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I pirate games because it's my right.

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I pirate because i like free games.

I pirate because I'm a fucking bad ass. I get women on the reg, and they're all like "You pirate? OMG, that makes me so moist!"

>justifying piracy to someone
just tell them to fuck off and deal with it

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I pirate because I can.

I really do only when im almost sure i'll never buy it, if i was wrong then i'll buy it.

I blame the lack of demos

I pirate because i like free games.

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ITT: Post your favorite shanty

Buyfag here. If you pirate, that's cool. Justifying it is the faggy thing. Just say you don't give a fuck. I'm just glad you played the game I like.

I pirate because I want to
If piracy helps small devs, good. If it hurts big publishers, good.

People pirate because they're poor and they like free games. I don't see the problem.

i pirate games because there's no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism anyway

I pirate because i am a poor motherfucker from a third world country, if i had money i would have no problem paying for it.

What if I download games because I have no disposable income?
When I do they get the money. It's not as if I can give them more money than I have.

I pirate because fuck you.

This. Pirates are basically poverty-tier niggers that weren't going to buy the game either way. Let them have it. It's like welfare Queens.

It's why I print counterfeit money, it's a victimless crime.

this is the mental gymnastic is personally use:
if piracy didn't exist, would i buy this game? if no pirate it, else buy it.

>buy game
>lose money and peformance

>pirate game
>save money with better peformance

paypig trannies eternally btfo

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Isn't the same in any aspect

Sharing will never be immoral, no matter what laws are set in place.

If the software is no longer being produced and the only way to legally obtain it is to buy it from someone who already owned it than piracy is perfectly acceptable. I did this with the original Homeworld a while back, before Gearbox bought the rights to rape and pillage that franchise. I don't understand people that think the only right move is to pay some faggot on ebay to send you his copy that is likely backed up on another disc.

Does anyone here actually genuinely care about piracy or are these threads all made by shills and contrarians fishing for you's?

It's the same is stealing CC's (I do it all the time), the money is insured so nobody loses.

I unironically do buy some games after pirating, but only when at least 50% off
I'm a mix of semi-poor but more importantly cheap as fuck

Absolutely based and incredibly redpilled. Fuck the bank.

Why would I pay money for something I can get free?
Literally brainlet plays to spend money on shit for no reason.

I unironically agree. Stealing insured materials is just sharing honestly.

That's what the central bank does, so why the fuck not.

Nah, the only thing that you "steal" is projected sales when you pirate a game

The only thing you "steal" with CC fraud is some insurance agent's time filing a claim, nothing is lost.

I feel like you're being disingenuous but desu why not
If everyone stole everyone else's shit, maybe finance capitalism would collapse and that can't be a bad thing.

Absolute fucking unit.

A product gets sold the new owner can share it with anyone they want, regardless of numbers or inconvenience cause to the manufacturer.

Explain futher, you catched my interest

I pirate because free games, dude
I don't give a fuck

And in both cases, the creator doesn't get paid for the product you are using. THAT is the issue.

Not at all. It's genuine. I'm just "forcing someone to share", a sort of 'forced sharing' so to speak.
I don't see the issue. It's my right frankly as long as the materials can be reproduced at no/minimal cost to the owner.
I agree.

I don't understand why piratefags try to justify themselves.

Just say "I pirate because fuck you".

In that case, shine on you crazy diamond. Keep fucking Jews and don't get caught.

It's not their right to get paid. They only get paid if the product is bought, their right to money ends with that.

>Pirating 20 dollars is a bigger crime than straight up stealing it

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I pirate because I don't have all the money in the world to buy every single game I want to play.

> inb4 this doesn't give me the right to pirate and play the game for free
I know.

I'm not going to let scotus and the music industry redefine sharing. I'll defend piracy until I die or they reverse the bullshit decision that set the precedent that anything at all that inconveniences capitalistic pursuits is theft.

It's pretty straight forward. You can lift CC numbers easy with a phone if someone is at a register and they're retarded oblivious on their phone. Pretty easy to order a hueg shipment from Amazon using a dummy account and prime. By the time they figure it out, you're already in the wind with your goods. Easy if you work at a resort too.

Stop with this meme. That implies I think there is something inherently wrong with piracy. I can give you reasons as to why I pirate, but they are not justifications for my actions, but motives.

Over a billion children live in absolute poverty. Countries are at war. Millions of women live as prostitutes. The oceans are filled with plastics. Europe is being demographically replaced by mass immigration.

And you are spending your saturday evening thinking about the ethics of electronic toycompanies losing 5% profits due to 'piracy'. When the industry is flourishing and will still be here decades from now.

Get a fucking grib man. Have a reality check.

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>marks out free games because you think I need a reason besides free games to pirate

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Anything that's harming to a corporation is inherently wrong and we should outlaw it. Used games, sharing games, allowing the goyim, er, customers to own their products without DRM.

We need to think of those innocent super rich corporations! They have feeligns too! :(

>things that affect me
>things that doesn't

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>piracy gives them exposure!

exposure has been proven to be a meme in the art industry

If that's your standard your morality is a self serving joke.

Well nigga, if there's nothing I can do about it, then why bother?

morality is a spook my dude

>Get a fucking grib
blease dingo de abrigan shrilldens!

