Is it good Yea Forums? Only 5€ on gog but i've never played a DA games.
Is it good Yea Forums? Only 5€ on gog but i've never played a DA games
It's good, especially if you get the Ultimate edition. Just ignore the other games.
If you pick a class other than mage you are gimping yourself, also Dwarf Noble best origin
Is the Keep down for anyone else?
I always go with rogue for the utility. Made the game feel pretty easy to me. the game did need to balance Warrior better though, I can't think of a good reason to play as one when so many of your party members are also Warriors. You end up being super redundant
And if you pick anything but a human noble warrior you are playing a non canon playthrough
It's the Ultimate edition at 5€. I guess i will try it then. Is there any romance? If yes who's best waifu?
Game is great, good compromise between classic crpg gameplay and modern sensibilities.
Agree. Mage is good but not a all-purpose behemoth like other crpg's. Rogues have the best utility, best dps, a stat that influences damage and dialogue, good survivability talents, a backstab subclass, an off-tank subclass, a cc subclass,a dps/off-tank subclass, a support subclass, and utility tank subclass. Warriors on the other hand are mediocre damage dealers and a little too squishy, with subpar specializations all around.
there's no contest here
I guess so, it's a good entry point into Bioware RPGs and to tell if you like the "realtime with pause" combat.
Morrigan EZ
>Mage is good but not a all-purpose behemoth like other crpg's.
Arcane Warrior would like a word.
What about the writing? I heard it's the last "good Bioware" when it comes to plot and characters.
I mean, there is, but there's only two girls, a bitchy witch who was raised innawoods and a bisexual church girl who I think was a former whore. There's also a bisexual elf boy who's clearly into fucking anything with a pulse. If you play as a girl, you can romance the beta male puppydog knight
very good game.
Arcane warrior is game breaking yeah, but it's also boring as fuck to walk around completely invincible with full-plate and a wall of arcane defense.
Bioware romance is shallow liek
>Pick "not a dick" dialogue option everytime
>Give girl 1000 roses
>Have Sex
It's the last Bioware game with soul
pretty much is. it's still modern Bioware so don't expect some "What is the nature of man?" tier shit, but it's a damn good story and fun the whole way.
PS fuck the circle and fuck mages
Imagine playing ME3 if there weren't two games beforehand and they spend most of the game worldbuilding and going into the conflicts between the various factions. It's kinda like that. It's neat, but a little unfocused and your choices basically do just boil down to what army backups you can use in the final battle and a little text writeup in the epilogue
I find that in literally every Bioware game, the characters that you can't romance are always more interesting and better written (or at least more entertaining) than the ones you can
ME2 is the last good bioware game
even The Old Republic is better than ME3
At least you can totally kill cringe characters like leliana or alistar or that male prostitute elf. Though they will magically come back to life in later games even though you export the saves...
Morrigan unless u a fag
>not wearing robes and a Warden Helmet
It is pretty game breaking tho.
>play Origins
>have a great time
>never bother with any of the sequels
Everything went better than expected.
ME2 was the fall from the peak user. DA:O is the true final line.
it's like one of the last great big tolkien fantasy rip offs in gaming. worth it
>game, the characters that you can't romance are always more interesting and better written (or at least more entertaining) than the ones you can
It doesn't help that the point system they use for romances makes their behaviour so jarring. Morrigan treats you like shit initially but becomes your submissive slave after romance. Anders becomes very aggressive if you tell him ur notgay.
Morrigan looks hot but shit personality. And the religion girl have bigger tits.
ME2 is overrated even for its low ratings
it's short and simple as fuck, it's a dating sim in space
only the first game is good
Morrigan is the only waifu good enough to survive nuBioware though. Even if Inquisition she's still pure tsun and head over heels for the warden.
Plot is basic and antagonists are retarded.
Same as other Bioware games world and companions get the most attention.
All the girls have the same size tits. There's only like one female character model other than dwarves. Speaking of which, Sigrun was best girl. All the dwarf party members in the series are great
Oh yeah, remember to strip everyone's gear off before the cutscenes.
