Will it become more popular than retail?

Or will it die because nobody wants to pay for a decade old outdated game?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The projected modern wow subs base is only like 1.5 million... I imagine it will be way more popular than modern wow.

It will be very popular the first month, expect lots of
then skip ahead a few weeks later when everybody realizes it takes a really long time to get to 60 and most quests are boring and tedious, and professions require even more time to level, and everybody realizes it's not even worth investing the time to repeat raids and endgame PVP you already experienced years ago.

does 1-60 take longer than retail 1-120?

No, not a lot of people are keen on playing a 15 yr old game, don't be fooled by the autists on Yea Forums. The launch will be flooded and it will overtake retail for 2 months, however this is when most zoomers will realize it's not "fun" like the nu-games they're used to and quit.

>already experienced years ago
i doubt most players did experience classic

The only reason I wont be playing is because you have to pay for it. I own both a PC and Xbox and paying for Gamepass instead is a much better value

You can level from 1-110 in about 2-4 days played time.
It took on average 30 days played to reach 60 in vanilla

It will be a flash in the pan at first, but a lot of these young kids will have a hard time getting to 60 without getting bored. Classic is more stick than carrot, unlike current retail, and kids dont like that. Unless you fuck around in twink pvp brackets on the way up, there isnt any payoff until you are well into the games end game, have forged a social circle, and are decently geared and able to cruise around crushing people in world pvp. Can kids make it that far before they dip out? We'll have to wait and see.

1-60 takes about 10 /played days
Perhaps way less if you're some autistic speedrunning neet hunter

kids liked vanilla back then but kids dont like retail right now, do you really feel people changed that much

>It took on average 30 days played to reach 60 in vanilla
Hope you mean just like a month of playing and not 30 days actually /played


I hit it with 30 /played
don't think he's right about it being average though, shouldn't be much more than 20 at least

I refuse to believe you people were that shit

then don't

you can rack up a lot of /played if youre the guy who lets the game run while doing other shit or just browse the AH forever and things like that, i know people who waste half their time playing just idling and chatting

Yes. Gaming as a whole has changed to constant feedback reward loops. We have been trained to need instant gratification and be centered more towards high time preference activities.

Yes the first month. Tourists will quit during 30-40 leveling period when quests are only available in pvp hotspots and they'll be stuck doing the tiger and raptor quests in STV for days. Either way it's not going to require a lot of people to make it more popular than BFA, because that game is a fucking ghost town. Nobody likes it from mythic raiders to hardcore PvPers to casual audience. They've alienated their whole fanbase.

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it was barely a decade, this is truly frightening if true

bfa has the disadvantage that its stuck with a fuckton of realms that were made to fit ten times more players than wow currently has, classic will be the other way because of layering, too many people on a single realm, that should improve the experience

>thinking you're going to replicate your experiences in wow back in 2005
I was a fucking King on my server, but I was also 23, working in a shitty call centre, banging 20 year olds at the weekends, hitting server firsts during the week.
Now I'm almost 40, married with a kid.
Let me tell you, you will NEVER regain those former experiences because wow in 2005 was more about 2005 than it was a shitty video game.

are you sure youre talking about wow and not your own life

>destro that low
>resto that high

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jokes on you, my life barely changed in those 15 years so wow classic will be pretty much the same as vanilla, playing all day while doing nothing with my life

People liked vanilla because it was new and novel
then most people realized that they were paying to work a second job and moved on to games that don't require hundreds of hours of braindead grinding in order to reach marginally less braindead endgame raids

the problem with MMOs is they're shit

weak bait

sounds like you never made a single friend in any mmo so you never understood get whats fun about them

I actually did (technically)
but we all quit and moved on to games that were less shit

>snakewolfcat and gay thor's hammer just viable
>candlestick top tier
>lime ice creams gear dependent
>target dummy ever required
>voyeur girl and gold-plated chicken bad
Who made this trash? It's wrong on literally every level.

>That warlock made OC trying to cull the number of normies that will roll his main

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If you know what you're doing you can hit 60 with 7 days total playtime. If you have a pre-planned route and get really far ahead of the curve you can do it in 3 days total playtime with a dedicated friend.

Almost everyone will take about 9-15 days total playtime to hit 60 though, which will be 2-3 months.

>2-3 months
How old were you? Everyone not a child got 60 in 2-4 weeks in vanilla

>outdated game


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I bet you thought this was hilarious while typing it up didn't you Redditor?

what games, im just shitposting right now because all multiplayer games are shit

You mean people who play roughly 7 hours a day. That isn't everyone. Anyone that has a job and can only dedicate under 4 hours a day and was new to the game took that long.

Sorry that I had to pay bills and was new to the MMO scene at the time, so it did take me that long.

are you sure you arent talking about private servers here, thottbot was shit and there were pretty much no questing add ons back then so people actually took way longer

>then most people realized that they were paying to work a second job and moved on to games that don't require hundreds of hours of braindead grinding in order to reach marginally less braindead endgame raids

Yeah, except WoW's subscription numbers steadily increased until the end of WotLK you fucking retard. You're just making shit up because you're an idiot. Statistics prove you're wrong and that the old style of WoW was highly popular compared to the newer, more casual style of WoW which was the reason that sub numbers began dropping quickly.

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vanilla private servers are already more popular than retail

there are like 200 people in total who still play r*tail

not saying youre wrong but youre forgetting that wow was the first casual mmo back then and had zero competition for a long time

I didn't say they all realized it immediately, retard

>Beast Mastery
>Perfectly Viable

Sure, if you want to piss your fucking healers off since pets take raid wide damage just like everyone else in classic.

Chances are if you go into raid as a Beast Master hunter you're either too fucking poor to swap specs, meaning you shouldn't even be raiding to begin with, or are an insufferable fucking e-thot with a pet named "snuffles" or something.

Also marksman hunter should be "Take 3, as required" not one.

> /wowcg/ autist posts here too

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>because all multiplayer games are shit
some, like that one and MMOs are way way shittier than others

Yes, BFA sucks.

We all know it will, but heres the frustrating part:

>Subscription is tied to retail subscription
>Millions of people sub to WoW to play classic
>Subs count as retail subs
>"BFA is the most successful wow expansion since WotLK!"

Fuck you, Activision-Blizzard. You faggots are lucky there's a small group of people in your dogshit company dedicated enough to work on this game.

Milking nostalgia from people is a very tired but effective strategy. Works in movies effectively and especially from gaming companies. Itll be successful for months, die and then be played by a scant thousands.

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>blizzard releases sub numbers for wow
>6 million subs, bfa best expansion ever!
>run bot trough armory, reveals that not even 100k people are active on retail anymore
they wish they could bullshit us but we will know

>Yea Forums tells me streamers are cancer
>check out asmongolds stream
>its like some "alpha kid" in kindergarden who tells other kids what they will play next
>all the kids do what he says
>abolute cringe, but they seem to have fun
man im conflicted, on one hand i dont wanna roll on meme servers on the other hand i feel i might miss out on a lot of fun

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If you don't have anyone to play with, part of me wants to suggest that you should play wherever they are. Even if the community is dogshit and full of people spamming twitch emotes, it's arguably better than a community that try-hards on meta raiding. Or the community is just dead.

At least with streamer servers you have the chance of joining a community there to shit on streamers if you end up hating them after a while.

I'm feeling the same way, honestly. It'd be pretty easy to get healing spots in guilds like that. For the main reason that 90% of the guild will contain children who are bad. But the WPvP events and easy gear funneling would be worth it I think.

If Classis is a hit, i wish Blizzard would unfuck the retail somehow, and introduce new type of expansion with:

>persistent level and stats for everything
>no LFD and LFR
>no titanforging
>no exponential power progression
>no pvp talents, all talents are in main talent tree
>no sharding and conjoining realms
>no War Mode go back to PVP/PVE realms
>no fucking artifact grinding bullshit

And etc. I can't even remember every single bad thing about current WoW, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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You want to play with your pretend friends, go play with your pretend friends. Just shut the fuck up about them already because this is not the pretend friend board and nobody gives a fuck what yours had for breakfast.

I like both Retail and Vanilla. Does that make me a double retard?

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Retail just needs to end at this point. They have an opportunity story-wise to cleanly end the story, and then they can go back and start focusing on the biggest issues that WoW started running into if they re-release expansions.

The issue with nu-blizzard is that they keep trying to reinvent the wheel. If they re-release expansions after wrath with the classic mindset, people would be interested enough to see how certain gameplay elements are introduced following the classic mindset.

