Is there a good reason to play video games instead of doing something productive with your life?

Is there a good reason to play video games instead of doing something productive with your life?

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To have fun, relieve stress.

Kill yourself fake fan, you didn't even care about Wii Fit Trainer before Smash

Remember going to bestbuy to dick around with the wii fit board demo they had set up
time flies

That fun you're having isn't real fun. You've simply lied to yourself about your video game addiction to believe its anything other than a waste of your time and life.

God I want her to sit on my face bros

>there are fans of wii fit
We are reaching new levels of contrarianism.

>That fun you're having isn't real fun


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Why bother doing anything with your life, you’re just going to die, why not save the time and effort and kill yourself now.

I work 6 days a week, sometimes up to 10 hours a day.
I'm also a social autist, so games are literally the only enjoyment I can get atm

Real fun is going out with friends. Traveling across the world and seeing sights. Sitting around and looking at a screen may be fun in the moment but you will regret it in time.


It's one of the best selling games of all time user

I have several hobbies that easily takes up a majority of my spare time. Videogames are not one of them. Without atleast one braindead activity, the rest of my hobbies would be bland and not as special as they are when I can place them in a hierarchy of importance.

>play video games as my main hobby
>relatively cheap because I don’t buy games often/play the same games
>allows me to save up money to travel
>going to Vegas in a few weeks, again.

I’ve already been to Cabo and Vegas this year, all because I stay at home and play vidya

Yeah well did you finish college? If you work min wage and still live with your parents while playing games you might just be a proactive loser.

I dunno
I just collect guns on the side
I like guns

>Is there a good reason to not perform explicitly productive activities 100% of the time?
You are not very bright, huh.

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No faggot, me AND my gf live with my mom. She’s a teacher and I make almost twice minimum wage, but we still can’t afford shit where we live. Have $40,000 saved up for a downpayment when we find something cheap tho

imagine how sweaty her futa cock is in those pants after a workout

You know what else is even less fun and productive? Making shit threads like this you faggot.

Well thats nice n all but are you in shape? All that time playing video games should be better off spent working out.

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yes vidya actually convinced me to workout, seeing fit women and strong men persuaded me

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This post is so obviously immature but at the same time it's clear you're completely oblivious to it. I'm not even sure you would try to comprehend if I tried to explain where you are wrong and why anyone with a couple of brain cells would immediately see how narrow minded you are.

only faggots need a reason to do something

>get addicted to the burn from working out
>just like the burn not the actual work out
I don't get it, what's missing? where is my motivation?

6 feet tall and 180 lbs
Eat anything I want cause my metabolism hasn’t went to shit quite yet

>tfw no muscle mommy gf

based retard

>tfw one of the most fuckable Nintendo girls is a yoga practicing mannequin

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>thinly veiled fap thread because OP is too much of a pussy faggot to just make a fap thread

>Work self like crazy so I can retire at 50 just in time for the mass extinction to kick into high gear

I'm good, just gonna relax while I can.

I'm a /fit/ NEET and my only two hobbies are lifting and vidya.

what if the reason is "it's cool"

Simply put if you're not streaming or going to tourneys, playing video games it's just it's not worth it. I'm just trying to say you should try to make playing games productive in some way.
Fappening is also unproductive and you should be putting that spunk in a vagina and procreating like a good human should.

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If you had little bit of flab before you should be REALLY happy how fit you're allowed to get, also just get on tinder and bag lonely milfs or cute college girls my dude. Also if you hang out with anyone then if it's hot you won't smell like shit like fattys, and you become likeable.
for me i just workout for {REDACTED}, and feel joy thinking about it

Depression makes it to where I don't want to do anything!

fun is just a buzzword

Depression is just a buzzword

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>fell for the depression jew

Working out is a meme.

>people don't recognize a thinly veiled bait thread that's just really an excuse to post Trainer
>when every talking point is as cliche as you could fucking get
I know you guys revel in the shit posting but God damn.

Wii Fat Trainer is best

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Depression or are you just using it as an excuse?
Depression is a very real thing and I sympathize with people who have it, but take a step back, and ask your self, are you actually depressed? Or are you just using depression as an excuse to be lazy?

Working out is a core component of being a real human

She cute

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Where's the version without the face

what did they mean by this

Well now I want to do something, but can't decide between exercise or fapping.

brapping ass mother fucker

Post the futa version

Belting a massive fart.

Doing something productive is just as meaningless, because at some point you're going to die anyway.

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What if I play videogames in my off time when I'm done with productive things for the day?

So you might as well spend your life doing things you enjoy, or at least taking the necessary steps to ensure you enjoy a longer life while still doing the things you enjoy. Sometimes this means looking at the big picture and making a few sacrifices here and there to set your enjoyment up in the future.

Why not make sure your life on Earth is as high quality as possible for your entire life?

No it isn't, you donut

>fatty goes straight to a food saying
Have exercise.

Real life has too much RNG. There's no guarantee if I put in the effort that I'll become successful or find a 3D wife

There's a guarantee that if you put in no effort you won't be successful.


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I'm getting mixed messages is this thread suppose to make me fap to wii fit trainer or

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

>6 feet tall and 180 lbs
confirmed fat

You're supposed to do a set of exercises, do some cardio, then wind down with a fap to wii fit trainer

Black Asian Male Female

my dick demands more big ladies

I'm not fat.

>lifting for thots


Imagine the smell

Smells fragrant and foul

I play video games once I’ve gotten everything I needed to do that day out of the way. If you feel like you’re wasting your life being unproductive that’s on you faggot. Have some discipline and self control.

that's a wii FAT trainer

For me, if I'm busy with school, of course education takes priority. But everything else, boot up that modded Wii and play some Sega Genesis games.

Im sorry i made a bad thread ive just been feeling really bad. Thinking of killing myself because ive done nothing since graduation but working and playing games.

Define 'productive'.

Getting a career

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Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.

>doing something productive with your life?
Say that to Ninja and PDP. I'm sure they have a more productive life than most people including you and me.

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I had a girlfriend like her once and she was a fucking addict for that stupid fetish of hers.

Others have greatly productive lives that most cannot obtain, which means no one should be productive
Big brain basement boy

being productive is hella gay


I bet her feet smells awful

No. That is your vision of fun.
Fun is subjective.