>No class customization whatsoever, a class will always play the same.
>Boring "you're the hero with special powers saving the world" rpg story cliché, with a lot of fillers.
>Some of the poorest quest design I have ever seen in a MMO, game should be called "errand simulator online". You spend most of your time running back & forth with npc doing menial tasks.
>Devs are afraid to innovate for fear of 1.0 failure, so you end up with rehashed content and rigid gameplay.
>Too much FF fan service (characters from other games etc) which is immersion breaking.
>Clunky targeting system.
>Boring itemization.
>Incredibly linear progression.
>Claustrophobic map design, lot of invisible walls.
>Idiotic level sync system which prevents you from using higher level skills, which totally fucks up your rotation muscle memory.
>Most content except the very end game is mindnumbingly easy.
>Open world becomes irrelevant pretty quickly.
>Flawed expansion model (similar to WoW, 10 level increase and content that is separate, doesn't build upon the existing world, making the older one irrelevant and obsolete).
>Chore roulette/token instance simulator.
>Character combat animations are not always the best (sliding on the ground while casting etc).
>Awful PVP.
>Community full of trannies larping as anime cat girls instead of MMO or Final Fantasy fans.
Is it just shills or something? I enjoyed it for a little bit but holy fuck this game is beyond terrible.
No class customization whatsoever, a class will always play the same
I dunno, but I just started my journey, wish me luck!
Also like to add
>Subscription + box price model.
>Game looks good at times but suffers from a lot of terrible jaggies and flickering.
>Races are boring. Just standard generic le cute shit designed to appeal to trannies instead of classic Final Fantasy races.
You're thirsty for that (you). Coulda cut half that shit.
what an ugly character
she looks like a whore
she sucks cocks for Gil, that's true
Why are people so hostile in ffxiv? Just because someone is still leaning the game doesn’t give you a right to be a dick.
Armory system is your way of playing different roles. Would you rather place a shitty DPS spec of a class meant for tanking, or a class designed entirely around a specific role, which it excels at? You can change jobs outside of combat or dungeons, so it's not a problem. Faggot.
>Open world becomes irrelevant pretty quickly.
You know crafting/gathering is like half the game, right?
>point out flaws in ff14
>REEEEEEEEEEEE *ignores every point in the post*
every time
People aren't, unless you're retarded. People love sprouts. People hate idiots.
Idiot doesn't mean new. Idiots can be veterans. If you are straight up fucking dumb, such as not understanding the basics of your class mechanics by level 50, you should probably stick to Maple Story 2.
Good points, there are arguments to be made. But I still enjoy it and I'm looking forward to Shadowbringers in a month.
Also, go back to /pol/.
>community full of trannies
Bullshit. It's no different than any MMO. It just has character designs that aren't SJW shit like landwhales in WoW.
Based FF 14 is so boring. Its not even a good fanservice mmo like BDO. Best overall mmo right now is eso.
Based OP insuring the Jannie wont nuke the XIV thread
I never understood the "I hate this game and I recognize it's fucking garbage but I can't stop playing it" meme until I picked up XIV
I fucking hate it and every time I get a class to 70 I realize I don't even enjoy playing it and I'm starting to think it's just the game and not the classes, but I still log in every day and I can't stop
So you either,
a) like the game but you're a malcontent
b) are addicted
>tall blue humans
>cat humans
woah such good designs now i can finally make a loli and jerk off to it this game is 11/10 based and redpilled!
The cross class skills used to add a lot, I don't know why they removed the requirement to level that class to get them. Forced people out of their comfort zone.
you actually can't make lolis, shit sucks
>FF14 trannies cant prove why FF14 is good so instead they just cry about WoWfags being meanies
I havent been going crazy hard, but we're in pre-expansion doldrums where endgame is dying off, no point to gearing because ShB vendors can bring you up to speed, and im mostly just doing roulettes to level
Enjoying something and comprehending its flaws arent mutually exclusive, in spite of what the echo chamber tells you, you wannabe-/pol/ack wankstain.
If the game's engine and netcode is too horrendous to support serious PVP, whats the point of playing? It delivers an experience that a Free to Play grinding MMO can deliver if its just a PVE timesink.
I enjoy gathering more than anything, but it feels pointless because there isn't really anything I can do with gil. I'm spoiled by WoW where I can turn gold into money and buy other stuff on the launcher
Stay mad wow fag
it's hilarious how this describes both FFXIV and WoW simultaneously
wow is a piece of shit but ff14 is an even bigger piece of shit for just copying it except worse
Don't worry, I will drop XIV as soon as Cygames announces their own MMO with their superior potato people.
WoW has actual class customization and better targeting, the open world is actually relevant, and it doesn't have the tranny problem
Not defending WoW though, WoW still manages to be a worse game despite that
women and gays/trannies.
seriously. not memeing.
they aren't there for the gameplay, they're there to make themselves cute and meet one another. a lot like wow these days.
>instanced fucking everything
>no reason to group up outside of group finder shit, ever, everyone in the world has tunnel vision for the next MSQ objective or FATE
>no cool stuff hidden in distant corners of the world and out of bounds
ff14 fags get so mad about wowfags but eorzea had none of the soul or explorability that vanilla azeroth had
This, tbqhfam. The only people still consistently playing are hyperautists whose only satisfaction in life comes from a bar on a parse graph, casuals who RP that barely scrape by normal mode content clear and gays/trannies that need a hugbox to support their lifestyle. Normies either left for greener pastures for good or only log on when a new patch drops to do the content and take another break.
As you can see, 90% of XIV players are transexuals, whom high on drugs are psychotic and biopolar, like women.
word. Grouping up and just wandering around, finding opposite faction players, hunting treasure/rare mobs etc. is a million times more fun in old wow. FFXIV is basically a lobby based instance sim, which isn't totally terrible but not exactly an MMO.
Got this game for free and played for a while, everything including UI stuff and cutscenes look like actual dogshit made as a fake game to lure kids using their moms credit cards into entering them onto the website.
>that one guy itt that tells everyone who hate trannies to gb2 /pol/
Bro, most people find trannies disgusting, it's just some people are too afraid to say it.
>you'll never get a group of 5 friends and hit up overworld for EXP parties
>you'll never enter a single instanced fight, get your ass handed to you and have a buddy outside the arena to Raise you
>you'll never gather your gang to help you through artifact and job quests
>you'll never have content defending a town from an attacking horde a few times a week
FFXIV may look pretty but man did XI capture adventure and social aspects like no other.
Its basically too late. Paying money for FF14 is sadly unjustifiable. At least though if you enjoy the anime Cygames produces unironically maybe it won't cost you anything.
As someone currently subbed, i agree with all of this shit
My wishlist
>Fucking specs, for the love of fucking god
>give us higher tickrate than WoW had 14 years ago fucking please you gooo nigger yoship
>Revamp PvP again, get some people who arent fucking retarded to work on it, PLEASE
This game could be so fucking amazing
>>No class customization whatsoever, a class will always play the same.
A modern mmo with inevitably bend to the meta sooner or later. Better to try to make one good path than dozens of suboptimal ones that will inevitably be exposed for their mediocrity and ignored.
congratulations OP, you've just described the whole MMO genre
XIV is still the least worse out of them currently. Some MMOs might do specific things better, but overall you only go worse from there.
That's defeatist, slippery slope, and lazy as fuck though. But the thing is that they could just add role specs, it doesnt have to be WoW where some classes just have 3 different damage specs
appealing to the sweaty does nobody favors
xiv fags are mad about nu-wow, since it's the same shit as xiv but just shittier
vanilla wow is like a whole different genre
ARR areas had some cool out of bounds shit they patched a lot of oob methods though
Welcome to XIV transfreaks.
Thankfully, the bvllz who ride the world, classichads will exterminate them.
We even gave those subhumans a stay of execution.
all of what you said is true
>tfw its still better than retail and classic wow
you don't get it
instead of making for example fewer classes with 3 different specs XIV just makes much more different classes in general
it's essentially the same thing, you still have plenty of playstyles to chose from, and it's more interesting visually/fantasy-wise
pfft hahahahahaha this is your brain on estrogen
It isn't though. Has all the features FF14 has but runs on a functional, albeit very old, game engine. It supports both open world and arena PVP and isn't a total travesty to play. I don't even like WoW anymore but it makes no sense to say FF14 is better.
