ITT: Vaporware

ITT: Vaporware

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I like the title. Doesnt sound like tactical shit.

didn't we already have a game claiming to be a return to tactical shooters that turned out like ass like 6 years ago?

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Can you play as a tactical cutie?

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Takedown Red Sabre
The difference is that Takedown's gameplay always looked like laughably awful shit in the previews
And RoN is literally just SWAT 4 with modern graphics (and that's a good thing!)

thats the one, hopefully this one goes well

wait so this picture i lifted from leddit is actually for a game?

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>graphics already downgraded
>forced competitive multiplayer out of nowhere
>shitty looking story
It's dead.

My only regret in this is that they guy that keeps spamming this shit every other day on r6sg is never going away

Attached: and then a skeleton popped out.webm (896x504, 2.73M)

Also go back

reminder that MGO lets you customize the colour of your swimsuit

The first couple of trailers were kino but the gameplay itself looks like ass

>Story about school shootings, human trafficking, antifa and neo nazis

>RoN is literally just SWAT 4 with modern graphics (and that's a good thing!)

except it's not. it took one level (you know the one) and tried to make an entire game based on the atmosphere and aesthetic of it. It's a weird amalgamation of the bioshock fort frolic section/rage 2 and the SWAT series, that is to say it's an edgy tryhard wannabe that thinks it can be the SE7EN of tacticool shooters. I'm calling it now, the first 3 or so levels of the game will be like the SWAT/R6 series, and then the devs will fuck it up by adding emphasis on the EDGY story and solo missions. Screencap this thread for posterity.

Also the sound on the guns is worse than last year and the year before that.

Shut up, shit eater.

I don't think you know what 'forced' means

Having it just for the sake of having it. It wasn't even an original feature, it was added just recently. This game was never supposed to have competitive CoD tier multiplayer

Attached: adinfinitum.jpg (620x400, 102K)

Citation needed
I specifically remember the devs saying there would be cop v cop multiplayer in the initial announcement, they just changed one of the sides to terrorists but it was always supposed to have PVP

That still doesn't make it forced. You can still play the game in its entirety offline without ever going near the multiplayer section. Are we calling Raven Shield garbage now too because it had PVP?


You clearly don't remember much because all they talked about was co-op and potentially adding a campaign instead of just solo story mission with an A.I partner. Not to mention that there was also the cops and robbers style of gameplay that was mainly advertised. I'm specifically talking about competition-TDM tier multiplayer modes that Call of Duty is known for. This was never originally a part of the game and you can look at the website through an archive service if you don't believe me. I never said it didn't have multiplayer, I'm specifically talking about things like CoD tier TDM.

right. because the promo art and trailers really nail that classic tactical shooter feel. I remember visiting the anal staircase in Rainbow 6 in 1998 very well.

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If the game is going to have SWAT units tackling the likes of organized crime syndicates who do shit like engage in human trafficking or prostitution, is it really some wild stretch of the imagination that they're going to be raiding a sleazy brothel with a stupid name like 'Anal Staircase'? Literally have sex

takedown red sabre is fucking amazing
the AI in it is so bad yet so pinpoint fucking accurate that it's hilarious

I've always wanted to raid the anal staircase and put down all the gays

did you not play SWAT 4

Guess what, it's not 1998 anymore

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I want it to be good but an indie team pulling off a R6/SWAT successor seems unlikely especially now they've announced the competitive multiplayer and preorders.
Making the AI something better than an accurate turret is something AAA developers struggle with.

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"good" AI comes from good level design and scripting, AI is mostly shit now because 99% of AAA games are open-world and "dynamic", but if they do it like SWAT 4, FEAR, and Splinter Cell (sector-based scripting) then it could be alright

What is it about multiplayer that makes easy-AI only faggots seethe into oblivion?

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>FROM announced they're making an Armored Core game back in 2015
>literally nothing after 4 years
>they made 3 games during the time

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They literally didn’t, a journalist mistranslated an interview with Miyazaki and it caused a controversy. Only thing they’ve said is they want to make another one but nothing has been confirmed.