Play a DQ game and shut up

I just don't understand the hate Erdrick gets. He's not a "Generic anime sword man". If you faggots ever sat down and played a dragon quest game, you would think the opposite. Please, just play a DQ game. Give the series a chance and don't be a negative ass hat when he's revealed in smash, because it's gonna happen.

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I played DQ IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, and thought they were charming and I like the monster designs, but I dropped them all after a few hours. I've given the series a lot of chances but I think it's just not for me.


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And thats fine, I understand that. At least you've given them a chance unlike most people.

based and Kazap-pilled
cringe and Zomapilled

fuck off shill

>he's a fan of this series and he wants to post about it
>this clearly must mean he's a shill

Give me something he particularly stands out as doing other than "legendary hero" that isn't wielding a sword and project common/generic spells.

I'll wait.

Example: Isaac from Golden Sun is a earth bender. Shulk can see visions of the future.

Literally no one actually cares about this guy. Erdrick"""fans""" need to be noosed.

see you at E3

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what is this

I think its about time a Dragon Quest rep got some support in smash.

>Shulk can see visions of the future
And how does that translate into fun gameplay in Smash? Yet another counter.

It seems to be a shot of Kazooie's big birb bottom.

have sex

play video games

I've only played DQ 9 for mainline, but played all the DQM:J games and Rocket Slime. Metal Slime is the best Slime.

Erdrick can summon monsters, and types of slime. He can use different weapons besides just swords. If you've ever played a Dragon Quest game, you would know.

>bootleg D&D JRPG
even worse than FF, lmao

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The dragon quest games are just plain average. There's nothing special about the series besides it being the first of its kind.