TERA has better lolis
They're very clear that they're pretty fucking over the idea of adding new classes, the logical conclusion is that they flesh the existing ones out instead. It wouldnt even be hard
>wow raids
Thats all I really need to say. I play ffxiv for the endgame. Retail wow's endgame is a joke, and classic's endgame is nonexistant
I mean the xiv already has like 20 jobs
people complaining about them not having specs don't understand that the jobs ARE the specs themselves, while the roles are the real classes
>>Boring "you're the hero with special powers saving the world" rpg story cliché, with a lot of fillers.
Stopped reading right here. FF14 story has plenty of nuance and so does the protagonist.
>200 hours of mandatory main story quest
ffxivtrannies will defend this
so you only PVE. okay then FF14 will work for you. unfortunately you could just be playing diablo or even skyrim but you've decided to feign relevance shilling for Square this time lol
Well? Are you alright?
Imagine being this salty lmao
People are super nice to newbies in game. The vocal bitches on the forums and here don't represent the actual playerbase.
Oh, and because people are anonymous here so it looks like it's more than one guy spamming TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY.
>pvpbab trannies
erry time
wow raids are still better btw
don't forget the abhorrent forced cutscenes. in an MMO?? its disgusting.
>there is only one person in the entire world who hates trannies
holy shit lmao this coping
you seriously don't seem to have a clue how shitty retail wow is
xiv might seem "passable" with all of it's flaws, but BFA then is just plain trash in comparison. It's weightless open world pvp doesn't fix that the rest of the gameplay is just a boring mobile game grind now.
I know these OP's shitting on FFXIV were made to avoid the wow mod pruning the thread, but you guys can tone it down now.
>Final Fantasy XIV is a Final Fantasy game
>>Races are boring. Just standard generic le cute shit designed to appeal to trannies instead of classic Final Fantasy races.
There are no standard FF races. Most early FF games were just humans, and the party would encounter dwarves or dark elves that were randomly thrown in at some point. Yes you could say moogles, but they really aren’t a d&d type ‘race’ nor can they be playable. FF14 already added the shit from 11 (most races were copied from 11) and some of the shit from 12.
>Flawed expansion model (similar to WoW, 10 level increase and content that is separate, doesn't build upon the existing world, making the older one irrelevant and obsolete).
Literally wrong on all counts.
HW built up of ARR
SB built up of HW
Let me guess youre a faggot that either skipped everything or not even played the game I'm willing to bet its the last one.
Yeah I want to play an MMO where i spend 200 hours playing a single player game that is just a shitter version of its offline counterpart and i'm not going to speak to anybody or group up ever except through automated tools to do mandatory dungeons in and then im going to spend my time at the endgame just playing dressup and playing dance dance revolution in single room instances.
What the fuck happened to MMOs?
>playing MMOs for pvp
>haha ok guys the op only shit on my game ironically you can stop shitting on it now
How delusional can you be?
open world pvping is what gives an mmo life
without it you're just playing a braindead skinner box
>pfft hahahahahaha this is your brain on estrogen
>thiking classic will ever be good
>with nu-blizz
Youre a fucking retard and I bet you defended layering.
I bet they'll add in the cash shop and you'll defend that too.
>playing 13 year olf content played to death
This is your brain on nothing but nostalgia and its blinding.
>Pray return to the waking sands
classic will be 100x better than the next retail wow clone expansion of your tranny retail wow clone game will and no amount of tranny tantrums will change that
>Too much FF fan service (characters from other games etc) which is immersion breaking.
That's fucking shit though, why shit on class fantasy and preference by way of "but ummm you can level everything on one guy?" crutch?
Being able to level all crafters as well by the way, was a fucking mistake, this game is already an antisocial autist simulator
I mean that's how most FFXIV threads on Yea Forums start so it's not really a surprise.
I'm not shitting on FFXIV "ironically". It's a piece of shit and I meant every word I said.
why are blizz drones obsessed with trannies?
You're not wrong that BFA is trash as fuck. But it at least has the opportunity to say "man this PVP isn't right for me". FF14 just literally has tracking and targetting issues straight up to engine and netcode. Not fun vs not functional. There's objectivity to weigh comparing the games.
Unironically this. Imagine how shit everyine would think this game was if it didnt have the Final Fantasy brand and skin
open world MMO pvp is inherently unbalanced and becomes a game of
>who has better gear
>who has more numbers
skill is not a factor. That said, I can see why it is attractive to wow players.
>story driven MMO
Fucking yikes.
Sorry that everything isn't just walking up to an NPC that says "hello friend" with a wall of shitty text.
That doesn't matter. All you care about is skinner box bullshit when that isn't what made MMOs so much fun to begin with and the only people who use that bullshit argument are people afraid of PvP.
>classic will be 100x better
>actually believing this
ahahahahahahahaha my fucking sides
thanks for asking, yeah I'm alright, but I took a break for now, I guess MMOs aren't really for me after all
Oh okay I see what you're getting at. Yeah, FFXIV is fucking garbage. *wink*
So what? Its fun for some people and at least it can be played. Maybe FF14 is right for you since you don't want to PVP- the game has non-functional bugged out pvp. Its a matter of opinion.
>Playing MMOs,
>Yes MMOs,
>To interact with other players???
How fucking unbelievable, you're right!
You are actually a literal lobotomite
>talk to this guy
>now go talk to this guy in the other city
>now go back and talk to the first guy
It will never deliver a narrative better than a single player RPG. Also if you're so enthralled by the story, why play FF14 instead of ESO? Its fully voiced as well.
the coping is incredible
oh no i can't believe people would rather play a game with an actual living world full of people instead of my soulless single player queue simulator this cant possibly be true!
>MMO pve is just
>Who has more free time
>Who can get luckier with drops
Oh i see now, we're playing that game where we pretend to be super fucking retarded and 1up each other, haha, fun
Why play an MMO just for PVE Story elements when the purpose of an MMO is to have an ecosystem of players to interact with - whether that be roleplay PVP or grouping up and kicking ass? If you like story and nothing else, why would you play an MMO?
They play because of the skinner box addiction. If they really cared about story they would play any number of good single player JRPGs. The "muh great story" shit is just marketing.
by your logic callofdoody is the best MMO
real mmos are about coop fun first and foremost, pvp is always just a minigame
Thinking everyone who you disagree with is a sure sigh you are a schizo
>village in wow
>talk to guy with a ! over his head
>wall of text that has nothing to do with anything
>get me 8 kobold shit from a mine
>do it
>another wall of text
>this is apparently "better"
WoW fags are the ultimate fetch cucks.
Even at the start of the game its >kill wolves
Top fucking kek
except it is becasue then you have to go through THE most boring leveling in mmo history AGAIN
honestly no idea. I play xiv for its story and rpg an community
Because final40percent dilatefuckfaggotfantasy is one giant coping mechanism with a built-in cash shop
>real mmos are about coop fun first and foremost, pvp is always just a minigame
yeah maybe if your first mmo was like world of warcraft in mists of pandaria or something
You fucking nigger lmao
>only he knows what makes mmos fun
and what I enjoy about mmos couldnt possibly be different from what you enjoy. I think this conversation ends here.
sadly i think only one of us is pretending
yeah it seems like an excuse for ppl to make a "cute character" and run around pretending to achieve something. anything actually challenging or X-factor like such as open world PVP scenarios which you cannot read a guide to fully explain the situation (matchup data yes response time/positioning no) seems to turn them off.
No MMO has ever had good PVP. It's a meme at this point.
>can get cute wolf ears and rp as a cute adorable little wolfgirl and suck dicks all day in Limsa
>grouping up and kicking ass
that's the appeal of PVE in mmos tho, it's all about coop with other players
Real mmos are about player interaction, this in your mind, exclusively means coop pve content for whatever smoothbrained, narrowminded reason, in which case fuck off, play a console rpg or something, i want a little of everything and mmos are the perfect venue for that
You enjoy the things that are fundamentally against what MMOs are about, which is the living world with thousands of people interacting and forming an ecosystem. It's an experience you can't get in other genres and it's what made it so good. But no, you just want to play a single player game where nobody bothers you right? Why even play an MMO?
>sadly i think only one of us is pretending
Well at least you're upfront about it
Don't forget in WoW
>locked to one class only
People enjoy the "class customisation" but people only ever really play one of them as the DPS for the rest is shit.
exactly. so why the discriminate nature towards PVP? nobody actually hates PVE to the point where someones asking for its removal. yet PVP is always on topic for "never should have been added" and shit. A perfect MMO has a place for every type of player. I think everyone can agree there. MMO Devs want to attract all sorts of players right? To make money. It makes no sense to me that ppl will alienate a certain base of players in such a way.
what in the actual fuck did they do to my astrologian? I was about to give them money and resub too.
played a lot of vanilla wow, runescape and guild wars 1
aside from maybe gw1 the pvp in these games was never more than just some fun distraction
Dont forget FFXIV
>Locked to one role only
People enjoy the "class variety" but people only really one of them because no one likes being forced to tank or heal
>no u
is this really the best banter wowtards can come up with?
you have my pity
I bet you don't even know what skinner box means.