Its longer than ME1 though, especially if you count the DLC
DA:O was peak bioware and the best Dragon Age game. Mages are OP and should be killed on sight, and Rogues are only really good for unlocking boxes and some utility.
idk about that senpai. ME1 is about 30-35 hours while ME2 is about 20-25.
Truly spoken like someone who doesn't actually know shit about her or Leliana for that matter because lel actually has a worse personality
>religion girl
Leliana you fucking pleb
>ME1 is about 30-35 hours
what the fuck? My last play-through was only 17 without the DLC
You can blow through ME1 in like 8 hours if you try hard enough.
Have you ever played as a rogue? I destroyed Loghain with a duelist dual dagger your defense rating gets so high that you dodge every hit.
No it's not
People will unironically recommend installing skip mods for half the major segments of the game because they're unfinished slogs
The gameplay is trivialized without even trying
Origins is pretty damn good, make sure you get all the dlcs and awakening.
lmao you can do ME2 in even less tho. those are just averages.
It's good, but not "seven years in development" good.
>"Yeah guys, I really played this game for realsies, I'm not just pretending"
So that's your sophisticated opinion after half assedly lurking like 1 thread with half an eye huh
>Mages are OP and should be killed on sight
Mage is the most fun class but the origin itself sucks
Dalish Elf is the canon playthrough human fag.
Every class can be stupidly broken, it's just that mages can be the MOST stupidly broken.
Dual Wield DPS on Rogue and Warrior can get fucking insane if you're doing it right. Single target damage so good you melt anything as long as you backstab it.
Skip the Fade is only recommended to players who have already completed the game. Some people actually like the Fade and complete it legitimately on subsequent playthroughs.
Skip the Deep Roads is for literal brainlets who shouldn't even bother playing the game
Fair enough.
But anyway I loved Sword and Board warrior all the way.
It's the most boring origin you clean out a cave and then do it again immediately after
In this game and others with the same RTwP system, you can totally break melee by having whoever has aggro move continuously, and most of the bosses in this game are melee only.
>human fag
it's shem, senpai
Yeah, but it has been quite a while. Early game rogue just felt boring, and I usually just made Leliana a buff bitch who opens boxes in most my playthroughs.
Deep Roads is easily the worst part of the game. It has boss level trash mobs. It's awful. It's LITERALLY designed by Hamburger Helper, a bitch who hates gameplay.
That said, still shouldn't skip it. Some of the secrets down there are cool, just not the main content.
Fade is kind of the thing that keeps me from going back to the game the most since I know in terms of gameplay, it's the thing that you absolutely should do first
>dodging blows
>blocking has different animations for your weapons
I really liked these things
I played DA2 before even realizing that Merrill is in the Dalish Elf origin. Origins truly is a game that keeps on giving
>there is a skip the deep roads mod
What? But unlike the fade the shit that happens there is actually important. I skip the fade cause of all the shitty back tracking and my autism commands me to get every attribute point. But the Deeproads is just a long dungeon.
> L I T E R A L L Y
I love the feeling of helplessness and dread that the Deep Roads exude. The combat in Origins is kino so it's always a treat for me in every playthrough. It's definitely feels like a "slog" but lorewise it's supposed to
The fade is easily one of the most fun parts of DA:O honestly. The transformations are so fucking broken
>Gather up all the enemies in an area
>Cast fireball on yourself in the burning man form
>Knock everyone over while you take no damage or knockback
>Switch to golem form
>Throw a boulder at yourself
>Everyone once again gets knocked back on their ass and takes heavy damage while you fully resist it
>Use quake to kill the stragglers
Also if you run into another Golem you can switch to Golem form and play rockem sockem robots
Rogue is only boring if you let it be boring. It's easily the class that can mix it up the most due to Stealth + Traps and weird stuff like the Ranger abilities
It makes up for it with all the unique gear loot and you can sell the rest to that dwarf nutcase in there without leaving so you can have more carry weight.
