Are minority characters bad?
Are minority characters bad?
Only if you have a darker hair color or you're a woman trying to get attention
Only if they're shoehorned in. Cesar is a bro even if he won't stop calling me about the fucking cash leaving Los Santos
only if they are forced into the story.
CJ was based.
>only if they are forced into the story.
How so?
You know exactly how. Why are you asking rhetorical questions?
Does the Pope shit in the woods?
Why can't you answer a simple question? Or are you bullshitting and you don't actually know what you wrote?
if SA was released today, people would shit all over it "for having a shoehorned nigger"
The yay leavin San Fierro, right?
Nobody here owes you shit, newfag. Lurk 2 years before posting.
>lamar davis
yeah like it happened on the original game until they played it
>is actually a dumb guetto fuckup who can be relatable to some extent instead of a mary sue
Not him but CJ isn’t considered “forced” because his role as a black gangsta is plausible in the context of a game taking place in LA in the 90s, and in the context of gameplay of stealing cars/committing crime. His blackness, so to speak, isn’t emphasized for its own sake, but emerges coherently in the course of normal narrative and gameplay.
Minority characters are like vegans.
I don't give a shit as long as you don't go around demanding that everything must be vegan, or that all games MUST have minority characters.
Diversity as an option is good. Diversity as a mandate is bad.
minorities and women in games pre-GG were seen as fine and not a big deal. post-GG they're all shoehorned, forced, pandering, etc. 4 frames a black soldier lady in the new CoD trailer is enough shitposting and /pol/faggotry fuel to last until the game launches.
CJ was the main character
He wasn’t shoehorned in the story revolved around drugs, police corruption, Gangs, capitalism, loss, military grade firepower and CJ is could in a hurricane of events and it all starts with his iconic line
“Aw shit, Here we go again”
>Game takes place in the LA ghettos
>Minorities are "shoehorned"
I don’t know man.
What the holiness does with his business is his business
White people are a global minority so yes.
fuck cj
forced characters are always bad.
You’s a busta CJ straight BUSTA.
since they are based and they arent a leftie propaganda
>that video who did the calculations to know if the van could have 2 tons of Weed
fucking hilarious
Fuck, Texas deserves to die.
I won't play as a non-human like a black or a gay
>dumb guetto fuckup
That's Sweet, CJ actually tries to better himself. Once Sweet is in jail look what he accomplishes, once Sweet is out the faggot is instantly going on about "muh hood tho" and drags CJ back into that shit.
Texas is the bumhole of our country.
Should be purged.
Here's a quick guide on how to tell if a character who is gay, black, female, etc is forced:
Was the game released before GG? If yes, then it was not forced.
Was the game released after GG? If yes, then it is forced.
You're not wrong. SA was natural.But I feel the general mindset here is that white people are the default, and if there is no reason behind a minority being there, it's shoehorned in.
Basically, you need a reason for a black person being a game but not a white person
If they're based like Johnson/Big Bo/Lee then no.
have sex, partna
Seething or falseflag?
Forcing characters in its putting characters in a context they dont belong without any real reason
Blacks are just bad in general
if they're use poorly yes
I don't get how people still bitch about races while gender identities aka trannies are the way worse problem, they're the real minorities
Only if they are forced. Which means all the fucking time these days thanks to modern America.
That's a pretty level headed response, I don't understand where the "triggered" comes in
black people and woman in world war 2 games.
Just admit you hate women incel.
Fair enough.
Psst, black people and women were part of WW2
That one CoD or Battlefield or whatever that had a woman soldier despite being set in a time when women were barred from military service.
No they weren’t you retard.
Don’t you fucking dare link me those few Russian women
>he thinks being part of WW2 only meant you were a soldier
Imagine being this dumb
>any medieval game where women are at the forefront
>any recent ubisoft game that revises history
You're either baiting or just stupid. When someone told another person, "if you want to see more representation so badly, go develop the games yourself." forced representation is what happens.
These people aren't thinking about how their race or nationality fits within the game, they are thinking PURELY on skin color which really shows how they aren't interested in so much of making a game, but making a social statement.
There are plenty of well written black leads in video games, but they're written by white men and women with the experience and knowledge, which is apparently wrong in our political climate now.
Only if they are women.
>a unit has women therefore they are the majority
>a unit has niggers therefore they are the majority
>durr everyone actually be le involved
As I said, retard.
Inclusion in games is organic and natural when you're including cute black girls.