>I play ffxiv for the endgame
peak mental retardation
I like mining
That's fun
You can play every single class, crafters and gatherers.
Suck it shill :^)
If anyone can be a certain class, what value does that class have? Also if its all PVE only shit with broken dysfunctional PVP engine, class means even less. Its tools to hit robots. Get the highest numbers. Be it for tanking healing or DPSing. its PVE it doesn't matter.
what is your point then?
pretty much every mmo has a little bit of everything, you are implying that an MMO can't have a coop, PVE story as it's main appeal
not every mmo has to be jack of all trades
I bet you're just looking for a way to feel like "you win" an argument without even addressing what I said because you know i'm right.
>>Idiotic level sync system which prevents you from using higher level skills, which totally fucks up your rotation muscle memory.
This is the worst one. There's nothing worse when you just levelled up and unlocked lots of new abilities for you to be scaled back down to level 20 with 2 buttons to press. It makes dungeons so fucking boring.
Tanking is piss easy in XIV. The real issue is people don't like to lead, as Tanks set the pace in content.
1 of them doesnt disturb the gameplay loop and break immersion over its knee the other tosses both out the window to show you a sub par anime plot WHERE YOU STILL HAVE TO READ THE FUCKING TEXT AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN INSTEAD OF JUST HRING A VOICE ACTOR WHATS THE FUCKING POINT THEN??!
then objectively that means not every MMO is worth the money. its very simple.
You literally opened with a fucking "no u" and you have the autism to say this to me. Im blown away, truly, you're like the picasso of btfo'ing the shit out of yourself
>muh pvp
This is you:
Majority of you skinheads couldn't 1v1 at the same level to save your fucking life.
to be fair has tanking ever been hard?
Hiring good VA for the amount of cutscenes that FFXIV has is expensive.
Yes and now because of that the devs have no reason to balance, fix, or add to any of them because they can crutch on "haha just play a different class then, you can EVERYTHING after all haha". Omnicrafting is also mandatory and encourages even further autistic antisocial behavior. Get fucked tranny retard :)
i hadn't even posted in this thread until then. Just reading all this bullshit and im sick of it.
even more sick of hearing people like you who think they are some how superior to others, because your opinions. I was literally finishing the chain of replies before I walked out the door.
it's all so tiresome.
Also: PvP isn't inherently any more "social" than PvE, really.
So you admit you hate PVP. You think it shouldn't exist. There are people who enjoy it. Just like how you enjoy hitting NPCs exclusively. Objectively speaking there should be room for both PVE and PVP to exist and there are servers in WoW where you don't have to be afraid of us PVP players. So why the ad hominem and fear/sweating? Its okay for you to hide in a PVE server.
Yet theyre balancing everything in shadowbringers to break the raid party meta.
Shitposting retard.
It means the game is shit, you daft gaywad
Box + sub + expansions + Cash shop + they are square fucking enix
they have the money
because coop will be always more important in mmoRPGs than pvp. That's just what they are, they are still rpgs, adventure games, the world and it's npcs is always going to be a big appeal, interacting with both the world and the players at the same time (aka coop) is always going to be more important here than only interacting with the players (aka pvp).
>this is u.
>sub par anime plot
>implying ffxiv isn't infinitely better than anything written in wow
I said I enjoy endgame and raiding. Does that sound like single player experience to you?
incorrect. it literally has more players participating in the sense where PVP cannot exist without 2 players. its more social than PVE ever was. its illogical to say otherwise.
PvP is what makes the world feel alive. The world in FF14 feels completely dead. It doesn't feel like a world at all, just an artificial collection of assets strung together. Fuck most of the time mobs don't even chain together in FF14. In Vanilla wow when you hit a mob it reacts to you but in FF14 mobs barely even seem to notice that you're there. It's so sterile and lifeless.
>even wow fags focus on pve content with their mythical raids
pvp fags should be gassed.
.t WoW raid member.
Oh yes, source this please. You cant. And you wont.
Absolute cope. Get fucked, have fun farming tomestones every week for the third time in a row you gullible retard
So from this thread I have concluded
>the only attraction of WoW is pvp
but games like blade and soul, black desert online, and eve online all do pvp better. At least FFXIV is the best at what it does well. Nostalgia really is the only thing holding wow up at this point.
dogshit covered in sparkly glitter and sprinkles is still dogshit
>PvP? In my genre that exists solely on the premise of interaction with other players?
when people say wow i guarantee you 90% of the time they mean vanilla wow where pvp and pve'ing had an almost symbiotic relationship with eachother
nobody gives a fuck about retail
Everything can't go to the audio department.
Also i don't about french and german.
But they must have VA for the JP and English.
Also are you even implying that all the profits from SE are going back to XIV.
That seems like a very narrow view of MMORPGs. You could say this until a game is made where PVE and PVP offer the same compensatory EXP and financial reward ingame, then this argument completely loses its base. In ESO for example you can jump into Alliance War straight from level 10 and for the most part level there. In WoW you can roam for quests while openly seeking PVP encounters. You context of "important" matters, as it could mean you are applying a general social opinion or a game mechanical bias. If its social norm prediction, its irrelevant.
Here yo go nigger :^).
3 hurs where they explain this.
I know wow is dogshit man
>pvp is more social
no the attraction of wow was the open world and how all of its elements flowed into eachother to create a great whole
ff14 has a completely empty world and the only point of it is just to grind for bigger numbers in an instance which yes wow had but there was so much more to it too
Then yes. Blade and Soul and Black Desert Online then hold more features to be desired than FF14. This doesn't help defending FF14 well because both games then have more content than FF14 objectively - for less money as well. WoW offers more content than FF14 and BFA is horrible. This sets a good baseline.
Salty pvp trannies.
internet insult #742
only trannies could enjoy a game with a world as sterile and sanitised as they are like ff14 is
internet insult #743
Cant even manage a timestamp?
>Lmao watch this 3 hour bait while i make my getaway
Lol you fucking clown im not falling for that
>Also are you even implying that all the profits from SE are going back to XIV.
No you dumb nigger im saying SE is a massive company with more than enough resources to do so and they dont becasue reasons. If EA could develop voiced content for swtor even after the game went f2p and wasnt turning much of a profit SE could do this
Who are you quoting you dumb jiggaboo orangutan nigger?
Just point me to a timestamp in that video of yours you fucking faggot
Cant. Wont. Because nothing in there will substantiate you. Cope. Fucking. Harder
haven't you posted the same thing already like 5 times Classic shill-kun?
What do you have against PVP? Can assume you don't play it since you dissociate completely with it. Is PVE your secret club or something? Nobody has attacked sole PVE experiences so why the reeling remark?
I love how FFXIVtrannies always completely avoid the point of any post they reply to.
>BNS and BDO
k-Chink grind thats all flash and style and no substance. Theres not much more to their pvp than being graphically superior to wow
Incredibly deep ill give it to you but its boring as all hell and requires a very specific taste to enjoy truly
I'm noticing this as well. I ask for a response or question their meaning on what they say but they just insult instead. Seems like denial or buyers remorse even. Empty justification for investing in a flawed product. Everything has its flaws. How hard is it to own them?
Why do pvp niggers get so salty when you call them out on their shitty pvp mentality.
Majority of people in WoW Vanilla did raids, dungeons and Naxx etc.
No one gave a shit about pvp at all and just stayed to the main cities.
Besides EvE does pvp better because theres something to lose. In Wow you dont lose anything at all
If you pvp niggers actually cared about pvp and social aspects in an open world you would quit WoW and play EvE Online. Where they have those aspects pinned. But you wont because you want to be the salty fucking cunts who sit behind a computer and go >muh x is better than your x. Whilst not even playing the fucking game.
Final fantasy 14 is fucking expensive for what it offers. holy shit.
This is the most infuriating thing about FFXIV
Thousands of mknthly ahbs for years
No voiceovers after a half decade
ESO buy to play
Fully fucking voiced
>""""Story driven"""""
Trannies are truly delusional
avoiding what?
you keep posting the same shit. People already replied to your first posts regarding to the topic, don't expect others to be as autistic as you with repeating the same shit
So much wrong with this. WoW isn't even the only game. So many MMOs offer a fulfilling PVP experience, even free ones. Stop being insecure about your lust for FF14 just cuz its no better than a Free MMORPG .