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99% of the time they're not justifying anything. That is projection on your part. They are simply explaining their actions.

"I don't want to give my money to jews" is rarely an attempt at justification. They are not trying to turn a wrong into a right based on that. They simply don't want to give their money to jews, that's all.

It's not though.

You can help Europe by killing the immigrants

where does "I pirate because i can, cunt, deal with it" falls in the spectrum.

Let the children die, the women be whores, and let the oceans fill up with plastic. You want to make a real difference, start dumping anthrax into the water supply.


>pirate an album
Not a problem
>pirate a show
Not a problem
>pirate a movie
Not a problem
>pirate a game
OMG Support you devs ! You are killing gaming AAAAAAH

you don’t have the right to play that game, either

Yea Forums is the only board that feels the need to justify their piracy


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I pirate cause I don't want to pay for some games.
fuck any other justification. they are the most annoying cunts in the world.
I especially love the pivots sometimes
>Exodus has Denuvo
>becomes EGS exclusive
it's just whatever the most white knighty bullshit they can come up with is.

If I replicate a game perfectly from scratch, does it count as pirating?

I do if someone is giving it to me for free. Then I own my new copy and it is in fact my right to play that copy, or seed it.

How much have you counterfeited?

So is yours, but the difference is that the other guy doesn't pretend he's a saint. The vast majority of people hold moral beliefs they don't actually live by. The only people who live by their moral standards are those whose moral standards put themselves at the top, and their friends, family, etc above others, because they actually understand how the human mind works.

not really, no

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Yes it is. I can do whatever I want with my own shit.

based arbitrary distinction of what you do and do not have a right to.
I have a right to fuck your mom. with or without her consent. cause some dude shared her with me.

all the studies done proved that piracy doesn't hurt companies but i wish it did

at least for AAA companies

but it’s not yours, bro

I pirate because I got nothing better to do
I don't even play or seed the games I download

No, instead copyright infringement

>thinking piracy as a demo service because devs can't be assed to give consumers a proper demo is a bad thing

seeding is fir cucks

Imagine actually shilling for giant wealthy corporations that coudn't care less if you died

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no, but of course you guys never do that

yes it is, some guy who bought it gave it to me.

Piracy is good because fuck the SJW developers. It doesn't do any damage though despite what anyone says.

Several thousand dollars over the years

sharing is caring

It's funny that in my country downloanding pirated games is legal but sharing links to downloanding them is illegal

I pirate only old games and the ones that I already own. I typically give 10 years and/or developer being defunct.

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that’s not the copy he bought


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he bought a license. how did he transfer over ownership. did he go e you his steam account and you changed the password. did he make sure to delete the game from his computer. You say he gave you his copy. but he still seems to have it?
Unless he owns the Copyright I am afraid he is not allowed to make unlicensed copies my good sir.

this is the only correct answer, pussies are the only ones who justify shit

I genuinely only pirated a couple games before to check if they'd run well on my laptop. If I actually like a game I'll buy it. If a game's too jewish (bad DLC practice) or I don't like the devs I won't even pirate it.

Pirate only if there is no legal way to purchase a game(not sold in your region, old abandonware, arcade games without proper ports, etc.)

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Licenses are legalized theft from the consumer. I choose not to agree with them and totally ignore their existence.

this seems to universally agreed upon to be fine.

based sovereign citizen don't need no social contract.

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Honestly though, fuck piracy and fuck poor niggers.

I'm getting to the point where I'm seeing the appeal of this shit crazy shit. Is that a bad sign?

How smooth is your brain that you don't rationalize choices you make?
Look yourself in the mirror and face the truth.

>>pirate an album
>Not a problem

what are they stealing?

Justification fags are cancer
Just shut up and do it niggy

It's easy and there's no repercussions. There's no guilt or moral question whatsoever so what is there to rationalize?

My rationalization for piracy is fuck you

Realizing that pointless attempts to rationalize your actions are a waste of time is part of growing up.

>I buy the base game and only pirate the DLC
Fucking Sims, I swear to fucking christ

musicians make 99% of their income from touring these days.

you fucking tard, Africa is 5x larger than America's landmass
you'd be bombing ocean at that point.

not at all, I just said that licenses are legalized theft.
>you bought a thing but you still dont really own it
fuck off with that bullshit

I pirate because I'm a cheap bastard AND because I don't give a shit about videogame developers, specially american ones

where are the old games? i mostly pirate games that I missed out during childhood. cba to buy used from ebay or jpn yahoo auction

Ownership of the product. Just about any license agreement ever written has some bullshit like 'we can revoke this license at any time for any reason'.

I pirate because none of the games I am interested in belongs to people involved in their development or production anymore.

If I am interested in a movie, I can watch a trailer that at least shows the best parts of the movie. If I am interested in a book, I can preview it on Amazon or go to the book store and read as much as I want before I buy it. If I am interested in an album, I can listen to the entire thing for free 100% legally. If I am interested in a video game, I get a trailer that more often than not is comprised of CGI cutscenes and consists of 0% (zero percent) actual in-game footage, and the vast majority of games nowadays no longer have a demo. Beyond that, even a trailer means almost nothing because the unique trait of video games is the element of interactivity. So if you provide no demo for your game, I will pirate it. If I feel it is worth buying after an hour or two of play, I will buy it.


