This post makes me angry. It doesn’t matter what you think about ff14, it sticks to what is traditionally FF and is no doubt far more FF than most of the games after 6. It is the few modern FF games which you can say is truly fully FF.
This post makes me angry. It doesn’t matter what you think about ff14...
>This post makes me angry
imagine being this pathetic
11 should have just been FF Online and 14 should have been FF Online 2.
>nu-wow in a weeb skin is final fantasy
fuck no
Ohhhhhhh, seething tranny. Got to be first one to say it in a final fantasy 14 thread. Feels good man
its a shit wow clone they cobbled together in 2 years and slapped a ff paintjob over
How did you get that from this thread?
Also Wow Classic is nu-Wow.
Kill yourself, you fucking retard. Go erp with your tranny friends. Faggot.
are you retarded
yoshida literally stated in an interview that they made it in two years after the disaster of 1.0 and he gave his team time to go play world of warcraft for inspiraton
>implying FF ever had any sort of identity beyond chocobos or moogles
The mere fact you faggots are always arguing about which game is more "Final Fantasy" than the other is the biggest clue anyone can need about the IP being soulless trash.
Slap the brand name on anything, use a bunch of costumes and names and you got yourself a Final Fantasy, so much for what is FF and what isn't.
1) A fantasy setting with red mages, black mages, crystals, stuff from every FF game isn’t ff but fucking Japanese Boy Band simulator somehow is.
Fuck off. As much as I love 6 and 7, they were deviations from the identity FF leading it to become a hodgepodge of a series meaning barely anything as a whole. Games like 9, 11, 14 were the games that brought FF to what it truly was and you can’t deny that.
I can tolerate 6 and 7 because they are good, but the most of the games past 5 don’t fit with the games before it.
That makes sense, but people who say that it doesn’t fit in the series at all are retarded when it fits in the series more than most modern mainline games
>this post makes me angry
>better make a whole thread about it
Oh fuck it's you again, why are you so fixated on the crystals shit? FF1 didn't even have crystals. FF1 had mechas and time travel. It was never generic fantasy.
Play 1-6 and you will understand, there is no debate about what is and isn’t FF before that point
It’s not about it being generic fantasy or having sci-fi elements, I know 1 had orbs and not crystals but crystals became a highly important aspect of the series without it. It’s about everything that made FF recognisably FF in the classic days. FF games without the traditional jobs and their costumes being present somewhere is like DQ without slimes, don’t mention FF2 because Minwu was a white mage.
I did you fucking zoomer, there's nothing to understand, they were all ripping off other games or ripping off each other, FFII being a vague exception to that given how it wasn't a complete Ultima 4 clone and came up with some original ideas for once.
This entire garbage series never had any sort of identity outside of a bunch of recurring names and mascots.
So is ff1 not a real final fantasy game because it doesn't have crystals and jobs? is the first final fantasy not actually final fantasy?
>ripping off each other
That’s what they series are supposed to do. I really can’t believe you don’t find more connection in FF1-5 than any of those games to 8 or 10
>So is ff1 not a real final fantasy game because it doesn't have crystals and jobs? is the first final fantasy not actually final fantasy?
No, you missed my point. FF 1 did have jobs as well, if you think I meant them being interchangeable then that would be silly because you could only do that in 3 or 5. I mean that crystals are so important to the identity of the series that they went back and added crystals in the remakes of the game, it just adds a sense of authenticity to FF when games add them.
>no crystals
The orbs are crystals you tard
feels more like FF than the last few titles
Any video game with a subscription is instant irredeemable trash.
Just wait for it to get shut down, and play on the inevitable private servers then
>That’s what they series are supposed to do
That's what garbage series without any sense of identity do, FF games hardly even elaborate on their core gameplay, they add gimmicks that are just fancy ways to grind.
>. I really can’t believe you don’t find more connection in FF1-5
What connections?
Crystals? FFII already discarded the idea and it was only kept because Sakaguchi is a hack that can't come up with anything original or good by himself, which is why III is a bad clone of I and IV shamelessly recycles the cast and story from II and makes it worse by removing all the commitment from the plot twists, then you have V which is III except that this time it sucks a bit less.
Even when you look at the gameplay there's three games out of those five which are kind of similar, and none of that gameplay is even original or unique to FF, outside of the ATB gimmick, which only two games out of those five use.
And again, this is just five of the mainline games, in a franchises that has dozens of entries with barely anything at all in common outside of the brand name, FF's entire philosophy was ripping off other games and put the FF name on it.
Oh well, whatever you say
FfVII has literal soul crystals in it as a major plot point
>Crystals? FFII already discarded the idea
There are crystals in FFII though. There are no games without crystals.
I played through FF4, when the fuck is this scene supposed to happen?