See here it is again. Classic.
But ESO combat is shit and majority of shit is locked behind paywalls.
Here's a better question. Why do PvE pussies have such a chip on their shoulder about people wanting to do things other than glorified DDR from time to time?
Last I checked, mob chains only occur in ARR as a result of being above the mob's level, and that's it.
>didn't even mention FFXIV
maybe you shouldn't have already exposed yourself of being a Classic shill
guys look at this incredibly deep and immersive open world just teeming with life and character
>shit combat
Plays like an ARPG with a large player capacity. Seems like just your opinion.
>Majority of shit locked behind paywall
Equipment Trait transmog and sets you can ask players to craft for you. Thats it. Base game has a LOT to do for $15-$20. You're being disingenous.
im not that guy talking about classic. you must just think we're the same person. could explain why none of my objective questioning gets answered and just results in insults.
>most generic critique of an MMO: the post
How can one person be so wrong about something? lel
Hey, I'm Classic shill-kun, not him.
Its literally Skyrims combat but even fucking worse lmao
posts a picture of the barrens
its actually barren
i like XIV but i kind of agree with this, the open world doesn't have much purpose beyond being a place to go for quests/hunts for a few minutes before going back to whichever hub you prefer
what are you poor? just pay the jews and skip the story!
>The Barrens
>Is Barren
>The same all lowercase typer who's been shitting up multiple threads
You should like, go play a video game bro.
I dont really like how ESO dices up the content between dungeon packs the story dlc like clockwork city and then expansions. Yea you can just ask the high level crafters to make the good shit for you but i really dislike how that makes me feel as if theres nothing for me to find out in the world especially since mounts are store only
Yeah try to survive in that game relying on light attacks like in Skyrim. Obviously you haven't played.
>WoW isn't even the only game
lol, no. WoW ISN'T a game with meaningfull PvP you delusional blizzcuck
it has completely weightless and meaningless open world pvp, it's nothing more than a little distraction from the real grind of the game
Oh man truly immersed right now in this empty forest.
I'm not playing WoW and I haven't played WoW since 2008. Your opinion of PVP doesn't change the context of PVP. This is not exclusive to WoW. Too bad FF14 having dysfunctional PVP doesn't justify PVP being bad in MMORPGs. Enjoy your subscription.
Why do FFXIV fags have to try and cope so hard?
>Oh yeah its just one guy who hates my game
They don't even try and defend the game. They just sperg out over dumb shit like this. It's insane.
>Blizzard can make barren and uninspired regions but its fine so long as they name it appropriately
oh im laffin
>im not that guy talking about classic
>none of my objective questioning gets answered and just results in insults.
sorry, but (You) are literally the same faggot
>wow has a couple of uninspired barren zones
>ffxiv has every zone be uninspired and barren
gee wizz i wonder which one i should pick
I should probably point out, by "multiple threads" I mean more than just FFXIV ones.
>Square can make barren and uninspired games
I would unironically go through both of these again over FF at least i wont be skipping cutscenes every 5 mins
>green humans
>purple humans
>small humans
>smaller humans
>rotting humans
WoW, so special
Didn't mention FFXIV
What "Objective Questioning"? All you did was insult and avoid the actual argument in the post you replied to. Cope harder dude.
Btw the top two posts you quoted weren't me. I'd post proof but you'd probably sperg out and say I doctored it or some retarded bullshit.
You'd be auto running between quest givers every 5 min instead.
*citation needed
You can never go home. Your home died ages ago.
>27 out of 218 posts talking about tranneis
>go to the last /xivg/ thread
>only 6 out of 753 posts mention trans bullshit
why is Yea Forums like this?
You're wrong. I didn't post those. And I've never insulted FF14 players either. Why are you so hostile upon any criticism of that game? Why are you so hostile about PVP? You seem like you're of the mindset that you are cornered with no arguments and are fighting for your life. You manage to pay subs for FF14 without a conscience saying maybe this isn't worth it -- and before you snark I don't play/sub for WoW. I don't sub for any game as of now. You need to calm down and just answer why you feel FF14 is worth your time and money.
It's just one faggot.
>forest but with green fog
>forest but orange fog
>forest but the trees are blue
>empty lands
>empty lands with farm
>empty lands but its sand
Sadly your shilled game of choice isn't rent free :^)
Because /xivg/ only trannyposts when someone brings up content that might interrupt their ERP discussion.
Did you not know?
Tranny is the new insult
Its literally just one blizzdrones talking to himself
wow and yet all of those zones have 100x more life in them than anything in ff14
really makes ya think how they could that with technically simpler zones huh, its almost like the game was designed to be a world instead of a main quest rat race
But user the game is dead and sharded
>tfw this game is longer made for us
>tanking removed
>stances removed
>pets removed
>class identity removed
>more life
top kek
>that guy who thinks people mean retail when they say wow
there is zero point to any of the zones in ff14 beyond the main quest
just like in retail wow, the game they shamelessly copied
>implying classic isnt going to have sharding
Now go count how many posts in /xivg/ are avatar-fag posts that add nothing to the conversation.
I actually miss ambient colouring/fogs in game. Least it adds variety while asking masking distant draw distance. XIV so fucking rarely adjusts the ambient colours, such as that area North of Horizon where it goes green.
There is zero point to any of the zones in WoW when you hit 60 or anything after that.
Spoken like someone who hasn't played xiv. You are in those old zones all the time whether its world fates, hunts, quests, trainers which are spread across the world instead of being shoved in capital cities, class quests and msq
hi i just came here to clear something up for all the MMOwars posters here:
FFXIV is shit
WoW is shit
All MMO's are shit and people who spend months and years of playtime in them are mentally deficient.
Thank you and have a nice day.
>Lmao crystals fucking everywhere
>Lmao snow everywhere
>Lmao snow everywhere
Dont forget the new xpac, Shadowbringers brings you the brand new one
>Lmao Bloom everywhere
>my WORLD PVP will keep the zones active, you'll see!
FFXIV still has shit to do in the zones, but it's relegated to crafters/gatherers in some places
Tell us user, why do you go back to the zones in wow after you are done leveling in them?
If you think that game's hostile, you don't play many multiplayer games.
>Races aren't classic FF races.
The first five races are renamed XI races and the two newest ones are X and Ivalice races, the fuck are you on about?
need an eb....
I like how absolutely none of the claims about ffxiv's world being poorly designed have been accompanied by a picture as evidence. Whats wrong? Could it be that you are afraid of a side by side comparison?
When all you do is log in for Roulettes it's hard to remember the world exists beyond dungeons.
pvp is always an afterthought you retard, it's the same shit in wow and eso too
those games also know that the world and coop pve is the most important aspects of an mmorpg, this is not just what I think is the most important. PVP has no real meaning in those games, no impact, no weight,, it's just shoehorned on top of the game as a little distraction that can occasionally occur before you move on to progress with the real meat of the game.
if you specifically get your biggest hardon from pvp action and give much less fuck about the world and pve with other players then you should stick to basic multiplayer games, not mmorpgs
You're assuming the faggot you are responding to has even played xiv
You have relic weapons to do as well if you decide to do them
>an actual living world full of people
Give me your time travel device, bitch.
I see people farming relic weapons pretty consistently
I'm LITERALLY listening to that right now.
I'm an ESO player. I was wondering why so many different locations were neat but felt lacking in some regard. That ambient tint/fog that you speak of is what feels missing. Like I get ESO is taking a more realistic art style and thats fine, but to a small degree a few regions would greatly benefit from some autumn or lush tinting.
What do you mean by class identity.
We don't talk about those. Besides, Eureka took over the relic for this expansion,
>I don't craft or gather.
Got it.
I know red mage is braindead, but is it fun? Is it uesful? I need to find a useful DPS now that healers are in the shed.
>exponential entropy was about the 2.0 game and 2.X patches
I looked up the game it's based on.
It's absolutely horrendous.
Problem is a lot of games fuck it up and go "Oh you passed the trigger box for the ambient color of this location. Time to transition to it over the span of a second!" instead of doing it gradual as you venture further into the area so you don't notice it.
You don't but, again, that isn't the point. PvP does keep zones feeling alive and active. When you outlevel a zone and leave new groups of people are entering and the circle of life as it was keeps going. In FF14 people just have tunnel vision for their main story objectives and they're just mindlessly chain-killing mobs that pose no danger or even really react to you that much. Where is the life in that? There is no real reason to group up with anybody in FF14 in either. I suppose theres the fates but it all just automatically scales and gives you progress, theres no social element to it. In WoW pretty much every zone will have group quests.