But for how long?

me too, but only because i make new alts as soon as i hit 60, i dont feel like raiding or whatever people do at level cap

Daily reminder that layering will not go away.

>re-release expansions
that will never happen

You don't think they'll re-release BC and Wrath? The never ever going to happen dream is for WoW Classic to go open source after its first 2 years so the private scene can make their own content.

Up to wrath seems likely. On the Beta the UI has icons up to wrath still in the game if you dig for them, which should have been taken out alongside all the other xpacs.. If you try to load any icons past wrath, you get a green square.

It would've been more popular if they actually released it during early summer instead of when classes start.

Here's the right pve tryhard list. I put bear there out of pity. The mage thing is kind of dumb because you're arcane/frost for mc+bwl or deep frost if you're the winter's chill bot so I just put them all up.

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It already has a shit ton of hype around it thanks to streamers and their zoomer faggot followers.

It's just different varieties of ruin spec, the playstyle is entirely destro.

I would much rather they add some BC content as patches

Caverns of time, Quel'Thalas & Karazhan at 60 content, Outland is eh

I associate vanilla destro with conflag so I put sm/ruin as aff and ds/ruin as demo. It's another dumb case where you can't really describe the spec with just the tree.

>doesnt run an enhancement nightfall bitch to windfury their melee group
>running melee affliction

based retard

re-releasing content is one thing, but expansion contain more than just new content, they contain "QOL improvments" balancing and redesign of classes and much more. things that in the end ruined the game and led to the mess that retail is right now. and i dont think they are going to rework the expansions to fit the classic frame without the added changes those expansions brought. maybe they will add single elements, like raids from expansions (a rebalanced kara to fit in with classic comes to mind) but just releasing the expansions as was done in retail makes zero sense for me. i think theye gping the OSRS route and im pretty sure that that guy in charge of classic pretty much said thats what they are planning to do.

Probably wont die, assuming it follows the same steps as OSRS did. It became even more popular after they released the old version.

Enha is the worst nightfall bot. You have no instants. Just give it to some warrior instead. Even making a hunter spam wing clip with it is better.
SM/Ruin I count as aff, and it beats DS/Ruin in any case where you can put up corruption. This depends on the fight itself as well as the debuffs your guild uses.

>If you try to load any icons past wrath, you get a green square.
they might just be slowly working their way backwards in removing stuff and stopped at wrath for the current build for whatever reason (cataclysm pretty much reworked a lot of stuff so that might be the only reason) if those things stay in in the release client then it might be grounds for speculation

All /played does is show how much time you were on your character, with a sub timer of how much time you spend playing on your current character level.

>Enha is the worst nightfall bot. You have no instants. Just give it to some warrior instead. Even making a hunter spam wing clip with it is better.

This is so fucking retarded that it hurts. 4warr+1enh is mathematically the best melee dps group.

>assuming it follows the same steps as OSRS did.
With current Blizzard still being headcrabbed by Activision I doubt that a lot.

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Most dps classes can do 1-60 in 5-6 days played if the person doing it is extremely good at leveling.

Average will most likely be closer to 12-15 in classic. There's no quest tracker or anything but since there's so much information online now the barrier of finding things out on your own is gone.

>Asmonbald taking 50 people to explore Caverns of Time on stream

I dunno why Blizzard doesn't just open this area up alongside Hyjal

There is nothing wrong with taking your time while questing. People burn themselves out the most when they cram for days at a time

No. It'll have a devoted base, but the majority will fall off. You can put things back to the way they were, but you can't recreate the times.

>warrior dps
Rofl, warriors will be bottom tier dps

can't wait to gank horde !!!
LF Healer scarlet strat first 4 Orbs res
where's mankirks wife XDDDD
thrall is so cool, my shaman will be his apprentice
Molten Core for the 50th time!
WTS invite to asmongold's layer 4g
why won't people invite me to groups?
blizz is releasing phase 4 a week early if we spend a million on the game store!!!

doing small content patches makes perfect sense as long classic stays a side project. now if classic overtakes retail, thats when the big think happens

Isn't that number significantly more than pre-BC WoW subs?

Blizzard is making a mistake by releasing end of August.

>vanilla with no chinks/europoors/chink gold selling gms
>already have 20 wow tokens stocked from legions felslate exploit

theres addons that give you the optimal quest leveling route trough a zone now, leveling time will get cut in half compared to original vanilla

Sure, but that's just because the only spec in existence that doesn't get ruin is SL. It's so commonplace it's like saying you're running that mage spec with the magic spells.

>doing small content patches makes perfect sense
To a competent developer yes, to Blizzard? They “don’t/won’t have the resources” and will just redo 15 years of WoW beat for beat

I'm not the one trying to keep up nightfall with an enha shaman. You'll probably manage some 15% uptime with your auto attacks. Your off tank / random hunter gets 3 times the nightfall procs compared to you.

no they arent, they wanna make sure not too many people will be playing classic to save face, imagine classic overtakes retail, bobby will fire half of the fucking retail team for sure

So much fucking cope posting itt

>guys it’ll totally be OSRS
>no source
>guys it’ll be 2004 again
>g-guys a-asmon is actually b-based :3

Kill yourselves you delusional faggots, I guarantee it’s dead one year from now. Niche at best for autists, ghost town at worst.

rollin troll fury warrior

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its a social game you autist

They share a sub anyway, so how does that even matter?

The upside is that private servers will now have accurate numbers and loot tables to emulate, provided classic isn’t just a copy paste

>I'm not the one trying to keep up nightfall with an enha shaman. You'll probably manage some 15% uptime with your auto attacks

Man, if only they had a mechanic that gives them extra attacks, attack speed and some sort of instant attack..

It was solved literally years ago that an enhance shaman contributes most to the total raid dps when it comes to bringing an Nightfall bot.

Dorf hunter.... Im Coming home

It'll be easier to level if you manage to blaze ahead of the pack on release. That'll open up more time to farm things too before others get there and steal tags. You'll also be ahead so getting ganked won't be a problem.

A lot of the guilds that will be successful for long term raiding will likely establish themselves quickly and fill their roster fast. Ideally your first character should be part of this wave.

you go disc priest once you have good enough gear and everything is on farm, raid will take no damage anyway and you can give mages/locks that sweet buff.

Just jump layers if a place is crowded.

Flip of a coin.
If too many people complain about Classic:
>Oh wow guys why are you so disappointed? Could it be we, the game devs, were right?
If lots of people interchange between Classic and retail:
>Wow look at the sub numbers, retail is doing great!

i wasnt going to because i should be spending my time better, but i think i might play just to experience the vanilla dungeons. when i was a id i just farted around and didnt even get to level 40 in vanilla. watched a bit of the video on black rock depths and it looks amazing.

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based. im worried tho that i wont be able to use a bear as my main pet, i heard some wolf is used for raiding because howl or some shit

Just play a private server.

t. 100 deaths in westfall

In 40 mans 1 hunter that isn’t meta won’t hurt. Unless you’ve got an amazing group of August’s


>you dont run these
>when 90% of the time raids required about a dozen people doing actual work while the rest can be dead weight
you're going to stress yourself out being this much of a tryhard

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>Try and kill a Kobold
>He brings all his friends with
>Nobody around to help me with the quest
Pretty much my beta experience right now.

It's going to be complete hype and absolute fun off the chain for a month and you are a complete idiot for not playing it until you are bored.
>I'm not going to play it for 1000 hours
Nobody is forcing you to hit 60 and raid like a no life. Just getting to 30 or 40 is an amazing gaming experience that didn't grow into a 10million sub MMO for no reason you fucking edgelord negative nancy contrarian.

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My brother
lets blast some fuckin greenskins

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contrary to what people think, its the cool bros people like to hang out in guildchat with that will get a raidspot and not the tryhard minmaxers with the optimal build and class

Thanks mister Morhaime

Spot the MC raiders.

In vanilla any group of retards could clear MC if they had like 5 good players and 35 warm bodies to fill and most casuals thought that IS raiding. No wonder Vaelastrasz, the first actually challenging boss was called the guild destroyer for kicking so much noob ass. And that was nothing compared to AQ40 and Naxx where you simply couldnt afford to fuck around in memespecs.

Yeah, minmaxers didn’t become a real influence until Gearscore became a “requirement”

shacucks trying to be relevant in current year lmao

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Have fun with your progression raiding user. I’m just gonna PvP and ferry lowbies through dungeons for gold

>if only they had a mechanic that gives them extra attacks
Like any other melee with a shaman in their group?
>attack speed
Like a warrior (who will have a much better flurry uptime because he actually has skills to use)?
>some sort of instant attack
Every 20 seconds.