It is forced when you're including ugly black girls or ugly people in general.
As for men, as long as they are cool and fit the setting then no one has a problem with it. I'm sure a white CJ would be seen as a massive downgrade by many, so would a White Barret that doesn't compliment on your thrusting.
delete this
Elizabeth in bioshock infinite is also forced, too waifu hen she should be extremely shy due to always living alone and no human contact. I can dig her getting out of the shell during the game, but from the beginning? nah
>being intellectually dishonest
He obviously meant about women going into the battlefield you daft cunt
No one went into San Andreas without knowing it was a black centric game in the early 90s gang culture
>b-b-but they were only rear line troops that never saw combat
>b-b-but they were only a fraction of the troops in theater
>b-b-but including them in anything is pandering to sjws and drastically over inflating their contribution to the war effort
>b-b-but they didnt contribute a thing to the war
I’m watching Band of Brothers right now. Where the fuck are all the black people? Is it because it’s made in 2001 when it was still okay to be a racist pig?
Who ever claimed they were the majority, you fuckstain? I'm just acknowledging the fact they participated in the war
Yes, solider weren't the one assembling their weapons, gear, vehicles, and food. War is more than just fighting.
Battlefield. Unless you mean the new modern warfare having a black soldier in it's trailer.
The only time black units saw combat was by accident. The army was deliberately trying to keep them from the front lines. St-st-stuttering doesn't change history.
>a small portion of black and women shows up in devs research
>they over saturate the hell out of it
Do you know what participate means you fucking drooling shitskin?
Selling hotdogs at a sportsgame doesn’t mean you are participating in the damn match. Imagine being this stupid
GTA SA was a story about gang violence and entire narrative and design was based around black characters. Talking to some random person and their talking points are "btw I am transgender and I am on a autism spectrum".
Yes, that's why white people in white countries tent to make games about whites
Look man, I get it, you generalize races of people so you can associate yourself with what you believe is the superior race. I get it man, you're white and you're proud of it, but that doesn't mean you need to delude yourself about the history of other races. Okay? You'll live man, I promise.
If it takes place in a white country (inb4 Amerimutts), yeah, you do.
A narrative should only deviate from expectations (e.g. white protag in asian seting instead of asian protag) for a particular narrative purpose, otherwise it’s forced.
Yes, it would have been stupid to play as the only white guy on Grove Street.
The United State of America is not a white country.
Daily reminder that eating ethnic foods makes you a race traitor cuck. Whites that eat nonwhite foods are practicing cultural miscegenation, and therefore are guilty of supporting white genocide.
>yadda yadda
Now fuck off subhuman
>not realizing SA was a loveletter to the 90s boom of Jewish producers forcing blacks into the spotlight in pretty much every medium of entertainment
I have a question how do you do a non forced black character or is there any examples of such?
no such thing. blacks in any media, in anything in general are forced by default
GTA is about crime and CJ is a nigger, he totally fits the setting.
>"btw I am X and I have X problems"
why do they feel like they need to blur that out.
Why do you retards respond to bat threads like this?
I generally agree if it has a historical meaning behind it. But fantasy settings are fair game and even then, white people are still seen as the default. Nothing wrong with that, but there should be nothing wrong just making a person black. If you don't like it, don't buy it, and if it still sells, then deal with it. Pretty much what is happening right now anyways
fuck i meant blurt
Black criminals etc. are not forced
They commit 50% of all violent crime in america despite only making up 7% of the population.
I dare say that niggers are evil.
Why are fantasy settings fair game? Those usually have established rules too. Remember the Warcraft movie having an Asian high elf? Lmao
Learn english you dumb stupid polack.
The fact that you see them as minority characters instead of just characters shows what a horrible racist you really are.
Even the "civilized," "woke" blacks idolize a brutally hierarchical society that not only used slaves, but worked them to death. (Ancient Egypt).
Somehow the irony of calling themselves "kangz" and "queens" while casting indictments on the "oppressive" power structures of white Western culture eludes them.
Niggers are ugly and smell.
Imagine if we killed them all haha how would society even go on without them?!
Ok so I'll try to sum it up,
A good black character should :
not be a virtue signal, look good, act cool, make sense in the setting, be well written (being well written is subject to a lot of debate).
Did I forget anything?
I don’t even see you as human being.
I see you as lowly creatures, lower than rats.
Which are usually about the fantasy races in 90% at minimum.
Don't pretend even 5% of even western games specifically make a point of humans being "white".