Apparently it skips everything after killing Jarvia and her Carta right to the throneroom scene after killing Branka or Caridin
Why is Leliana in almost every book for no reason at all, fucking writer's pet
I was so disappointed that we didn't keep the forms after leaving the Fade
i still remember when they had the dlc and if you didn't have the dlc the characters would still be in the game but if you spoke to them they would recommend you buy the dlc
fucking ea
Would be so insanely broken, but there is probably a mod for it.
Just a shame it becomes an unkillable stat-check after you stack some defense
Defense doesn't really help against mages
No but this does
And Rogues can't use that. If you're going to argue that a Rogue player's party members can use it,
>blaming your boredom on the party members and not playing the entire game solo
lmao, an actual dialogue option to visit the online store. This is how you know EA got their (((grubby hands))) on the game near the end of its development
There aren't that much mages in the game though. Also they get nuked by your party pretty quickly if you know what you're doing.
ayy carumba
I remember xfire showing I had clocked 145h in ME1 and 560h in ME2 lol. I'm completely burnt out on the series. ME1 is unrevisitable.
>data corruption detected
>run through eden prime
>get to citadel
>all those boring codex entries that are meaningless once you've read them
>all those citadel fetch quests that are meaningless and boring once you've already played them
>dude scan these keepers please
>dude copypasted planets lmao
I can't remember what it was about ME2 but it had much more replayablility. The focus on shooting and action was an intelligent choice, ME1 was never a good RPG and it was never a good shooter. ME2 level design made sense, The DLC was great. The missions were fun to replay unlike ME1 (fighting praetorians etc) And then ME3 killed replayability for the entire series. Although somehow I have 600+ hours in that game too. I didn't even buy or play the Citadel DLC.
ME2 had the best character writing too
Just like real life
There are plenty of mages in the game. Most fights have at least one or two, though there isn't any mage equivalent in the Werewolves and there aren't too many Darkspawn shamans in the Deep Roads. More than made up for by the Circle Tower though
>Game wants you to defend Mages
>They fuck everything up every damn time.
I like to think Bioware were secretly racists all along.
I remember buying DA2 for like $3 thinking it couldn't be that bad.
It was.
One of my few 10/10s. Great game.
>Didn't even buy or play the Citadel DLC
Spend 600+ hours in ME3 yet you're denying yourself the best part of the entire game.
>the mage cries out in pain as it strikes you
Maybe Bioware wasn't so bad.
>post 2010
Also what the fuck? ME2's level design was even more bland then the originals
It doesn't want you to defend blood mages just the regular ones
Oh, so the Moderate Mages.
Got it.
good post
Everything you mentioned didn't stop me from replaying ME1 10-12 times, and once every year. I genuinely enjoy it more than ME2 which I've only played about 7-8 times.
I have yet to finish the Citadel DLC because I don't really want to bring myself to seeing the last of original trilogy's content. It's like watching an old friend die
>teacher and leader
kek, death would have preferable
>regular ones
the only "regular one" in three fucking games was Irving.
based 10/10 poster
Bethany was alright, and despite how much of a condescending prick she could be, so was Wynne
There's plenty of mediocre college mages just going about their day without dabbling in the forbidden arts and children being taught. It was a small group of blood mages that did it.
it was overrated
Did modders ever figure out how to hide the neck seam without necklaces/collars/chokers?
I mean, Wynne had a demon in her too. Bethany is cool tho. Fuck everyone, I liked DA2.
Yeah. It's not as good as some of the older, classic RPGs but it's good. It's also the best in the series by quite a lot.
"Good" spirits like the one in her are the same as demons. They're just more like TES Meridia than Dr. Faust.
best dragon age game by far.
i recommend it if you liked things like baldur's gate and pillars of eternity.
>and despite how much of a condescending prick she could be
Wynne was a cool grandma.
It's more like they all start as spirits and get warped into a demon by the wrong host. Wynne is a kind old lady so her healing spirit matched with her just fine but Anders had too much anger and Justice got warped into vengeance.
What if it's my first Bioware real time RPG?
You can also become a cuckquean if you play as a female human noble
Male Human noble -> become prince-consort.
Best origin, best ending.
It's not really a real time RPG it's similar to Kotor
>Anders had too much anger and Justice got warped into vengeance.
