When is fallout bringing back friendly Deathclaws

When is fallout bringing back friendly Deathclaws

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None. Lorewise they all died out.

Though Gorris could still be out there in secret fucking regular deathclaw females as the gene is carried by males.

Fallout 5: Deathclaw village in deep caves.

I don’t care what anyone else says about him, Gorris was a fucking bro man

>Implying the big mommy Deathclaw wouldn't fuck you into oblivion by cowgirling your pelvis into dust

Talking deathclaws was a huge mistake. Pop culture references are one thing, but screwing around with the lore that much is just stupid.

What exactly are deathclaws?

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Jackson's chameleon

Hopefully never

>TFW no giant Deathclaw mommy wife to hug you at night and hiss softly into your ear.

Why does Yea Forums want to fuck literally everything?

It's always funny to me that Bethesda actively trying to make Fallout a wacky zany comedy but a talking deathclaw is too much for them

They're just big lizard creatures that are a product of extreme mutations brought about by radiation over the course of a century or two. They're generally one of the most dangerous enemies in the Fallout series and have appeared in nearly every entry.

Only Chris Avellone stated that, and he's no longe associated with the series. In reality, Bethesda could bring them back any time. If they ever do another fallout game in the core region, I see no reason why there wouldnt at least be a town or faction of them. Intelligent dearhclaws were playable in Tactics, and that's mostly canon at this point.

>mutations brought about by radiation
no they were made before the war as weapons

Years and years of no physical attention does things to a man

>nearly every
BHoS 2 doesnt count. They've been around since fallout 1.

As if Fallout fallows its own lore to begin with. Deathclaws are the coolest original creatures from the Fallout franchise and they're more interesting when they're not just dumb monsters.

miserable pile of secrets

We're just horny and lonely.

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More like why is everything fuckable?

>having lore
>after 76 was made

You mean after 3 was made

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sounds good to me!

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You mean after BoS was made

I've always had a thing for "unconventional" females. Deathclaws, xenomorphs, Turians, dragons, more blatant furshit, the stuff meandraco draws- it's always interested me more than "rubber forehead" aliens and the like. Theres just something about "taming the beast" and having a physically superior, weapon of a woman lusting after my superior human cock.

>Fallout 5
>USA is now a big fucking danger jungle infested by burrowers because of the super strong plants from that one vault in NV
>playable races include: american humans, ghouls, chinese, synth remnants, sapient deathclaws
I wouldn't mind.

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>tfw no deathclaw companion

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Why are they so sexy?

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This. Originally, ghouls were the result of radiation mixes with the copious amounts of FEV released into the air when West Tek was bombed, but now they canonically are just created by large amounts of rads.

The artist who drew that didn't think about the mouth leaving those bite marks did they?

>Hopper31 enters the thread
Make more mods, nigger


It's fine, I always keep 200 stimpacks on me.

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I miss Gorris. Its a shame we never knew what happen to most of the Fallout 2 companions since they are the best group in the series

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the thought of something violent and powerful being nice enough deep inside to fall in love with a member of some other species makes me rock hard, i dont even care what they look like anymore
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH thats why okay

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There was one in Fallout 4.

>something violent and powerful being nice enough deep inside to fall in love with a member of some other species
imagine being this much of a cuck

i dont think that really counts seeing how it was just an regular enemy with broken AI

yeah imagine haha

isnt that all bethesda enemies though

Never, some angry nigger killed all of them.
And Todd probably does not know they exist.

Wut? Isn't the other species the one getting cucked if the monster falls in love with (you)

based horny and lonely posters


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not really, you're mistaking it for bad AI, the deathclaw you're talking about straight up doesnt react to anything.

kill yourself furfag

By comparison, I probably had a fair share of female interaction, but there's still nothing I want more than to fuck a massive deadly lizard girl.


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Where is the fur?

its never going to happen, just do what the rest of us do and equip wasteland whisperer.