White more likely than not having zero context and even existing as a term in said worlds.
A good black character would be a tribal cannibal you get to shoot or some criminal loser you guess what, shoot to death.
It's weird to think that Yea Forums was the main "boogeyman" on Yea Forums back then, but now everything on Yea Forums is about political fighting.
he's a character first before being a black character
same as a woman, she's a character before being muh strong woman who need no man
When Europe started drawing inspiration from pagan antiquity (ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, etc), it was called "The Renaissance." It happened around 500 years ago.
Every time you see some dumb nigger bitch post pharaohs on her social media, let that be a reminder blacks are actually 500 years behind whites.
Did ANYONE and i mean ANYONE actually fucking do the Yay leaving San Fierro shit? Like, what does it give you? Can you even 100% it? This is an honest question, I have like 500 hours in this game and not once did I ever want to go do that shit.
Fuck you
Wooow so edgy man, you sure show how sharp & good you are. I wish I was as intelligent & inspiring as you. The world would be a better place with more people like you for sure.
>My boys
CJ, Lee Everett, Drebin 893
>Not my boys
Everyone else.
Thanks, can’t say the same about you.
You're making me blush.
You get a very paltry amount of money for the effort involved. I think it's like 5000 for a perfect run. It's not required for 100%.
>if a black person is in any form of book, video games, anime, cartoon, movie or porn then it’s SJW pandering or cuck shit oy vey shilling
>Started playing GTA SA on a physical PS2 recently (I've had it in my backlog for ages)
>Game keeps having loading issues like pop-in and freezing
It's still playable, but is it normal for the PS2 version of the game to be like this?
minority characters are bad because they push the nigger agenda
is what I would say if I was mentally ill and actually browsed /pol/
Yes so?
These numbers seem to change every time someone posts this "statistic."
It's down to 7% now? Crazy.
this but unironically
13% made up for women as well, but most of the crime is done by men.
So yeah, 7% is more accurate.
Alex Vance from hl2 is kinda the definition of how to do a real minority character in vidya and have it feel organic.
That makes sense. I appreciate the reply.
I like how you couldn't refrain from admitting you're OK with blacked porn
US has niggers, Europe has sand niggers.
Why must we white people endure these creatures?
Yes, and that applies to whites, asians and every other color under the sun as well. There are plenty of uninteresting, boring and lifeless white male characters that get flak for being exactly that.
In real life yes, in vidya it depends. Haschel in LoD was kino
the pop in yeah, the freezing no
Lamar was a annoying piece of whiny shit.
Always bitchin about the hood like fucking Sweet.
Yes, the ps2 isn't an extraordinarily powerful console and it's loading off an optical drive so you can't expect it to load most things quickly. I'd heavily recommend just playing on PC with silent's patch, you'll still run in to those issues from time to time, but drastically less often.
Is this an edit?
It usually happens when I'm driving around. I also often end up driving in a "void" because none of the textures loaded.
I tried it once for shits and gigs and then immediately said "fuck that" when I checked my minimap and saw that it was going to make me bike out to the boonies for it.
>Basically, you need a reason for a black person being a game but not a white person
A white person doesn't require a reason to be in a white country, a black one does. Games are made in white countries, by white people, for (overwhelmingly) white people. On their own, most creators wouldn't use non-whites in their games unless its appropriate to the setting, but everyone knows that today there are unwritten quotas on how many non-whites must be represented in a media.
So, yes, blacks need a reason to be in games, because there's no reason to put them in.
Are minority characters bald?
Did anybody bother with any sort of side activity for money when the Hunter Brown Thunder vigilante mission was the easiest way to accumulate millions?
>the general mindset here is that white people are the default
>there is no reason behind a minority being there
>you need a reason for a black person being a game but not a white person
A very sound observation. Most gaymers, especially of the edgy Yea Forums variety, only like minority protagonists in their games when consistent with a specific archetype or gimmick consistent with stereotypes of the protagonist's race or women when it's generic ass and tiddy fan service.
Otherwise if the protagonist isn't white, it's surely because of feminist sjw bogeymen, according to Yea Forums.
Technically there's no such thing as alien fighting astronauts, super soldiers and blacksmith's-peasant-son-turned-knight in the medieval kingdom of Bohemia. A black or female protagonist is literally just as realistic as a white one would be in these roles and character designs.
Comparing someone selling hotdogs at a match to someone who might be doing something like helping the wounded, taking inventories or setting up supply lines isn't exactly the same thing user.