>pay money for a game
>turns out it was just a download file replicated over and over again by the publisher and sold to other plebians
>turns out I can get the same download file from google after a .5 second search for free
>realize games on PC have no value
>see some retard on Yea Forums trying to shame me for letting the industry go to shit for not buying something that has zero inherent value to me as a consumer
>doesn't realize console gamers are the pillar of video games and are the ones who actually buy games and steer the industry anyway

wooooooowww. just pirate games you dumb nigger it makes no difference. thats how its meant to be on PC, let idiots buy games

They still win 100% more than they deserve

>Europe is being demographically replaced by mass immigration
You forgot to say that vaccines cause autism and that the earth is flat, poltard

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>Not using the part of the nuke to take out South America
Congratulations fucktard you’re legally retarded

Oh yeah, that 25 cents from the itunes store oh such a travesty

It's not your legal right, no. And your image is not a legal defence. If someone went to BMW's headquarters and copied their plans, that would also be a crime, despite them leaving the original plans there.

Kek. I assume this is a joke.

It's exactly the same as piracy, actually. Both are crimes, both are stealing. And neither are victimless, of course - you're stealing from whoever made, and whoever is selling, the product that you're stealing.

You should have learned to play music user. Salty, salty.

Nope, eat a dick, faggot. Funny thing is I probably buy many more games than you too, many times over.

It must be frustrating to be a corporate puppet and also be poor.

yes. Patents, Copyright and IP have very important economic purposes. ESPECIALLY in the digital age where it is so easy to make copies. I pirate, and I live in a country where I can leach via generic drugs. but we can't all do it . An argument about limitations, use it or lose it and time periods is warranted. but people who believe dumbshit like that are just complete fucking retards suffering from dunning kruger.

Between China and Korea

>TFW I would totally counterfeit all the time if I wasn't afraid of getting caught
I just want free money

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Imagine caring if you fuckers pirate shit. I've just watched like 4 or five threads of you faggots bitching about the politics of games and then proceeding to pirate them today alone. You wonder why games aren't catering to /pol/shit anymore, its because doing so isn't profitable when the most minor inconvenience will prompt you to scrounge through megaupload. You all have every right to pirate shit, but to then expect games to cater to you in the future is an asinine thought process.

Smooth enough your opinions slide right on out of it.

What game has only trailers comprised of cgi cutseneces and 0% (zero percent) in-game footage upon release?

It's more like this. One axis won't do.

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It's not a joke. You can make convincing fakes of bank notes easily. Stick a few in with a stack and go ham. I've been doing it for almost 10 years.

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you said he gave you his copy, which is not true. now you’re claiming you just don’t care. if that’s your argument then tun with it from the get go, not in the middle of an argument

just because i don't feel the need to explain my motivations to you doesn't mean i don't have them. Why should i attempt to justify myself to you when your opinion means nothing?

>Wasting your time pirating games you hate.
But why?

It's written in a recent ONU document word by word

I use it like a "forced shared discount" on essentially everything.

I pirate based on ease. There's no way I'm going on ebay to buy an old console and cartridge/cd when I can just emulate, whereas if it's on Steam I'll buy it.

As long as you don't pretend it's real and try to give it to someone in exchange for something else, you're good.


I don't care what people think. I pirate games that I can't buy officially or legally from the creator themselves. Nintendo getting rid of VC means they're getting rid of my potential purchases, sucks to be them, I spent at least $450 on VC titles on the wii.

I pirate because I don't respect copyright and believe it should be abolished.

I pirate games because thinking about game devs who work unpaid overtime to make the game I pirated makes my dick hard.

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My argument includes the point that license agreements are illegitimate and immoral. Ownership is a philosophical concept, not merely a legal entity, and I'm not arguing from the standpoint of the law.

>Doesn't rotate it to either get Alaska as well or take out Brazil.

Me dumb dumb
Me nuke ocean
Me make catastrophic tsunami that ends almost all life on earth
Me hate America!

they can’t really take your physical copies away, and in the rare event they do take your digital one away that is illegal. which begs the question: when a license doesn’t have bullshit like that by a company that knows the law, what are they stealing from you?

is everyone prepared for the great piracy purge of 2025? everyone who downloaded full romsets is going to be fined a shitload of money.

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That's exactly what I do all the time. A "shared firce discount" so to speak.

Imagine buying a game and have to download so much more data due to all those useless languages added.


Please provide me sources to support your claims, so that I can have a good laugh

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I only buy multiplayer games

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The practicality of the issue has no bearing on the morality of it. Consequentialism is for plebs.

I pirate because I’m poor and don’t want to waste my money on things that I probably won’t end up enjoying. If I like a game enough I’ll get around to buying it at some point after the fact.

you buy one copy you get one copy. whats the problem?

How did you get started?

I bet you're a loser.

"Why are there no good singleplayer games anymore Yea Forums?"

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where's "im poor and wasnt in the market to buy it anyway"

prove it

>If I like a game enough I’ll get around to buying it at some point after the fact.
The only thing worse than a criminal is a lying criminal.

you can turn one copy into two or more if the process is done on hardware whose owner permits it because that one copy is your own to do with as you please.

the fun part is that nuking america would result in a global GG extinction event.