>like beachclaw
What does it mean?

i assume thats the deathclaw mother from the quest?
they probably couldnt find out how to make it not attack the player so they just made it never aggro or something

3 was pretty bad. The fact that they brought... Harkin? (I never remember the name, the guy who had branches and shit growing out of him in FO1) back, but he is for some reason in D.C and has become a full grown tree. Bethesda somehow manages to create even more questions by doing call-backs. The fact that normies didn't see how shitty Bethesda actually is until 76, really boggles the mind.

>don't even wanna have sex just wanna have a place to belong

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there is also one in a sinkhole in the middle of a city somewhere in FO4 that doesnt react to you as well.

i like to think bethesda refuses to do this not for any lore reasons, but because they can't find a way to properly animate deathclaws talking or something

That reminds me how stupid the IFF radar in Bethesda Fallouts is. You know if something is hostile even before you see it. Just makes encounters dumber and the world shallow.

It would be really neat if you had to actually assess the risk of approaching someone, kinda like the staple of post-apocalyptic stories it is. Would also make possible to make more pacifistic attitudes in playing be more rewarding, when you like for example meet a friendly Deathclaw and it shows you their hidden camp, unfindable for people who just shoot everything on sight.

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post more sexy deathclaws

>Have Goris in party
>Combat has a extra 5 seconds tacked onto starting and ending
Bugs the shit out of me

It's a very Bethesda way

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How fucking stupid do you think Bethesda is?
There is no chance they would do something as dumb as having talking deathclaws.

>can't animate a wheelchair
>but a huge ass robot companion teleporting behind you everywhere is fine

What about kids with no parents and no explanation on how they were conceived living together in a cave and after they're old enough, they have to live in some "town" with 4 buildings?

>tfw no power armored deathclaw waifu
I want it so bad

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>the company who made the PC controls for base building in fallout 4 has a limit to how dumb they can be
uh, no?

Hahaha! As if that's stopped them before.

dinosaur experiments gone great

why is this even asked?

Friendly Deathclaws via shock collars for bad Karma players or a raising an Egg for good Karma ones are an idea I'd like. Or maybe make the "Friend of Animals" perk finally mean something by making even the highest tiers of Fauna friendly to you.

Talking Deathclaws was, is, and always will be one of the most retarded decisions that has ever been made. Goris was also an annoying companion because of his stupid five second transition where he had to throw off his cloak every time battle started.

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Would be even stupider if they were directly next to a super irradiated cave with a horde of Super Mutants too. Good thing Beth isn't THAT dumb.

I'm about to abandon my friends and family in the coming month. To move far away north, to appreciate the beauty of nature and the world, but alone.
I feel happy, the lack of appreciation, they'll never get closure as to where I went.

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What's this i see, a post about classic Fallout games?! On Yea Forums of all the places?! I thought this board was just zoomers and Yea Forums fags with their shitty waifus!

Assaultron waifu or Deathclaw waifu?

Fuck off, retard.

Why not both?
But deathclaw, personally

lol, I hope you get raped by a Bull Moose you queer.

both please

>Something powerful enough to kill you effortlessly humbling itself out of sheer love
>they start a family together and make it work until death do they part
Why are these always the best love stories?

Heavily customized Assaultron Wife. Deathclaw dog

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Assaultron maid to fuck over the counter.

Deathclaw wife to love.

Other way around user

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Fuck off with your herm shit back to /d/

are you implying that's a bad thing?

>there are user that didn't save Bess
What is your excuse?

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>not breeding your horny deathclaw companion hourly

Having both is perfectly reasonable, considering the probable mindset of both

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Did you mod in your deathclaw companion, yet?

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No doctor skills.


