Attached: sony e3 2018.png (1037x929, 1.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=sony flute guy&src=typd

>train for years
>end up being the one and only non-japanese in history to earn the highest rank to play your instrument
>big company offers you the possibility to represent your discipline to the world
>the entire world ends up mocking you because it's too exotic for them

man I pity this guy

The moment you could feel that sony was no more

how hard to play is that bassoon? I bet he's the only one because no one is interested

honestly it wouldn't have been nearly as bad if they didn't make people wait like 20 minutes inbetween each game

I dont
Fuck weebs

Xboys and PCJews will talk down on this guy and based Sony while praising Micro$oft for playing their nigger and WUBWUBWUBWUB music

>how hard to play is that bassoon?

Well I couldn't tell since I never tried, but japan has less than 10 masters (Shihan) of the discipline if I remember correctly.

I imagine not many people have tried, but it's undeniable he masters his instrument.

Not gonna lie I don't care about sony's games, I just care about flute guy.

>all Sony 1st party titles have done really well commercially. All have been critical praised with the exception of Day Gone.
No more?

Yeah so do capeshit movies, who gives a shit, sony is dead if you have any taste

>snoyfags thinks this won them e3

>sony got laughed out of e3 so hard they literally ragequit

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What were they thinking?


Maybe they were expecting fucking video games at E3?

what was the last good game sony published?

why did they use a fucking white male that's appropriating asian culture? doesn't Sony have a PR department to prevent tragedies like this?

Does anyone care about their games?
Even fans seem to care more about sales than quality.


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>the entire world
It's something like .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000035% of gamers.

Probably Bloodborne.

No playstation game is memorable.
They all get great sales and metascores for sure, but I couldn't name a single playstation game worthy of entering a top10 greatest vidya of all time



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Actually, I'm not sure .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000035% of gamers represents even a single atom.

*Nioh or Gravity Rush 2

I mean, I liked GR if just for the idea but it really was underwhelming.

There certainly are some good playstation games, nobody's gonna deny that (except retards), but being good is not enough to be memorable, there needs to be something more, and almost zero sony games have that.

>game about Africa
>dude with vuvuzela on stage

there are more gamers in the world than there are stars in the universe

allow me to play you the song of my people

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he should have declined the moment he was told he was going to play at E3. thats just begging for ridicule no matter who your audience is.

I thought he was kind of bad, to be honest. He wasn't even playing notes half the time.

>game about africa
>bring a tire, some gasoline and a small child on stage

He probably didn't know what E3 was all about, and even if he looked it up, all he would've found was that it was a large videogame salon.

I play the piano and have performed multiple times at events/place where I didn't know or care what was happening.

Yeah, and I don't remember hearing a single yooo the entire playlist.

to piss off trannies

he should have at least looked into who his audience would be. he would have backed out in a heartbeat.

Also where the fuck were the gongs and sushi at for the full experience?

I can't imagine that he cares. He already succeeded.

As the outsider of a culture, it's very hard to know where to look for to know the sort of people you'll play for.
I already played for a Mason meetings once and only realized weeks later.

Yes but I imagine getting worldwide acclaim must be a nice feeling.

Why would they want to piss off their main audience?

I blame cultural apropriation libshits
I myself didnt like it because it sounds stupid, but not because he is white

Does anyone have the pic where someone badly photoshopped a bong in place of the flute

absolutely based fluteguy

FFS he's been given his master title by a japanese, are they fucking retarded?


I just see a really high level weeb

guy probably never watched anime desu

>I already played for a Mason meetings once and only realized weeks later
Were they raping little girls?

They were just standing as an audience and I wasn't invited to the lunch they had afterwards.
No cunny for me :(

snoygoys are masters at playing the skin flute.

I'm surprised the woman who started choking before God of Soi trailer didn't get the same reaction.


