Is it already forgotten? Have you not heard about the controversy?

Is it already forgotten? Have you not heard about the controversy?

Attached: pd.png (729x558, 789K)

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I don't get it, what's so special about it in the first place? Looks like over glorified gameboy to me.

I’m conflicted, on the one hand trannies are abhorrent people, on the other hand you really shouldn’t be able to copyright something like the phrase “play date”, they should at least have to do a cheeky respelling or something like that

Whomever wrote that second article has no grasp on the English language.

>Copyright explicitly says that it's only for a gaming console and nothing else
>Panic reaches out and says "hey we think people might get confused because we own a copyright for this/it's becoming known, maybe you should change your name"
Mentioning the copyright was a mistake but the fact of the matter is that the people behind this showcase flipped shit and assumed the worst when nothing was ever going to fucking happen. Panic has no fucking case to stop them from using Playdate as a name for their event.

Stop talking about it, that's literally all they want.

Not much, it's clearly getting a lot of press because of some under-the-table deal going on between the devs and journalists.

its an autogenerated bot to farm curiosity clicks. like those ad articles that get suggested with obviously fake shit

Fuck off

Look at how shitty and small it is, and they show it off with what may be the UGLIEST game ever made, that looks like a retard drew it on an etch a sketch. Pure hipster bullshit, hipsters scamming hipsters, there is not going to be a single decent game on it.

both of these articles have nothing to do with what the links say, the first one is changed the second one is a fake article
fuck you eat shit and die, op

That's really gotta be it. It doesn't have any particularly redeeming features.

Basically a shittier expensive version of one of these

Attached: 9B4C1823-004E-4B24-8078-5E6A433E3DE7.jpg (759x1000, 189K)

this shit will live and die like Ouya , shitty Zoomer device with 0 chance of getting even 1% of the vidya market

You are a retarded nigger

>P-please keep talking about my product, we even have a controversy!

>see calendar
>June 1st
Well that would explain you

You're the zoomer if you're comparing this thing to the disaster that was the ouya

It's a gimmick that is going to flop just like the Ouya.

what does the fucking crank do

How the fuck do you get a copyright on a commonly used phrase anyways?

This will be just as big of a disaster though you stupid fucking shill

It's for fishing games.

When you make it limited in scope, like Panic did. They don't own "Playdate," they own the right to any video game console named "Playdate."

>It left me considering ‘Wow, what a dick transfer.’”
wtf did they mean by this

i read the whole article and i didnt understand a shit

Novelty is pretty much it

just like Nintendo copyrighted "Switch"
jesus was the careerhubs one written by a program?