>Goris was also an annoying companion because of his stupid five second transition where he had to throw off his cloak every time battle started.
>he didn't play with NPC animation speed set to maximum

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Fallout 4 Deathclaws may be superior in design and mechanics, but nothing can top the fear that Fallout 3/NV Deathclaws can evoke in their simplistic designs

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*blocks your path*

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>Deathclaws still use the same animation from fucking Oblivion Daedroth

No That's Cazadores. 3/NV's Deathclaws all look malnourished and sad compared to 4s.

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>rotates torso and swings at you

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>use auto with no skill on its wings from distance
>none of them hit this zigzagging speedy boi
>go into vats when its like 2 feet away
>cripple wing
>just starts crawling like a bich

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They can be handled, but they're still fucking creepy. I HATE Bugs in 3 and NV. Even Roboscorpions spook me from time to time. I wanna strangle Borous' biogel for making Cazacunts. Snake-Puppies Good tho.

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Nah. As neat as Deathclaws are they require extermination. Dangerous enough in their base form but they are highly mutagenic (all the variants). Intelligent ones could easily conquer the world.

>took Animal Friend so I wouldn't have to kill the cute snek puppers.

There a mod to get one as a pet companion?

No thanks, Talking Deathclaws are stupid even by Bethesda standards.

let that settle in 2babs

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That looks fucking awful

You want Bethesda to butcher that too? Why?

You're unironically not a human if you don't want to fuck everything.
Man is the apex predator, everything belongs to us.

Why am I bi for just about anything inhuman but not even close to bi in real life

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It's okay bud; your going to leave the rats race and live in god's image.

Nothing wrong with having a family member come visit. Write letters when you are bored and let the ones who reply back in.


This makes me very uncomfortable

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>Bethesda actively trying to make Fallout a wacky zany comedy but a talking deathclaw is too much for them
plenty of talking dragons in skyrim retard.

besides they're just mutated lizards. why in the hell would they talk


>You had to remind me.

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>not seducing the Cazadores

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Play Fallout 2 you casual

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What the fuck is this?

I'd rather play as a Deathclaw going around spreading my seed.

>Human sized wasps and tarantula hawks
yeah nah at least Lizards arent gonna stab me with a giant stinger that lays eggs in the mortal wound, that also paralysises me so that I can't even scream as i get eaten alive from the inside out.

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Exactly this. iirc, they were experimental bioweapons

This nigga gets it

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I'd rather play as a robot on a pilgrimage across the wasteland to find his creator, defending innocents along the way while studying wildlife.

you do you user

I got a boner, source please

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The Wasp Woman 1995

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Reduce the Hiss, Give one the proportions of an Ant Queen and You might be onto something.

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I like how the deathclaw is done in the first game. It has a very traditional fantasy feel, like that they are mythical creatures in a deconstructed magic world. They are quite like dragons, or something similar, but with a very modern spin. Fallout 2 is also interesting at giving the idea that deathclaws rapidly bred and are quite accepted, but deadly and obscure entities. Also, the intelligent and noble deathclaw also helps add to the fantasy mindset, in my opinion. I think that new Fallout failed to do as much presentation with one of the most interesting creatures in the series.

Also, I think it's really bizarre that new Fallout still has hundreds of unfriendly mutants wandering around. Additionally, I've always felt that robots were the most underused faction in all of the Fallout series.

Thanks man.

I thought that intelligent deathclaws would be nice as a minor returning faction, a companion would be nice as well but i doubt them being put in future fallouts will ever happen but we can dream or someone can mod it if they haven't already.

NV had some friendly mutants and a whole settlement of them. Tho they were far from generally accepted.

Cars? What are those?

-Fallout series after 2

The original concept of fallout 1 had them being weird chimeras made from many different animals and human dna but the games never expanded on this. Fallout 3 made them mutated jacksons chameleons.

>no they were made before the war as weapons
It's actually both. Deathclaws were created as weapons by using the FEV but were subject to radiation for some time after the apocalypse to reach their current form.

>cars can be easily repairable and usable since they use cells instead of oil
>and roads could be repair too
>nah, leave the litter and skulls arround bois

This honestly makes more sense. They look and behave nothing like a chameleon beyond the horns.

