Want to get into anime games

>want to get into anime games
>all the characters look like this and have an annoying voice
I just can't

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Try Gungrave

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what anime character is this? I need to know cause I want to nut

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I can not stand the high pitch squealing of asian women. It makes me irrationally angry. I wish it didn't, but that's life

>looking for anime games on steam
>all the characters are annoying petite lolis or thicc as fuck milfs with nowhere in between
>almost 0 tomboy anime girls on steam

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Fucking yikes.

>tomboy anime girls

literal meme, grow up

>tfw You will never have an anime tomboy gf

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Yea Forums isn't allowed to like tomboys. Back to traps and lolis for you.

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>nowhere in between
i literally can't into big titty anime high school girls. they're physically repulsive to me at this point
honestly needs to be lolis or mommies

Will this shitty meme ever die? Bet you don't even know his pseudonym. Just beating a dead horse because you have seen other kids do so

Sakura Tange’s voice is heavenly



Does anything ever beat the elin body?

wish I could go full ryona on this minislut

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I'm into anime but the games are usually too much for me. I could never play those neptunia games or anything. The closest I get is final fantasy and grandia 1-2. Those were good.

The art's good unlike Shad's /aco/ tier garbage, what's the problem here?

This is a funny and cute thread

Asanagi is a hentai artist who draws cute shortstacks getting beaten, amputated and mindbroken by muscular males. Nothing that special regarding the media in question, but it sparked a meme where people compare him to Shad

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I wish I was her.

Watch JOJO

weird meme, I haven't seen it alot either. I just dont like shad because of the uncanny way he draws characters.

its because asanagi has a recognizable style (lots of anons cry about his sameface) so people just meme that he's shad, because shad is also instantly recognizable
can also be done with space jin

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This image makes my balls ache.

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>japanese shadman

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The sameface is pretty cute though

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I want Space Jin's Samus to castrate me tbqh

>he doesn't want a samus that snorts cocaine and gets on all fours like a worthless dog

Weird fetish but I can respect it


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I want to be a little boy in a Nmasse or Aimaitei doujinshi tbqh

I want both at different times. Tamakeri bitch Samus and broken bimbo Samus are both hot af
Also what about both of them in one, for different people

I want to be this samus but be cbt'd and castrated by space jin samus

yeah i like it too
its too bad his comics are far inferior to his individual illustrations

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>japanese Shadman
How to ruin a thread with your first post

Stop this meme, shit taste fag.

>Asanagi fan criticizing someone's taste

>not sticking solely to the porn

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>Being a feminist

Using the heels of her zero suit while looking down at you as you present your about to be crushed balls?

women attempting to femdom then losing to the dick is my fetish, and asanagi does it the best

Yes, pleading with my face both for it to happen and not happen, scared but so so turned on.

ahem... source

Go press "F" on a Fortnite stream chat like your other class mates do. You clearly want to

Does Asanagi or anyone with a similar style do anything more vanilla? I really dig how he draws but I'm too much of a bitch for the heavy stuff.

his azure lane one had a surprisingly cute ending

no they either draw ntr, gang rape or the fat ugly bastard route
usually combinations of those

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Based, only dicklets are too weak to handle that

It's called knowing your audience.

Just give in and fap to it. His characters are hedonistic and masochistic sows who turn everything into pleasure. If the characters were real they wouldn't want it any other way.

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~le jap shadmen dabs'n *farts*
Americans are weird.

>all the characters look like this
and that's a problem why exactly

Tried to already, with him and other artists. Can't do it man. Always feel miserable afterwards.

That's fine, at one point you'll get over the guilt and start enjoying it.

>japanese shadman

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I think that this is how I am. It's been this way for as long as I can remember. At least there's plenty of other stuff to look at, but I wish there was something in his style that suits my tastes.


I love this angle for the big-titted girl, it's perfect

dif user here but i've been vanilla loli for 12 years no shame bro

i couldnt watch code vein, it was way too anime for me. YOU ARE SPECIAL!!

god he makes such delicious thighs

>not vanilla

Fair enough, just always remember that there are weaklings in this thread who'd even kill someone to be treated like Asanagi draws them.

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I wish I have talent to draw like him.

Vanilla is too bland for me and I like depraved things, and contrast between small pretty girl and fat ugly guy is the best

God I love these types of views especially with skin tight stuff

>want to get into thing because you want to be included
>don't actually like thing
Sounds to me like you're just retarded

Nice hyperbole, faggot.

>annoying voice
I used to think that too. That's why I always watched dubbed anime, good thing I left that phase a long time ago

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I know I would

I know it's you shad stop forcing it

>looking for anime games on steam
>all visual novel garbage

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Why do girls enjoy being insulted and mistreated

Good girl!

be amputeefag hate guro there hardly any non guro doujins fuck

>small with big tits

no way fag

It's natural for females to be dominated

>so people just meme that he's shad, because shad is also instantly recognizable
you conveniently left out the part about shitty repetitive fetishes
there's not a single work by Asanagi that doesn't devolve into the same shit
it's boring above all else

Thank you...