I will never not be mad at that blatant character assassination
It's not super hard, after a couple hours you'll get the hang of it.
It's funny since those two characters barely had any interaction with each other in DA:O:A.
>Spirt Warrior
>Beyond the Veil
>Blessing of the Fade
Jesus christ I'm a fucking fade ghost holy shit, only my sword is a physical object and it just cut your fucking head off
And, you know, the Anders in DA2 isn't anything like the one in Awakening and is wearing his name and appearance as a skin suit
>and is wearing his name and appearance as a skin suit
Same could be said for DA2 as a whole
>"You know what this strategic RPG needs? An attack button!"
They don't even have the same VA
>2 Handed Warrior
>Spirit warrior
>pump up Dex
>Fully amor piercing damage and you are swinging your greatsword as fast as a dagger
At least it gave us Varric
The only good thing to come from Inquisition is Cole and the goat being thrown at the castle walls
Remember when romances were just a side thing in Bioware games and not a core gameplay mechanic?
Probably top five all time desu
Crank it up to Nightmare faggot
hardened leliana
morrigan is a sjw
No it's not. Mediocre at best like any other bioware game
*is better in every way*
>There are people who liked Dragon age inquisition
Explain yourself
Imagine having such an uncultured swine opinion yikes
My nigga
>tfw bitch as ally runs aeay n u chillin wif pops to save da realm
pure kino
How is it better?
Never got much into older RPGs because they looked like wall-of-text simulators
>they looked like wall-of-text simulators
You're thinking of JRPGs, most cRPGs let you finish the game within five minutes if you want.
Its just waves of trash mobs, it even has trash mobs with no extra abilities with boss healthbars slapped on to make it feel like things are happening, the game design is utter shite.
I just remember a few darkspawn having big healthbars in there and they're like minibosses the rest are just your standard darkspawn but high level
Yeah it's fucking garbage, there's no goddamn mechanics up until the trap shit at the very end. Just hours of wading through poorly designed encounters.
>MFW darkspawn chronicles was shit
any mod to make the game look less ugly?
The sequels don't even have anything to do with Origins. Good for Origins, makes it a stand alone game.
It's worse in every way.
Yeah it's called "The environments are all designed around isometric view and look best that way, the third person camera was a last minute addition."
The mod that makes it "look better" is ugly too. Nothing in the game is made for up close viewing outside of cutscenes.
But did you play the expansion pack?
But it looks equally shit in cutscenes
That's not completely true the events of origins are still having after-effects on the world in the time of Inquisition they foreshadowed the mage templar conflict in it
Yeah but a lot of the ugliest areas are intentionally avoided in those talking segments. Its overall less ugly, a bit.
Get fucked Leliana.
Morrigan best waifu.
>Not wanting to fuck a witch into your loyal waifu
Get a load of this fucking faggot.
Anora best girl.
>After shepard
>Implying I let the suitrat survive 2
>Used barren goods
>Best girl
>Leader of the entire Krogan race
moar liek fukken DEAD LMAO
>killing Wrex
cringe and bluepilled
krogans are space niggers, leave none alive
The niggers in ME were obviously the vorcha
krogans are space dwarves
>Space Nigger pulls gun on you
>Not putting him in the dirt instantly
just a different space nigger breed
Krogan are constantly acting like they dindu nuffin after the shit they pulled, they're niggers user. There's a lot more Wreav's then Wrex's in the Krogan.
Pirate it
That is extremely over priced for what you get
Even piracy isn't a good deal, you are just getting the download for what it is worth - $0
Absolute slog from start to finish, story is nothing special
Too late user. OP here, i bought it and i'm installing it.
They literally didn't do anything, to humanity anyway. idgaf about the stick up their ass turians and salarian chinks. Everything I saw from those two told me that they had it coming
The whole female krogan thing was shit and an absolute mistake though
is the combat in this game fun
How so?
it's pretty good but takes a while to get into. I'm still in the DLC, I find that I play it in brief spurts but then suddenly lose all interest. also it's pretty buggy.