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funny how the Fallout tactics Deathclaws look like the original art with a mix of the final product

The dev mention correctly that it isn't hard to fuel a car, but repairing the smaller bits of the car that runs it.

I always though deathclaws were cool but what about gatorclaws?

Why is the idea of having sex with something that could kill you so hot

To assert your dominance and coming inside these killing machine.

The original Fallout game was great because the plot was literally "storm the evil wizard's castle and stop him from turning your small village into an army of evil orcs" but played completely straight. None of the other games ever understood this or even tried to emulate it.


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I really wonder if we're actually getting a sequel to fallout 4 at all. The decline in quality as the years go by is just depressing.

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>TFW no adorable dragon GF to fly me across the land.

Hopefully not.

its the ultimate test of trust and love
if you are willing to fuck something that will probably kill you afterwards, that's true love

This is pretty generic but what if in some future fallout game there is a faction of intelligent deathclaws that just want to help reunite the war-torn region but literally everyone else is so crazy they still shoot them on sight. They would be like super tanky monks that just want peace and prosperity across the land. Imagine some "ambassador" deathclaw trying to make amends with a local faction only to be constantly pelted with small-arms fire and shrugging it off.
The "twist" would be that most of the water supply is contaminated making all the human factions slowly go crazy but it doesn't affect the deathclaw's superior organs or something.

Clearly the good ending is that every man, woman and child begins subsiding entirely on deathclaw semen and deathclaw breastmilk.


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This isn't sexy at all, it just makes my heart hurt because it's nothing more than a fucking drawing on a tibetan tobacco discussion image board

Why stop there?

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No user. Big is fine.

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You are like a little baby

Watch this

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Good taste, even if she STILL isn't big enough. I need a vacation from this place anyways.

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That's really stupid but would technically work even how fetishy it sounds.

>tfw no cosmic snek lady to worship

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Sometimes I unironically wonder if life on this planet is so shitty for so many because a macro shoved our little blue and green marble up their ass eons ago. Would still worship them either way though, snakes are my favorite next to dragons.

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Not entirely true. Fallout is not completely a literal translation of fantasy, and I honestly like the modern, cold war, sci-fi, and punkish elements. Fallout 2 also does it quite similarly, although the punkish elements are clearly turned up for quite a bit of the game. Fallout 2 is even moreso a literal tribal village as the starting location.

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>the universe is so unimaginable vast and expansive that theres a planet out there that probably has snake goddesses on it
>it's trillions of lightyears away

who's the artist? my dick needs to know

At least it exists, or at minimum has a higher than zero percent chance to exist. The thought is enough for me.

>all I could ever want of life literally can't exist
>there's nothing else I could want out of existing
I sometimes wonder if all this effort I spend keeping myself alive is worth it.

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just use remote viewing bro

What you desire above all exists in your mind as much as the sight of your computer monitor, the sound of your system fans and the smell of your unwashed bedsheets do. All reality is merely what you comprehend it as; this is why giving yourself schizophrenia is a popular pasttime on /trash/. In lieu of that, at least accept that sometime, somewhere, someHOW, there are massive gentle macro snake gods/goddesses that will approvingly smile down at your efforts to worship them.

im holding out for neural VR

i too agree with this fellow man here

>Assaultron waifu or Deathclaw waifu?
loving assaultron wife and best bro deathclaw


>just starts crawling like a bich
user...they move faster when on there legs

>Must have been easy getting a job with them... Baby, you're dynamite

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>Fallout series after 2
tactics has vehicles user

Wish I knew, original filename credited "semolina", but I couldn't find them anywhere

>you will never show a qt deathclaw the big iron on your hip

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Have you seen a human woman lately? Do you want to put your dick in that thing?

>sequel to fallout 4

Why would anyone want that

her hips make my little iron the big iron