>train for years
>end up being the one and only non-japanese in history to earn the highest rank to play your instrument
>big company offers you the possibility to represent your discipline to the world
>the entire left shits on you for cultural appropriation

>still no New War quest
>still no Railjack
Steve. Stop. Just stop.

the only people who laughed at this were retards and attention whores

>No cunny for me :(
You missed out dude

He was the best flute player in the whole world. He is the top-ranked player and speakers all orphans look for him. When I was a young boy, I'll play the flute every day, because I want to be like him. I played for years, and finally one day I approached his skill level. I love this song, and play it more than 5,000 times. My family has been denied, because I love this song for me. "You hurt my ears, stop," they say, but I never did. I'll keep playing trumpet introduction, until my lips and ears bleed. I put this song down to my kids and my man anthem. This is my power of song. I did the Rocky series, replace "flies now," the song editing. I have to overdubbed every war movie theater this song. My grandfather's funeral played this song. I explode this song, because I drive through the bad parts of the town, it makes even the most difficult criminals to give up their weapons, hugging each other gestures of peace. I had a special flute player of this song composed. It hewn ear bones melt enemy, I killed my flute prelude grating. Bamboo folded in 1000 times.It withstood blowing my breath for a few weeks, they have the power over 10,000 solar power. I've been razed to the ground by the instrument nation and this song's strength and power. This song is musical beauty has earned its largest display Earth's overall human history. In the hands of the original artists show is unparalleled. I created a new form of music research center to solve this masterpiece. There is a religion, which I lead, is committed to this song and its creator worship.

ha ha very funny good sir one internetz for you xdd

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Only one twitter cunt cared and got put in her place by fucking everybody. I'm fucking tired of "gacha!" bitches trying to find a fault or something offensive in fucking everything

Reminder that that stopped the fucking stream for almost ten minutes while they were setting up the second half.

>the entire left
It was just some website, chill.

Is this the same instrument that the mist nobles play in sekiro?

is this really what a good japanese flute-stickthing fiddler is supposed to sound like? It honestly just sounded to me like a guy awkwardly blowing into a pipe with no real melody or rhythm or music at all

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you missed one

It because they were moving venues. They had an entire room setup just for tlou2, after the trailer they moved everyone out into the actual room.

why are weebs like this?

can't wait to kill mongolshits

Shoot. At least I know for next time.

>Started development in 2014 after Second Son
>Kojima was able to release MGSV, PT and Death Stranding before Sucker Punch could make this shit
>Naughty Dog will likely also release TLOU2 before them while making Uncharted 4 and LL inbetween Second Son and GoT.
There must have been some development struggles to get that engine to look as good as it does and handle the world design compared to Seattle which is tiny as fuck

Dude's blowin that pipe like he's tryin to make it cum

>tfw no Phalanx Grampa feat Flute guy for e3 2019

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You probably have no real ear for music then. And certainly not any musical talent.

People probably wouldn't complain if they used this guy the same way they used the orchestra at their 2016 conference. Also the pacing of that conference was absolute dogshit and by the time that guy actually got on stage everyone was probably sick and tired of waiting for some actual video games to appear in a video game conference.

what's so bad about this?

my ancestors..

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that's not nice

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Jesus christ
did she get charged for that?

Oh yeah oops the loose fart pipe sounds much better than even basic rock n roll riffs 10 year olds can learn my bad

Not everyone who goes to Japan to study their culture is in it for weeb reasons. Some people go for the fine arts, some for the martial arts, some for the opposite sex. This guy got weeb problems for weeb reasons and I'd wager he doesn't even care about some cunts on twitter who can't name the instrument beyond 'japanese flute.'

an instrument this obscure has no masters, nobody really knows if those 10 people are actually good since you have little else to compare them to. it's like being top 10 in lawbreakers.

Hey I can play the piano pretty well. But in the 2 minute performance the guy gave, 90% of it just sounded like his breath was scraping against some wooden tube

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>charging a poc
that's racist

An uneventful and unnecessary moment in a conference desperate for games.

This shit right here is why sony isn't going to e3 this year

After all the money they dumped into the show they where regarded as a train wreck

who gives a shit about videogames

Well they get shot a lot

>calling the master race poc
Racist, that'll be a million dollars in reparations now white bitch.