>A black or female protagonist is literally just as realistic as a white one
>in the medieval kingdom of Bohemia
This, it's cultural appropriation to eat food that doesn't belong to your race shitlords.
Don't know about /jp/ but you can't really be worse than Yea Forums and /mlp/
Even if you try
>the autistic shitskins is making these threads again
step up janny tranny
oh look another thread about niggers because niggers have to be talking about themselves every minute of the day and have no identity or interests beyond the fact that they're niggers
So burgers should only commit cannibalism then?
This but also if the devs aren't doing shit like "We did it because it was more inclusive!" like how in asscreed they mention how only men went to school but intentionally showed women there as well or whatever it was.
Too bad you can actually stay on topic and discuss things without autists losing their mind on /mlp/
So, if race A conquers territory belonging to race B, and starts cooking with ingredients found there, they commit treason?
Properly once and then never again.
>no Big Bo or Sgt.Johnson
Fucking subhuman motherfucker.
>Otherwise if the protagonist isn't white, it's surely because of feminist sjw bogeymen, according to Yea Forums.
When your black female character has giant looped earrings and an afro straight out of the 60s despite it being modern times, I'm going to assume you're a delusional Commiefornian trying to earn brownie points despite stereotyping to such a racist degree.
I'm also going to assume this when your hit new product has lesbians in it, because lesbians are literally the safest fucking gay relationship combo in current times. It's lazy and screams of no balls, hence why it's in every modern cartoon and video game out right now while gay men are basically ignored.
Yes because in the case of whites they'd be cooking and eating in inferior ways
Some times you don't want to wait until LV before you get money, that's why I do paramedic as soon as I get out of LS.
You wanna try that again nigga?
You mean not drawing attention to the fact she's a mutt?
I think you missed my point entirely. If the goal of such a game was realism, then you wouldn't have a literal peasant who at first could barely swing a sword obtain knighthood due to a very incoherent unfolding of events leading up them possessing the skills of a noble child born and raised into a lifestyle of chivalry and swordsmanship.
therefore, given how insanely unrealistic that is, to a degree which is perfectly fine for fictional content like a video game, a black or female protagonist would be just as befitting for the role as an anglophone Englishman in Bohemia.
>Conflating concessions for gameplay mechanics with story
How intellectually dishonest.
>race in games literally doesn't matter because space aliens and fantasy kingdoms aren't real
>also we really need to have a national discussion about encouraging POC representation in these outer space/fantasy settings
>Conflating concessions for gameplay mechanics with story
Okay, you are still not grasping what I'm saying. A fictional plot like the one mentioned isn't by all means cemented in reality, and people like you shouldn't be allowed to pick and choose what straw-picked aspect is inconveniently "unrealistic" to you and your sociopolitical edgelord agenda against women and minorities.
Yeah but dey using bikes cj, cross country.
But they would be like making a BBQ party and only serving vegetables. No one who buys a game about Bohemia would want to play a black protagonist. You can of course make every kind of game you like, but people who care about selling their games think about who buys them.
Also, why would a white company make a black protagonist? Games today are what stories where for thousands of years, would you expect the Greeks to write their stories about the Chinese?
Yeah you are right you retarded tranny
>Why are white game devs putting white protags on video games?
If brown people want to see brown representation in video games, why don't brown people make, um, their games?
is that you grrm
Wakanda isn't real, let's remake Black Panther with an all-white cast. I trust you won't be unhappy about it or accuse the producers of "culturally imperializing"/"whitewashing" the intellectual property, since the setting isn't real
like that black dude in Lotr Shadow of War, supposedly an ex Haradrim, while Haradrim were mid-eastern looking people. Oh and of course he has a thing with the blond white Gondorian girl
all those rules apply to characters of other races too, no?
characters shouldn't have to look good or act cool.
t. ugly uncool dork
Characters that are minorities for the sake of it are bad. Minority characters that are well-written are good.
t. insecure child
an ugly uncool dork would want characters to all be cool so they could self-insert. a well adjusted adult doesn't need media to be wish fulfillment
Or maybe an uncool ugly dork would want uncool ugly dorks to be represented so they can feel less uncool, ugly and dorky. You dork.
In reality though I'm kidding, I actually agree with you, Danny DeVito wouldn't be as captivating if he wasn't literally a goblin, and Abe in Oddworld is a charming character probably because of how non-heroic and weird he looks.