Sorry, but you're not getting your raid spot even as a nightfall bot. No one wants someone swinging once every 3.50 seconds (2.70 if they actually crit!) trying to keep up a 5 second debuff, when they instead could have someone swinging it reliably at 2.70 speed with an instant attack on every GCD.

>It was solved literally years ago
Feel free to post actual evidence if you're going to make claims like this.

The dream scenario is that it exceeds Blizzard's expectations so they see there's an interest in that type of gameplay and try to reintroduce it into 9.0 for retail. But because this is Blizzard with their head up their ass they'll pretend Classic isn't successful enough to impact retail WoW.

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>reaction image

I see you forfeited your arguement.

it really depends on how much less dps/utility a memespec does. not all emespecs are absolute trash, especially not if the player is good. tho i agree that a few specs will never see any significant use in raids beyond mc

>Will it become more popular than retail?
it already is, moron

Why are the two options (a) it will have more subscribers than the original OR (b) it will have less subscribers than the original? Why can't there be a third way?

How can you tell? Subs are tied together

Imagine, for a moment, being a retail cuck. You joined probably at the end of WotTLK or early Cata , during the game's peak.

You endlessly cheered every time the game was made easier and simplified because you weren't any good at it.

Years later, you're still playing in a ghosttown as FF14 hits 16 million accounts and your game was down to 1.3 million at the BEGINNING of the newest xpac. Who knows what it's at now. 750k? 500k? Lower?

You spend all day on Yea Forums and the forums shitposting about Classic because you're scared. You know your beloved easy phonegame can't survive another hit. You toss out buzzwords like "rose tinted goggles" and "nostalgia". You're horrified as the beta rolls around and even the nay sayer WoW personalities like Preach come full circle.

You see pic attached. Your heart sinks. You know there's no hope left. But you can't stop now. You open Yea Forums and begin to type
>d...dead in 1 month
>m...muh store mounts

but it's over. It's over. You don't even have to wait until August to know what is going to happen.

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It'll no doubt be more popular than retail, but a large portion of people won't be able to play a decade-old MMO. I'll be really surprised if people can tolerate it.

Remember to roll whatever class YOU want to play
Unless it's Hunter, then don't bother playing that trash

what's funny is, have you see Classic's director or the other guys working on this? They are 100% old Blizzard. They know why it's popular, they know why fans want it back.

Blizzard needs to sack the stupid lawyer and rid of J Allen Fag.

twitch viewers doesnt mean shit zoomer

>You have no instants
That's the point. He's free to slam totems all day without losing casting uptime, and he doesn't lose much damage, like a warrior would, since he barely does any to begin with.
Beats gimping a warrior with nightfall and gimping a healer with spending 30% of his time trying to keep both tranquil air and windfury on the melee groups.
>Even making a hunter
Yes, "even" the supremely autistic, suicidally tedious, and best option by far is better. Of fucking course it is, it's the best option for uptime. Being better than everything else is what THE best means.

>Remember to roll whatever class YOU want to play
Troll Warrior for sure.

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Those people should fuck off anyways so it;s fine. These are all the same arguments that people trotted out about old school Runescape that all turned out to be wrong.

There's such a buzz about Classic it's unreal. Friends I haven't talked to in YEARS are all coming back and contacting me about it. WoW videos are hitting insane levels on Youtube again.
There's a hunger for this game out there, and denying that is just closing your eyes and hoping it goes away.

The only drawback is: It’s still a branch of the current Blizxard. Which means at any and I mean ANY time, current features can be reimplemented to draw in more people for more money

user, please stop being a downie and learn how to calculate raidwide dps and raid construction. Warriors scale better than any other dps class with WF, and a shaman still provides the same NF uptime without gimping one of the top dps or letting a bad meme like a melee hunter in the raid.

>especially not if the player is good

There is little a player can do if his spec just literally doesn't work. I was already sick of "but I will make it WORK!" feral druids pulling a third of the rogues dps in vanilla. Its simple maths, you will never make it work and you will actively fuck over 39 other guys in content explicitly designed for 40 non-retards like Naxx.

>That's the point.
The point of a nightfall bot is to have garbage uptime on the debuff? News to me.
>since he barely does any to begin with.
So now you put a guy in the raid who deals no damage, and who also can't keep up the debuff. Genius move.

Rogue. I was mage in vanilla. I don't know if I ant to go male UD or Orc. I am leaning FemOrc.

That's fine. I'll play it and have a blast. If there's ever a WoW token or whatever, I'll leave. 15 bucks a month is not a lot. I am sure to get my money's worth in one week anyways.

I really don't think so, though. Do you know how humiliating it was for Blizz' current president to have to deal with Classic and "you think you do but you don't"?

I really think they get the "no changes" and why people want to play it.

By far more popular for 1-2 months, and then far less popular.

Nostalgia is poison for retards.

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> and a shaman still provides the same NF uptime
Pray tell me how a shaman keeps the same NF uptime when he literally has one third the hits. Did you play on a funserver where NF has a 100% proc rate?

ill likely give it a try since i missed the boat on the first go around

The point of enhance is if you're only going to be casting 3/5ths of the time because you're busy spamming totems, why not bring 3/5ths of a person to begin with?
>Genius move.
Yeah, if you're not autistic enough to run a melee hunter it's the best solution. Bringing one gimp beats gimping two players.

This, no reason to retail it up since there is already retail.

Now you have two products designed to catch both kinds of players, the old school hardcore, and the new school retard who only can handle 2 buttons.

it's just like listening to retarded nuRS players bleat in terror over OSRS all over again.

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god I FUCKING HATE YOU CLASSICFAGS. YOU JUST WHINE AND WHINE AND WHINE ALL DAY FOR FUCKING CLASSIC SHIT. it's SHIT. IT WILL BE SHIT. How can't you FUCKING SEE THAT? IT WILL BE SHIT. God I have never WANTED TO SEE SOMETHING FAILSO BADLY. All that fucking time I've spent in Legion and doing Warfronts, all of the BFA Mythic dungeons. all taken. Do you not understand people have SPENT REAL LIFE MONEY On these mounts? As in that's how rare they are? Its a EVENT to have them. We can't even use them in fucking classic, BECAUSE OHHH WE WANT TO GO BACK. How can we SAHSFGASFHGFSA FUCKING IDIOTS. GOD I FUCKING HATE HOW YOU'RE ALL GOING TO JUST SAY THE SAME HSIT AND JUST RUIN THIS FOR US. PLEASE. God I pray THIS shit gets CANCELLED EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. I REALLY thought it was going ot be cancelled and then when I saw these TERRIBLE fucking bluepost shits about classic, now we've got all this classic shit. you can't go ANYWHERE in bfa right now, without them talking aobut classic, classic classic, classic in guikld chat, classic in trade, classic, everybody fucknig classic, youtubers, everybody just FUCK OFF. JUST FUCK OFF. what a waste of fucking time I hate all of you SO FUCKING MUCHCHCHSSDASDASD

>That's fine. I'll play it and have a blast. If there's ever a WoW token or whatever, I'll leave. 15 bucks a month is not a lot. I am sure to get my money's worth in one week anyways.
Play it for free on private servers.

>I really don't think so, though. Do you know how humiliating it was for Blizz' current president to have to deal with Classic and "you think you do but you don't"?
The current president is currently and actively pushing for more phone games to a majority PC playerbase. So no.

>I really think they get the "no changes" and why people want to play it.
They don’t. And it’s proven by them tying the sub to an already existing retail sub. They will not release the individual player counts between classic or retail, they will only say “look, see? People are playing our MMO again.”

RS is trash and you should kill yourself if you play either.

no one is going to buy gold off of you, wang

So if I pick ret pally, I will never be let into an endgame raid and will never get to see naxx, unless I healbot right?

I want to be a holy crusader that actually hits things.

Attached: I feel nothing for I am feel incarnate.jpg (497x500, 136K)

>get curious about asmongold
>check out the stream
>okay, lets go!
>lets go!
>okay good lets go
>lets go
>good lets go
>lets go
im gonna have nightmares

That is the biggest collection of alliance faggots I've ever seen.

No, you'd rather have one of your off tanks do that shit. He's fury anyway, and he can mostly keep up a normal rotation even with a nightfall on him. If he's an orc, he's got axe spec too which doesn't make NF _that_ bad a weapon compared to what he'd normally be running.

It's not hard to totem twist as resto, so there's no need to bring a useless enha in your raid.

