Every character you met in the game helps you against the final boss

>every character you met in the game helps you against the final boss

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I'm still salty about ME3

>[Your name] kept praying

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>every character you met in the game tries to stop you
>kill them all

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Iconoclasts blew this out of the park desu. Making it this hidden, earned thing felt fantastic.

SO this is what it's like to have true friends T>T

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>Every character you meet in the game gets in your way
Real Life sucks

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>antagonist is a female and she grabs your hand in order to combine your power for a duo kamehameha

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child of light, pretty great and cute game

>it's an "everyone supports you in the last fight and powers you up" episode
Goddamn, that shit always tears me up.

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Dragon Age 2 did this really well. Your whole party is there, not just the 4 people you're playing as, and other ancillary characters. The tank's husband, the pirate's fuck toy, another Gray Warden etc

>your party has a colorswapped rival party

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get back to r/eddit nigger

>You witness a character mature throughout the story
>Character then sacrifices himself for you to reach your goal

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Every character you meet turns against you in order to stop you but you must continue your mission as it’s the most righteous path despite what they believe.

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>You are that character

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OFF anyone?

>enemies from earlier start killing each other for their drops so that you can collect them and beat the final boss with the added power

I hate when it's done poorly in shit like avatar tla, endgame, teen titans, or gurren lagan.

It's baller as fuck when it's done correctly, like when Gohan is facing off against Cell and Vegeta finally steps up and helps out.

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>All your party members are dead. You die at the end too, but the world is safe.

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>200 man unite morphs

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Wait what was wrong with Teen Titans ending or Gurren Lagann?

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Protect Earth

Related to that gif, a side character that isn't that big of a deal anymore goes all out and rivals or even exceeds the MC in terms of power.
That's some good shit.

says the capeshitter
capeshit is pure redditry

Farscape did this the best.

>every character you met in the game helps you against the final boss
>they all die in an anticlimatic way

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>and Vegeta finally steps up and helps out.
> Gohan is struggling
> Faint Piano intensifies

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what was wrong with avatar?

>Cool character that was lost comes back
>Antagonist cheaply kills one of the mainstays to break even

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>most of them reveal themselves to be shitbags on the inside anyway
>some of them reveal themselves to be actually good people on the inside
>kill them either way because they're going to hurt your little buddy

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>all of your friends turn on you in the last mission

>all of your friends turn you on

the music from that scene still hits me


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fuck off weeb poster

>The old badass who'd become so jaded that he no longer cared was inspired to fight again by the party one last time

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For starters Titans S5 wasn't meant to happen so the entire season was a rush job secondly it's the most hamfisted bit in the entire series since several characters who were established to be dead in their one-off episodes come back for no reason at all.

>allies realize when they die they drop health orbs
>start killing each themselves in mass to throw the health drops to you during the final boss fight

>you have a rival that you are forced to kill at some point
>reach the final boss
>he respects your strength and ability to beat him, and helps you from beyond the grave

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>game requires you to sacrifice your allies to beat the final boss

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I was actually fine with that
what really pissed me off was the fact that having high war assets barely changed how the final mission went
>woops they were all shot down so you gotta do it yourself jesus ;)
but no that would've required more work

>enemy from the previous game teams up with you in the end, redeeming themselves

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>villain has a sad background not mentioned until late in the game long after you defeated him

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>Villain's motives are unclear
>Villain becomes more and more sympathetic as the game goes on and you learn more about his motives
>Game ends with neither side being objectively "the good guys"

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>final boss is an ultimate evil world-destroying level threat
>everyone, from your entire party, to your unplayable allies, to your ideological rivals, to the petty bandits and corrupt nobles that were antagonists in the early game, show up for the final battle on your side

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What are some games that do this? Horizon and Iconoclasts come to mind

Fuck Bioware, Obsidian showed how it's done two years prior to ME3
There is a crapload of variables in the final mission that change, depending on your choices
Like how the old farts swoop in to help you out on a helicopter if you did their quest, or radio chatter from camp golf with misfits defending it if you trained them
Even if many of those things are small, they are more impactful than a shitty pre-rendered cutscene
It should have been the same in ME3 to showcase your war assets in action, but no, they didn't even bother

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MGQ did this, was amazing

>villain turns against another, bigger villain because only -they- are allowed to beat the hero, no one else

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>you are fighting outnumbered and outgunned by a vast margin on a shitty planet
>you survive armies sent against you
>you survive endless artillery thrown at you
>you survive nuclear bombs blasted at you
>you survive a planetary extermination virus which annihilates all organic matter on the planet's surface, like a cockroach god
>you finally die alongside your team, but you die knowing you brought the mightiest of shame to your arrogant enemy

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>goofy comic relief character gets fed up with being a joke and ends up being one of the most powerful people in the party

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>the cool and confident party member actually has the most tragic backstory of any of your companions

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>had Birdie, Terry and Shocklord in my party
What have I done

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>Game actually has the antagonist it built up for the entire story be the final battle instead of throwing in a bunch of redemption, revealing he was being manipulated by another villain, etc.
Not enough games do this. I'm so sick of shitty twists being shoehorned in because devs are afraid of telling a straightforward story.

To this day, the Spirits cheering you up when you cast Quadruple Giga still warms my heart.

>comic relief character's life is gradually shown to be shit and gets shittier as the story gets on
>finally hits rock bottom
>is at the point where someone tries to crack a joke in his stead and he blows up at them for it

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Name 3

>the party member who was lost everything and his only motivation is blood lust

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>Boss forces herself into your party

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>your partner is the final boss
>you defeat him
>he forgives you

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FFVI was the last good game to do this. Prove me wrong; you can't.

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goddamn why does a fucking porn game have to go this hard for the final boss

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>everybody turns on you in the end and the villain was actually your friend

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>main character is forced to team up with an old enemy/villain/someone that they hate in order to tackle a bigger threat
>the hero and villain are at each other's throats the entire time, nonstop banter between both of them until they learn to begrudgingly respect each other at the end of the journey
any games like this?

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>main villain is set up for the entire story
>main villain is overthrown by a secondary villain at the last minute
>but main villain comes back stronger and becomes final boss once again

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