>man fuck greedy publishers and their live services games, why do I need an internet connection to play single player REEEEE
>ah, a single player game huh? No DRM you say? Time to pirate

>i-i-i wasn't in the market anyway, i swear!
You obviously are if you have an interest in the product, you fucking moron.

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What about
"I understand the value of a dollar and I pirate to get rich"

You can have an interest in a product while having no interest in buying it.

where does "never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game" fall?

Any World of Warcraft game -- just the first thing that came to my head. Pretty much any AAA title, really. However, like I said, even if the trailer did show in-game footage, it is not an accurate representation of the product -- so really it's irrelevant how high-quality the trailer is.

If someone is that committed to not paying for entertainment that they would pirate solely because there's no DRM, then preventing them from pirating will just send them looking for other sources of free entertainment. Your investment into DRM is still going to be wasted no matter what.

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that one copy, not the additional copies

>Yea Forums has no issue with anime piracy
>/g/ has no issue with software piracy
>Yea Forums has no issue with music piracy
>Yea Forums has no issue with movie and tv show piracy
Why does Yea Forums have so many threads debating video game piracy?

you're literally stealing food off of their tables. how can you live with yourself

but it’s the Yea Forums pirate that gets angry and feels the need to justify it

Spoonfeeded like a child

Funny how the games """"hurt"""" by piracy are are only blunders.

Am i a pirate if I'm just a doomsday prepper who's trying to keep a backup in case of a freak solar flare or collapse event and lock it up in a lead box somewhere?

because morons keep trying to justify it

Reminder that Yea Forums is the only board that has anti piracy fags, every other board regularly shares content with each other and no one bitches and moans.
Now why could that be? Shills, moralfags, fags that have loyalty to companies they are giving money to aka retards?

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the additional copies are made from your own, so ownership carries over.

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does that mean you can sell those copies too, since you own them now?

That's on you for deciding to buy a license instead of a physical copy.
Unless there literally aren't physical copies for a game being produced, of course.

Ironically, as a joke doing gd and seeing who could make the best fakes with my buddies. Eventually it became this joke to see who would pass off a fake note first and we started doing it at bars. Some places where they had black lights to check for counterfeit would only check your first bill... after that you could use fake notes all night. Works good any place with foreigners or processes a lot of cash payments quickly. Also good for CL.

thats because faggots keep mistakenly assuming its wrong from the start

videogames are usually reasonably priced and in the case where they arent like paradox games people will call you a faggot for paying

yes, that's what used games are

those faggots get told to fuck off by everyone else. for some reason you retards are incapable of doing that

It is objectively wrong I just dont care lol

that shit plagues physical too

So you're a thief. There's a reason society despises scum like you which is why criminals are fined or locked up.

no, they would be new in that case

Crime is a perfect social contract. If I get caught, well, looks like I lost. It's just like piracy in my opinion.

You might just make a new image at this point

I just wanted free shit.

>So you're a thief
I never deprived anyone of anything.

How does it feel to have never developed morality beyond a toddler?

Pirating digital games is not theft, its actually a waste of time comparing the process of cracking and stability. The only people who see piracy as theft are physical distributors.

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Crime is a spook, by laws of nature video games belong to whomever can obtain them.

the copies would be new technically, but my point is that sales of used games operates basically the same way

What material do you use?

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i pirate because fuck you why dont you deal with it

I think it's because it proves you can make more, stealing is an unreliable task.

I don’t give a shit, I’m a real nigga that dropped out of middle school. Real

they can’t take your physical games back from you

Where do I fit in the tism spectrum? I pirate because I don't wanna spend 15 bucks on a porn game, I just wanna fap for ten minutes and then go play Doom or something.

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Where's "Yeah I pirate I don't give a fuck deal with it"

used games dont creat any unauthorized copies unlike piracy

Where's "I pirate games because the official version is less stable"

add it yourself

how is that any different than buying the law and forcing everyone else into submission with your wealth?

What if I buy a used game and then upload it to a rip site for console games?

I pirated when the game is on GoG and it's convenient

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no, those are bought copies, not duplicated copies. vast majority of the time, at least.
And I’m talking about mass produced and sold in stores from a single bought copy.


I don't pay for shit that I can get for free. And neither do you, I don't see your Yea Forums pass, OP.

can you even read?

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Piracy isn't bad, you can't steal something that isn't ownable.

Devs don't consider you being able to own your own game, they can make you unable to play the thing you paid for if you get banned for cheating harassment foul language etc.

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thats ip infringement (piracy)

I usually just put on a script that downloads-deletes-then downloads a game again and again.

I heard that devs lose money for each copy downloaded, so I usually do this when a developer/company I hate releases a new game.

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based grade 12 who took an intro philosophy course. you are morally entitled to someone else's hardwork because reasons. and future development be damned.

You want to know the truth? It feels great. I pay more in taxes every year (about 12k) then I could ever possibly steal. I feel perfectly fine, because I know the other people on the backend will get most if not all their money back. I give zero shits frankly.
Polymer now, but we used to use high tensile papyrus.