>b-b-but if you can't go back at level 60 to a level 20 zone then it has no life
Again. That isn't the point.
A zone feeling alive isn't about how many pretty pixels it has. It's about how much interaction the player has within it.
Your 'specs' in FFXIV are ENTIRE DIFFERENT FUCKING CLASSES. How do people STILL not get this over half a decade in? Specs only exist in WoW so that every character can have multiple playstyles, in FFXIV you can just change to whatever the fuck class you want.
dont mind me just offering a side by side comparison of world design
hmm....I wonder which is better designed....
Red Mage is too braindead to be fun. In raid content you're just the backup rez bot.
>but is it fun?
>Is it uesful?
I know you're joking, but I really liked the themes of the Alexander story. Too bad Aura bitch had to be a stain on it.
Good for prog, bad for clearing quickly. I don't really know if I would call it fun since it's just absolutely 100% braindead proc management with simple math besides, but I would call it useful.
>he hasn't touched land or hand
>he doesnt do hunts
>he didnt touch blue mage
>he doesnt farm his relic
Being able to play every class on one character is actually the best thing in FF14. Too bad the game built around it sucks.
Alright niggerfaggot. So you're saying just because you think something is important, its what all players should be doing /have the same opinion. You're so fucking retarded. Not everybody has fun running the same coded instanced shit every day. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean its not important to a specific game. Not all MMOs are the same - a low IQ individual would assume they are. What game would you suggest then retard? Naw don't answer, you're incapable of a measured response. What impact does End game PVE raiding have in the grand scheme? If its something you enjoy doing, then in the same way people like me enjoy PVP. To say PVP players are missing "the point of MMORPGS" you're like I've deemed earlier, a niggerfaggot.
So you're saying the FFXIV zones DO have significant enough interaction to qualify as alive? Because those WoW zones die quickly as everyone progs through them, pvp or no.
I agree that there should be PvP in the main maps. It's really weird that there's a designated sparring platform on one map and nowhere else.
>A zone feeling alive isn't about how many pretty pixels it has. It's about how much interaction the player has within it.
And xiv has magnitudes more. And your pvp literally comes down to ganking. Objectiveless pvp is a shitshow especially when stealth classes exist
The music of the Alexander raids was unironically better for conveying the story themes than the story itself.
>Objectiveless PvP
Not them but fuck you, let me challenge a player to a duel.
Magnitudes more what? You do everything by yourself. Where is the life in that?
>real meat of the game
How we holding up, mnk bros? Anyone willing to take one for the team and plow a truck of peace into SE hq in an attempt to unfuck our job?
That's because Soken and Koji are better writers than whoever the fuck came up with
*touches scar*
Poor gobbies.
>weather changes in the black shroud
>everyone searches for Odin
>entire server comes in to beat his shit in
Imagine if you weren't an autistic faggot that needed to be spoon fed content through a queue system
only took two post
I do relics with my FC and hunts and crafting and gathering.
All in ARR zones.
Maybe it you not seeking out social stuff.
Your class is shit and I'm glad it's even worse now. Maybe they'll actually make it good in 6.0 instead of duct taping the gaping wound now that it's unsalvageable.
not a monk, whats the issue here?
Just because you don't have friends doesnt mean everyone does.
>*touches scar*
Need an explanation here senpai
I've never even seen Odin before.
Then again, I barely spend time in the Shroud because I hate it.
You don't need a discord clique to get things done in better MMOs. You meet people IN THE WORLD ITSELF.
The main character of the Alexander raid series is an emo girl who has a big scar under her eye. In almost every single cutscene she says something that reminds her of her dead boyfriend and then touches the scar dramatically as she stops talking.
It's annoying.
>I've never even seen Odin before.
How the fuck have you never seen Odin if he spawns every couple of days? How much of a fucking shut in neet are you?
>odin at lv50
>one shots me
>Odin at lv70
There's an au'ra bitch with a scar. She's sad about the past. Without fail, whenever she's sad about the past, she touches her fucking scar.
I said nothing about discord.
Except mnk wasn't bad, you retard.
Basically, taking everything that gave our job any sort of depth and removing it.
Yeah, because people give a shit about randoms in the world.
>How much of a shut in NEET are you?
>How much of a shut in NEET are you for not spending all your time playing an MMO?
I'm so confused.
Monk's been bad since Heavensward.
How the fuck are those two sentences even related to each other? How does not seeing Odin mean you're a shut in neet? That makes no fucking sense.
is there a trial
I fucking hate the animation of 2 and 3 of its 1 2 3
This zone alone is better than anything WoW can shit out currently.
MNK was a viable 4th pick.
based LITERAL retard
yeah to level 35
Something tells me you never liked healing in the first place.
It means that he like to push 14 buttons to do the same damage a BLM can do with a Fire IV
truly inspiring
this is your modern mmo player
>all these mixed messages
I was gonna wait for somebody like nerdslayer to make a video on it but I might as well ask here.
Is this the right MMO for someone who likes quick progression, meaty customization, and tight communities? Exploration is nice too, but it isn't a deal breaker in the face of good combat
No it hasn't, it's the 4th highest damage after Summoner and has multiple utility skills.
>So you're saying just because you think something is important, its what all players should be doing /have the same opinion
that's what (You) are saying
>Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean its not important to a specific game
just because you enjoy it doesn't mean it's mandatory for every game to have it
>Not all MMOs are the same - a low IQ individual would assume they are
literally what (You) assume you ironic fuck
my point was always clearly that not every MMO needs to put emphasis on pvp, while your point was exactly that "but every one of them needs to"
>What impact does End game PVE raiding have in the grand scheme?
no matter how meaningless you think it is, it's still the most meaningful thing in these games. Even in your precious Classic wow, the real end goal was to beat Naxx. Fucking around in the open world to find and kill someone was nowhere near a similarly fulfilling experience
cool thanks I want to try an mmo
ypu say that like ff doesnt do that? again at least an annoying cutscene isnt annoying the shit outta me in un goro
not being in the meta doesn't make a job bad, tranny. With TK rotation, monk was fine. It only needed a few tweaks, not a complete disemboweling.
>want to change roles for ShB
>realize i have to learn rotations if i want to dps
>realize i have to learn fights if i want to tank
jesus christ healer is easy mode
>We'll get the trailer version somewhere during the final fight
>Soken is STILL hiding his secret piece thats supposed to be Shadowbringers main theme
>quick progression
>meaty customization
>tight community
I fucking hate YOU faggot
>you're the hero with special powers saving the world
The only thing "special" about the protagonist is Hydaelyn speaks to them directly sometimes. They have the exact same powers as a lot of people with the Echo, which is common enough.
They just kill things super good.
>realize i have to learn fights if i want to tank
Not every MMO needs to emphasize PVE either.
>Mentions WoW
Oh boy here we go again. Sensitive faggot hahaha The inferiority complex holy shit
I want the remixed Eternal Wind from the trailer with the drums and increased tempo
no to all.
>WoW has actual class customization
>They have the exact same powers as a lot of people with the Echo
There really aren't that many of them though.
Is New Game+ still happening?
There have been cookie cutter builds in WoW for a long time now. Everybody is playing the same flavor of the month class with the exact same rotation, talents and items
Yes 5.0
>No class customization whatsoever, a class will always play the same.
Already with the first one its obvious you are struggling hard with that one. All the classes have vairety from eachother with their own playstyle and a good rotation instead of the simplicity and braindead nature of WoW
I can already tell the rest is going to be disinformation and bullshit
it's literally the only new "feature" of this expansion
Delayed to 5.1.
There's only like, 8 characters in the entire game that have the echo, including the path companion from 1.0.
Free trial up to level 35. Free Heavensward expansion with base game until June 27th. Free Heavensward and Stormblood expansion with Shadowbringers, but they don't unlock until Shadowbringers launches on July 2nd.
>Obsessing over meta
I mean it hasn't been FUN since ARR, morons.
Same. It's a shame, I love monk.
Aether currents ruin this game. Fuck them.
There have been several character in the story with the echo. Most recently, arenvald or whatever his name is, helps you in a while when lyse has the big brained idea to let a tempered anata in on her gay peace circle.
Dancer looks pretty cool unironically.
MNK is more fun than most DPS classes you fucking faggot. What, do you prefer your DPSes like DRG and SAM?
Did anyone else get into Asmongold group 1? Bros, it's just like I remember it. WE're fucking home.
Its still better than the "kill 10 boars, now go kill 20 boars,now go kill 10 dire boars" that classic WoW had.
The story is also decent compared to most other mmo games out there. Not as good as a single player game would be but better than most.