If you pick ret you'll have a hard time being let into fucking deadmines

Perhaps the locket is back with its rightful owner. I wouldn't worry about them.

They’ll just be buying gold off the bots in classic, I still make money so I can’t complain all that much

will you faggots bother with the nesingwary page bullshit or will you ignore it like smart people?

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I'll be ignoring a lot of quests.

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im not gonna go to STVietnam at all, you can easily ignore the whole zone thanks to desolace and hinterlands

Do you have a question? Or are you just re-positioning yourself?

can't cope with reality. It's sad at this point. I look forward to seeing more and more of you lose it as we get closer and closer.

You've already had to eat crow as the beta blew up in popularity.

If you bust your balls, farm gold for all the perfect gear, consumables, scrolls and stuff, know your class and its mechanics inside and out and just generally know perfectly what are you doing you can MAYBE be half as good as a dps as your 12 year old rogue or mager spamming sinister strike and frostbolt. Sure, you can fuck around up to MC but its a sad and unrewarding existence.

But dont worry, in case WotLK comes out you will suddenly became the most fun class to play for an entire expansion before getting turned into a gay plate rogue by cata

>make hunter since it has been my main class since I started the game
>make rogue so I can fuck with people and kill alliance nerds leveling or max level players that lost duels
which one bros? It's hard to choose.

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>You've already had to eat crow as the beta blew up in popularity.

What did he mean by this?

>easily do it by trading pages around with guildies and people in Booty Bay inn

it pays to not be a social reject

So are they going to shut down retail once classic becomes the main focus? It makes no sense having two separate MMO's of the same game.

>too stupid to understand simple concepts
I mean, it's not a shock.

Attached: Dq-mSlaU8AAvQr3.jpg (1200x900, 110K)

>So are they going to shut down retail once classic becomes the main focus?
With the hungry whales still playing? Doubtful

maybe its an idiom used in another language and he forgot it doesnt work in english

And what if it would be made the main focus, by God himself? Haha, yeah right.

No, just put it on life support like D3. I don't want them to shut it down because it's a good holding pen for the retards who ruined WoW in the first place

Attached: alliance.jpg (2560x1440, 875K)

Okay. Don’t forget to buy a boost and get right to end game!

Tanks tank.
>It's not hard to totem twist as resto
No, and? The problem is you're blowing 2 GCDs every 10 seconds. It's not a matter of difficulty. You are not healing while you're placing totems.
You're not comparing an enhancement shaman to a resto shaman. You're comparing one enhancement shaman to 70% of a resto shaman. I really don't see how I could explain this in any simpler terms. Please tell me what part you're having trouble understanding if you still don't get it.

>we're gonna go in 5 minutes
>an hour and a half later is still jumping in circles

She is cheating on him damn near constantly.

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What's going on in this picture, how'd they get to a vantage point to watch this all at once? Nobody noticed they're being watched here?

Probably Russian. The irony.

I fucking love this guy. I never paid him any mind before but the amount of salt he harvests from the WoW forums and here is glorious.

>Booty Bay inn
huh? do you mean the auctionhouse or literally standing there and shouting in booty bay /1


>main focus

>Source: My Hurt Ass

>retailcucks now reduced to threatening retail features in Classic

never ever mountstore fag

Yeah, never.

>move from religious text to video games
You must agree it's bold at least.

It's obviously going to be more popular.

If I complain hard enough to blizzard, it’ll happen. It’ll happen and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

do women un-ironically think contouring and face painting works long term?

eventually a man is going to see how uggo you are. I guess by then they hope to have their talons in him

>he literally doesnt understand social interaction


Imagine how fucking easy it would be to make an experience like that in 2019.People literally enjoy classic with flaws because of socializing and a sense of worth on their characters, it literally doesn't take a genius to supply that.

didnt the same happen to runescape

this kills the "b..but nostalgia" fag. Look at them squirming in this thread trying to vain to save their sub 1 million player game.

>level to 5
and then literally every single one of them quit

yeah, for like a month.
things will also die down hard when the last content patch it out because there'll be nothing to look forward to.

Yeah, go try. It'll be funny to watch you get BTFO on their own forums, the one place filled with retailcucks who STILL get drowned out with downboats.

It’s the same subscription you numb nut bum.
Go play second life if you want to socialize. Or better yet go outside

The game is ancient and the Earth was filled with great violence in Noah's time, as the Bible describes.

so youre literally standing there in booty bay in with your pages and hoping someone comes along so you can trade the pages in person with some stranger lmao
might work on RP servers but i never saw that happening

Downvotes mean nothing when I’m the one with the money user.

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with each passing day I'm just more sad about this whole thing.
Sure classic is coming and everything will be dandy like before, but it'll just fucking end somehow in 2-3 years to get to TBC or whatever thd fuck they plan on doing, basically starting to repeat all the mistakes.
They really should've just taken classic and made WoW 2 with it

>maybe if I deny reality people will believe me and then not try out Classic
the COPE is unreal

Attached: d96.jpg (500x500, 43K)

Money will mean nothing when the great storm arrives and the sins of man are washed clean off this world.

Nice try at fitting in ESL fags, eat crow is an English idiom. It would have taken you thirty seconds to Google it.

The slow quest based progress nonsense got so overdone with WoW, its expansions and all the WoWclones that people were glad when that shit was removed from games.

Now some time has passed and people forgot about all this but that feeling will return for sure.
The main hook here is that its WoW again, without that name nobody would give the slightest shit.

>shitposting on Yea Forums instead of "playing" his beloved retail
just like all the other retail "players" right now. AFK and doing nothing. Tick tock...

did streamers kill classic?

You mean until BC.

tbc is fucking trash they would just ruin vanilla with that.
a new expansion that builds up on vanilla would be way better.

I think I found a defector over here.


I'm the guy who used the phrase. To be fair, they could be retarded zoomers who don't know how to speak English.
Maybe not. Here's the Director of Classic. Either way, you got two years of good times with your bros. Why not enjoy them?

Why does retail need to end, and how would Blizzard even do that?

terribly sorry burger, but that's not english mate

Money means everything to a company, especially one that’s struggling to keep their PC players like me happy. All it takes is a lump sum of cash to sway the classic devs, that’s all it takes.
Truthposting actually. My money as well as everyone else’s will rule Classic, and all you can do is sit back and seethe

So what’s to stop me from just buying an old box copy of wow from 2006 and experiencing classic before anybody?

>oh shit oh shit I better RP as a Brit
Brits use it as well. It's an idiom in several English speaking countries. It CAME from England.

Fuck off you ESL retard.

You are wrong, I disagree with you. The classic journey is actually the leveling from 1 to 60, doing all the dungeons and every single zone (I assume the XP rates are nerfed as they should be) and then finally dinging 60, clearing MC once and then that's it.
There is no point in stopping on level 20 or 40 or somewhere inbetween.
The 95% of the vanilla content was the leveling experience. People will actually level to full and THEN quit (or raidlog) because there is no point doing anything beyond that unless you want to clear naxx which won't come out soon enough either way.
Which means I give this game 2 months for when most normies achieve 60, do some meme 40 man bgs and meme difficulty beginner raids and only then they will stop playing.
Screencap it if you don't believe me.

Attached: pepeshot.gif (446x384, 46K)

>The slow quest based progress nonsense got so overdone with WoW
Fuck off Zoomer, literally not how it happened. Blizz got arrogant with WotlK and made the game a casualfest, or so they thought, and made everything trivial and easy. No slow quest or anything like that. That was the literal beginning of the end. They didn't change the formula because people got tired, Blizz just got arrogant and cocky and tried to change things that needed no changing to make more money.

Get it for the Wii, best port

>RPing as some guy who is going to try to bribe the Classic devs to introduce retail features
trying too hard, my dude.


aw shit you saw trough my ruse, curse you meddling kids

>It's a living
Is this supposed to test my faith.

No WoW subs grew to a few million in vanilla, then skyrocketed with TBC and Wrath.
BFA is doing early vanilla numbers.


That’s some impressive coping user, don’t tell me you’re scared this far in?







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It fell to 1.3 million subs EARLY BfA. It HAS to be far lower now although there was no investor call to find out recently.


Might be more popular at the beginning because everything thinks they still love it like back than. Than they actaully play it for a while and notice that some changed actually did improve the gamve overall.

Imagine expecting a 15 year old outdated with a subscription fee + base game price to appeal to the generation of Fortnite and F2P gamers

Top kek

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Autistic retail speedrunners get to 120 in 16 hours
Autistic vanilla speedrunners get to 60 in 100 hours

You should play alliance and not the shit tier horde.