If you respect me as a customer, I will respect you as a business. I will buy at reasonable prices with the minimal amount of hoops to jump through. The moment that it is inconvenient for me to buy it, you have lost a sale and I'm pirating it.

This goes for any piece of media. Make it a good value instead of nickel and dimeing and you'll have my money.

then you pirated the game

>I choose
DING DING DING! And this is why your laughably stupid argument has no meaning! Piracy is theft, you take something and pretend you own it, without giving the creator his due recompense. You fucking fool, be a man and just say, "I steal games because I can get free shit without caring about the creator losing out on money they deserve."

If you try to justify piracy you're a fucking idiot. Piracy is wrong and should never be justifiable, but I do it anyway. There is no problem with that.

i don't want to pay for games because fuck it" i just want to entertain myself playing vidya
There's something called normi-Niggers, they'll buy anything with a flashy title.

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I pirate because i am poor and have a physical disabiliity and just want to play vidya and dick around until i finally decide to kill myself.

I don't give a fuck about the industry, and even if i did i couldn't afford the games i pirate anyways.

I don't owe anything to anyone and fuck you I'll do what i can get away with if it isn't directly impacting another persons quality of life in any significant way


Yarr harr Kickass is gone
pirate bay is gone to shit
demonoid is nowhere to be found
and the i-s-p is knocking!

>doesn't understand how taxes work.
like clockwork.

why do pirates pretend their line of thinking defends the existence of the second hand market, when they actually bypass it entirely?

Imagine posting publicly on an American website about counterfeiting currency. I know you're just larping but the secret service will be knocking on your door soon. They are very bored and take their jobs very seriously.

If you're a pirate, who gives a shit? So are most people. But it's when you say dumb shit like "it isn't stealing" or "I was never going to buy it anyway" that people will justifiably school you.


It's stealing, so it is wrong.

I pirate because Epic already paid for my games.

Gabe was right. If there's piracy, it's because there's a problem with the service in which they are provided. It can be unrealistic prices, bad storefronts (epic comes to mind) and idiot devs/publishers that can't keep politics out of their public life.

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Literally what nigger?

I want games and I don't have money.

No, that isn't right, people will pirate regardless of how amazing the service is.

Oh yeah? If they're so secret, why do you know what they do? Checkmate

>God Tier
Try before you buy (and holding steadfast to it)

>High Tier
I want the AAA cocksuckers to burn

>Mid Tier
Increase positive exposure/word of mouth

>Low Tier
I just want free shit because I'm a cheap fuck

I don't live in America. I'm not too worried. Sorry (not sorry) you're upset though

there will always exist the problem of “it’s not free” which isn’t really a solvable problem

That's fine I suppose, at least I don't see a problem with it. Selling cheap knockoffs is the one thing china does right.

Yeah man, just like all those Pedos getting busted off of Yea Forums every day dude, look out, it's a honey pot bros. They're coming to the door any second. Based retard.

It's not stealing at all.

>he bought base game
i never installed the origin client anyway

The positive exposure meme is hilarious to me.

People want shit for free, doesn't matter how good the service is breh.

Reminder it's immoral to sell your used games since you put no effort in designing publishing or marketing that game.

You have to destroy any game you don't want anymore, or else you are literally hitler.

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Retarded Frog.

Attached: salt.gif (556x720, 335K)

I installed it that time 6 or 7 years ago on that one night where you could buy any $20 or under game for free and the servers were totally swamped.

>brain damaged frog.
What a shocker.

Did you produce that meme image?
If not, you should delete it.

>God Tier denial
Try before you buy (and holding steadfast to it)

>High Tier denial
I want the AAA cocksuckers to burn

>Mid Tier excuse
Increase positive exposure/word of mouth

>Low Tier morals High Tier Honesty
I just want free shit because I'm a cheap fuck


because they try and moralfag about it. which is really annoying, since it is not in anyway justified, you can't even really make the "service issue" argument. I just do it anyway. That and the sheer magnitude. I pirate like $1000 CAD of games a year. and like a fraction of that in other media. Though I honestly think TV piracy is more of an issue. I do it, but it is probably the worst right now.

>GG extinction
GamerG*te? Good.

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honk honk my dude

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So you're saying that dodging my taxes is morally justified, right? After all it's my money, earned with my hard work. Why should anyone else get to have it?

I just fucking hate piracyfags.

No matter how you spin it, you're just a poor asshole stealing shit.
>b-but I'll totally pay for it if I like it!
yeah fuck off.

And yeah, nobody can "stop you" from doing it. But the worst part about you faggots is how annoying and obnoxious you little shits are.
>haha new game time to PIRATE XD!
>I'm a pirate XD look at me guys! I'm stealing this game and I don't care! Aren't I so cool and abdass!

Pirating is a shitty thing to do, if you're poor or whatever, then you do you, but nobody fucking cares so shut the fuck retard. You're the shitty retards in middle school who bragged about stealing candy bars from a gas station.

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Because this is the only board that attempts to use piracy as a means of trolling. Ironically, pirate threads on Yea Forums typically go along the liens of
>listen nigger, I cannot buy your product in any way, otherwise I would if I could

so if a small studio makes a game a larger one should be able to mass produce them and sell them dirt cheap and take all the profits from the creators?

you have an interesting perspective if nothing else

(((they))) want to ensure the first modern artificial industry stays their's

literally reverse it. Nobody actually buys a game they just pirated ever. and everyone who replies to me saying they have done it is lying, or pretending pirating a $60 game then buying it years late for like $20 counts.

i pirate games when there is no real way to acquire them anymore, or because I dont want to give someone money.