Yes but only if they're just normal characters and not deliberately shoehorned in by the writers/developers to push a political agenda.
All good and beloved characters nobody has anything against.
Fantasy settings are fair game, sure, but they have a sort of "history" of their own. Tolkienesque fantasy is usually white because it's been so since the books were written. Same for, say, witcher, that comes from slavic folklore. Also, Star Wars, which is why there was such a backlash. I think it's fair game if you're making a new franchise, and it's not using a style that is usally white, so it doesn't feel invasive.
People have no problem with Elder Scrolls as an example, because the games explain why there are people of different colors and it makes sense.
Same as Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings
>they don't have black skin therefore they're white
Who are the real racists again?
Drop the irony and the last sentence, and you have a good point there. The only people sticking blacks into established settings are feminist sjw libtards, and should eat shit.
I remember being unironically pissed back in the day when I found out they made it about somewhat realistic black gangs. I thought it would be too serious and they wouldn't rip on them. But then I played it and it was good and you could ride normal bikes and swim.
Aurion is a start.
I got something in preparation too...(but not vidya)
People like you shouldn't be allowed to pick and choose what races should be substituting white people in white settings for your sociopolitical libtard agenda of "muh inclusiveness" and social engineering.
It's almost like black people weren't gathering and selling slaves and that there's no slavery in Africa today...
Does anyone know why New Order chose that design for that tour? Genuinely ignorant as to what it represents or if it is just a design for the sake of it.
If you're gonna put blacks in a war game do the Korean War
No. Holy shit, how fucking stupid do you have to be to even care?
White people did that you racist prick
Yeah, I'd say those are pretty good. New content is fair game. If the next lord of the rings has black hobbits though I'm gonna flip my shit.
The Hobbit movies already had random black people walking around in the cities
Who do you think enslaved and sold them. It wasn't like a bunch of white people suddenly went to Africa with nets and wrangled them all up. Think user think.
Well, shit. I didn't actually watch it. So they're keeping the shire up with the modern times, eh?
He said, as he picked and chose the most concise posts to respond to while ignoring the ones that thoroughly dismantle his pathetic attempts at arguments.
Not the Shire, but some other city.
And don’t watch them, they are just all around pure shit.
their character has nothing at all to do with their race, or everything to do with their race
Oh, alright, meh. I'd give it a 3/10 low key outrage.
>bat threads
If they're just living life, then whatever. If the story draws attention to the fact that they are a minority and thus divert from whatever the real story is doing or about, then there's a problem. If the story is ABOUT the minority, then that's its own prerogative.
...My mother always used to respond to my posts.
when blacks keep fighting whites when its the hispanics kicking them out of their hoods.
not in any significant way. There were servicemen who fought in both world wars, but you underestimate just how much americans hate blacks, and how much effort went into keeping them off the front lines.
god i fucking hate kojima right now
they got him user they gave him the big gay
just admit you just want to fuck the octopus.
Oh, and post more
nop, that is actually real. he references himself in other comics too
>giant hoop earrings and an afro straight
hoop earrings never went out of style and black people hair naturally grows in to afros If I posted a picture of a black girl I know wearing that exact thing you'd say it's racist even though it isn't
blackwashing, like what they're doing with having a pajeet playing oliver twist
I don't give a shit, oh fuck man...
bendis didnt write that
Why does Yea Forums think a black character is unrealistic if he isn't a walking stereotype?
I never played a game where I felt a minority was shoehorned into a major role, unless they were just replacing a previously white character.
And no, being a poorly written character does not mean they were shoehorned, it just means the writers suck.
>A white person doesn't require a reason to be in a white country, a black one does.
What? The reason is that they either moved from their country to the "white" country, or they were born in that country. Do you really not understand how a black person could exist in a country outside of Africa?
>supposedly an ex Haradrim, while Haradrim were mid-eastern looking people. Oh and of course he has a thing with the blond white Gondorian girl
shut that nerd shit up
if SA was released today, he'd be mexican since they ran the nigs out of compton
>Oh and of course he has a thing with the blond white Gondorian girl
personally, i have never met black people but according to fox news, they're pretty much the same, just like the asians.
they dont have the same variety as the whites in terms of personality, we got nerds,jocks,social butterflies, you name it.
asians are a bunch of nerds and know-it-all and black people are a bunch of jocks and thugs
maybe a little racist, but that's reality, reality is racist.
That’s because non whites are soulless and have no culture
>i have never met black people but according to fox news
Your opinion has little weight then.