The sync system also makes old content still enjoyable and relevant and is one of the things I like the best about the game. You can play most of it unsynced if you want.
The Echo is quite common all things considered, but some people get a little extra with it and not everyone with the echo uses it to go out and fight shit.
They're not going to make every Tom, Dick and Harry with it a main character, numbnuts. For example, the band of adventurers you're tasked with putting together for every fight are randoms you know with the Echo.
help I'm dumb, what's the best way to adjust huds? I dislike the default but it seems pretty difficult to just move everything around
Why is it that whenever I run a dungeon or raid there is some autist with a “hello I’m special” macro
Even when making fun of them with the rest of the party/raid everyone laughs at them
why the fuck is there still a cap on genesis tomestones?
I can be a catgirl though
I can't wait for Lyse to die when she decides to try one on one peace talks with a black rose canister and Fordola to take her place.
>why is a final fantasy game a final fantasy game wtf my clan told me this was just like WoW
Its a single player experience you must pay for every month. Hope you like being rushed to complete the game in a month.
>I mean it hasn't been FUN since ARR, morons.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. TK rotation is the most fun monk has ever been. You take the speed and positionals at monk's core, then you layer on using 2 different skills to get back GL after blowing it with TK.
>"kill 10 boars, now go kill 20 boars,now go kill 10 dire boars"
I admit i only played ARR but for the most part this is what the game was. Sure there was exceptions but you spent 90% of your time doing just this or giving letters to people.
SAM is genuinely more complicated and has more going for it, RDM if you want to be a res-lord and potentially save your dipshit group with chain revives
When did Square Enix become utter shit?
I remember buying FFXIV when it first came out because FFXI was pretty okay. Got bored in a week and it was so bad they had to relaunch the whole game. When that happened, I again got bored in a week.
So, I thought maybe I'd try it again with the 3rd expansion coming because there isn't anything else on the foreseeable horizon. I know I'll probably get bored again, but what the fuck, I own the game and buying the expansions isn't very much.
Login to find my old account. Sweet. Click on expansion to take me to store to buy game. Have to log in again - that's weird. Whatever. Won't let me log in to store to buy the game. This is how incompetent these fucks are, their website is literally unusable.
Then I thought about it. Can't make a workable website to buy the game. What was the last good Square Enix game? Uhhh, can't really think of one... Uh, people liked uh uh Octopath? Nope, that game wasn't good. Then there was uhh?
Company is shit.
If it was common enough we wouldn't have had that whole subplot after artificially giving someone the Echo.
Not with 5.0 on the way.
>Ping my datacenter in command prompt
>Game is unplayable
>Turn on my VPN
>Ping the VPN node I'm connected to
>Game is now playable
Someone explain this shit to me.
I prefer NIN, BLM and BRD, personally. MNK is boring as shit.
Name and datacenter?
this desu
Make the Alchemist coat available to everyone!"
I'm not saying one in three people have it, but it's enough that you can reliably round up a pack of retards to put down a beastman's uppity primal.
Garleans don't get the echo, which is why they were artificially creating it.
remarkable how fast wowbabs change the subject when hard evidence is shoved down their throats
im fine with this. Do you REALLY want us to talk about player numbers? Okay
You are right. I am your modern MMO player, and I sure as fuck am not playing wow
NIN, BRD, and BLM are like the three DPSes that compete.
What I've attained from this thread is that FF14 players can't really justify this games objective value. Its fine if you enjoy the game, but its unwise to compare it to other things with the intent that it competes.
>mentions wow. Oh boy here we go again. Sensitive faggot hahaha The inferiority complex holy shit
lol, literally you brought up wow in your previous post I replied to you retard
how fucking more ironic can you get?
>Not every MMO needs to emphasize PVE either.
not every mmo, but every mmoRPG needs to emphasize it
at least so far that's what the genre is about, that's the kind of game design the term refers to
you won't call a purely pvp oriented mmo an mmorpg, but you can call even a purely pve oriented mmo an mmorpg
It's not common at all when the only living characters who have it in any capacity are:
>For example, the band of adventurers you're tasked with putting together for every fight are randoms you know with the Echo.
Not a thing that ever made any fucking sense what so ever. And Koji is a stupid hack for trying to tell everyone that every adventuring party traveling with us to dungeons/trials is canon
NIN I can understand since mudras are the most fun and unique job mechanic in the game, BLM I don't play, but BRD? Really nigga?
I haven't played WoW in like 10 years dude. I don't give a fuck about the game anymore. I'm just trying to state why FF14 is a bad MMO.
doh/l gear being locked is dumb as hell
fighting intergalactic robots in a bikini: sweet man
wearing a miner's helmet: douchebag fag
The difference between WoW vanilla boar slaying and FFXIV boar slaying?
The opposite faction won't let you farm those boars. So it's more like "objective: survive". FFXIV questing happens in a vacuum.
Holy shit, is this real? No wonder they stopped showing sub counts.
So you can attack WoW players with declining playerbase stats and how shitty BFA is. You'd be right. The game's been around for more than a decade. It should be declining. Even League of Legends is declining. The debate should be about what the games offer, not its popularity. Also, if revenue was the debate, WoW wins default.
That's not evidence though. Your entire point is about how PRETTY ZONE = GOOD without addressing the point which is how "alive" those zones feel. The graphics don't really matter in that regard but it seems to be all you can praise the game for.
>They have the exact same powers as a lot of people with the Echo
That used to be the case back in 1.0 when all the echo blessed players were semi canon. In 2.0 onward you and a handful of people have the echo, and as in the case with Arenvald in 4.1 they have a significantly (though still effective) weaker version of it.
I find this pretty sad more than anything given most people use it to tell them how to play their class.
put hotbars at the bottom or in a corner, you shouldn't be looking at that shit except for glancing at cooldowns
if your job relies on a few important skills it's fine to put them on a separate hotbar, and position it near the middle to watch procs or cooldowns (some people also put a gcd skill here to check the gcd status)
put your hp, boss hp and job gauge all in one place somewhere right below your character
I've used the shirt and suspenders a ton in SB. A lot of the gath/craft gear looks a lot more adventurous and down to earth and that's what I want to wear on my WoL. Adventurer type stuff.
shut the fuck up tranny have sex incel you will never be a real woman 40%
it was funny how blizzard kept pushing the narrative that it was "easily viewed as false" while having suits contact the guy in question and forcing him to delete it
it's extra sad because the only time you can really use the glamours is standing around in town
MNK is low tier, the goldsmith friend and PUG characters showing up are the only saving graces of it. Although the HW MNK storyline wasnt that bad, especially with Wildergart being completely oblivious to the cat pussy and then getting wrecked by them
>trying to explain why the game you havent played in 10 years is better than the game you havent played period
alright. you got me.
New to the game. First dungeon group the tank explained what overdrives are, how loot works and explores the whole dungeon with us for the achievement. People really are nice in FF
>ironic everything
You tried to tell me I think PVP is the only thing that matters when I said PVP has its place in the MMORPG genre. You couldn't handle that. I said that not everybody enjoys PVE. You couldn't handle that. You just can't handle coherent conversation. You're abrasive and insufferable. I never said PVE shouldn't exist. You're telling me that PVP shouldn't exist- that its an inconvenience.
>"People should play the way I do" looking ass bitch.
Be a niggerfaggot, speak like a niggerfaggot.
It's probably worth separating these into class/job stories, but then the list would be absurdly long. PGL/ROG stories are far better than MNK/NIN, for example.
SB MNK was pretty good.
Aren't they doing away with job storylines now anyway?
Yeah. Vanilla World of Warcraft (a game that is being re-released this year) is an infinitely better MMO than FF14 is. This is the difference between the two games. WoW was designed to feel like an online world. FF14 was designed to feel like World of Warcraft did in Mists of Pandaria.
aaaaaaand change subjects again
im not surprised, im disappointed
Cruise Chaser was also based on the Ark summon, as well as Blassty.
Should've been more connected to the gyr abania parts of the story, but the mentor doesn't show up even once which is a big missed opportunity
Wow boomers die
are you going to make fun of me for playing RDM
Wait what?
I don't understand why people waste their time talking about things they hate. Why not spend that time talking about things you enjoy, or maybe doing something fun?
Ah so you have no argument then. Cool.
>b-but it doesn't matter that the game is declining, the only thing that matters what the game offers
wow is declining exactly because what it offers is shit
>WAR high tier while SAM is shit
This is your brain in Inner Release
what a shit list
the only one that could be argued is drk up there
drg is shit outside of 30-50, and its ties to HW MSQ
blm tries to sell you world-ending threats with the gravity of a fetch quest
You have to break em up by sections
30-50 DRG is god tier but 50-70 is trash (the 70 quest with estinian was killer though)
50-60 SAM was bleh but the 60 quest was fucking great.