Because no one fucking goes to a video game conference for an orchestra or a fucking flute solo. Of all the things, this is what Microsoft did right last year, it was nothing but announcements and games back to back.

There is really no need for it anyways. Just put all the trailers on YouTube, that's all anyone cares about anyways.

Sony apparently :)

not really, white people get shot more often because no one cares

I think you're missing the point. It's a job and it's for one of the largest Japanese companies, so you're going to take it.
And let's face facts, no one is saying his performance or he himself was shit. It's the fact that Sony doesn't do video games and this is just another example of that.
Remove Sony from the equitation and I doubt anyone will have anything negative to say about him and will look at what he accomplished and go 'neat'.

We’re mocking Sucker Punch and snoy for having it at E3. Like you could be a world class electric guitar player but if it’s being played at a funeral it’s out of place.
It was especially laughable when Sekiro and Nioh 2 were also shown and were guaranteed to be better games.

lol okay dude

Fuck off Sinclair! Bring back prime trailers!

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>Because no one fucking goes to a video game conference for an orchestra or a fucking flute solo.

Judging by how the press responds to it you're wrong sadly.


They're literally who E3 exists for, the press and investors.


it was funny because it was not videogames and that whole conference was pretentious garbage.

Does anyone have the vocaroo with banjo man?


doubtful, colored people love shooting each other so much they organized clubs to shoot each other. i think they refer to these clubs as "gangs"

Nobody gives a fuck about gaming journos

Fuck you I put his soundrack on my ipod and jam out to it daily. You are a cretin, bad at piano, and a jerk. You just don't get the subtly of it. It's the notes he's not playing.

I can't remember a single time where bringing a band or performer on stage at E3 was a good idea
ESPECIALLY during Ubisoft's presentations

Uncharted 3

yes the ape charged at her over simple proximity

I fucking wish that some retarded aussie cunt make a AAA australian game and reveal it on E3, so they can show some rando playing a didgeridoo or something

never watched before, but that's pretty impressive.

Sauce or story?

let's be real, if a big company offered to pay me a few thousand dollars or something to blow into a wooden pipe for 10 minutes, I'd do it too


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I have to admit part of me is going to miss how goofy Sony's stage shows could be. Remember how in 2017 they had people hanging upside down on stage so they could writhe around during the Days Gone section? I was surprised that moment never became a meme or anything.

you're so cultured and such an intellectual

compared to you

*cough* *cough*

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The problem with doing this is they grossly misunderstood how to hype up a stage event. Stage events/Live events DO NOT work like movie/streamed events. You can easily tell Sony planned everything out as if it was only to be livestreamed, we know this because during the 10-20 minute break they had some soi chugger talking about TLOU2 or whatever. The live audience however had NONE of that, they were sitting in silence waiting. YOU NEVER DO THAT TO A LIVE AUDIENCE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHOW. That's stage ettiquette 101. The thing is they then come back out with zero energy, zero command of the stage and this random guy no one knows starts playing a flute.
If after all that waiting this band youtube.com/watch?v=K_xTet06SUo came out and performed it'd be a very different story. The reason is there is only one, single time it's OK to make the audience wait and that's if you then come out with something that's so ridiculously high energy with the performer having presence and command over the whole stage and audience. Flute guy didn't, so he became a meme. If they had someone introduce him and give some backstory to him and his accomplishments then it might've gone better but instead we got some cum guzzler fellating a shitty zombie game.

It wasn't actually bad at all. Sounds like music you often hear in older weeb movies

That's the only thing you would go to E3 for at all, is entirely correct. The only reason to look forward to E3 is to watch the cringe as the talking heads embarass themselves and they use these dumb musical interludes to cover for their lack of things to actually show. Even then, some shmucks go through at all and put the cringe compilation on Youtube anyway

his mocking is a fucking parenthesis after naughtydog decided to move their whole venue to a church, because, lol, christians against lesbians & homos #sobrave #diversity.

this is him now

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remember how people literally got up and left during that E3?

was it kino?


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20 minutes of waiting and then some unknown guy plays a flute at you. That's how you generate anti-hype. Sony planned the whole thing to be livestreamed and didn't bother accounting for the live in person audience.