I rarely if ever pirate to test a game out before buying. It is either all in or not for me. I hate EA, and I hate Epic, and I am displeased with Blizzard. I dont know how to feel about Ubi since they’ve been up and down.

Here I have an edited version so it's mine now.

Attached: clownpep.png (512x512, 119K)

>Piracy is stealing
Imagine being this dumb.

There's a reason why it's called
>Stealing answers on the test

And all of them complain about the state of their hobby, i wonder why

just because you can't eradicate it 100% doesn't mean it's not mainly a service/providance problem.
Prior to steam (and before every game ever was on steam) I pirated a shitton of games because it was just the easiest way of getting them. Now where steam is convenient and cheap my piracy has pretty much gone down to zero.

Look at Game of Thrones, The show is HIGHLY pirated (or was, I guess) and why do you think that is? Because you have to jump trough SO MANY hoops to get it. But if you just get everything on Netflix, people will pay for that.

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nope, not at all because of the social contract.
and of course because of the concept of public goods (non rival, nonexcludable)

Pirating is the only ethical thing to do in the face of unethical IP law.

Yes. The creators don't own any profit before they actually earn it through a transaction, so it's not immoral, it's just not nice.

then you're a hero

>Yea Forums
anime and manga isn't easily accessible in most countries, and many japanese stores will only ship to japanese addresses and refuse foreign credit cards.
Its just too big of a pain to get it legally.
/g/ is retarded, and most of the shit /g/ talks about is free anyways.
>Yea Forums
literally just a bunch of hipster scum
>Yea Forums
but why? literally everything on Yea Forums is available on streaming services which everyone has access to anyways.

Also because nobody makes fucking threads spamming "OH GoT got cracked, get fucked HBOFAGS" everytime a show becomes available for torrent.

Reminder: Yea Forums would absolutely buy the products if it was possible. Anime and manga is directly impacted by how many people pirate and buy it.

so then you are okay with a world where the Smaller studio never bothers and games cease to exist.

Counterfeiting at a large enough scale would cause the economy to collapse, so...

it's called 'cheating' and it's wrong for a whole host of reasons that have nothing to do with file sharing.

There's several games I've pirated only to buy them a week later when I got my paycheck.

>jump through so many hoops
so sign up for HBO go and pay like $15? or buy a blu ray?

>Piracy fag making an argument in support of monopoly markets

>Yea Forums
Everyone agrees with piracy but companys pay some fags to shill for them, call them the 50 cents party.

absolutely fascinating, user.
well this has been a very interesting conversation.

I agree with you that it is exactly like piracy. So you're brighter than the morons in this thread who claim otherwise.

>i NeVeR dEpRiVeD aNyOnE oF mOnEy WhEn I sToLe SoMeThInG
How is it possible to be this fucking stupid?

Your claim was that "Europe is being demographically replaced by mass immigration", and that it is supposedly written word by word in this UN document. Except It isn't. Anywhere.

So have your (You) and go suck on big juicy dicks, you mongoloid polcuck. The Replacement Theory and White Genocide are not a real thing, and your brain is rotten to the core.

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what about plagiarism?

Why would you print counterfeit money, why not print real money?

I'm literally all three. Why are they mutually exclusive?

Pirating goods at a large enough scale will cause any of its industry to collapse
So what? One person counterfeiting doesn't make a difference, same as one person pirating

if that happens the copiers will go out of business pretty quickly, and then the cycle will start over.

I mean there's a spectrum, and people would not consume nearly as much shit on Yea Forums if they had to buy it legally.
But Yea Forums probably has the highest percentage of buyfags buying stupid shit like figures or dakis.

My justification is mostly that I can't buy magazines. Japs can easily just buy a magazine with a bunch of relevant manga chapters they care about. I can't really just go to the convenient store and pick up a copy of yurihime or whatever. Periodically I do go out of my way to go through the trouble of shipping manga for manga I really like, but I pay such a ridiculous price in doing so its not feasible for anything buy extremely special cases.

And I get digital doujins to practice my japanese.

Who's the first one meant to be?

>if that happens the copiers will go out of business pretty quickly, and then the cycle will start over.
other way around. Games cost a lot more to develop then distribute. thus the copier, can undercut the fuck out of the dev and stay in the green. Thus the best business decision is to hope someone else makes a game for you to copy and sell. While original deva can never recoup the money. thus will never secure funding.

I generally don't give a fuck about justifying piracy but this is genuinely the biggest pet peeve I have.

again, wrong, but not for any reason that relates to the matter at hand. Plagiarizing is taking credit for what you didn't make, so it's deceit, which when non-consensual is very wrong.

where am i supposed to pirate now that demonoid and kickass are both dead? TPB is shit. does steam underground host cracks?

>stealing isn't stealing

Holy fuck you're stupid. So people can't sell used cars, used houses, used anything? You are fucking stupid.

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absolute degenerate and that's a good thing!

