He's in
Cope and deal with it
He's in
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking cringe
remember to sage
Reminder that Rosterfags are degenerate pieces of shit that should be hung on a cross
Smash Ultimate should have never been released because of this autistic faggot shit
Kill yourselves rosterfags
keep seething, Banjoke
seething refusteves
Kill yourselves
Are you a stevefag?
If so you can go and kill yourself as well
tired of seeing this fucking word everywhere. unironically should be filtered like onions and all those other meme phrases
>calling me a stevefag
I hate rosterfags so fucking much
>Started drinking Monster Zeros as my "morning coffee"
>Down 15lbs from what I started
Banjo has a new game coming up on Microsoft's E3 and he'll get revealed as a fighter in Smash. You fucking lost refusteve.
not a stevefag, i just hate the bear
I honestly think it's more likely to be a remake than anything else. They saw that the crash and spyro ones were a success so they'll probably do the same for banjo. Whether it has anything to do with smash has yet to be seen.
>microsoft rep
Get probed you Microshits.
keep bitching, kid. they're in.
>chad kennedy
go invade your dilation hole, space tranny
Bro it most definitely means they're getting in Smash. Sabi and PapaGenos said Banjo in Smash is very likely.
>calling me a stevefag
I want rosterfags to die so fucking badly
no......b-b--b-but virginben said i would be in....what? he said only minecraft content? NO PLEASE NO I DONT WANNA BE A MII COSTUME PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE
Fuck off Banjie, real Leonfags don't want to do with your shitty ass bear
Are these just containment threads or something? What are people getting out of this?
oh hi discord tard.
Not everything is related to smash
>Sabi and PapaGenos said Banjo in Smash is very likely.
>youtubers said that he's in! he's in! based! based!
>fucking YOUTUBERS
the state of banjofags
Literally fucking who
There's only one credible Smash leaker and his reliability jumped off a cliff after the game was released.
Kill yourselves Stevefags
no...please let me out...
Sabi said people exaggerate banjos chances
No she didn't
She supports Banjo
>i dislike banjoke
>this makes me a stevefag by default
fuck you too pal, i hate both
She doesn’t support banjo
Yes she does
copey copey
seethey stevey
they themselves also think he has a good chance
Why do you do this to yourself, banjofags
Stop this, OP. Its not happening. I bet you barely even play smash. Why do you hold on to what you know will never be
>still using old screenshots
Jesus christ you Banjoids are obsessed
No, crash and nemesis are in.
Go back to gameshit retard
Sabi is 50/50 on banjo and Steve and PapaGenos isn’t an insider
A premature victory is a guaranteed way to get BTFO.
Smash in general should get it’s own containment board so that these autistic rosterfags can fight all they want
Grinch Leak flashbacks
why does a bear have human hands and feet?
i mean stevies have been doing exactly that for MONTHS
Ignore em Kaleb, they can't hurt you sweetie.
I still think we’re getting Steve, E3 can’t come soon enough
The difference between you and I Banjoke?
We, Stevechads have been posting for that long because our victory IS guranteed, we have the facts.
Meanwhile, you banjokes are posting with NO evidence, NO support, NO facts.
yep you won alright
>Minecraft Storymode can't be redownloaded now, even if you own the game already.
>Steve's being phased out.
>Vergeben stopped saying anything minecraft related
>Banjo getting a remake.
Oh no nono
Rosterfags deserve to be castrated
I hope that this game will be the last game that ever comes out for smash
Let this series fucking die for fucks sakes
Also fuck rosterfags and discord trannies
If banjo isn’t in or Steve is in then Banjofags will have the hardest btfo that the smash community has ever seen
>What the fuck does that have to do with anything
>Vergeben still saying Minecraft
>Ok and
source on that remake?
>banjo isn’t in
>steve is in
>Vergeben still saying Minecraft
CONTENT. Mii costume or a stage. Sorry pal.
Fuck Erdrick and Fuck Steve
Banjo is in and we won. I can't wait to dab on you annoying assholes once E3 arrives.
But what happens if Steve and Erdrick are in
The Grinch is back bayybee!