I thought it was pretty fun

they also did that horseshit with the cathedral or whatever before that.
what a shitshow.

only a tiny select few twitter idiots were angry about the 'cultural appropriation' - most people made fun of it because it was hilariously out of place and pretentious in an already pretty disastrous and confusing press conference.

Like you have this longass banjo intro for a Last of Us demo, then cut away to some random retards talking for 15 minutes, then FINALLY get back to the games (after they moved the crowd into a fully different venue) only to have this guy come up and start FWWWWEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEing for another 5 minutes

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Cool video game conference, but let me play you the song of my people.


Is the businessman in the suit on the left doing a laughinggirls.jpg?

Sony got straight up laughed out of E3 for that press conference... no wonder they don't dare show their face this year!

t. Trump

that's why they're not doing E3 anymore, right?

they're not doing E3 anymore because they literally have no games.
their last four E3s all had the same games because they barely produce shit anymore and everything takes ages to come out.

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Reminds me of this guy

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What's the origin of this image? I've seen it get posted for years, but don't know shit about the details surrounding it. Was it some sort of prank of the sort? I refuse to believe someone unrionically thought it was acceptable to do this dumb shit.

I mean if they invited some cool band like Gloryhammer it would have turned out much much better

and the fucking thing with the people hanging and wiggling supposed to be zombies or someshit

Have you seen the Logan Paul videos on japan? Not the suicide forest but the other ones?
People can be unironically that socially retarded, it's fucking pathetic.

the song of his people does not exist

Dont forget being called racist for keeping an artform alive.

bros being bros in a country where bros don't exist. have friends

Time stamp at the bottom says 89-3-5, I'm pretty sure it's just some tourist in late 80s Japan.

The only clip I saw was them buying the triangle hat kimono running out of the store doing "ninja" sounds.
You can have friends and not be the most disrepectful dicks in the world.

lol getting mad at things said and done within bros. have friends

Poor fucker honestly, one of the first controversies that opened my eyes to SJW bullshit.


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what a lifeless audience.

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>said and done within bros
That sounds really fucking gay

Nah, he's invading other cultures with his shit genes


That guys broke down in tears and I was ready to call him a pussy because I thought it was because he was being attacked. But then he released the reason.....
>this is what humanity has come to
I felt it very hard. In my heart.

Actually, the communist party has tried really hard to remove Chinese history from the public consciousness. MANDATE OF HEAVEN is a dangerous concept, because it inspires revolution.

>living with a bong-hitting stoner roommate
Jesus fuck, I can hear it.

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Give me the quick rundown, I don't remember this one.

They were acting like retards in japan to appease their audience of kids.

He laded a spacecraft on a comet, but SJW's were upset about his shirt.

This man was based and still is

Why don't companies ever learn that no one gives a shit about their embarrassing performances and time wasting skits? People just want to see GAMES. Fill your time with just GAMES and you'll win E3 easily.

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Elaborate, who's "they"?

fuck i haven't heard this in years

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>dude works for NASA
>lands something on a comet
>female designer friend asks him to wear a shirt she made
>women everywhere get mad at his shit
>claim sexism in NASA
>he fucking apologizes
>instead of focusing on his achievement everyone focuses on his shirt
it was a shitshow tbqhwy desu


percocets molly percocets

/f/chads where we at

> that silent fucking audience

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Its because he put on a fucking music show in an event where everyone just wanted to see vidya. I realize it isnt his fault and just did what he got hired to do but the dude was in the wrong place to perform

Holy shit

>too exotic
Too overdone is more like it. They dressed him up to play solo over a video game trailer. The fact he's not Japanese wasn't helping with the surrealism either.

>>the entire world ends up mocking you because it's too exotic for them
He plays good, but he fucked up big time on sony's shitshow

what did he mean by this

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The opening to it always makes me think it's about to break into the yugioh theme

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Poor guy. He didn't deserve this.


>They got BTFO so hard for this that moderation started damage controlling the comments section before eventually giving up and letting it burn

is that Marcus Luttrell?