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I've done that with games the were likely or in the middle of getting significant patches. I wasn't sure if I would like, say, Cultist Simulator, but playing for an hour proved that I would. At that I rather just bought the game, because waiting for every subsequent patch and stuff to keep getting cracked is kind of annoying and a hassle.

To be fair it's pretty overpriced. I pay for HBO because I value the convenience of being able to flop down on the couch and stream shit instantly with zero hassle, but it's kind of absurd that it costs more per month than Netflix or especially Amazon Prime despite offering quite a bit less in terms of total library, new series per year, and in Prime's case all the other shit you get like free fast shipping etc.

You're right, it's not the piracy itself. Most people pirate. It's the fact that people try and say stupid shit like "it's not stealing" or "it's only copying therefore it's not stealing", both of which are incorrect.

Where's the, "I pirate because the platform in question is dead, physical copies of the dead platform are rare/ overly expensive and the publisher who holds the rights offer no modern avenue to buy it from"?

There's something about Yea Forums and taking things way too far that just clicks in place

The Vintage Vagabond

This is true, but if nothing is made then there's nothing to copy and the money stops circulating into those businesses.

Intellectual property is theft of the commons.

private trackers

I was making fun of piracy logic but you retards thought I was serious, god damn I thought honkler would clue you in on the sarcasm but I guess not.

The result of the policies recommended by the document is the replacement, and is not about Europe only, it also affects Japan, Korea, Israel... it's something supported by a large amount of corporate bootlickers that aim to make every country like the USA for higher profit. The consecuences of that line of policies is what we are seing ghettos in every big city, white flight being a thing in Europe, the destruction of national identity...

yes. and then we get no more videogames. you now understand why IP, Patents and Copyright exist!

>Bootlicking for companies

I just really fucking hate trannies and niggers.

That's simply a problem with the business model.
What the original developer should have done is get investment for the development so by the time development was finished he already had his money.
The creation of digital products should be financed by financing the creation process directly instead of by selling a product.
Trying to sell products that are copied without effort just leads us into the hellhole of IP law, DRM and whatever else we have nowadays.

Are you implying it's wrong to wait till a game is on sale to buy it?

Intellectual property is not real property since it does not suffer from scarcity. Unlike actual anti-theft law, IP protection is only enforceable through the use of violence and therefore unethical. In a free society art would be sponsored by patrons if it was good enough to be made rather than "sold."

Well, like I said, the consequences have nothing to do with what rights are held by owners. The issue is the morality of piracy, not the sustainability of it.

I pirate 'cause it's fucking free games nignog

>being against piracy but ok with selling used games


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>I buy because I want to support the developers
>I pirate because fuck you ok?

>I buy because pirating is immoral and I don't like stealing
>I pirate because I want to see the industry burn and i'm hardcore yada yada yada

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>not accessible to all equally
you're full of shit

haha look at this faggot who thinks my actions REQUIRE some kind of thought

fraid not faget

dumb poltard

why hasn't a solution this simple been implemented yet?

I pirate because I don't want to spend $60 on a game that I'll play for 2-3 hours and then drop. But I actually buy game that even look slightly appealing and I can see myself beating them

>Company A mines and sells gold
>Company B finds more gold
>the scarcity of gold has been reduced
>therefore, Company B stole value from Company A
wtf bros how could this happen

You too buddy.

and where would that money come from?

>Not a food analogy
Not even going to bother reading your worthless post. Either make it a food analogy or you can get the hell off my board, ok?

I don't pirate because I don't play games unless I feel they're worth my money. I'd rather buy a few games per year that I can sink hundreds of hours into than go through a million beat it once and never touch it again throwaway games. If you play the latter, though, then yeah, pirate the fuck out of them, it's not worth $60 to play something once.

>If you're against stealing you can't be against selling a product you own to another person

Emulation is anti-preservation and the scene itself is full of trannies and weirdos. The only way to preserve these things is learn how to maintain real hardware. You don't see video enthusiasts obsessing over how to emulate CRTs, but how to maintain and preserve them. Emulation is preservation is a placebo statement. Emulation was never about preservation, it's about enjoying games conveniently and for free. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. You'll do preservation efforts a lot better writing down capacitor lists for each sega genesis revision and service them yourself than you'd ever by contributing code to an emulator

I pirate because I have a jobs and bills to pay

This is the worst food analogy I have ever seen in the history of food analogies.

It's still piracy mate.


>i-i-i was just pretending to be retarded!
Sure you were you fucking moron.

Games are honestly the one thing I DON'T pirate because they're conveniently accessible and easy to get with no hoops to jump through, unlike movies.

/pol/ says: it's a conspiracy made by the jews agints whites
I say: It's a corporate (the ones almost who control everything) plan to gain further benefits aimed vs developed countries
Why do you keep saying that I'm from /pol/?

I don't pirate because the Steam sales are usually good and it allows me to pay a considerable fair amount of money for a product I'll enjoy a couple of hours.
Not only that but there's also a refund system which allows me to have a plan B if I don't enjoy the game.