Never gonna happen
But what if it does happen
At least do your research before you arrogantly assume it means either a Mii costume or stage, faggot. Vergeben saying Minecraft content would be in the game was a mistake, Rathalos' name in the files is Enddragon, which his leaker assumed to be Enderdragon. Hitagi is the one saying Steve is in, period.
Cope blockhead.
He's in and there's nothing you can say to change that.
This isn’t comparable to the Grinch, it’s a banjo phone holder toy
someone who has a HORRIBLE track record, and even left the smash leaking scene, thats great.
Like I said, never gonna happen. You might as well say what if Shrek or Goku gets in LOL
>Believes PapaGenos
the banjokes are btfo super fucking hard, and we can all rejoice in victory
who are you quoting
Again, jumping to conclusions like the faggot you are. I said Hitagi is the one who's claiming anything relating to Steve. Even without any leakers, Steve has a better chance of being in Smash than the autism bear ever will. Banjo will never fucking ever be in Smash. Screencap this.
That’s what’s gonna happen
steve will never be in smash kek
and it'll be glorious
Banjofags can have their remake and Stevechads get Steve in smash
I've been a Banjobro since Melee and with all the evidence that is appearing for his inevitable inclusion puts tears to my eyes. I'm looking forward to E3 so I can hear a beautiful remix of the Banjo main theme followed by blockheads shitting their pants and having asthma attacks.
banjofags can seethe and writhe as their remake still doesn't buy them enough relevence to get in smash
Don’t celebrate too early and there’s no evidence for his inclusion
Can't wait for Erdrickfags and Stevefags to cry bitch tears as Banjo btfos them.
copey copey
refusey stevey
Steve and Erdrick is Incineroar split in two
imagine being this far into the denial cesspit
Their tears are only growing more riper
They won’t cause you’re a gullible retard
I can't wait until you Erdrincels and Refusteves fuck off forever after E3 when Banjo gets in.
Refusteves are loosing.
It's a shame because I would've loved Steve and Alex.
But, oh well. Maybe next smash.
How is Steve losing?
You're asking for it.
>banjo and sora
>leakfag and saltfags tearsexplode and flood the world
literal perfect timeline
It’s Grinch Leak behavior
>b-b-but the grinch leak
Rent free.
not a erdrickfag or refusteve, but you know if they don't get in at e3 they're still gonna shitpost all the way through until the 5th character is announced, potentially even after because "what if there's a fighters pass 2"
Tick tock.
how about you fuck off and die yourself
I guess mentioning the Grinch Leak causes (you) to have a mental break down
oh no no no....stevies are this fucking stupid.
A few Gohan edits and Yea Forums just fucking loses its mind over an entire series. Smash was a mistake.
How does a phone holding figure confirm him for smash
kill yourself erdrincel
>Stevefags are STILL keeping it up
Give it up the Cable Guy figure literally confirmed Banjo.
You're the one seething over some bants.
The refusteves received a massive banjofag retaliation to their infantry this morning.
It seems that their kirkhope bomb yesterday was ineffective.
Is it me or are false flagging Banjofags (like OP and everyone else that posts their meme pics) more annoying than Genofags ever were?
lol, expect windows 10 exclusive versions of the N64 games at best.
Don’t celebrate too early
people like you are fucking dumb
What bants, you mean posting the same few pictures every time he's brought up?
Oh he's in alright. In the breakfast aisle! Fuck Stevefags too
Fuck off Stevefag
>Not wanting Reddit Bear makes me a Stevetranny by default
Rosterfags need a containment board
Here is some fake leaks for no one to acknowledge and/or believe;
>Microsoft@E3 Presentation
>Announce that the Rare Replay collection is coming to Switch and Steam/PC(Releases after conference on PC)
>Announce that Sea of Thieves is coming to Switch with crossplay, and will be included for free to Xbox Game Pass owners.
>Announce that Steve is coming to Smash
>Announce that Banjo is coming to Smash
>Both characters are included in the same pack
>Both get a new stage and a bunch of music
>Mii Fighter Costumes #2 includes Conker Hat and tail, Master Chief Helmet, Gears of War outfit with Chainsaw gun, Viva Pinata hat.