>being a cuck
>Try and take over the galaxy
>They literally didn't do anything
Absolute state of (You)
Faggots complain about The Fade (there's even a mod that skips it but conveniently keeps the stat gains for fucks sake) and the Deep Roads, but why does nobody ever complain about the final stretch of the game with the Darkspawn battlefield? It's fucking egregiously terrible, you just fight the same 3 or 4 enemies over and over infinitely. There's even a huge ass empty room in the invaded castle with 20 fucking archers in a square around a door that felt like the designers just gave up. Don't even get me started on the fucking retarded "choice" that is banging Morrigan or dying and shat over the ending
The Citadel DLC is probably the most reddit thing about that game. It really shows how out-of-touch the devs were and that none of them understood what made the 1st game so appealing.
You have to play on Nightmare to have fun
Friendly tip: Even if you can't get the Ultimate Edition on Steam because it's region locked everywhere for some reason, you can just download the DLC files off the wiki to have a complete game.
>Never got much into older RPGs because they looked like wall-of-text simulators
You're not gonna like older cRPGs and other newer, similar games if you don't like reading.
Yeah it's cringe, but it was clearly made with love and has more soul than anything Bioware's made since DA Awakening.
lmfao that pic brings back memories.
Nigger, why are you even playing RPGs if you can't into reading?
even if you get the ultimate edition you can still download the collector's edition items as well.
i like reading just fine greentext is easy but when its blocks of words... dont have time for that shit
But it doesn't. It's just shit fan pandering that also ruins the story even more.
Most of the characters that actually participate in the party Shepard throws should be literally half a galaxy away and incapable of attending.
everyone should be able to make time for their good friend who needs some cheering up
>play the game on a laptop
>mfw the massive combat lag that makes any action take effect 10 seconds later
>Krogans are space dwarves
>Volus exist
It's good as a first RPG.. but all older games are better.
>better quests
>better characters
>better plots
I liked DAO as my first RPG, but I just can't go back to it after playing BG1/2 and all the others.
Pathfinder Kingmaker is good too.
Only if you play mage
The fucking Reapers are literally raping half the galaxy.
Can you imagine ME1 Shepard taking a break from going after Saren and throwing a fucking party? No, because the tone of that game was completely different and actually took its own story a bit seriously.
Volus are jews, user.
Dwarves aren't just battle hungry midgets, they're greedy as hell
Dwarves are not exceptionally greedy in most depictions (including Dragon Age here, like some of the dwarves want to make it big, but not all of them revolve around that and I can't think of even one that was a blatant scam artist). And you wouldn't ever see a volus fight to save his life
yeah that's why I never bothered with the Citadel DLC. It doesn't work with the doomsday scenario of ME3 at all. It would have made more sense in ME2 kind of like the shadowbroker stuff where you still have time. Somewhere after Lotsb and before Arrival.
And if you're wondering how I managed to play 600h of ME3, it was just the multiplayer padding the hours. I only beat the game once or twice whereas I beat ME2 on every class on Insanity. ME1 only 2-3 classes.
>That fucking bit when they have Shepard and another squadmate talk about how Shepard never notice he always says "I should go."
>extreme pandering to try and desperately make up for the ending fiasco
>Tolkien outright states that his dwarves are inspired by jews
rogue is the true master class
its like warrior but fun
I can't believe the DA MMO will be announced next week bros
Which wouldn't even be necessary is they had just used all the cool characters to begin with instead of rehashing the ME1 cast and not even having Wrex along. I unironically used Vega and that Prothean day 1 DLC alien guy more than anyone else. Was it too much to ask to let us use Zaeed, Kasumi and Legion over Liara and fucking Kaiden/Ashley?
I don’t get why people like M:E.
I had a blast with DA:O
Then i tried mass effect and it was so fucking dull in comparison. Party members were lifeless, they would only say«i hate the cold». And there there was also the fucking unskippable elevators
Fucking great game, get the version with all the dlc. I’ve played this game so many times.
would be fuckin based but aint gonna happen
really makes you think
Makes you wonder what the supposed racial analogue of actual fantasy humans is supposed to be. Are they supposed to represent Asians?