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>What the original developer should have done is get investment for the development so by the time development was finished he already had his money.
they do that now. the only reason they secure said funding is because the publisher/ investment firm knows they can rely on it actually selling via them.
if you mean Kickstarter there is a good reason most the games are trash and most still rely on third party investments and sales after the fact. Also there is no reason the copying firm can't just sell preorders and resell it day one.
I also don't see most higher budget games reaching their goals. Especially if everything is crowd funded. it is not sustainable.
user. Can you make a moral argument for why I cant shoot you in the head? bare in mind the consequences of what happens have nothing to do with morality. it's not the effects of me shooting a high velocity bullet at you, but the morality of me using my property as I see fit and simply pulling a trigger. OFC this is the retard who arbitrarily decided what property is and who it belongs to for no real reason. creators don't own their works, because you don't believe in licenses. Good thing I don't believe in death!

It would be less profitable so corps are lobbying hard to keep IP laws in place and extend them, see Disney.
It being less profitable would not be a bad thing of course.
Think about any other industry. They produce actual, tangible goods. In order to keep profits up they need to keep producing them.
With intangible goods you just need to find something popular and then make sure you keep the copyright. No further work required and the money keeps flowing.
It's quite ridiculous.

From whoever has interest in the product being made. Services like Kickstarter or Patreon are examples of such systems implemented today. Sadly less than ideal, but it shows the potential.

not him, but probably patrons who want a project to be undertaken. If there were legal consequences for failing to follow through on promises made before development begins then that kind of model might work.

they were already paid for that copy

If there's infinity of a good and no tragedy of the commons issue in everyone having the good than selling the good is immoral. But how will they have money to make game? Voluntary contribution. It's easier than ever before to rally a bunch of people to pay to sustain your activities.

You don't own it though.



Pirating $20 is a bigger crime than stealing $20 because it increases the amount of money in circulation, thus diluting everyone else’s legitimately earned money.

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>That physical disk isn't yours

I don't get why Yea Forums gets so anally frustrated with piracy when it's not even remotely considered on other boards. like, what is the mental process here that goes through these people

>being this mad over an internet argument

Emulation allows you to play a game in a higher resolution, with perfect digital video output, with any controller you want, and you can fast forward emulation to skip through cutscenes, and you can back up your save games and maybe even download new save games from the internet, etc.

Emulation, once in a viable state, will always be better than the original hardware, simply because PCs can be far more powerful than consoles, so you will get higher resolutions, higher frame rates, and just overall better performance. Plus the convenience factors I stated earlier.

what am I mad about?

The same process that goes through their mind when they console war.
>my favorite company good and can do no wrong

Yes they got paid for 1 game to 1 person(you).

Selling used games is actually worse than piracy. Piracy groups might ask for donations but selling used games means you are profiting off a game you put no effort in making.

It has been explained to you a billion times in this thread, not new IP.

because people don't grandstand like they are fucking heroes when they steal movies.

>digital media

You aren't paying for the disc, you are paying for the rights to play the game.

Aren't you starting to have in mind the posibility of those people being payed to shill here

>Pay 60 dollars for game
>Sell for 20
>You aren't paying for the disk
Yes I literally am, retard.

I pirated when I had no money. Now when I have money I don't pirate anymore.

It starts off as trolling
But then retards take it seriously once people start explaining the thought process behind why they pirate.

me on the left

I pirate because a paid shill is going to make 2 cents replying to this post

Honestly it's one of three
>autists that get their kicks to pretend to flame about inane shit
>literal marketers
Honestly I don't know which is worse

>electronic toy companies

This is the most low effort bait I've ever seen.

Attached: bait.png (625x626, 66K)

If that's true then there are a hell of a lot of them. Where would I have to go to get paid to shitpost?

Piracy is equally damaging to the value of intellectual property. When there are infinite copies of a game available for $0, it causes the value of the game to collapse to zero. The data is there, when a game gets cracked the sales go into freefall.

Guess what happens when you put the disc in retard.
You install it digitally, and any patches/updates are downloaded digitally.

This is why Developers get away with banning players from a game they paid for, the game doesn't actually belong to you in the ToS/ToU

best case scenario all ingenuity and initial markets are niche, which would probably lead to a stagnant economy, all to justify piracy

I dunno but do your research about the 50 cents party

>The game doesn't belong to you
That disk belongs to me. I paid 50 cents for that disk nigger, I can piss on it for all I care.

PirateCHADS > seething moralfag tourists

the economy is already stagnant to anyone who doesn't make billions. Gdp isn't distributed in a way that justifies further growth.

he is not wrong. He is paying$0.50 for the disk and $59.49 for the game license.

>secret service

I used to do it when I wasn't sure my computer could run the games I wanted to try. Now years have passed and my computer is still the same so I know he can't run new games anymore, so I stopped pirating them

You can shove it up your ass if you want
The disc is a key, but you are paying to open the door.

>Nupirate calling himself a chad
You mean be FROM Chad, but you ain't a chad.

it would be way more stagnant

>piracy is wrong because the developers aren't getting money for their game
>Selling used games is ok even though developers aren't getting money for that sale

I like how people are getting flustered over pointing out a simple fact.

And I can sell that key all I want

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There is literally nothing wrong with piracy

If only one person ever bought any single player game and every other person pirated the game, there is nothing wrong with that. That is an inherent risk the game developers took.

I pirate because there's no demos and I'm not paying $30 to see if a game is good I'm looking at you Factorio