>WAR in high tier
Ok nvm you're either bating or have legitimate bad taste
ok retard
where would you even get this idea from?
No, I'm miserable and want to make others feel miserable
Not entirely.
DNC and GNB get a 60-70 storyline.
The leveling experience in SHB from 70-80 will instead trace the Warriors of Darkness and you'll have to beat one path to beat the expansion (Tank, Healer, Melee DPS, Ranged DPS), but level 80 will have a story quest for every individual job.
DoH/L are getting something similar.
Your home burned down eons ago and nobody wants to go back to it, your attachment is based entirely around nostalgia and you are trying to go back to an environment that doesn't exist anymore.
We will get one job quest at level 80. Hopefully a long one.
Urianger (Edge)
Urianger (Goggles)
Thancred (Glad)
Thancred (NIN)
Thancred (GUB)
are we in agreeance
Got replaced by generic "role quests".
All you'll have is a single quest at cap.
They're not, but there's only going to be one job quest from 71-80, and it will be at the very end
Thats not wrong and nobody disagreed. But that hasn't always been the case, and FF14 surely doesn't offer more content than WoW has. Its impossible in fact, since WoW is over a decade old. FF14 was made not too long ago and yet what does it do to show for it?
Why would anyone make fun of you for playing the most fun class?
Because the thing they enjoy is so old and mismanaged and they fail to rationalize paying for a private server, so they have to convince themselves that the shiny new thing is far inferior to what they've devoted over a decade of their life to playing.
>30-50 DRG is god tier
Huh? The "chasing Estinien, vague words, suddenly backstory and BWARGFIGHT oh wait SEE YOU LATER IN HEAVENSWARD" wasn't even up to mediocre.
>I made no arguments defending my claim and will accept nothing but full concede from you, please debate me :)
you're stupid
Where are the twins on that and when you say Yda you better mean Yda and not lyse
Still waiting to see somebody actually defend of praise FF14 or even try to refute the OPs arguments in this 400 reply thread. All FFtrannies know how to do is literally just cry about WoW.
Your opinion is such a big shit I had to take off my shirt.
>We'll never reach peak Gaius again youtube.com
I can't wait for Shadowniggers and its patches to completely ruin the character and then kill him.
alinaise isnt a scion and nobody gives a fuck about alphinaud
Same as WoL, they aren't actual scions.
Do not acknowledge GUBposters
>i'll just spam images and gifs until he gets distracted, that'll mean i "win"
yikes dude
People would think the same thing about WoW if it wasn't Warcraft tho
Actually, MNK has been meta for all encounters that are possible with 3 melee since 4.4. MCH wasn't in a great spot, SMN got nerfed a little.
So that means if you can take 3 melee, MNK is the best raid dps in that fourth dps slot. If you can't, BLM and SMN would be.
Open world pvp is shit. All pvp is shit because there is no risk associated with it. Pvp is only good when you lose all your items when you die, otherwise it's just a skinner box where you throw bodies at each other and nothing happens for hours at a time.
>WoW was designed to feel like an online world
WoW was the casual MMO when it came out
i dunno what exactly you two retards are arguing over, but ffxiv's world design is honestly pretty lackluster. they still don't know how to get textures done well (especially on structures) and it leads to this bland, repeating look on all their zone designs. heavensward was a really bad offender of this, where from the air it looks like there's three repeating texture patches used across the entire zone.
i think wow also does a better job with designing interesting fight arenas/areas... teleporting between nameless squares vs walking through a gigantic dungeon that feels used by the villains is just way more immersive.
this is a good example of what i'm talking about with the former texture thing. it's also really apparent on the zone back drops like mountains and hills.
>You tried to tell me I think PVP is the only thing that matters when I said PVP has its place in the MMORPG genre. You couldn't handle that.
lol no, you didn't
I said that emphasis on pvp isn't mandatory in an mmorpg
you said it is
this is history this is truth
now you are damage controlling hard. You are accusing me of shit that literally you did.
Where are my bros Hoary Boulder and Coultenet?
Alisaie officially joined the Scions in the lead-up to Stormblood.
>More speed
Monk is the best DPS
hotbar whack a mole until you have 80 mana, melee combo, rinse, repeat wooo
>Nobody gives a fuck about best boy that did nothing wrong
>WoW was designed to feel like an online world.
what the fuck does that even mean?
there are a shit ton of MMOs that emulate worlds better than wow
>nobody gives a fuck about Alphinaud
>Alisaie doesn't count
so your just shitposting for (you)'s then got it
You can't return to 2004 user
>DRG potentially
MNK is the worst DPS in the game for 5.0
Yeah there absolutely are. But the point is that FF14 doesn't do that.
finishing HW
Aymeric asked me on a date at his house. I'm playing as a female midlander, what would have happen if I was playing as a guy? There's no way he'd still ask me on a date right?
>Arenvald that low
Fuck you
Stop letting yourself be distracted by shiny objects. Yes GL4 is nice but it doesn't make up for how much they removed.
Alright, what qualities make a "world feel alive"
pic related
I am not and have said nothing I'm retracting. When did I ever say MMORPGs were PVP only and intended as such? My argument coming into this thread is that MMOs should appeal to everyone, PVE or PVP or even Roleplay players. You're the literal meta PVE or bust nigger type and its not fooling anyone. I'm sorry but you haven't proclaimed anything compelling or relevant. You're actually the one damage controlling for a game lacking features. Face it. Your game isn't very appealing in the grand scheme of things. Only autists like you raid forever.
Why are WoWfags so insecure?
MNK is literally DNC's DRG
all these scion lists always forget ya boy ned
>Alisae dies in 5.0
>WoL and Alphinaud go on another suffering trip
A price must be paid for the sake of Kino.
What happened to him again? I don't even remember if the triad arc he was part of had any closure.
>WoW dungeon vs FF14 "dungeon"
No, DRG is DNC's DRG. Tether is more important
Because all they have to look forward to now is nostalgia simulator from 2004 full of content everyone has already figured out and played to death both officially and through private servers.
Gaybos put Arenvald at the bottom ever since he started slaying fedora pussy
Fun is subjective. RDM is useful but is unlikely to be taken to raid farm. Prog, sure, absolutely. Combat ressing on demand is priceless.
Tether is not more important than filling the dancer's gauge like twice as fast.
You can see where the textures repeat in the WoW screenshot too though
He's going to be the replacement WoL for the First once we defeat the flood since WoD crew from 3.4 died in order to reach our world
keep seething ffxiv-lets
The OP sucked but if you insist
>Every class plays the same in any MMO once you learn the optimal way to play. Dividing classes just creates multiple underdeveloped ones.
>Personal taste
>It has a story that has been getting better all the time. Go here do thing is reductive.
>Consistency creates stability. Imagine being able to plan when you sub and when you take vacations to raid.
>Personal taste, FF always has references to FF.
>Literally changed, ffxiv gets big QoL changes in most major patches.
>All itemization is boring as long as optimal strats exist. The only way to avoid it is RNG itemization which everyone can agree is shit.
>See above
>And the open areas you'll complain are too open, like the expansion zones.
>"It could be better" is a poor statement to say something is bad. Level sync existing at all is a good way to keep old content engaging.
>Every mmo is mindnumbingly easy, overworld or not. But at least ffxiv has the jump puzzles and hunts which are challenging for at least the first patch of an xpac.
>But we actually go back to old places all the time. We've set aside time in every xpac to deal with ul'dah for sure. Maybe ShB will be weaker here.
>If you find it as a chore instead of a game, you shouldn't be playing. Other people enjoy gearing up in a relaxed environment.
>One again "It could be better" when ffxiv animations are steps ahead of games of its kind. Every ability has its own animation.
Yes it is, because the combined percent between DRG and DNC from both being tethered and partnered more than makes up for DNC getting their bar filled up slightly faster. Remember than the espirit gauge fills up based on RNG, not per weaponskill used.
>modern wow
dude nobody is talking about modern wow this is just a ff14fag cope
Epurus Vagrant is such a tryhard, holy shit.
>Dude who gives a fuck what Lyse and the others are doing, let's go look for treasure, I heard about this rumor.
It was actually good.
He learns the value of trust from Regula's sacrifice, decides he must get stronger, and will do so as a member of the Scions...standing around in the office.