Test your faith in what or who?

wow is dying in general

My guy has 16 years of stuff on him and like a billion achievements and like 250 mounts.

Let it burn. Fuck modern WoW.

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I mean yea that's what would make the most sense. But this community is legit retarded. When they say they want an expansion they want everything tied to it, from added content to the gameplay changes.
Yet even when those gameplay changes were made to balance things out compared to how it worked in vanilla and people like it, they still instantly dismiss the thought of adding it to vanilla in the first place because muh no changes.
This game needs a fixing at the core, not a fucking simple nostalgia trip. What happens after those 2 years? I don't understand why everyone is so ok with this.
And I don't have friends who play wow, sadly

>for over a decade everyone kept calling the newest MMO the WoW killer
>it turns out that the true WoW killer would be WoW

>even the people who didn't like the idea of Classic like Towelhead and Preach are recanting
kek, keep praying


quest tracker was an addon back then and that was the primary reason why blizzard added one in the first place.

What a fuck are you on about, autist? You know that you can just ask for them when you're chatting with people already.

We have no idea where Blizzard will take it, to be honest. I like the idea of rebooting the old xpacs with Classic WoW design philosophy, to be honest.

It's like a reboot of the entire thing.

The $15 fee was a blessing back then and it will remain as one today. It keeps all the cancerous poor people out of the game.

No one wants to play with little Tommy who ninja loots and body pulls mobs.

Attached: serveimage.png (219x230, 6K)

>destro lock
>1 as required

Are you fucking serious? You'd stack like 10-12 of these fuckers if you could. Reliable damage that can hit all early targets, reliable threat drop, mana burn, banish, FUCKING SOUL STONES ARE SO ABUSABLE RREEEE this post is retarded.

Be ready for a repeat of the past 15 years, only now you’ve given them the green light to get away with their bad decisions

user don't be autistic. It's not like the game tells you to try and get to 60 as fast as possible. There's a lot more to the game than just getting to level 60.

why aren't you watching asmon?

If blizzard was smart they would ban these addons.

actually every single fucking time someone said "xxx will kill wow" someone replied "only wow can kill wow" people knew all along

Wtf are you talking about? Are you one of those tranny freaks suffering from brain rot?

There's a lot to choose from. Imagine if something pulled you down to drown you. It isn't as if WoW is going to fix it.

It will kill Retail if they keep it maintained with good updates

Karazhan as a lvl 60 raid would be sweet

>when you still have the human warrior dude you made on day one and kept playing as your main till WoD

I really should have cashed out and sold all my oldfag shit like the chimeraok chops for gold or real money but cant bring myself to do it.

Isn't classic the same as retail?

Except those always existed and will continue to exist, no matter what game you play.

Warlocks don't have an aggro drop. However you are correct, destro is excellent dps and will definitely be something you want in your raids. It's at par with mages and rogues throughout every tier.

i dont remember people trading pages via map chat at all in vanilla, maybe on your private server zoomer-kun. everyone just put the pages in the AH and im sure people will do the same again because the retail crowd isnt very social

user I think you got me confused for someone else. I was the guy saying that money will kill Classic as everyone wants to know it

>in world of meleecraft

Look at this sissy and laugh.

Thank god private servers exist. No money to pay at all

People traded pages all the time in vanilla. You probably started playing near the end, if you did at all, when there weren't many people left leveling.

you better hope its only kinda popular and not "fortnite" popular, the second Activison smells money they'll kill it by shoving a shit load of retail features in, to attract newfags.

okay lets go, lets go, okay lets go! good lets go! lets go!

Alright, thats some low effort shitposting now no (You)s

I think that Classic is a better MMO game. THAT much is certain. BFA is the total opposite of that right now.
But, in my opinion, the solution isn't just looking backwards for some temporary joy. But old fans are frustrated regardless. And they are frustrated because they see a Blizzard, and most specifically an "Activision-Blizzard", that has changed so much from the company it originally was and shows no signs of returning to its roots.
I personally believe that a good start would be to remove the Acivision tumor from Blizz's body, but others might disagree.

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If it becomes extremely popular it will be because it was pure. If anyone in charge was intelligent they would realize that

I feel like that's what should happen, but basically everything after halfway wotlk will need a major remake.
I'm tired of all the gameplay changes on new expac happening just for the sole reason of something changing.
But I'm not gonna be hopeful, people just want a nostalgia trip instead of some long term planning and effort to make an actually good game.
They kicked and screamed for so many years just to get their little park reopened for 2 more years.
The only other argument I've seen is "seasonal servers", basically resetting everything every now and then, which is stupid as fuck, this aint diablo

I'm not a zoomer

>par with mages in MC and BWL

newfags don't know about hit apparently

Attached: 7234.gif (359x371, 407K)

Little Tommy is still going to be playing. 3rd worldermonkeys are playing on private servers. huehuehuehue

No, I think I've got exactly the right person. Maybe you should lighten up and let people finish their posts.

yes please restrict the extremely useful addon API because some sperg doesnt like a specific addon.
then sue thottbot because guides are unfair :((((

>no (You)s
>still gave me a (you)

>Maybe you should lighten up and let people finish their posts.
A-user I think you’re having a schizophrenic episode. I can’t respond to unfinished posts

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>pick stealth class on pvp server
>fun increases exponentially

Have you taken the stealth pill yet?

yes, druid are based

Warcraft 3 has the best box art of all time, whenever I see it I'm compelled to reinstall.

Yes, they should. I'm not saying it's unfair, I'm saying it's unfun. You think you want it but you don't.

>wait for someone to pull 2 mobs and blow their CC
>kidney shot

Attached: 1439823259486.png (473x500, 21K)

Don't act as if you don't know what you did. Maybe you'd come across more friendly if I knew what the hell you were saying. You're creepy and you give me nightmares.

2bad faggot, its not happening.

>be oldfag playing vanilla
>chose warlock because badass in pvp
>blizzard opens test servers for balance patch
>chose the lvl60 geared femorc rogue template
>duel with alliance rogues and warriors at crossroads
>had more fun than with my unstoppable warlock pvp killingmachine
sneaking is fun

You'll never know because if the subs return to a point that isn't embarrassing for them to report like it is now, then they will just report the subscription numbers for both games together since they're both the same sub anyways. They will use any success that Classic brings in and use it to shill retail more since that's where their cash shop is.

>if anyone in charge is intelligent

they made bfa, you expect too much from them.

Pretty much this. They follow the money, not the smarts

you will die in your sleep tonight if you dont reply to this post

>That dim attempt to redo the original Warcraft cover art for battle for azeroth.
Real WoW would just smack a sexy Azshara on the cover and call it a day.

Wrarth needs a massive fucking remake

>Kel'Thuzad in the DK quest chain instead of the LK, lines up with the Ashbringer comic
>Keep appearances of the LK rare, so fighting him in ICC is a big moment
>Remove Naxx from Northrend
>Azjol'Nerub as a BRD dungeon or zone
>Crystalsong forest with actual quests
>Remove Dalaran, give Alli & Horde their own outposts
>Redesign Stormpeaks & Icecrown for no flying
>A Nerubian wing in ICC

I don't want to compete with many others for gear, but I want to heal in raids, should I chose priest, shaman or druid?

Being able to choose your fights and be a total dick to people makes rogue the best class hands down. People say late game sucks because there's so many rogues competing for raid/dungeon spots but who cares about pve shit.


can i get everything in need for pvp from doing pvp?

100% druid, be sure to innervate the gm's priest girlfriend.

at its launch yes
until the expansion after bfa yes
after that no

If you're ganking people who are fighting mobs at 20% hp you can literally fight with vendor trash. Usually I hit 60, do a bunch of late game quests and roll around dunking faggots in greens. It's most fun while leveling though.