>Nintendo will be announcing Erdrick on their Direct after showing Dragon Quest XI S release date trailer (November 12th 2019)
Thank you for ignoring.
>Not the full Master Chief armor
Get fucked faggot
Banjo is in whether you like it or not.
Look at him go.
This E3 is going to be the ultimate end of blockheads, once and for all. Time for these shitposters to eat crow.
It's fucking happening bros
We finally fucking won
The Gears armor looks pretty chunky and could be used with the helmet for a Chief fighter.
From what I could tell, the chainsaw gun only appears if you pick a Gun/Sword Mii fighter.
Brawlers don't have it.
I can't believe it will all be over next week
>Announce that Steve is coming to Smash
>Announce that Banjo is coming to Smash
>Both characters are included in the same pack
that's not how the fighter pass works you dumbfuck
You are right.
I was lying.
Imagine supporting a character you don't care for or know anything about just so you can say you were right if they get put in. Deeply sad. You should actually be supporting your favs, regardless of whether they're likely or not.
I'm talking directly to you, Erdrickbabies.
It's really sad how these people are acting.
no it won't
there will just be shitposting until the next direct, then the one after that, then the one after that. so on and so forth until feb 2020 where the last smash content is released.
You may be getting a new game. But you sure as hell aren't getting in Smash. But good luck on your remake though!
As if you're any better than Erdrickfags, Graizen.
But a new game is better
Thanks Crash we'll try
Ah yes, the spirit of the grinch really is back!
>Announce that Steve is coming to Smash
>Announce that Banjo is coming to Smash
Imagine actually thinking that in the event Microsoft gets two reps neither of them would be the mascot of the console. It's like having 2 Sega reps but no Sonic, or two Namco reps but no Pac-Man.
Any last words refusteves?
Since Grinch is getting his well-deserved revenge We need OC of Grinch destroying Erdrick and maybe Incineroar as well.
I wish someone would make OC for Banjo. We haven't had any since the Grinch era while Stevefags shit out their abominations every day.
If anons from last year were able to see pictures without context from the future, they would think Steve had a chance at being in Smash but for some reason The Grinch was put in his place. Imagine the confusion. They would also probably be led to believe an amazing video game based on the Grinch came out too that changed video games forever to be included so quickly in Smash.
Fuck you
Fuck you rosterfags
You don't actually care about any of these characters, you just want to shitpost on Yea Forums about who is and isn't in
You could replace Banjo/Erdrick/Steve with literally any other character, all that matters to you mouthbreathers is being able to BTFO people
Even if the character you really "wanted" actually got into Smash Bros, you would play as them for a day at most and then immediately go back to shitposting
You're not a smash fan, you're just a consolewars shitposter with a different coat of paint
That picture is on your side, retarded Sorafag.
copey copey
seethey seethey
Erdrick is about to get his ass beat tho.
Honestly, if I got my character, I would main them and probably stop coming to these threads after I have a week or so to gloat. Once I get my character, I will be fully satisfied.
Dumbass Sorafag
yeah, banjo is IN because of the grinch lea... i mean, the google lea... uhhh, because some random company makes toys for manchildren like us!
>Rosterfag has to pull the usual shit just because of fucking merch being announced
Fuck, the one foil to my plan dilate
My brother did the exact same thing and now has diabetes. Not even joking.
>Stevefags going fucking mental that Banjo's getting shit after his 20th anniversary. With a remake or a new game rumor going around
A cameo in smash that'd get cut.
Or a full on new game.
Cope and seethe, Minecraft Steve.
So, Who's hyped for Banjo's revival whether it's a remaster, new game, Rare Replay, or Smash DLC. I'm excited.
>singled out so hard he tries to hide it
I cannot wait for E3.
Holy shit! He's back!
some random no-name company making a glorified funko pop is not what i'd call "getting shit." the "rumors" of a new game are being made up by banjofags out of desperation.
and let's be honest, would you REALLY want a new game made by nu-rare in its current state anyway? it would make yooka-laylee look good by comparison, and that's assuming microsoft wouldn't just cancel it anyway like they do to all their other games.
>Either Banjo's in Smash
>Or Banjo is getting a new game, meaning he's no longer irrelevant, and a candidate for DLC pack 2 or Smash 6
>Either way the good guys won and stevoids lost
Thanks for having loose lips Exquisite Gaming!
