gutters, hookrats are easily dodgable, Leeches are way too easy to deal with outside dense hordes, Stormers are only dangerous in particularly crowded areas, and every monster is soloable. Depending the career you're playing and your set up, you can easily bully over many different specials and enemy types without breaking a sweat unless you're still inexperienced.
But I guess that's the thing in both games, you have to be good in order to solo. No offense to you, I don't mean to talk shit, just felt the need to correct you.
t.many clutch moments across both game series between me and my brother with whom I always played.
>try to explain that fart wizards won't spawn tornadoes if they don't have line of sight on you
>retard team still insists on running around in the open instead of inside the enclosed space with only one entrance and no other openings
The key to learning vermintide is to avoid crutch weapons and mechanics until you've mastered the harder ones.
Relying on a weapon that 1 shots the difficulty below will give the most brutal surprise when you move up.
Who here plays both games?
Total War is infested with chinks.
nah but I play other games
noob elf main lol
>get together to play with a friend and two of his friends
>none of them pick the elf
Is there a better feel?
*3 chinkdoms is infested with chinks
>52 kills on the Jezzails
Were they hiding the whole battle or something?
I mean it's supposed to be right?
>pole axe
>not halberd
>not zweihander
Needs sound so
I'm a brainlet who cannot into strategy.
Stabbing rats is more my speed.
>You just know
I COULDNT AFFORD HALBERD AND DODGE and what good is a Vermintide build without dodge I ask you? Poleaxe looks close enough.
Weekly mutator mode.
Fukken lol'd
Truly sorry for your lots.
hmmmm everyone shitting on OP but every single webm in this thread proves him right
sure but that's why it's fun
dropping with a murder rat in the room is risky
god I love that one so much
This sort of jank is why I still play, beautiful
Vermintide is good but not as good as DRG, DRG has variety
Loudest fucker in the game, you can easily side-step their incredibly telegraphed grab.
the fuck is DRG?
thanks doc
An asteroid mining simulator
>tfw dodging a lifeleech you can't even see just by the sound cue and watching the green smoke zip past you
>Devs kill their own game on release even though its popular as af
>playing with pubs
>not being able to speak with people
Your own fault fags.
ohhh deeprock, I thought you were talking about store.steampowered.com
my friends all say VT2 is "Repetitive" and don't play anymore unless they're extremely bored and see me playing. A few of them tried to get me to buy World War Z to play with them recently and I was speechless. Why the fuck would I want to play an inferior L4D, when I can play L4D with rats?
Pretty much but its a go from point A to B like Vermintide or L4D, it has several mission types like mining or recovering lost machinery. It also has actual cosmetics and customization unlike the shit in Vermintide
>DRG has variety
But there's no stage progression, which sucks.
>actual cosmetics and customization
Ah yes, what colour and size lump of shit do I want my character to look like.
get this guy... OUTTA HERE.
this gif seems more fitting
>still no high elf mage
*cough* uh is it just supposed to stop and never repeat or