Never, it's a cool picture though
Is there another resident autist we're going to have to deal with?
True, sucks that it never happened
Sakaguchi-produced storytelling used to be the “brand” of FF. FFX was the last game they should have called Final Fantasy. No FF since has been able to tell an immersive and engaging story, and thus the brand is damaged and used to bank on nostalgia. Some zoomers have a hard time understanding this.
no FF after FFX should be called Final Fantasy
Man I'm liking Shadowbringers so much, healers will finally have to heal. No more will I have to play tank and be on my toes every goddamn moment because the healer is dpsing.
No more will healers spam dps because mana is now a limited resource. We will finally be playing a good game guys, maybe I'll even go back to playing tank again.
BASED Yoshi-P god making healers heal.
>Battle system, mechanics
Maybe on a very basic level as a menu-driven RPG.
>story elements and tropes
No way, that is not FF’s DNA. The stories are full of unexpected twists. Locking down the setting and plot elements only limits the storytelling.
This, no FF since 10, or debatably 11 has told a story worth telling. Every FF since has been sterile and soulless. Only Sakaguchi can save his child.
Yeah I can possibly accept the first few years of FFXI.
Yea that's never gonna happen. Ff11 still has a sub and is older than most Yea Forums users.
>No way, that is not FF’s DNA. The stories are full of unexpected twists. Locking down the setting and plot elements only limits the storytelling.
That doesn’t excuse getting rid of FF’s original aesthetics, and stuff like the classic jobs.
This game is fucking ugly. Some korean grinders look better than this plastic looking garbage. Story is about a chosen one in fucking MMO so it's trash automatically. It is also stupid easy, i died like twice on the way to 50, and there is no PvP to speak of. Who the fuck even plays this shit other than trannies?
You just have to be really, really patient
>Who the fuck even plays this shit other than trannies?
You just called yourself a tranny, because you clearly did
>Who the fuck even plays this shit other than trannies?
Nobody. I'm serious. Everybody i know who played it when it came out quit in the first expansion. Everybody left is some wannabe tranny catboy faggot which i confirmed for myself when i tried the game out for myself last month. Trannies would never play a game that isn't a skinner box and especially would NEVER play a game with open world PvP.
Ur face is ugly
Which servers are the worst?
>gave his team time to go play world of warcraft for inspiraton
Should have waited for Classic
To be fair most of them hadn’t played MMOS at all except 11 until that point, so they had to start from somewhere
>This post makes me angry.
this is some strong bait
If that's the case, every FF game that isn't like the first one isn't a FF game.
That's a lot of projection there, wowfugee.
this is all you ff14fags ever seem to have huh
a game so bad nobody can actually praise it just talk shit about other games
Can you at least admit that the game is nice to explore, and see what a modern fantasy FF would look like?
It isn't nice to explore because the world is completely sterile and empty. There's nothing interesting to find or explore. Every zone is just completely separate from the others, full of invisible walls and it's all designed to make you follow the main story breadcrumb trail. Another thing I notice too is that mobs seem to barely even react to your presence. Maybe you feel differently but there is just really nothing interesting to see in the world. And inb4 >bro it gets good 100 hours in with the expansions.
I just don’t agree with you. I love the look of 14’s world, and even the opening cities were nice for me. Something ffv with the pirateness of this city
>Sakaguchi-produced storytelling used to be the “brand” of FF.
You don’t like it but others do
"Others" who, exactly?
Sakaguchi cultists? The games sold on graphics and brand names, people in this very thread are already being divisive about what your so called Sakaguchi produced storytelling entails, the man was nothing more than a businessman putting his name on other people's hard work.
why do you fags keep saying ff14 when talking about ff14-2?
Name one game which isn’t heavily inspired by other works, including non-video game works like d&d
>Sakaguchi-produced storytelling used to be the “brand” of FF.
obviously not, since the games sakaguchi has made since leaving square are all irrelevant compared to the final fantasy games he was involved with.
It's more Final Fantasy than XV could hope to be, at least.
FF6-10 are the only Final Fantasy games.
XIV is the most Final Fantasy-like game in the series since X.
I have never played Final Fantasy 7. A friend gifted the game to me on iOS mobile. Is it worth playing on the phone? I’m constantly on the go and it seems like the most convenient way to play it.
Mistwalker’s games have been much better than nu-ff. LO is the true FF13, but overlooked because it was on 360 and didn’t say “Final Fantasy” on the box.
Microsoft is actually the owner of Lost Oddysey? I had no idea. When are these fucks going to port it to PC?
>Mistwalker’s games have been much better than nu-ff.
Must be why they all flopped disastrously.
This is depressing. I have yet to play Last Story. The game's apparently so good it became sort of true - it was their last story told on console.
Speaking of which, does it need the Wii Mote or is it playable with a normal controller?