He's out
this is you right now, user
When will enough Smash characters be enough? 10 more? 20 more? Until every video game ever is represented? No, because they'll complain some series have more than others.
When is it, Yea Forums?
>halo and minecraft
>no legacy
If people don't get what they want next week, they'll pull something out of their ass and say they're getting it in just a bit
>Joker having any legacy at all
>Heihachi not in the middle
>Lloyd not relevant
>Hayabusa not original
>Master Chief not original
>Doomguy not original
>Leon not original
>fucking Minecraft not having legacy
What the fuck determines if a character is original or not aside from your own autistic asspulls?
They have one but not as strong as the legacy characters. Their franchises are still pretty new.
Tho Minecraft is a special case so Steve could arguably be in the middle
That's not the official spyro account
Persona is from the 90's and SMT is from the 80's
There haven't been a Tekken or Tales of game for years
All characters could potentially have a unique moveset but to be completely original (read, bringing their own gimmicks to the game like Ryu did) isn't something any character can do
>wanting even more anime swordsmen
>grinch actually died
>banjo, one of the grinch leak characters might actually make it out alive
Is this meme magic?
what happens if banjo doesn't make it?
He will
He won't. He's the new Isaac
>Their franchises are still pretty new
18 years is not new user. Minecraft sure, but Halo has a strong legacy. Unless to you legacy just means "game the existed prior to the year 2000"
Fuck off Stevefag
Banjo is getting in and avenging the Grinch.
that's why i'm saying if not when you dumbass. humor my hypothetical.
>Persona is from the 90's and SMT is from the 80's
Joker solely represents Persona 5. His series name is Persona 5. His icon is from Persona 5. His stage is from Persona 5. All of his spirits are from Persona 5.
If fucking Jack Frost, SMT's literal mascot and most iconic character can't show up, then no, Joker is not a SMT rep. Hell, he doesn't even rep all of Persona, due to the lack of P1/P2 content.
There's no legacy there.
>There haven't been a Tekken or Tales of game for years
Tekken 7 literally had an update two days ago, and constantly gets patches and DLC.
Tales of the Rays has been updated for years straight now.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>All characters could potentially have a unique moveset but to be completely original (read, bringing their own gimmicks to the game like Ryu did) isn't something any character can do
Once again, literally every character on that image can bring something absolutely unique to the table. It doesn't boil down to "Which characters would be unique?" to you, it just boils down to "Which characters do I like?"
If you genuinely don't think Heihachi, Leon Kennedy, Doomguy, or Master Chief would bring something new to the game, then please play some more fucking video games. You know fucking jackshit.
>merch is teased for Banjo
>rosterfags sperg out and scream Banjo4smash
>anyone with half a fucking brain thinks its for a brand new Banjo game
Face it rosterfags, when its revealed at E3 at Microsoft's conference that a brand new Banjo game is coming out and he will not be in smash, you'll once more be proven to be retarded.
Fuck your hypotheticals
I believe in the bird and the bear, they're in.
>what happens if banjo doesn't make it?
Well now that Exquisite Gaming let the bird out of the backpack, even if he doesn't make it into Smash, I'm getting new Banjo SOMETHING, so I'll be happy so long as Steve never touches Smash.
>Hahahahaaha you dumb retards ONLY got a new game!
Uh, oh darn? I guess?
He's not getting in and you know it user, we're getting characters that have nothing to do with Nintendo whatsoever
I hope we get some nice anti-Incineroar OC out of this too.
>we're getting characters that have nothing to do with Nintendo whatsoever
>DUde if you staple these two different quotes together you have a statement from Nintendo that says what I want
Persona 5 being in the game represents the franchise just like FF7 represents FF
I'm not laughing at Banjo fans who would actually like a new game, I'm laughing at rosterfags who sperg out and screech "HE'S IN GUYS, HE'S TOTALLY IN" and don't actually give a single fuck about the series he's from.
user, Banjofags predate rosterfags as a concept entirely.
You're yelling at an imaginary group of people. Banjo in Smash has always been right up there with Banjo-Threeie in the hopes and dreams in every banjofags mind.