I looked this video up. It didn't seem all that bad, though it felt like I was listening to a Jethro Tull solo rather than some Japanese folk instrument. Either way his performance was blown out of proportion.

share video

More like niggers being niggers.

It's literally not because it's too exotic but entirely because he is white and white people aren't allowed to learn asian masteries.
If it was an asian guy doing it no one would have cared and it would have been brushed away like the banjo player before him.

Attached: white_guy.png (865x839, 499K)

Why did they have him dress like that?

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E3 will NEVER be this good again

But in whose eyes though?

>Japanese people learning to play a western instrument the western way is okay
>westerners learning to play a Japanese instrument the Japanese way is racist

07 really was the best E3

Wait, that wasn't 07. Shit I'm officially old, it's all starting to blur together now

Sad part is after all that effort the game won't be coming out til next year IF it dosen't end up getting pushed onto the PS5.

What's sad is that these screeching twitter autismos were given attention by so called gaming "journalists" who didn't even bother to check that Sony is a japanese company, so how the fuck did they commit cultural appropriation of their own culture? What a bunch of fucking freaks.

You're retarded. By "mocking" that post meant threads like this and general internet comments where everyone laughs at sony's E3 conference. But since you're so obsessed with politics you managed to completely misunderstand that post.

>almost every browser no longer supports flash
/f/ brought me endless entertainment
i miss thursgays

No one really dislikes the guy himself.
Its cool that he's able to play that instrument. I just laugh at sony for obviously using him to fill the empty space in their showcase

The reason it was laughed at was because it wasn’t videogames you high roading faggot. That conference was a joke.

He fucking sucks though I've had farts that sound better.

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>>the entire world ends up mocking you because it's too exotic for them
People mocked him because they were expecting video games, you retarded faggot.

/r/ing this too

What are you expecting from e3 this year?

Clown world

Fuck off. People mocked the flute guy, Andrew WK, and the banjo guy for the same reason: they were not vidya.

at least i remember flute guy, noone gave a shit about banjo guy

am i the only one who thinks he really sounds like peter gabriel when he says EN EN AI AI

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You're retarded. The fact of the matter is that this is what he's going to be remembered for and that the vast majority of twitter and social media immediately condemned the guy because he had the wrong skin color.
I really just linked the article to prove a point, but you went on some dumb tangent about me misunderstanding the post when it was really about how the fact it happened in the first place is appalling.

>204 replies

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>the vast majority of twitter and social media
Only if your access to twitter and media is limited to bait threads on Yea Forums. You "linked" a typical tabloid where author picks 5 random tweets (all of them for some reason are deleted) and creates a click-bait article for the site. Nowadays there are always people offended by absolutely anything, but there was no real outrage.

And this is mocking the 2nd post in this thread meant:
twitter.com/search?q=sony flute guy&src=typd

Don't post my beautiful wife EVER again.


Moments after opening Banjo man may I remind you

This is good bait. Wait, it's just some ResetEra fag.


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oooh so you're a coping faggot who likes to play contrarian. Got it, kiddo.

Some twitlib cried about a white man playing a jap instrument in jap clothing and some japs came in and told her she was fucking stupid and the guy was professionally trained and respected by the community in Japan. So then the dorks here decided to turn it into a strawman.

Maybe they shouldn't have dressed a middle aged man like a teenager, probably would've made him stand out a bit more.

He's a fucking weeb with a flute, dude.

It used to be called japanoplile then. Even before the war.

>wh*te man apropiating a foreign culture
What a shocker

As soon as I heard the first mist noble is Sekiro, I thought of fweeeeee posting


I never understood the controversy over this. No one flips their lid when an asian dresses in a tux or suit/tie and plays the piano, so what's the deal?
Sony is Japanese ffs, I'm sure if it was a problem they of all people would have done something

Memes aside is this what killed Sony's E3?

Why don't you go shove lolishit up your own ass fucking nigger

The Last Guardian

Lmao didn't they played this song at Yea Forumsga's? this year?

The dude was fine. Sony putting him in an e3 presentation was not.

he may be good but the instrument itself still sounds like shit