>I'm too much of a bitch for the heavy stuff.
Pathetic, just like fags crying about their holy virgin eyes in exhentai comments of my guro cannibalism comics


I fucking hate that. Like.. I'm a big scat fan, I'm always prowling the scat tag.
If you don't like scat why the fuck did you read something that has scat in it? Fucking retards.

"stop liking what I don't like" isn't an argument


>there's actually non VN games
>all RPG maker with default medieval fantasy assets

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employing ""stop liking what I don't like"" as a deflection from criticism isn't an argument either
asanagi is boring tripe. deal, kiddo

>not getting off to suffering

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It's like with roguelike games. You always have this weekly retard who buys the game and makes this post "I like the game but I hate permadeath, can you remove it?". Some people really are this oblivious.

you don't have criticism, you have stated your subjective opinion which isn't anything

Females have been predominately been dominated throughout history. When men waged wars and overtook castles it was common for them to take the women and rape or kill them. They've evolved to like this as a survival mechanism.

bullying little girls is great but its just gross when its fat old men doing it
>b-b-but that just means she's more humiliated!
no its gross to me too at that point and i don't want to look at it

>he hasnt taken the idort pill

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you're a bad person

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>not self inserting as the female

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>asanagi having zero variety is subjective
yeah okay, champ. whatever you say

Based, I love being the girl in this stuff.

You not liking the "zero variety" is subjective, retard.

It is, he draws girls with different bodies and covers different fetishes, also 99% of his drawings are vanilla as fuck
Asanagi haters are just memeing autists

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sorry user i'm not gay and don't want to be dommed by a male. it just ain't for me but if you like it thats ok

he is producing what he wants to produce and you do not like that, that is an opinion

good to see king crimson's meme expressions made it into the anime

source on the game?

>wants to be dismembered and killed


God bless you user.

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>not inserting as the shota

It's hot


Also based

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>he doesn't

that's a respectable opinion to have and i'm gladd we can get over our differences. thank you user

>wanting to self-insert as a kid to cope with your micropenis
dicklets should fuck off, /ss/ is a garbage fetish

>he doesn't like the thought of slowly being strangled to death as everything fades to black while goblin exclaims he's going to cum inside you

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I hope he do more trap stuff

Sorry, I meant this one, and it's just too hot

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Source me, senpai! :DD

She cute

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>want to get into anime games
>all the gameplay is shit

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np user take care

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>that fat bursting tent right below his bulky stomach

I want to smother my face against it

Seems reasonable

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You know that Shadman doujin with the horns right? And how the girls turn into retards when you remove one horn and double retard when you cut both horns off? But for the sake of symmetry, what if you cut half of each horn off, what happens then? Questions, questions.

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Can't view desu! :D

Just give the title please or artist :D


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I wish I could use you being her

This user is cute

thanks user i didn't know this was around

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>shadman dojuin
What, that dude just does one off comics?

that would depend, presumably the horns could grow back if you only cut off some of them but there is probably a point where cutting them like that is the same as cutting them off completely

Ive already read that


This one is good and super hot


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Me too user.
I want anons to abuse me in any way they want.

I don't have panda account
Just give artist/title tbf ;D

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He's a memester, hes referring to an asanagi doujin

God I want to choke you, no homo

I wouldn't mind that

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>When half decent tomboy media is almost as hard to find as a decent real life tomboy.
Why were we put here? Just to suffer?

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I want to curbstomp you.

Oh god I accidentally did a fucking slip. The meme went to my head. Yeah I meant fucking Asanagi. Jesus Christ.

That would be lots of fun.
Source on this pic?
That sounds hot.

Take your ERP elsewhere faggot.


Remember to skip the first episode

I didn't mean that in a sexual way.

I need a fucking sequel to this goddamit

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The first thing I'd do is to pull your fat tits hard, just mash your soft breasts in my palms and fingers to pull you in and take advantage of your following masochistic moan to shove my tongue down your throat

That's what they all say, faggot.

games with this aesthetics?

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People desire the things they lack. Weebs like vanilla because we miss human contact and warmth.

Sometimes we do get in a weird mood when we want to see abuse, tentacles, insects, or whatever. But in the end what we wish for most in the world is having someone to cuddle with.

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Vanilla just makes me sad so i avoid it.

i'm just horny nigga

The further away from reality it is, the better it is for my ego.

Tamagoro is really good and reallt tame too. He ain't a purityfag, though, but the actual fetishes are light.

Me in the tie.

Yes that's the next stage. I feel exactly the same way, reading a good vanilla doujin makes me feel like shit because I'll never obtain this happiness. Yet it's something I crave.

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Play Rabi-Ribi.

Oh shit that just made me feel incredibly fluffy inside

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>tfw I can tell the artist by the loli

Thanks, I have read this before but I forgot.

ya gotta sauce me senpai

I see you are a man of culture as well.

>using your mind instead of your dick for chosing games

>OP is a pedo fag
>Only picks up games with lolis
>Assumes all weebshit is loli
That's on you OP

based hatenabro

that's an old man

if they arent lolis they are school girls desu.


>tfw my dick bought TR1, Rise and Shadow

TR1 was well worth it for my dick, but then Rise was a little more disappointing and with Shadow they rehashed a lot of the death animations or there simply aren't any.

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