>Face it, it's only a new Banjo game and is never coming to smash
uhh, ok? It's new banjo something. I win either way.
>just like FF7 represents FF
Imagine actually thinking that two songs and no spirits does a good job at representing the entirety of Final Fantasy
what if new banjo something, and steve still gets in
>pootis not in legacy
he deserves it
Then I enjoy my new Banjo something and sell my Smash tablet.
No one ever mentioned them doing a good job lmao
I can't even begin to imagine how pathetic somebody would have to be to be a part of a dedicated shitposting discord
Fuck you and your thread filthy rosterfag
Not like it matters anyway considering Cloud actually does the exact same shit as Joker and only represents one game of the series
Just cause he’s getting something new doesn’t mean he’s in smash.
They’ll announce a banjo game coming to xbox and switch but no smash news
Oh nooooooo
And you call us autistic. Holy damn.
copey copey
you'll never be able to seethe him out of smash. :)
Minecraft Dungeons is to be released this year
dumb furry barafag
>Spinoff that Steve isn't in
oh no no no no no no
All of you are.
Now get on your knees bitch
>Banjo remake
>no banjo in smash
dumb furry banjofag
Imagine hinging on a faggot like Papagenos for news
i lived long enough to see banjofags become the new stevefags
there is potential
Bandana Dee
shovel knight
Pride cometh before the fall
Get fucked, the Grinch is about to analvore you out of relevancy and your shallow meaningless victory.
cope, you will always have to see based roar's face on the character selection screen.
He’s right tho
Steve’s reveal is gonna be fucking amazing
>rosterfags don't exist
Sure faggot. Keep telling yourself that. Anyone who goes "X character is totally in smash now guys!" because of some random merch unrelated to Smash, is a rosterfag, regardless of the character they shill for.
Its unironically only gotten worse since Smash 4 and DLC happened. I hope the day comes when smashfags get their own board to shit up instead of Yea Forums so I don't have to see them autistically screech about how literally anything somehow means a character is totally in their game now.
>Steve gets into smash
>Banjo gets a new game
It’s a win win for both sides
Imagine selling your Switch because Steve got in
I don’t see how a figure confirms banjo. Does all the Steve toys confirm Steve? No, does the Erdrick “toy” confirm Erdrick? No
but he's in user, can't really get revenge when he's the only one besides ken who won
I am going to shitpost for an entire year if Geno, Banjo, Steve, Erdick, and Doomguy aren't in.
That specific brand is known to show figures before that character's announcement. They did Sonic right before Mania was announced, Crash before N.Sane Trilogy was announced. and Spyro before Reigned Trilogy was announced.
I dunno what it means for smash, but for my guess it's that, during banjo's new game development. Phil made a deal with Nintendo to put Banjo in smash to advertise the new game, and in exchange they'll port their console exclusives like Cuphead, Ori, etc.
desu, I don't care about Smash DLC. I'm just excited for new Banjo stuff
It’s a banjo remake, the rest of the things you listed sounds like a huge stretch
enjoy your 3 day vacation user
When did Banjobros become such faggots? You weren't nearly this obnoxious pre-release. Don't tell me you actually fell for Steveposting, did you?
>That specific brand is known to show figures before that character's announcement. They did Sonic right before Mania was announced, Crash before N.Sane Trilogy was announced. and Spyro before Reigned Trilogy was announced.
Steve leaks
Like I said, it's my guess. I'll be down for a Banjo Remake, hell even a Rare Replay port on my switch is fine by me.
>When did Banjobros become such faggots?
when they grew up with a nu-maledo 64 and no games instead of god-tier consoles like the ps1 and the dreamcast.
Says the retard defending rosterfags
Take a long walk of a short pier
well fuck, you're already gonna have to commit. you've listed 5 characters, and we're only getting 4 more.
When Goku gets in
Geno is deconfirmed and I don’t see banjo happening
I really want Banjo, but I could honestly care less who gets in Smash.
Sony's best doesn't even come close to Nintendo's worst. Quest 64 would be like a gift from the messiah to their simpleton minds.