The biggest twist was that he's basically Luneth from III except his quest started too late to stop the Cloud of Darkness so Elidibus rescued him from the shard that became the Void.
What about the PVP? lmao
Oh shit, Haukke manor whaddup.
Oh wait that's a NEW WoW dungeon? How embarrassing, does it not even have floors?
keep spaces between the lines in your blog posts, it makes them easier to read.
He said that its true that FFXIV PvP is bad.
>RDM is bad for quick kills meme
>RDM is not taken for farm meme
unless everyone in your party is playing DPS classes that do top damage and also playing at a top 5% level then it doesn't matter in the slightest. In pugs, it doesn't fucking matter at all. You aren't getting 4 samurais or black mages all doing 10k DPS, you're getting mediocre bards, dragoons, and everything else. That means a RDM who plays like a pro is going to be just as good for farms and quick kills as the average person you pick up in party finder. That's just a fact.
XIV had this when ARR released, lol.
MNK also benefits more than DRG from sabre dance, you brainlet. DNC is literally made to be pounded and filled by MNK cock. Sorry hoppy the frog.
wow has amazing pvp
God I wanna fuck her angsty asshole so much
>No option to tell Alisaie how Alphinaud screamed like a little girl
>uhh yeah ok we can't do better than a game made 15 years ago BUT HERE SEE LOOK WE DO THE EXACT SAME THING AS A GAME MADE TODAY #OWNED WOWFAGS
>WoW has sunken to copying FFXIV dungeons
Alisaie is a cutie I ant to protecc
and then dine and bed
>It's another "Yea Forums pretends RDM is bottom-tier in damage and not middle-of-the-pack" episode again
Even if everyone was the best player of their respective class, the Red Mage would still be doing respectable damage. I don't get why this fucking retarded board acts like it's the lowest-damage DPS in the game. It's not.
There are stairs right on the map user...
>can't out damage a black mage or summoner
>offers no rDPS unlike a bard or dragoon
so wait if you don't bring top dick DPS like BLM or SMN or SAM, and you don't bring rDPS yeah I guess that means you aren't good for quick kills you insecure little RDM.
will repeat it one last time, then I'm going to fuck off because it's over 1AM here and you already wasted too much of my time
my point is that emphasis on pvp isn't mandatory in an mmorpg. This is exactly what I said in my first reply. Your reply to this was exactly that it but is mandatory.
my point is exactly that not every mmo has to be the same, that you can have only pve focused mmos that don't put much emphasis on pvp,
after this you accuse me of claiming that every mmo has to be the same, despite literally you being the one claiming that every mmo has to have the same emphasis on all features
this is why I first called you out for being ironic
have a good night
Whats the best race combo for each class, i guess including the new ones
You'd have to be turbogay not to
>wow """""pvp"""""
and here I was told it was better
>Community full of trannies larping as anime cat girls instead of MMO or Final Fantasy fans.
I almost thought you were serious with your post
Its not about better. The modern MMO consumer doesn't want multi-hour zone sized dungeons. You guys are the minority.
That might be one of the worst rebuttals I ever saw, it literally looks like a dumbed down version of one of ARR's release dungeons.
It isn't but they don't bring rDPS, ninja brings trick, dragoon brings piercing tether and litany, and bards existence is too boost rDPS.
>It's also the first time in a long while where WoL gets to have a happy response to something
Arenvald is too pure for this world
you mean the completely standard linear corridor dungeon in ffxiv? yikes bro.
Imagine looking her right in the eyes so she can experience you experiencing fucking her while you fuck her.
Because 9 in 10 people you see arguing parses on Yea Forums are arguing dungeon or 24 man parses. They don't have Savage experience to draw from.
You mean aesthetically? Can never go wrong with cats or humies. I guess bunnies now too.
>what is embolden
Also nu-bard in 5.0 is fucking garbage
delete this
>I-its linear if you optimize the path
So is every dungeon you brainlet. How embarassed you must be to herald a WoW dungeon that FFXIV had on LAUNCH.
MNK isnt meta, and is arguably worse than it was in SB. SAM has a higher chance of taking DRG's spot than MNK.
I don't play wow. What is going on here?
why is it that only ff14 trannies get so fixated on it
its like they know they cant beat vanilla so they just hone in on trying to one up retail aka a game literally nobody gives a fuck about
Literally worse than Runescape
What the fuck are the BFA devs doing
If we have to post only one level of a dungeon, its speedrunning path on top of that and pretend there's nothing else, even BRD turns into a straight line.
MNK wasn't bad in SB, it was the ideal 4th of the BRD DRG NIN party. It just wasn't DRG, BRD, or NIN.
I seriously hope you aren't implying that WoW dungeons aren't linear as shit
devs shipped a broken patch yet again
>what is embolden
a really shitty buff that lasts 10 seconds and gets worse because it has a constant fall off on a two minute recast.
>also nu 5.0 bard is garbage
it might be but we're talking about playing the game right now aren't we? And right now bard is a good 7-10% rDPS.
waycrest manor is literally non-linear by design. the route changes every time you enter it, forcing you to explore and try different things. you can't optimize it by design, ffxiv has nothing like that retard. try again.
>12usd a month
>less than 2 packs of cigarette
Nigga what?
>You wasted my time
HAHAA starting off good there cunt. nice self control
>PVP isn't mandatory, PVE is
>My point that MMOs don't have to be the same
You've made no sense. You imply that they don't have to follow a formula, but you also imply deliberately that PVE must be the games focus.
>MMOs don't have to be the same, but they have to be PVE centric aka the same.
Like I said from the beginning, your opinion is very shortsighted and boxed in. Sorry but if PVP wasn't in MMORPGs at all there is a market of players that would simply not participate. Not everyone is a carebear. Sleep well, PVEboy ;)
this thread is silly. youre all silly
so this is the world of warcraft huh?
I hope you aren't seriously implying embolden is good
I could use for XI:SoA's crew to have a stab at creating extra battle content for 5.0.
>we're gonna go home, YOU'LL SEE, YOU'LL SEEEEEE
So it becomes a DIFFERENT linear path ever time? Woah.
a top quality contribution
>the virgin 2,5 seconds per attack
>the chad 2.5 sandwiches per attack
No one gives a shit about vanilla except boomers who peaked in 2004, and think that playing a shitty game will take them back 15 years.
not for lewd
bros why do we gotta fight, okay whatever game you want :)
likewise my friend
>w-we provide raid utility guys
>we got em-embolden it's really good
Exclusively for lewd, I want to fill her war criming cunt with seed and help her children take Ala Mhigo from the worthless current leadership.
Why wouldn't you just smoke more then? Paying for FF14 for months on end is like having to pay for cigs you bought months ago. Have fun blowing thru the content in one month or else the value depreciates - after all its a story based experience only.
Man, I'd like to see them give those guys one expansion to at least direct and advise development for an xpac, just to see how it'd go.
No, SMN did more damage than MNK and had more utility, and that will still be the case going into SHB
The game is a broken mess and always had been with regards to pvp
>n-no please dont mention vanilla i-its just nostalgia please i can't win otherwise see look how bad retail is
no and thats a good thing
Because unlike cigarettes, I can stop my sub and come back any time I want.
You can never go home.
Does WoW still have that addon that tells you exactly what to do in every raid and exactly which buttons to press to play your class?
>stuttering meme in 2019
They should move Embolden from RDM to WHM.
why didn't they make embolden affect physical and magical in 5.0?
Florida is cute. CUTE!
You have to go back....
I'm ready for her to slam her face into a rusty spike.
>n-no please dont mention vanilla i-its just nostalgia please i can't win otherwise see look how bad retail is
>can't actually give any reasons why vanilla is better beyond muh lfr muh pruning
WoW has always been an unblanced, poorly designed mess of a game.
i already have multiple times on private servers and i will again on official servers
stay seething :)
"different linear path"
which is it bro? those words are mutually exclusive. or are you so brain damaged from staring at ffxiv titty mods you can't even remember how to function in an argument now?
If the threads are only gonna be pathetic bickering, might as well let the faggy janitors delete them
until embolden buffs all DPS and doesn't fall off it will never not be shit.
SMN benefit less from everyone else
why didn't they get rid of the retarded drop in effectiveness every few seconds? they should have done both but they didn't. embolden should be +10% damage for 20 seconds, no dropoff, both physical and magical. squeenix is dumb.
This thread started with bait, I don't know what you were expecting.
you focus too much on muh endgame raiding meta crap, which i would still argue that vanilla beats ff14 on solely because it plays more like a slow paced rpg instead of hotbar ground effects adhd autism
maybe you should read the thread to see the multiple posts that have been made about this subject