It got awfully quiet. So, did that help you?

it's like you don't even want permanent nightfall uptime and badass totem twisting in your mdps groups

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>tfw camping the dwarf fortress in the opening week of a fresh server

Attached: ded doggy.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

Thanks. Does shaman compete that much with hunter for equip?
Priest will fight with mages and warlocks for sure, but shaman/druid only has one rival, so to speak.
Troll me harder, daddy

based salty cucks killer

>majority of old players grew up and now have lives but will come back for nostalgia
>Will quickly remember most the game is a fucking grind slog with boring story and "kill X amount of this monster" quests everywhere
>zoomers zipping and zooming everywhere constantly complaining
>Blood Elves ensure now both Horde and Alliance will be full of Trannies bringing tranny drama everywhere
>People who remember the good old days in their old guilds will never relive the experience instead being forced to put with trannies and emotional SJW
>streamers running around everywhere with all their idiot thralls following them around
>politics being injected into the game at every turn as times goes on
>people getting banned for saying anything even remotely unpleasant
>It may be classic WoW but its not being run by classic blizzard
>Old players will burn out quick leaving the servers majority zoomer,ERP and tranny
>since they have the most influence Blizzard will cater more and more to them
>every time a new shitty expansion comes out for retail an influx of retail refugees will infest classic slowly rotting the player base and servers away
>to justify costs servers will become more and more instanced capable of holding far fewer players than the old days

Its going to be one hell of a disaster.

I play Warlock so rogues can't kill me no matter how many cooldowns they pop.


Attached: ded doggy deuce.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

It was supposed to be a joke. Like "the internet is serious business".

>Blood Elves ensure now
>Blood Elves

It will be more popular for a few months but then I expect it to drop hard.

christ what a cancerous guild chat, really glad I dropped you /vg/ autists early on

Attached: ded doggy tres.webm (960x540, 2.79M)

average played time was actually around 11-12 days

i thought i did but i didn't

>Kel'Thuzad in the DK quest chain instead of the LK, lines up with the Ashbringer comic
No one cares about some OC doughnut steel comic
>Keep appearances of the LK rare, so fighting him in ICC is a big moment
No, they just have to rewrite it so he's not Dr Klaw. You could make us just straight up lose or have him bait you to the wrong place because his objective was something else or anything else but 'minon kill them, oh minion failed NEXT TIME GAGET'
>Remove Naxx from Northrend
Other then the recycled raid there's no lore reason for naxx not to be present.
>Azjol'Nerub as a BRD dungeon or zone
It should feature yes.
>Crystalsong forest with actual quests
I mean ok
>Remove Dalaran, give Alli & Horde their own outposts
Dalaran isn't a problem in of itself, it's a problem in the sense it makes Thrall and Varian look retarded to be fighting each other while their citizens are sharing a city overlooking ICC during a war with the undead.
>Redesign Stormpeaks & Icecrown for no flying
I don't see how that's feasible for stormpeaks but yes at the very least they should move to a 'no flying till patch expansion.X model'
>A Nerubian wing in ICC
Absolutely, remove the fucking retarded comedy plague wing.

>all of them are undead

Attached: 023.png (680x680, 221K)

Salty seething doggy detected.

Attached: ded doggy quatro.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

The absolute STATE of Classicfags. Holy shit.

What? Vanilla wow had over 5m players before TBC came out.

Current wow subs are what vanilla wow had the first few months it came out in 2004, it's bad.

Mages and maybe even locks will outnumber rogues.

Only difference is probably you can never have too many mages in a raid.

>remove the fucking retarded comedy plague wing.
>Hating the professor and his children
Should have been a standalone one off raid like Gruul’s Lair.

Roll priest on nost - life pretty meh, then turns to pretty fun at 40 only to turn into crushing boredom when I respec to holy at 60.
Roll paladin on kronos - life hellish 100% boring as fuck in all content
Roll druid on lights hope - life fantastic throughout content, asked to constantly off tank and heal from fight to fight.

Attached: c509v95lk9zy.png (1000x800, 285K)

>No one cares about some OC doughnut steel comic

The comic was a prequel to Wrath & is still canon, Darion has the corrupted ashbringer, except they replaced LK with Kel'Thuzad in the DK quest chain because they really wanted to overuse Arthas for obvious reasons, without thinking that it would impact actually fighting him at the end, when you saw illidan it was a big deal, not just "oh, it's this guy again"

>Other then the recycled raid there's no lore reason for naxx not to be present.

The Naxx story was done in Vanilla, Wrath needs new raids

>Dalaran isn't a problem in of itself

Not only was it destroyed in WC3, having Dalaran fly near Icecrown Citadel was so fucking stupid & lowered the threat of the scourge

You can't get mad at green texting in guild chat.

>playing on chinkdale

>classic wow comes out
>ends up not being classic because of all these fucking QoL changes

>Private servers just copy the scripts
>Go back to playing private vanilla servers now with 2019 vanilla

Attached: 1555563741087.jpg (250x248, 5K)

The fights are mechanically fine and zombie professor farnsworth is funny. There shouldn't be this huge blob of poopy fart jokes in the middle of the denouement of WCIII's story.


my plan exactly, blizzards servers will literally be containment for zoomers and shitstain streamers, feels good

Attached: 1557400750558.jpg (590x810, 51K)

ICC was a failure in terms of atmosphere, Naxx was a fucking scourge stronghold, ICC felt undetailed & underwhelming

You also didn't do the climb that Arthas did to the top, instead lol teleporter

It will be FOTM streamer bait that'll top the charts for a couple months and dissipate as soon as all the Zoomers realize how slow progression is and how much time you have to dedicate to do anything. Boomer age MMOs do not work anymore, and the majority of Boomers that grew up with WoW have moved on.

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a german made that picture

This, especially the teleporter. I dont know how in the FUCK they could miss one of the most iconic part of WC3. ICC sucked ass, it was just all empty corridors, not the final dungeon full of wicked shit like Naxx was, but everyone was just so glad to move on from ToC they gave it a pass.

>Years later, you're still playing in a ghosttown as FF14 hits 16 million accounts and your game was down to 1.3 million at the BEGINNING of the newest xpac.
you know the number for FFXIV is total registered accounts, not active subs right?


im never going back to chinksdale, so many Russian and Chinese characters....

I'm assuming, whoever made it harvests the same hate as me for xD^^ spamming krauts

Your own fault for going there in the first place.

>using reddit memes

You guys are still doing that?

Do you only see these people in later zones or something? I played on Northdale a bit to help decide on what class to play in Classic and I only saw one person periodically spamming chat about selling gold. It was otherwise people speaking English and actually talking/helping others.

He's a deranged godless transexual user, his mind is not coherent like ours.

Nah, I agree they overused arthas in the sense that having him show up to impotently shake his fist at you in Northrend makes him seem less threatening. I don't agree that seeing less of a character makes them more 'badass', I think seeing and interacting with a villain can be fine you just have to make them seem competent not like team rocket.
I agree naxx 20 should be replaced with a different raid, what I said was there's no reason for KT or Naxx not to be in northrend.
I mean mages have been rebuilding Dal since before vanilla so you can't claim it being rebuilt is an asspull if it being too close to ICC is an issue they could just move it. I mean I'm not married to dal but the 'muh shared capital' arguments were always eh to me. I think any faction war post WCIII is just fucked frankly.

The level 30 beta is already a month old & caps around 100k viewers
If private server streams were allowed, it would probably get around 150k

it's almost cultural I feel like

I've played on it countless times, it's spam over spam. I used to screenshot every gold spammer and report them, my tickets would usually reach max text limit before a gm would reply

Attached: WoW_2017-07-30_15-34-20.jpg (447x60, 11K)

The genre is dead, it peaked at WoW and everyone hoped something better would replace it but it's all the same grindy bullshit.

>druchad fishing

Attached: 1558844739798.gif (268x476, 3.26M)


To this day I still don't know how they could fuck it up so badly, literally the most important raid in the entire game and they fucked it up.

Obviously the people who worked on it didn't play WC3.

this is bael modan in barrens, right?
How are they all pvp flagged, isn't Barrens horde controlled?

nevermind, just read the npc names, it's the same shitty looking bunker though lmao

It's Dun Garok in Hillsbrad. In one shot he looks out the door and you can see the lush green exterior.

Wotlk team was the B-team, this isn't a secret either, they openly admitted they took the TBC team off of the game & moved it to Titan, later on they denied this when people started to notice the massive quality difference between content like Ulduar & TOC

Rolling mage like a boss. Still don’t understand why ret pallies and feral druids will try to be a thing despite there being 15 years of data telling people they’re shit for various reasons

pvp maybe?

people are stupid and think they can make it work despite both being worthless. Even private servers have proven they're not viable.

There's a decent balance / feral hybrid spec for solo pvp and ganking, but it's not really good outside that niche.

What is going to give me better feels?
Leading an All-Paladin guild and being named Chad?
or being named Nightfall and joining an epic raiding guild as a Surv Hunter so they can get me Windfury?

>being named Chad?
Textbook Brad behavior

They want to be the unique snowflake who MADE IT WORK!!!!! and when they kill some undergeared keyboard turner they will feel validated and keep going at it for more.

it will die when the new wow expansion comes out, people will get bored of classic

tauren hunter - based or retarded?