Cool, but we’re still getting Steve
His ass
They're more obnoxious then ever because rosterfags who aren't even fans of the character latched onto Banjo and started shitposting hard for him. Not to mention when the Grinch "leak" happened he was a character in that and people who are still mad about it being fake latched onto characters like Banjo who still have some extremely slim chance to get into their video game.
I'm on the same boat as you. It's been a literal decade since we had new Banjo Kazooie-related content. Its about damn time they return.
exhibit a.
>faggots still unironically believing that the protag of literally the most well-known JRPG franchise in the world won't be in
I hope so but you smell like a falseflagging instigator.
he's already in, user.
Do you guys even play this game? I bet more than half of you are just shitposting for the hell of it and don't even play the damn game be honest
But Red is already in.
>seething stevefags
I do but I hate rosterfags with a fucking passion
I hope that every single one of them dies brutally in multiple different ways
Unironically based
>Implying that many anons on this board believed in the Google Theory
I think what user is implying is for revenge against the insiders and to be fair, the insiders so far aren't right about the DLC for smash ultimate.
That pic was to mock erdrick with the google theory fighters beating the shit out of him you dumb sorafag/plantfag.
But Cloud is in and SE didn't really want him back in ultimate.
Is there anyone who doubts Sans at this point?
they don't
what? pokemon is literally the most well-known jrpg franchise in the world. it's the highest-grossing media franchise ever and the best-selling jrpg series ever.
Should I get a haircut? Looks like pic currently
>The figure is another piece of merchandise
>No new banjo game
>Steve gets in
How hard would Banjofags kill themselves
I want sans just to see the legendary shitstorm on Yea Forums
they're too busy arguing between steve and banjo that they're ignoring virtually everyone else, save for erdrick
Most rosterfags play the game for two weeks online and then drop it until an update comes out, rinse and repeat. Compfags are unironically less autistic as they actually enjoy the game for the game's sake.
Imagine Sans, Steve and Erdrick getting in Yea Forums would never recover
Smash Ultimate is jank as fuck and kind of boring, and I barely have time to play it between school/work. I honestly want Banjo in because the Smash music team is god tier and they'd make some fucking incredibly remixes.
The Beneath the Mask remix they did for Joker is a godsend and I don't even like Persona that much.
Nice try. Stevecucks are the only ones rooting for Cuckrick. Nobody actually cares about this literal who for his game, they just want to piss off people who want actual good Square-Enix characters.
Cont: I have multiple mains in no particular order
>Captain Falcon
No, they’re too busy crying about banjo or Steve
Don't you dare try and ruin the good name of heavybros by falseflagging as one, Erdrickscum.
Nah it looks fine. Comb it a little tho
Nice try, sorafag.
It would unironically be a good surprise pick though, very popular in JP and the west, fits right in with the earthbound characters, dope music, not to mention the deltarune demo is already on switch.
Absolutely seething Sorafag
>tfw never ever
hold me, Yea Forumsros
is smashposting now Yea Forums culture?
>smash remix of the meet the scout theme
>The Beneath the Mask remix they did for Joker is a godsend
couldn't disagree more. i hate that remix because it misses the point of the original song and also because lyn's vocals sound weirdly rushed for some reason.
no p2 music is also a bummer. they really couldn't even give us unbreakable tie?
How hard is Yea Forums gonna seethe when Minecraft and Dragon Quest guy gets announced
>it misses the point of the original song
Remixes aren't supposed to keep the point of the original song, the lyrics are still intact, so it still has the same meaning in that sense even if it's not fitting as chill lounge music anymore.
I personally love how they kept the instrumentation and funk on par with the other Persona songs.
keep proving my point.
>raymanfags on meltdown itt
jesus christ
Imagine not
Neither of them will ever be in. The E3 reveals are Banjo and Sora. Cope and seethe, discord zoomer.
>in 2019
And if it's Banjo and Erdrick?
I can’t take you rosterfags seriously anymore
You have actually made me laugh for so long
I hate all of you. I hate all of you so much
who do you think is doing all the falseflagging? open your eyes sheep
It won’t be banjo and Erdrick, it’ll be Steve and Erdrick
I hate you too user
Now kill yourself
i'm just waiting for the salt and rage when agumon gets announced.