Who else /tinnitusgamer/?

who else /tinnitusgamer/?

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Fuck you for saying the T word, just seeing it makes me aware of the fucking bEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
The pitch was raised recently too

tell me about it. Just got it a week ago, it's driving me insane

>listen to loud af music in college
>developed tinnitus in right ear recently. 3 years after leaving college
>Am an 'audiophile' and can't listen to my audio gear anymore
Turn the volume down zoomers.

Attached: 1559161501714.webm (960x540, 2.32M)

>dont shower for two months
>sleep on same side of face everyday
>get ear infection

waddup brothers

tinnitus caused by wax buildup shouldn't be permanent. Get suction done.

Why is it so hard for scientists to make loud beeping go away, why is there no "cure"

Will kill myself because of it soon. Had T for 7 months now. Lost all hope that it’s going away.

because we don't even know what causes it exactly. I'm pretty sure they still offer surgeries to people to sever their ear parts from their brains to see if MAYBE itll turn it off but it doesn't and makes it worse because of the deafening silence amplifying it lmao xd

Because the beep does not come from something "live" anymore. It's the sound the cells you killed make.

they cant cure most brain problems because the research isnt there yet. Maybe in 100 years we will understand the brain better and there will be cures for shit like this and INSOMNIA.


>Turn on fan
>woah tinnitus gone


Attached: degeneracy.jpg (2576x1932, 537K)

just slap the back of your neck you bitch

you obviously don't have it. Barely anything helps.

Are you guys having it loud? I can basically only hear it when going to sleep and it is so quiet I'm not even sure if it's a real thing or just my addled mind constantly playing tricks on me.


Are you saying you don’t all take it as casually as him?

Attached: image.jpg (618x400, 163K)

>Firing without protective gear
Also, sauce?

I've had Tinnitus since I was 7 because a severe series of ear infections I'd get over the winters. I'm honestly so used to it being there that the times it's more quiet I find it unsettling how still the world is.

lmao fucking tinnituscucks

us eeechads only hear it when we sleep and sometimes we forget its even there unless we manually focus on it. When will you doomed tinnitlettes ever learn.

>he thinks being a hasgunz is the reason he got the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Nah. You just cheaped out on a good pair of earpros and that's about it. You fucked up and that has nothing to do with your babby 9mm.

Attached: 91G5JXOEs5L._SX425_.jpg (425x536, 31K)

My fan is really loud. It cuts through the air and produces a lot of whooshing sound.
Also an ENT gave me some piracetam for a month and it made a couple tones go away (had 3 tones in right ear now have one).

mine's constant droning, like a CRT turned on in my head.

>have tinitus
>literally always listening to music unless im watching a movie or playing a singleplayer game

FFU & GPM bon
I figured them little rubber whatsits would be effective enough
they're not tbqh but the damage is long done

I got it from landscaping. Fuck the leaf blower.

gimme the source

tinnitus is for babbies
who here /explodingheadsyndrome/

everyone gets that periodically, pussy.

>he doesn't wake up at night because of EHS
see leaf blowers are fun, they make my hands feel numb after a while

>I figured them little rubber whatsits would be effective enough

Don't tell me you started shooting (when you started i mean, initially) with only cheap rubber in your hear ?

You fucked up big time indeed. A standard Glock 17 sits at approximately 162 db unsuppressed. The threshold of pain is at 140 db. You basically broke your ears.

A good active ear protection is less than 100 fucking dollars. Audition on the other hand has no price.

it taught me a valuable lesson: fudds can't be trusted

Yup. Fudds can't be trusted.

>tfw went to the ear doctor
>he can't see any damage
>but my septum is crooked and I need nose surgery
hope that's the cause


I only notice it when I go to bed, annoying at first now it doesn't even bother me

Dude 9/10 people have a deviated septum. I have it too, I thought that was the cause too until I learned how common it is. You don’t need a surgery for it.