>warstomp people in your deadzone
was that a serious question

For me it's Orc Warlock

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Autist privatebaby

You are wrong

Female Human Warrior

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back to with you tranny

God I wish human females were real.

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Reminder that if it weren't for WoW's massive success we would've seen Warcraft 4.

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Never underestimate the devotion of Blizzdrones.

problem is that tauren have huge hitboxes so when you're trying to get distance melee will have an easier time sticking on you

did you like starcraft2? why would you think wc4 would be any better, burning crusade was the beginning of the end already

Redpill me on prot pally

Burning Crusade was great until halfway in when they started removing attunements, making welfare epics available, removing elites and adding reinforcement to AV turning it into a 5 minute zergfest instead of a multi-day siege, etc.

So glad to someone else say this, i really hate 2.4.3 TBC

pretty awesome dungeon spec, unusable in raids by design sadly

neat pvp spec ruined in the pally rework

1,5 million paying subscribers is pretty crazy good if it's true. Shame on nu-blizzard for not being able to do something with all that cash.

Ok, if you're wrong you get to kys on livecam so we can all laugh at how pathetic frogfags are.

wotlk had over 10 million monthly subscribers.
That's absolutely insane cash.

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Coincidentally, 2.4.3 happened shortly after Activision bought out Blizzard. Really makes me think how a good expansion suddenly went so shit.

>i-it's fun with friends!
in other words, it's shit

Remember when having polymorph turtle meant you were a certified Fuckdaddy?

>>already have 20 wow tokens stocked from legions felslate exploit
Is buyinf BFA now and just constantly grinding Gold to stock up on these and then use em when classic comes a good idea?

>every game you need friends for to be fun is shit
i think you dont really grasp the concept of multiplayer game
yes you can solo large parts of leveling but ultimately its a multiplayergame by design

did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, there are people who don't have friends, and making a game require friends to have fun is bullshit?

look, you can also play with strangers and have fun, much like in other multiplayer games. yes its more fun if you know the people but since youre basically forced to join a guild to be able to progress at some point you just might make some friends there sooner or later, especially compared to other multiplayer games like rocket league or overwatch where you barely talk with the other people on your team

If you wanted to play prot paladin then you needed to play in TBC where they were allowed a niche

Why is everyone in this thread retarded? I have literally 0 irl friends but I ended meeting tons of cool people when I played private servers just by walking next to them to the next town or quest giver, getting invited to parties when they realized I was doing the same quests, attacking an enemy they look like their having trouble with, or literally just dancing naked in main cities. You dont need to already know people to enjoy this game, it'll just comes naturally because of how it was designed

wotlk peaked at 12m

They spent all that money on starcraft 4 and diablo 3 overwatch and hearthstone

attunements contributed massively to guild death and raider burnout because many guilds weren't going to be willing to attune people, I remember we had people from the top guilds begging our lower-rung guild to run them so they could get attuned, which we obviously weren't going to do for them

basically attunement contributed absolutely nothing positive to the experience and was just a design leftover from EQ that served no purpose but immersion, the negatives far outweighed the positives and it was a good thing to remove

>xXxLeGolAzxXx declined your group invitation
these people need to fuck back off to retail

Warrior - cool if they carry a shield, giant insufferable faggot if they are a 'dps' warrior
Rogue - invisible faggot
Shaman - Chadly
PriEEEEEEEst - has anal meltdown if pull is started before the ready check for the ready check hasn't been fully accepted by group, also if they don't have 100% mana
Druid - Similar to shaman, very chaddish
Mage - literal insectoid subhuman, most likely chink gold farmer, only capable of basic thoughts; killing, drinking, and selling
Warlock - Another chad, very useful in all scenarios
Paladin - boring as fuck, probably a boring person IRL
Hunter - The last and final chad class, also very useful in all scenarios.

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>like shamans and druids
>dislike warlocks and hunters
>dont like healing

>Wanting to be Chad
Get off the treadmill if you want to move forwards.

>ctl-f streamer
>only 8 matches
shameful you should be whining at least twice as much

didn't mean to quote

*gives your tank 25 stats*

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watching soda just for the music

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you will be a fucking had in pvp and duels, sodapoppin is literally winning every fucking duel with his druchad

Does a resto shaman have a hard time at endgame? Will I be more miserable as a resto shaman than as holy priest?

imho only girls should play priests, men should go druid or priest, male priests are kinda creepy

tfw druid looks like the most fun healer to play in pvp, but they are not very useful for pve

Shamans have decent spells to kill stuff with and I'm pretty sure most raid shams are some kind of ele/heal hybrid (unless they are nightfall bot) So you should have no trouble killing stuff.

Priest on the other hand...basically don't roll hpriest unless you have a guild. Life is hell on earth for a guildless hpriest trying to do anything. end game.

druid or shaman*
innervate and battle rez is something every raid wants, also buffs

>most raid shams are some kind of ele/heal hybrid

If you don't have mana tide you get raid kicked

Attunements were the perfect retard check & helped make good gear more valuable

Removing them 6 months into TBC was imo the games death knell, ever since then they decided it was okay to keep dumbing down another thing & another thing

Druids are aight. they are just the spare tire of the raid. You won't be topping anything but it's very useful to a raid having a class that can be two specs and switch from boss to boss depending on what's needed, very helpful for prog.

yeah but as we know
retard check = less subscribers
all these QOL decisions were made by corporate to boost sub numbers

seems better to just have another priest than a subpar healer with innervate. idk.

I want to get my priest tier faster so I'd rather have a druid

Battle Rez, Innervate, Gift of the Wild is the 2nd best buff in the game. Druids also have the most powerful single target heal in the game.

Druid is 100% the most fun pvp healer, flag running is very enjoyable and like a whole different game, and when you can start getting later pvp gear you can start killing cloth/leather wearers VERY easily.
also they have the most farming options out of all healers and not totally helpless in wpvp

>Shaman - Chadly
>Paladin - Boring as fuck
Watch your words, faget. You'll only reincarnate once.

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How viable are shockadins in pvp? I remember pvping a lot with a buddy of mine back then and it seemed to work pretty well for him

>not totally helpless in wpvp
theyre fucking unkillable

Not really viable until you have BWL/AQ40 gear

Why should hybrids be the best at everything? this mentality hurt the game badly

Well we were a AQ40 guild so that might explain it.

being the best =/= viable

Warriors are the best tanks and also the best melee dps in the game(the further you get into raiding) no one seemed to care about that.

not saying they should be the best, but it'd be nice if they were more than just gimped priests with a bit of utility

imho blizzard should do the following:
>release classic servers for vanilla and all expansions
>the version of the game with the most players will get further updates and will be expanded upon
obviously this means the death of bfa and it would be really interesting to see which version of the game is the most popular with todays players
(i would bet on WOTLK or pandaria, maybe legion)

Warrior has no self heals & expensive repairs, that wasn't a balance issue

anyone not doing this is braindead

Warriors were the only ones viable to raid tank and were also the top melee dps in endgame. That isn't balance.

Wotlk is so god damn easy, people will beat the content in a few days & then sit in Dalaran bored out of their mind, no way can that expac last

>my druid with cheaper repairs & self heals would be able to tank & do top DPS too!

This is why class design sucks in WoW now

is that dwarf standing next to a window or a picture?

BfA seems to be lasting just fine, as did Legion.

what class has a spec thats both good at raid healing and duels? i wanna heal in raids but also own at duels without having to respec

Can't wait to gold max DM as a druchad
all in one chadly run solo

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>do you really feel people changed that much

it's been 15 years nigger what the fuck do you think

the internet has changed the face of culture RAPIDLY on an UNPRECEDENTED scale. people aren't even the same as they were 5 years ago.

Yeah I just can't be fucked to play it, honestly too hardcore. I like to come home, chill, not have to grind that hard, but still a bit. Retail is fine for me. I might play classic for a little bit.

>the internet
videogames and porn existed before everyone had affordable internet, if anything happened then it was social media

No one is asking for that sweety and when the hell were druids ever top dps? Sure wasn't in tbc or wotlk, mustve been a cata+ thing. I stopped playing before that.

>the internet has changed the face of culture RAPIDLY on an UNPRECEDENTED scale
Quite honestly for the worst

the subs tanked in Legion because there was huge content droughts wtf are you talking about

is this a joke? BFA is a dead game

Which is only available on the....?

You claimed Wrath is easy, yet it held the most subs out of even the easiest and braindead expansions to follow. Do not make claims of “b-but wrath!” when the numbers clearly show it was the best expansion.

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Provided they go the runescape route and add new things to the classic server that fits with the classic gameplay it'll be more popular than Retail almost guaranteed

yeah but my point was how did social media impact how people play games, killing our attention span?

Are you confused or retarded? How do subscriber numbers make the expansion any less easy and homogenizing?

it was the best expansion back then, but if blizz would re- release all expansions now which one would be the most popular one? thats what i wanna know.

Zoomer 80% of your time in classic was spent chatting, figuring things out, exploring and hanging out with people doing random things

>Personal attacks
And as I said compared to retail of now, Wrath wasn’t that easy.

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Wrath was riding off of TBC's coattails & got a boost because of easy raiding for everyone (which is why people look on it fondly)

It wasn't a good expansion, it was a rushed, unfinished, unbalanced, easy piece of shit

Hot money between wrath and MoP.

It was the easiet compared to vanilla and tbc

The game got even easier

>Riding off TBC’s coat tails
>When subs were highest close to Cataclysm’s release

>The game got even easier
This is true. I will contest that the dungeons were significantly harder during the beginning of Cataclysm

People were excited for the future of WoW back then, even back in Wrath's day a lot of people thought it was a bad expac but thought it would just be the black sheep of the series, Cata would fix it all, but Cata was even worse

Social media didn’t kill our attention span by itself, having access to the internet whenever we wanted right in our pocket did

what class has a spec thats both good at raid healing and duels? i wanna heal in raids but also use the same build at duels without having to respec. priority is on the dueling since raids will take me with any build up until BWL i guess

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>wrath had the highest peak subs of wow therefore it was good
truly a brainlet opinion, these were mostly still people along for the ride hoping things would still be great and improve but I'm sure you wont even mention that the end of wotlk was the first time blizzard documented a declining userbase will you?

>introduce LFD with difficult dungeons
>surprised casuals hate it & good players get randomly grouped up with casuals hate it too

Cata was so rushed, they didn't even playtest it

Was that before or after the cataclysm revamp of vanilla zones was announced user?

30/0/21 elesham

>even back in Wrath's day a lot of people thought it was a bad expac
And now that it’s fucked beyond repair they’d be begging for that kind of bad to return

>good at healing and duels
Eh sorta hard to be good at both it really is one or the other in vanilla. Shaman then Druid are your best chances of using the same spec for raid and being able to pvp well.

Nah the 14 year olds who joined in Wrath want it back because that's when they started playing, anyone over 25 wants Vanilla or a tweaked TBC

I wouldn’t say that. They may or may not have known just how braindead most of the casuals were, which I will concede to how easy the Wrath dungeons were.

I joined mid TBC and I still think Wrath was the best. Then again I have a bias towards cold environments in games and comfy music.

Believe whatever you want. A game's population is an iceberg, you only see or hear about the top percent, while the rest are silent, casual and shit skill wise.

thanks mate
between shaman and druid, which one is more popular for raiding?

Why do you assume PVP are the only servers that matter? PVE won't have that problem.

Shaman by a mile.

PvE will be filled with streamers that don’t want to be ganked even though they shill for the WPvP of the old days

Druid is probably more popular on Horde.

Cows are less popular than elves as far as Druids go.

To clarify, by more popular I mean you'll get an easier spot to raids than Shaman imo.

Shaman and Paladin are always the least played class on vanilla private servers and I don't see that changing with Classic. Finding a raid as a Shaman should be easy.

That's because people never take into account that they're faction specific. Every fucking survey shows that on their respective factions Paladins and Shamans are in the top 3 most popular classes.

They are the "least played" because they're only available on one faction.

You technically have to divide the other classes numbers in half to do a valid comparison.

Paladin and Shaman end up actually being some of the more popular picks when you do that.

Last census I saw, Druid was the least picked class for each faction, generally followed by Warlock, Hunter, and Priest.

This is what I wanna know as well

I think on the stress test paladin was like #1 or #2 or some shit
>stress test
but still

BfA and Legion were legit harder raid wise.

We'll see when Classic actually comes out though. I imagine all the wannabe Rets will drop out before 60. Paladin leveling is tough, and I know because I've done it.

A ton of people will drop out by 20, let alone making it to 60.

Still should leave a pretty healthy population though.

>helped make good gear more valuable
Every fucking time.

Tough? Shit is easy as hell you spent half your time afk auto attacking.
You probably made the same mistake everyone else did, they went straight down ret instead of going holy first and getting consecrate and then going down ret.

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Any reason to go hunter?

It's tough as in boring. And the real palapill is holy/ret until about 35 when you respec into reckoning for PvP memes.

Fast leveler, best solo farmer in the game(there is a reason the chinks use hunters as gold botters), annoyingly good pvp class that can harass from a distance.
Oh and you get free loot in the raids because there's no reason to bring more than 2 hunters.

I expect that Classic is going to kill retail and then die shortly thereafter.

Nobody has time to seriously play two versions of WoW, so current players are going to stop playing BfA to play classic (where all the streamers, hype, etc are). Given that BfA is really limping along at this point, the exodus of a large number of active players is going to hurt raiding, mythic+, etc.

After people play classic for a while (probably a month or so), they are going to realize how garbage classic WoW was. The bad class balance. The shitty questing. The terrible looking armor that you can’t transmog. The old raids with lame mechanics.

That’s the point when people leave both games and don’t return.

Yeah, but how difficult is it to get those raid slots? I imagine less people are rolling hunters this time around due to some of the negativity but I can't imagine it's good

It will be hugely popular for the first weeks, no argument here.
The big question is how it'll look after 3-4 months. Personally I say it'll hover somewhere around the same number as all private-servers combined have.
Some will not leave their P-Server, but there will be some additional people who stick around. From a quick search that will be around 500k which seems to be a third of the current subscribers which in turn sounds realistic. As far as calling your own estimate 'realistic' goes.

Hunters have a high skill cap so I think if you are in the upper 10% of the population, as everyone on Yea Forums is, you should stand out enough to make it.

Why are warriors so prevalent in classes stats when really i don't see that many of them on private servers ?
what's the appeal of shitty leveling anyway ?

Well when you hit 60 the boring doesn't stop, your healing rotation becomes 90% flash of light spam.

I quit my paladin to go mage, only to trade 90% flash of light spam to 90% frostbolt spam.
Then tbc came around and I went shaman, most fun I've ever had.

WoW came out in a world before YouTube, always on-demand streaming content at abutton press, and powerful smartphones that are always on hand, always online and have access to the entire internet and multiple apps.

There have been a lot of changes in ho kids have been raised being exposed to this stuff, and even our own expectations have no doubt changed since then.

Yes. A lot of the charm was the global chat which was replaced by Twitter and live stream chats that measure status by checkmark and dollar donations.

It was objectively the best because Arthas.
Some of us loved WC3.

Not hard at all as long as you aren't a retard and know how to manage your pet then congratulations you are better than half the hunters on your server.

Because if you want to tank you roll warrior

Warrior pvp aint fun without a healer buttbuddy, top geared warriors on the private server have their main tank position on lockdown so rolling a warrior on a private server that isn't new feels kinda a waste of time.

If this was still 2004, back when MMOs had peak concurrent subscribers of a few hundred thousand, sure. But in the context of a game that broke those numbers by 10x in only a few months and eventually reached an 8-figure peak, seeing it drop to nearly 6 figures is not a healthy sign.

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More like 10000 players global after 6 months. There are so many more options for online gaming nowadays.

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Every raidlead worth their salt will equip multiple warriors. Only idiots run the starting raids with their top tank (in that roll)

>Source: My feelings

Most blizzlike private servers have more than that. Hell, when Nost dropped from 30k to 10k player peaks after the server shut down for nearly a week after they fucked up paying the server costs, people were calling the server dead even though vanilla servers back in the day only had like 2000-2500 player slots

Plot twist: he became unhuman.

I have no citation for you but 2000-2500 were at launch. Since 1.10 it reached 5000 slots with a dynamic balance of half per faction, that would give you a queue of your faction was full but the other wasn't. Only on PvP server ofc. In some server this got removed though due to massive imbalance between the factions.

Another tidbit: With 1.6 they implemented that you'd skip the queue if you had a non-logout disconnect for two minutes. The provisioning for those people was 2% of the total faction slots.

2500 was only in the beginning, I remember the numbers increased and servers still ended up being overpopulated.

God damn I missed it when they would announce new servers every month.